Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, from_ip, uuid):
        @param from_ip: IP address of inventory source 
        @type from_ip: string

        @param uuid: Host UUID
        @type uuid: string

        # Test to resolve the inventory source
        if not InventoryUtils.is_comming_from_pxe(from_ip) :

            logging.getLogger().info("<scheduler> : Start")
            self.uuid = uuid
            mmc = MMCProxy()
            if not mmc.failure :
                self.proxy = mmc.proxy
            else :
                logging.getLogger().warn("<scheduler> : Building the mmc proxy failed")
                logging.getLogger().warn("<scheduler> : Exit the scheduler trigger")
            logging.getLogger().info("<scheduler> : Return to inventory")

        else :

            logging.getLogger().info("<scheduler> : Incoming from PXE : ignore")