def __init__(self, bdf_file):
     self.bdf_file = bdf_file
     self.pulse_sequence = 0
     self.signal = None
     self.peaks = None
     self.frequency = None
     self.heart_rates = None
     self.total_average_heart_rate = None
     self.publisher = PulsePublisher("ecg")
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, show_processed_image):
     self.show_processed_image = show_processed_image
     self.count = 0
     self.levels = 2
     self.low = 0.9
     self.high = 1.7
     self.amplification = 30
     self.publisher = PulsePublisher("eulerian_motion_magnification")
     self.fps = 30
     self.video_array = []
     self.buffer_size = 0
     self.time_array = []
     self.calculating_at = 0
     self.calculating_boarder = 50
     self.recording_time = 10
     self.isFirst = True
     self.arrayLength = 0
 def __init__(self, is_video):
     self.is_video = is_video
     self.fps = 0
     self.buffer_size = 250
     self.data_buffer = []
     self.times = []
     self.ttimes = []
     self.samples = []
     self.freqs = []
     self.fft = []
     self.slices = [[0]]
     self.bpms = []
     self.bpm = 0
     self.MAX_BPM = 150
     self.MIN_BPM = 40
     self.pulse_sequence = 0
     self.publisher = PulsePublisher("legacy_measurement")
     self.publish_count = 0
 def __init__(self):
     # set up publisher
     self.publisher = PulsePublisher("pulse_head_movement")
     # sequence of published pulse values, published with each pulse message
     self.published_pulse_value_sequence = 0
     # previous image is needed for lucas kanade optical flow tracker (see calculate_optical_flow method)
     self.previous_image = None
     # the refresh rate specifies how many frames each calculated feature points should be tracked
     self.refresh_rate = 300
     # the publish rate specifies how many frames are between each published pulse value
     self.publish_rate = 50
     self.frame_index = 0
     # current positions of the tracking point for each buffer position
     # three dimensional array of the form
     # [buffer_position][point][x/y], so e.g.
     # [[[x1_b1,y1_b1], [x2_b1,y2_b1],...],
     #  [[x1_b2,y1_b2], [x2_b2,y2_b2],...],
     #   ...]
     #   for each point
     self.buffer_points = []
     # time for each buffer meaning the times associated with the frames of this buffer
     # two dimensional array of the form
     # [buffer_position][y_points
     # [[t1_b1,t2_b1,t3_b1,...]
     #  [t1_b2,t2_b2,t3_b2,...],
     #  ...]
     self.buffered_time_arrays = []
     # y positions over the time for each tracking point for each buffer position
     # three dimensional array of the form
     # [[[y1_t1_b1,y1_t2_b1,y1_t3_b1,...],[y2_t1_b1,y2_t2_b1,y2_t3_b1,...],...]
     #   [y1_t1_b2,y1_t2_b2,y1_t3_b2,...],[y2_t1_b2,y2_t2_b2,y2_t3_b2,...],...],
     #   ...]
     self.buffered_y_tracking_signal = []
     self.fps = 0
class LegacyMeasurement(object):

    def __init__(self, is_video):
        self.is_video = is_video
        self.fps = 0
        self.buffer_size = 250
        self.data_buffer = []
        self.times = []
        self.ttimes = []
        self.samples = []
        self.freqs = []
        self.fft = []
        self.slices = [[0]]
        self.bpms = []
        self.bpm = 0
        self.MAX_BPM = 150
        self.MIN_BPM = 40
        self.pulse_sequence = 0
        self.publisher = PulsePublisher("legacy_measurement")
        self.publish_count = 0

    def on_image_frame(self, roi, timestamp):
        self.publish_count += 1

        # calculate mean green from roi
        green_mean = np.mean(self.extractGreenColorChannel(roi))

        # get number of frames processed
        L = len(self.data_buffer)

        # remove sudden changes, if the avg value change is over 10, use the previous green mean instead
        if abs(green_mean - np.mean(self.data_buffer)) > 10 and L > 99:
            self.data_buffer[-1] = self.data_buffer[-2]

        # only use a max amount of frames. Determined by buffer_size
        if L > self.buffer_size:
            self.data_buffer = self.data_buffer[-self.buffer_size:]
            self.times = self.times[-self.buffer_size:]
            L = self.buffer_size

        # create array from average green values of all processed frames
        processed = np.array(self.data_buffer)

        # calculate heart rate every 30 frames
        if L == self.buffer_size and self.publish_count % 30 == 0:
            # remove linear trend on processed data to avoid interference of light change
            processed = signal.detrend(processed)

            # calculate fps
            self.fps = float(L) / (self.times[-1] - self.times[0])

            if self.is_video:
                interpolated = processed
                # calculate equidistant frame times
                even_times = np.linspace(self.times[0], self.times[-1], L)
                # interpolate the values for the even times
                interpolated = np.interp(x=even_times, xp=self.times, fp=processed)

            # apply hamming window to make the signal become more periodic
            interpolated = np.hamming(L) * interpolated

            # normalize the interpolation
            norm = interpolated / np.linalg.norm(interpolated)

            # do a fast fourier transformation on the (real) interpolated values
            raw = np.fft.rfft(norm)

            # get amplitude spectrum
            self.fft = np.abs(raw) ** 2

            # create a list for mapping the fft frequencies to the correct bpm
            self.freqs = (float(self.fps) / L) * np.arange(L / 2 + 1)
            freqs = 60. * self.freqs

            # find indeces where the frequencey is within the expected heart rate range
            idx = np.where((freqs > self.MIN_BPM) & (freqs < self.MAX_BPM))

            # reduce fft to "interesting" frequencies
            self.fft = self.fft[idx]

            # reduce frequency list to "interesting" frequencies
            self.freqs = freqs[idx]

            # find the frequency with the highest amplitude
            if len(self.fft) > 0:
                idx2 = np.argmax(self.fft)
                self.bpm = self.freqs[idx2]
                self.publisher.publish(self.bpm, timestamp)
                rospy.loginfo("[LegacyMeasurement] BPM: " + str(self.bpm))

        self.samples = processed

        # plot fourrier transform
        if L == self.buffer_size and self.publish_count % 30 == 0:
            index = np.arange(len(self.data_buffer))

            data = self.data_buffer - np.mean(self.data_buffer)

            plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
            plt.plot(index, data, '.-')
            plt.title('Green value over time')
            plt.ylabel('Green value')
            plt.xlabel('last x frames')

            index = np.arange(len(self.freqs))
            plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
  , self.fft)
            plt.xlabel('Frequencies (bpm)', fontsize=10)
            plt.ylabel('Amplitude', fontsize=10)
            plt.xticks(index, [round(x, 2) for x in self.freqs], fontsize=10, rotation=30)
            plt.title('Fourier Transformation')

    def extractGreenColorChannel(self, frame):
        return frame[:, :, 1]
class PulseHeadMovement:
    def __init__(self):
        # set up publisher
        self.publisher = PulsePublisher("pulse_head_movement")
        # sequence of published pulse values, published with each pulse message
        self.published_pulse_value_sequence = 0
        # previous image is needed for lucas kanade optical flow tracker (see calculate_optical_flow method)
        self.previous_image = None
        # the refresh rate specifies how many frames each calculated feature points should be tracked
        self.refresh_rate = 300
        # the publish rate specifies how many frames are between each published pulse value
        self.publish_rate = 50
        self.frame_index = 0
        # current positions of the tracking point for each buffer position
        # three dimensional array of the form
        # [buffer_position][point][x/y], so e.g.
        # [[[x1_b1,y1_b1], [x2_b1,y2_b1],...],
        #  [[x1_b2,y1_b2], [x2_b2,y2_b2],...],
        #   ...]
        #   for each point
        self.buffer_points = []
        # time for each buffer meaning the times associated with the frames of this buffer
        # two dimensional array of the form
        # [buffer_position][y_points
        # [[t1_b1,t2_b1,t3_b1,...]
        #  [t1_b2,t2_b2,t3_b2,...],
        #  ...]
        self.buffered_time_arrays = []
        # y positions over the time for each tracking point for each buffer position
        # three dimensional array of the form
        # [[[y1_t1_b1,y1_t2_b1,y1_t3_b1,...],[y2_t1_b1,y2_t2_b1,y2_t3_b1,...],...]
        #   [y1_t1_b2,y1_t2_b2,y1_t3_b2,...],[y2_t1_b2,y2_t2_b2,y2_t3_b2,...],...],
        #   ...]
        self.buffered_y_tracking_signal = []
        self.fps = 0

    def pulse_callback(self, original_image, forehead_mask, bottom_mask, time):
        Callback method for incoming video frames
        :param mask: the message published to the topic (contains gray-image, mask from bottom part of the face
                                                         and mask for forehead)
        # rospy.loginfo("Capture frame: " + str(self.frame_index))
        if self.frame_index % self.publish_rate == 0:
            self.add_new_points_to_buffer(original_image, forehead_mask,
                                          bottom_mask, time)
        self.frame_index += 1
        self.previous_image = original_image

    def get_current_tracking_points_position(self, current_image, time):
        Get the current position for each tracking point in each buffer position
        :param current_image: the current image to calculate the optical flow on
        :param time: the corresponding time for the image frame
        for buffer_index, points in enumerate(self.buffer_points):
            # calculate new tracking points position for each buffer position
            new_points = self.calculate_optical_flow(current_image, points)
            # replace old [x,y] positions of tracking points in buffer_points array
            self.buffer_points[buffer_index] = new_points
            # time position of each point meaning the sequential position of the points for each buffer position
            time_position = (
                (self.frame_index - 1) %
                self.publish_rate) + buffer_index * self.publish_rate
            # add y point in the time movement for the points
            for tracking_point_index, point in enumerate(new_points):
                    tracking_point_index][time_position] = point[0][1]
            self.buffered_time_arrays[buffer_index][time_position] = time

    def calculate_optical_flow(self, image, previous_points):
        Calculate the optical flow (track the points) with the lucas kanade tracker
        See for more information on optical flow
        :param image: the current image to calculate difference to previous image
        :param previous_points: the previous position of the points
        # make a copy for visualization
        vis = image.copy()
        lk_params = dict(winSize=(35, 35),
                                   | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 100, 0.03))
        new_points, _, _ = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(self.previous_image, image,
                                                    previous_points, None,
        # visualization of tracking points
        for p in new_points:
  , (p[0][0], p[0][1]), 2, (0, 255, 0), -1)
        cv2.imshow('lk_track', vis)
        return new_points

    def add_new_points_to_buffer(self, current_image, forehead_mask,
                                 bottom_mask, timestamp):
        Add new points to the buffer in the frequency of self.publish_rate and add them to the buffer
        current_points_to_track = self.get_points_to_track(
            current_image, forehead_mask, bottom_mask)
        self.edit_buffer(current_points_to_track, timestamp)

    def get_points_to_track(self, image, forehead_mask, bottom_mask):
        get new tracking points using OpenCV goodFeaturesToTrack.
        New tracking points are added in the frequency of self.publish_rate
        For more information on the goodFeaturesToTrack method see and
        # get the tracking points in the bottom face region
        bottom_feature_params = dict(maxCorners=100,
        bottom_points = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(image,
        feature_points = np.array(bottom_points, dtype=np.float32)
        # get the tracking points in the forehead region
        forehead_feature_params = dict(maxCorners=100,
        forehead_points = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(image,
        forehead_points = np.array(forehead_points, dtype=np.float32)
        # put tracking points of both regions in one array and return feature points
        if feature_points.ndim == forehead_points.ndim:
            feature_points = np.append(feature_points, forehead_points, axis=0)
        elif feature_points.size == 0 and forehead_points.size > 0:
            feature_points = forehead_points
        return feature_points

    def edit_buffer(self, current_points_to_track, publish_time):
        If new points are added, the buffer has to be edited.
        If the buffer is full, points in the last position are removed from the array and are further processed
        to calculate pulse.
        The new points are added in the front of the buffer.
        :param current_points_to_track: the new points to add. [x,y] coordinates are pushed into self.buffer_points.
        :param publish_time: the timestamp for the ros message to publish the pulse value
        if len(self.buffer_points) < self.refresh_rate / self.publish_rate:
            # as the buffer is not full, there are no points yet to process.
            rospy.loginfo("[PulseHeadMovement] array not full yet ")
            # process points on the last array position
            points_calculate_pulse = self.buffered_y_tracking_signal.pop()
            current_time_array = self.buffered_time_arrays.pop()
                                      current_time_array, publish_time)
        # push new points in buffer
        self.buffer_points.insert(0, current_points_to_track)
        # initialize empty array for the y tracking signal of the new points and the time
        # and push it to self.buffered_y_tracking_signal and self.buffered_time_array
            np.empty([len(current_points_to_track), self.refresh_rate],
        self.buffered_time_arrays.insert(0, np.empty(self.refresh_rate))

    def process_saved_points(self, y_tracking_signal, time_array,
        central method for processing the points, to calculate pulse in the end.
        :param y_tracking_signal: the tracking signal to calculate pulse on
        :param time_array: the time of the single positions of the points tracked
        :param publish_time: the timestamp for the ros message to publish the pulse value
        stable_signal = self.remove_erratic_trajectories(y_tracking_signal)
        interpolated_points = self.interpolate_points(stable_signal,
        filtered_signal = self.apply_butterworth_filter(
            interpolated_points, time_array)
        less_movement = self.discard_much_movement(filtered_signal)
        pca_array = self.process_PCA(less_movement, time_array)
        signal, frequency = self.find_most_periodic_signal(
            pca_array, time_array)
        pulse = self.calculate_pulse(signal, frequency, time_array)
        self.publish_pulse(pulse, publish_time)

    def calculate_fps(self, time_array):
        Helper method to calculate fps for performance measuring.
        timespan = time_array[-1] - time_array[0]
        fps = self.refresh_rate / timespan
        self.fps = fps
        rospy.loginfo("[PulseHeadMovement] Estimated FPS: " + str(fps) +
                      " (Measured timespan: " + str(timespan) + "s)")

    def remove_erratic_trajectories(self, y_tracking_signal):
        Some feature points behave unstable. This method removes outliers.
        stable_signal = []
        rounded_signal = np.rint(y_tracking_signal)
        y_point_distance = np.diff(rounded_signal)
        y_point_distance = np.absolute(y_point_distance)
        # get the maximum distance for each point
        max_distances = map(lambda diff: np.amax(diff), y_point_distance)
        mode, _ = stats.mode(max_distances)
        # only keep the points with max_distance equal or lower than the mode
        for point_index, point in enumerate(y_tracking_signal):
            if max_distances[point_index] <= mode[0]:
        stable_signal = np.array(stable_signal)
        # uncomment the following lines to see the maximum distances each point has moved. For debugging.
        # xs = np.arange(len(max_distances))
        # filename = "/home/studienarbeit/Dokumente/" + str(self.seq) + "max_distance"
        # plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4))
        # plt.plot(xs, max_distances, label="S")
        # plt.savefig(filename)
        return stable_signal

    def interpolate_points(self, y_tracking_signal, time_array):
        As the movement of the points is measured with max. 30 fps (normally lower) we interpolate the signal to
        250Hz which is the normal sample rate of an ECG.
        For this, cubic spline interpolation is applied.
        :param y_tracking_signal: the signal resulting from remove_erratic_trajectories
        :param time_array:
        # uncomment the following lines to see the signal before  interpolation
        # for a random point (i.e. at position 6). For debugging.
        # filename = "/home/studienarbeit/Dokumente/" + str(self.published_pulse_value_sequence) + "_step1_before_interp_move_signal_"
        # plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4))
        # plt.plot(time_array, y_tracking_signal[6], label="S")
        # plt.savefig(filename)
        # plt.close()
        sample_rate = 250
        stepsize = 1. / sample_rate
        interpolated_time = np.arange(time_array[0], time_array[-1], stepsize)
        interpolated_points = np.empty(
            [np.size(y_tracking_signal, 0),
        for point_index, row in enumerate(y_tracking_signal):
            interpolation = CubicSpline(time_array, row)
            array_interpolated = interpolation(interpolated_time)
            for interpolated_point_index, point in enumerate(
                    interpolated_point_index] = point
        # uncomment the following lines to see the interpolated signal
        # for a random point (i.e. at position 6). For debugging.
        # filename = "/home/studienarbeit/Dokumente/" + str(self.published_pulse_value_sequence) + "_step2_move_signal_"
        # plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4))
        # plt.plot(interpolated_time, interpolated_points[6], label="S")
        # plt.savefig(filename)
        return interpolated_points

    def apply_butterworth_filter(self, input_signal, time_array):
        Remove the movements which are not in the frequency of the pulse.
        :param input_signal: the signal resulting from interpolate_points
        :param time_array:
        sample_rate = len(input_signal[0]) / (time_array[-1] - time_array[0])
        rospy.loginfo("[PulseHeadMovement] sample rate: " + str(sample_rate))
        lowcut = 0.75
        highcut = 5
        filtered_signal = np.empty(
            [np.size(input_signal, 0),
             np.size(input_signal, 1)])
        for point_index, point in enumerate(input_signal):
            filtered_points = butter_bandpass_filter(point,
            for filtered_point_index, filtered_point in enumerate(
                    filtered_point_index] = filtered_point
        # uncomment the following lines to see the filtered signal
        # for a random point (i.e. at position 6). For debugging.
        # filename = "/home/studienarbeit/Dokumente/" + str(self.published_pulse_value_sequence) + "_step3_filter"
        # stepsize = 1. / sample_rate
        # xs = np.arange(time_array[0], time_array[-1], stepsize)
        # plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4))
        # plt.plot(xs, filtered_signal[6], label="S")
        # plt.savefig(filename)
        # plt.close()
        return filtered_signal

    def discard_much_movement(self, signal):
        Discard the tracking point with the highest movements.
        The parameter alpha determines, how much percent of the points should be removed.
        :param signal: the signal to filter resulting from apply_butterworth_filter
        alpha = 0.25
        number_of_rows_to_discard = int(alpha * np.size(signal, 0))
        number_of_rows_to_keep = np.size(signal, 0) - number_of_rows_to_discard
        filtered_signal = np.empty(
             np.size(signal, 1)])
        square_signal = np.square(signal)
        square_sum = np.sum(square_signal, axis=1)
        square_sum = np.squeeze(square_sum)
        square_root = np.sqrt(square_sum)
        indices_to_discard = square_root.argsort(
        filtered_signal_index = 0
        for row_index, row in enumerate(signal):
            if row_index not in indices_to_discard:
                filtered_signal[filtered_signal_index] = row
                filtered_signal_index += 1
        return filtered_signal

    def process_PCA(self, filtered_signal, time_array):
        process PCA to get the 5 main movement directions of the signal.
        :param filtered_signal: the signal resulting from discard_much_movement
        :param time_array:
        filtered_signal_transposed = filtered_signal.transpose()
        pca = PCA(n_components=5)
        pca_array = pca.fit_transform(filtered_signal_transposed)
        pca_array = pca_array.transpose()
        # uncomment the following lines to see the signal after PCA. For debugging.
        # filename = "/home/studienarbeit/Dokumente/" + str(self.published_pulse_value_sequence) + "_step4_pca_signal_"
        # sample_rate = len(filtered_signal[0]) / (time_array[-1] - time_array[0])
        # stepsize = 1. / sample_rate
        # xs = np.arange(time_array[0], time_array[-1], stepsize)
        # plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4))
        # for row in pca_array:
        #     plt.plot(xs, row, label="S")
        # plt.savefig(filename)
        return pca_array

    def find_most_periodic_signal(self, pca_array, time_array):
        Find the most periodic signal to use for pulse calculation.
        Uses the highest value of the autocorrelation funciton
        :param pca_array: the array resulting from process_PCA
        :param time_array:
        sample_rate = len(pca_array[0]) / (time_array[-1] - time_array[0])
        best_signal = None
        best_frequency = 0
        best_correlation = 0
        for ind, signal in enumerate(pca_array):
            spectrum, frequencies, _ = plt.magnitude_spectrum(signal,
            max_index = np.argmax(spectrum)
            strongest_frequency = frequencies[max_index]

            # strongest frequency is far too small
            if strongest_frequency < 0.1:

            T_i = int(sample_rate / strongest_frequency)
            s_i_new = np.roll(signal, T_i)
            correlation = stats.pearsonr(s_i_new, signal)[0]

            if correlation > best_correlation:
                best_frequency = strongest_frequency
                best_correlation = correlation
                best_signal = signal

            #  uncomment the following lines to see the magnitude spectrum of the PCA singal. For debugging.
            # filename = "/home/studienarbeit/Dokumente/" + str(self.published_pulse_value_sequence) + "_step5_periodic_pca_signal_" + str(ind)
            # plt.xlim(0, 10)
            # plt.savefig(filename)
            # plt.close()

        # uncomment the following lines to see the most periodic signal of the PCA. For debugging.
        # filename = "/home/studienarbeit/Dokumente/" + str(self.seq) + "_periodic_pca_signal_"
        # sample_rate = len(pca_array[0]) / (time_array[-1] - time_array[0])
        # stepsize = 1. / sample_rate
        # pca_array = None
        # xs = np.arange(time_array[0], time_array[-1], stepsize)
        # plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4))
        # plt.plot(xs, best_signal, label="S")
        # print(best_frequency)
        return best_signal, best_frequency

    def calculate_pulse(self, signal, frequency, time_array):
        calculates the pulse value from the processed signal.
        Uses automatic peak detection and divides number of peaks through measured
        this is multiplied by 60 to get bpm.
        :param signal: the finally processed signal
        sample_rate = len(signal) / (time_array[-1] - time_array[0])
        distance = 0.5 * (sample_rate / frequency)
        peaks, _ = find_peaks(signal, distance=distance)
        measured_time = time_array[-1] - time_array[0]
        pulse = (len(peaks) / measured_time) * 60
        # pulse = np.int16(pulse)
        rospy.loginfo("[PulseHeadMovement] Pulse: " + str(pulse))
        # uncomment the following lines to see the final singal with the detected peaks. For debugging.
        # stepsize = 1. / sample_rate
        # xs = np.arange(time_array[0], time_array[-1], stepsize)
        # filename = "/home/studienarbeit/Dokumente/" + str(self.published_pulse_value_sequence) + "_step6_final_signal_"
        # plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 4))
        # plt.plot(xs, signal, label="S")
        # plt.plot(xs[peaks], signal[peaks], "x")
        # plt.savefig(filename)
        return pulse

    def publish_pulse(self, pulse_value, publish_time):
        Publish the calculated pulse to ROS. Message is of type pulse() from pulse_chest_strap package.
        :param pulse_value: the calculated pulse value
        :param publish_time: the timestamp of the last incoming frame
        self.publisher.publish(pulse_value, publish_time)
        self.published_pulse_value_sequence += 1

    def show_image_with_mask(self, image, forehead_mask, bottom_mask):
        Helper function to check if ROI is selected correctly
        bottom_dst = cv2.bitwise_and(image, bottom_mask)
        top_dst = cv2.bitwise_and(image, forehead_mask)
        dst = cv2.bitwise_or(bottom_dst, top_dst)
        cv2.imshow("Bottom", dst)
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self):
     self.publisher = PulsePublisher("pulse_chest_strap")
     self.start_time =
Beispiel #8
class PulseChestStrap:
    def __init__(self):
        self.publisher = PulsePublisher("pulse_chest_strap")
        self.start_time =

    def run(self, addr=None, gatttool="gatttool"):
        main routine to which orchestrates everything
        # number of measured pulse values. Increments for every measured value
        seq = 0

        if addr is None:
            # A mac address has to be provided as command line argument
                "[PulseChestStrap] MAC address of polar H7 has not been provided"

        hr_handle = None
        hr_ctl_handle = None
        retry = True
        while retry:

            while 1:
                rospy.loginfo("[PulseChestStrap] Establishing connection to " +
                gt = pexpect.spawn(gatttool + " -b " + addr + " -I")

                    i = gt.expect(["Connection successful.", r"\[CON\]"],
                    if i == 0:
                        gt.expect(r"\[LE\]>", timeout=30)

                except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
                        "[PulseChestStrap] Connection timeout. Retrying.")

                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                        "[PulseChestStrap] Received keyboard interrupt. Quitting cleanly."
                    retry = False

            if not retry:

            rospy.loginfo("[PulseChestStrap] Connected to " + addr)

            # We determine which handle we should read for getting the heart rate
            # measurement characteristic.

            while 1:
                    gt.expect(r"handle: (0x[0-9a-f]+), uuid: ([0-9a-f]{8})",
                except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
                handle =
                uuid =

                if uuid == b"00002902" and hr_handle:
                    hr_ctl_handle = handle

                elif uuid == b"00002a37":
                    hr_handle = handle

            if hr_handle is None:
                    "[PulseChestStrap] Couldn't find the heart rate measurement handle?!"

            if hr_ctl_handle:
                # We send the request to get HRM notifications
                gt.sendline("char-write-req " + hr_ctl_handle.decode("utf-8") +
                            " 0100")

            # Time period between two measures. This will be updated automatically.
            period = 1.
            last_measure = time.time() - period
            hr_expect = "Notification handle = " + hr_handle.decode(
                "utf-8") + " value: ([0-9a-f ]+)"

            while 1:
                    gt.expect(hr_expect, timeout=10)

                except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
                    # If the timer expires, it means that we have lost the
                    # connection with the HR monitor
                    rospy.logwarn("[PulseChestStrap] Connection lost with " +
                                  addr + ". Reconnecting.")

                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                        "[PulseChestStrap] Received keyboard interrupt. Quitting cleanly."
                    retry = False

                # We measure here the time between two measures. As the sensor
                # sometimes sends a small burst, we have a simple low-pass filter
                # to smooth the measure.
                tmeasure = time.time()
                period = period + 1 / 16. * (
                    (tmeasure - last_measure) - period)
                last_measure = tmeasure

                # Get data from gatttool
                datahex =
                data = map(lambda x: int(x, 16), datahex.split(b' '))
                data = list(data)
                res = self.interpret(data)

                rospy.loginfo("[PulseChestStrap] Heart rate: " +
                              - self.start_time)
                seq += 1

        # We quit close the BLE connection properly

    def interpret(self, data):
        data is a list of integers corresponding to readings from the BLE HR monitor

        byte0 = data[0]
        res = {}
        res["hrv_uint8"] = (byte0 & 1) == 0
        sensor_contact = (byte0 >> 1) & 3
        if sensor_contact == 2:
            res["sensor_contact"] = "No contact detected"
        elif sensor_contact == 3:
            res["sensor_contact"] = "Contact detected"
            res["sensor_contact"] = "Sensor contact not supported"
        res["ee_status"] = ((byte0 >> 3) & 1) == 1
        res["rr_interval"] = ((byte0 >> 4) & 1) == 1

        if res["hrv_uint8"]:
            res["hr"] = data[1]
            i = 2
            res["hr"] = (data[2] << 8) | data[1]
            i = 3

        if res["ee_status"]:
            res["ee"] = (data[i + 1] << 8) | data[i]
            i += 2

        if res["rr_interval"]:
            res["rr"] = []
            while i < len(data):
                # Note: Need to divide the value by 1024 to get in seconds
                res["rr"].append((data[i + 1] << 8) | data[i])
                i += 2

        return res
Beispiel #9
class PulseMeasurement:
    def __init__(self, show_processed_image):
        self.show_processed_image = show_processed_image
        self.count = 0
        self.levels = 2
        self.low = 0.9
        self.high = 1.7
        self.amplification = 30
        self.publisher = PulsePublisher("eulerian_motion_magnification")
        self.fps = 30
        self.video_array = []
        self.buffer_size = 0
        self.time_array = []
        self.calculating_at = 0
        self.calculating_boarder = 50
        self.recording_time = 10
        self.isFirst = True
        self.arrayLength = 0

    def calculate_fps(self):
        calculate fps of incoming frames by calculating time-difference of the first timestamp (first image
        in array) and last timestamp (last image in array)
        time_difference = self.time_array[-1] - self.time_array[0]
        time_difference_in_seconds = time_difference.to_sec()
        if time_difference_in_seconds == 0:
        self.fps = self.buffer_size / time_difference_in_seconds
        rospy.loginfo("[EulerianMotionMagnification] Estimated FPS: " +
                      str(self.fps) + " (Measured timespan: " +
                      str(time_difference_in_seconds) + "s)")
        rospy.loginfo("[EulerianMotionMagnification] Video array length: " +

    # calculate pulse after certain amount of images taken, calculation based on a larger amount of time
    def start_calulation(self, roi, timestamp):
        # append timestamp to array
        # normalize, resize and downsample image
        normalized = cv2.normalize(roi.astype('float'), None, 0.0, 1.0,
        cropped = cv2.resize(normalized, (200, 200))
        gaussian_frame = build_gaussian_frame(cropped, self.levels)
        if self.show_processed_image:
            red_values_images = extract_red_values(gaussian_frame,
        # check if recording images took longer than certain amount of time
        time_difference = self.time_array[-1] - self.time_array[0]
        time_difference_in_seconds = time_difference.to_sec()
        if time_difference_in_seconds >= self.recording_time:
            self.buffer_size = (len(self.time_array))
            # determine how many pictures got buffered during time interval
            # release first image and timestamp
            self.calculating_at = self.calculating_at + 1
            # calculate again after certain amount of images
            if self.calculating_at >= self.calculating_boarder:
                rospy.loginfo("[EulerianMotionMagnification] Length final " +
                copy_video_array = np.copy(self.video_array)
                copy_video_array = np.asarray(copy_video_array,
                copy_video_array = temporal_bandpass_filter(
                    copy_video_array, self.low, self.high, self.fps)
                if self.show_processed_image:
                    self.arrayLength = len(self.video_array)
                    processed_video = amplify_video(copy_video_array,
                    show_images(processed_video, self.video_array,
                                self.arrayLength, self.isFirst, self.levels,
                                self.calculating_boarder, self.fps)
                    copy_video_array = amplify_video(
                        copy_video_array, amplify=self.amplification)
                pulse, red_values = calculate_pulse(copy_video_array,
                self.publisher.publish(pulse, timestamp)
                self.calculating_at = 0
                self.isFirst = False
class BdfProcessor:
    def __init__(self, bdf_file):
        self.bdf_file = bdf_file
        self.pulse_sequence = 0
        self.signal = None
        self.peaks = None
        self.frequency = None
        self.heart_rates = None
        self.total_average_heart_rate = None
        self.publisher = PulsePublisher("ecg")

    def run(self):
        self.signal, self.frequency = self.get_signal(name='EXG2')
        self.total_average_heart_rate, self.peaks = self.estimate_average_heartrate(
            self.signal, self.frequency)
        rospy.loginfo("[BdfProcessor] Total average heart rate: " +
        self.heart_rates = self.calculate_heart_rates(self.peaks,

        # Uncomment to plot the ECG signal
        # self.plot_signal(self.signal, self.frequency, 'EXG2')
        # plt.tight_layout()

    def process_frame(self, frame_count, video_fps, timestamp):
        Synchronizes the processing of the video frames and the publishing of the ECG pulse values.
        :param frame_count: The index of the current processed frame.
        :param video_fps: The fps of the provided video
        :param timestamp: The timestamp of the current processed frame.
        if self.pulse_sequence > len(self.heart_rates) - 1:

        signal_position = frame_count / float(video_fps) * self.frequency

        if signal_position >= self.heart_rates[self.pulse_sequence][1]:
            self.pulse_sequence += 1

    def get_signal(self, name='EXG2'):
        Extracts the ECG signal out of the BDF file.
        :param name: The name of the channel to extract the signal from.

        reader = pyedflib.EdfReader(self.bdf_file)

        # Get index of ECG channel
        index = reader.getSignalLabels().index(name)
        # Get sample frequency of ECG
        frequency = reader.getSampleFrequency(index)

        # Get index of status channel
        status_index = reader.getSignalLabels().index('Status')
        # Read status signal
        status = reader.readSignal(status_index,

        # Determine start of the video file in signal with status bits
        video_start = status[0]

        # Determine the end of the video file. It seems like the status bits are set to 0 before the videos finishing
        # Therefore ignore the end of the signal and just cut the signal at the beginning.
        # You can ignore if the signal is longer than the video, the remaining values will not be published.
        # video_end = status[-1]
        # video_length = video_end - video_start

        # Read ECG signal and return as tuple with sample frequency
        return reader.readSignal(index, video_start), frequency

    def calculate_heart_rates(self, peaks, sampling_frequency):
        Calculates multiple heart rates out of the signal in equidistant time slots.
        :param peaks: The detected peaks in the signal.
        :param sampling_frequency: The sampling frequency of the signal.
        :return: The calculated heart rates.
        rates = (sampling_frequency * 60) / np.diff(peaks)
        # Remove instantaneous rates which are lower than 30, higher than 240
        selector = (rates > 30) & (rates < 240)
        rates = rates[selector]

        heart_rates = []
        hr = rates[:10]
        heart_rates.append((hr.mean(), peaks[10]))

        for index, rate in enumerate(rates[10:]):
            hr[:-1] = hr[1:]
            hr[-1] = rate
            heart_rates.append((hr.mean(), peaks[index + 11]))

        return heart_rates

    def estimate_average_heartrate(self, signal, sampling_frequency):
        Calculates the total average heart rate of the signal.
        :param peaks: The detected peaks in the signal.
        :param sampling_frequency: The sampling frequency of the signal.
        :return: The calculated average heart rate.
        peaks = qrs_detector(sampling_frequency, signal)
        instantaneous_rates = (sampling_frequency * 60) / np.diff(peaks)

        # remove instantaneous rates which are lower than 30, higher than 240
        selector = (instantaneous_rates > 30) & (instantaneous_rates < 240)
        return float(np.nan_to_num(
            instantaneous_rates[selector].mean())), peaks

    def plot_signal(self, signal, sampling_frequency, channel_name):
        Plots the ECG signal.
        :param signal: The signal to plot.
        :param sampling_frequency: The sampling frequency of the signal.
        :param channel_name: The channel name of the signal in the BDF file.
        avg, peaks = self.estimate_average_heartrate(signal,
        ax = plt.gca()
                          len(signal) / sampling_frequency,
                          1 / sampling_frequency),
                label='Raw signal')
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = plt.axis()
        ax.vlines(peaks / sampling_frequency,
                  label='P-T QRS detector')
        plt.xlim(0, len(signal) / sampling_frequency)
        plt.xlabel('time (s)')
        plt.title('Channel %s - Average heart-rate = %d bpm' %
                  (channel_name, avg))
        ax.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)