Beispiel #1
 def test_get_historical(self):
     Test that we properly get a sensor's historical data
     se = sensor.Sensor(2891)
     se.parent.get_historical(2, 'primary')
     se.parent.get_historical(1, 'secondary')
     se.child.get_historical(1, 'primary')
     se.child.get_historical(1, 'secondary')
Beispiel #2
 def test_create_sensor_location(self):
     Test that we properly parse the location of an arbitrary sensor
     se = sensor.Sensor(2891, parse_location=True)
         'Sensor 2891 at 10834, Canyon Road, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 68112, United States of America'
Beispiel #3
    def test_as_flat_dict(self):
        Test that channel flat dictionary representation works
        se = sensor.Sensor(9234)
        expected_shape = {
            'id': 0,
            'parent': 0,
            'lat': 0,
            'lon': 0,
            'name': 0,
            'location_type': 0,
            'pm_2.5': 0,
            'temp_f': 0,
            'temp_c': 0,
            'humidity': 0,
            'pressure': 0,
            'p_0_3_um': 0,
            'p_0_5_um': 0,
            'p_1_0_um': 0,
            'p_2_5_um': 0,
            'p_5_0_um': 0,
            'p_10_0_um': 0,
            'pm1_0_cf_1': 0,
            'pm2_5_cf_1': 0,
            'pm10_0_cf_1': 0,
            'pm1_0_atm': 0,
            'pm2_5_atm': 0,
            'pm10_0_atm': 0,
            'last_seen': 0,
            'model': 0,
            'adc': 0,
            'rssi': 0,
            'hidden': 0,
            'flagged': 0,
            'downgraded': 0,
            'age': 0,
            'brightness': 0,
            'hardware': 0,
            'version': 0,
            'last_update_check': 0,
            'created': 0,
            'uptime': 0,
            'is_owner': 0,
        # Parent channel
        result = se.parent.as_flat_dict()
        for key in expected_shape:
            self.assertIn(key, result)

        # Child channel
        result = se.child.as_flat_dict()
        for key in expected_shape:
            self.assertIn(key, result)
 def test_can_get_field(self):
     Test that we can get data from the ThingSpeak API
     se = sensor.Sensor(7423, parse_location=True)
     self.assertIn(3, se.thingspeak_data)
     self.assertIn('primary', se.thingspeak_data[3])
     self.assertIn('feeds', se.thingspeak_data[3]['primary']['channel_a'])
     self.assertIn('feeds', se.thingspeak_data[3]['primary']['channel_b'])
     self.assertIn('feeds', se.thingspeak_data[3]['secondary']['channel_a'])
     self.assertIn('feeds', se.thingspeak_data[3]['secondary']['channel_b'])
         len(se.thingspeak_data[3]['primary']['channel_a']['feeds']), 0)
 def test_as_dict(self):
     se = sensor.Sensor('2891')
     expected_shape = {
         'meta': {
             'id': 0,
             'lat': 0,
             'lon': 0,
             'parent': 0,
             'name': 0,
             'locaction_type': 0
         'data': {
             'pm_2.5': 0,
             'temp_f': 0,
             'temp_c': 0,
             'humidity': 0,
             'pressure': 0
         'statistics': {
             '10min_avg': 0,
             '30min_avg': 0,
             '1hour_avg': 0,
             '6hour_avg': 0,
             '1week_avg': 0
         'diagnostic': {
             'last_seen': 0,
             'model': 0,
             'hidden': 0,
             'flagged': 0,
             'downgraded': 0,
             'age': 0
     src = se.as_dict()
     for data_category in expected_shape:
         self.assertIn(data_category, src)
         for data in expected_shape[data_category]:
             self.assertIn(data, src[data_category])
Beispiel #6
 def test_as_dict(self):
     Test that the dictionary export data is shaped correctly
     se = sensor.Sensor(2891)
     expected_shape = {
         'parent': {
             'meta': {
                 'id': 0,
                 'parent': None,
                 'lat': 0,
                 'lon': 0,
                 'name': 0,
                 'location_type': 0,
             'data': {
                 'pm_2.5': 0,
                 'temp_f': 0,
                 'temp_c': 0,
                 'humidity': 0,
                 'pressure': 0,
                 'p_0_3_um': 0,
                 'p_0_5_um': 0,
                 'p_1_0_um': 0,
                 'p_2_5_um': 0,
                 'p_5_0_um': 0,
                 'p_10_0_um': 0,
                 'pm1_0_cf_1': 0,
                 'pm2_5_cf_1': 0,
                 'pm10_0_cf_1': 0,
                 'pm1_0_atm': 0,
                 'pm2_5_atm': 0,
                 'pm10_0_atm': 0,
             'diagnostic': {
                 'last_seen': 0,
                 'model': 0,
                 'adc': 0,
                 'rssi': 0,
                 'hidden': 0,
                 'flagged': 0,
                 'downgraded': 0,
                 'age': 0,
                 'brightness': 0,
                 'hardware': 0,
                 'version': 0,
                 'last_update_check': 0,
                 'created': 0,
                 'uptime': 0,
                 'is_owner': 0,
             'statistics': {
                 '10min_avg': 0,
                 '30min_avg': 0,
                 '1hour_avg': 0,
                 '6hour_avg': 0,
                 '1day_avg': 0,
                 '1week_avg': 0
         'child': {
             'meta': {
                 'id': 0,
                 'parent': None,
                 'lat': 0,
                 'lon': 0,
                 'name': 0,
                 'location_type': 0,
             'data': {
                 'pm_2.5': 0,
                 'temp_f': 0,
                 'temp_c': 0,
                 'humidity': 0,
                 'pressure': 0,
                 'p_0_3_um': 0,
                 'p_0_5_um': 0,
                 'p_1_0_um': 0,
                 'p_2_5_um': 0,
                 'p_5_0_um': 0,
                 'p_10_0_um': 0,
                 'pm1_0_cf_1': 0,
                 'pm2_5_cf_1': 0,
                 'pm10_0_cf_1': 0,
                 'pm1_0_atm': 0,
                 'pm2_5_atm': 0,
                 'pm10_0_atm': 0,
             'diagnostic': {
                 'last_seen': 0,
                 'model': 0,
                 'adc': 0,
                 'rssi': 0,
                 'hidden': 0,
                 'flagged': 0,
                 'downgraded': 0,
                 'age': 0,
                 'brightness': 0,
                 'hardware': 0,
                 'version': 0,
                 'last_update_check': 0,
                 'created': 0,
                 'uptime': 0,
                 'is_owner': 0,
             'statistics': {
                 '10min_avg': 0,
                 '30min_avg': 0,
                 '1hour_avg': 0,
                 '6hour_avg': 0,
                 '1day_avg': 0,
                 '1week_avg': 0
     src = se.as_dict()
     for data_category in expected_shape:
         self.assertIn(data_category, src)
         for data in expected_shape[data_category]:
             self.assertIn(data, src[data_category])
Beispiel #7
 def test_is_not_useful_flagged(self):
     Test that we ensure a not useful sensor is flagged
     se = sensor.Sensor(61639)
     self.assertEqual(se.is_useful(), False)
Beispiel #8
 def test_is_not_useful_downgraded(self):
     Test that we ensure a not useful sensor is downgraded
     se = sensor.Sensor(18463)
     self.assertEqual(se.is_useful(), False)
Beispiel #9
 def test_create_sensor_no_location(self):
     Test that we can initialize a sensor without location enabled
     se = sensor.Sensor(2891)
     self.assertEqual(se.__repr__(), 'Sensor 2891')
Beispiel #10
 def test_is_useful(self):
     Test that we ensure a useful sensor is useful
     se = sensor.Sensor(14633)
     self.assertEqual(se.is_useful(), True)
Beispiel #11
 def test_cannot_create_sensor_bad_id(self):
     Test that we cannot create a sensor without an integer ID
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         se = sensor.Sensor('a')
Beispiel #12
 def test_cannot_create_sensor_bad_json(self):
     Test that we cannot create a sensor without valid json
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         se = sensor.Sensor('1', {'parent': 1})
Beispiel #13
from purpleair import purpleair
from purpleair import sensor

# All Sensors
p = purpleair.PurpleAir()
# print(len(p.useful_sensors))
s = p.useful_sensors[0]  # First confirmed useful sensor
# s.get_location()
# print(s.as_flat_dict())
df = p.to_dataframe('useful')

# Single sensor
se = sensor.Sensor('2891', parse_location=True)
Beispiel #14
    def test_as_flat_dict(self):
        Test that the flat dictionary export data is shaped correctly
        se = sensor.Sensor(2891)
        expected_shape = {
            'id': 0,
            'parent': 0,
            'lat': 0,
            'lon': 0,
            'name': 0,
            'location_type': 0,
            'pm_2.5': 0,
            'temp_f': 0,
            'temp_c': 0,
            'humidity': 0,
            'pressure': 0,
            'p_0_3_um': 0,
            'p_0_5_um': 0,
            'p_1_0_um': 0,
            'p_2_5_um': 0,
            'p_5_0_um': 0,
            'p_10_0_um': 0,
            'pm1_0_cf_1': 0,
            'pm2_5_cf_1': 0,
            'pm10_0_cf_1': 0,
            'pm1_0_atm': 0,
            'pm2_5_atm': 0,
            'pm10_0_atm': 0,
            'last_seen': 0,
            'model': 0,
            'hidden': 0,
            'adc': 0,
            'rssi': 0,
            'flagged': 0,
            'downgraded': 0,
            'age': 0,
            'brightness': 0,
            'hardware': 0,
            'version': 0,
            'last_update_check': 0,
            'created': 0,
            'uptime': 0,
            'is_owner': 0,
            '10min_avg': 0,
            '30min_avg': 0,
            '1hour_avg': 0,
            '6hour_avg': 0,
            '1day_avg': 0,
            '1week_avg': 0,

        # Test parent
        src = se.as_flat_dict(channel='parent')
        for data_category in expected_shape:
            self.assertIn(data_category, src)
        for data in src:
            self.assertNotIsInstance(src[data], dict)

        # Test child
        src = se.as_flat_dict(channel='child')
        for data_category in expected_shape:
            self.assertIn(data_category, src)
        for data in src:
            self.assertNotIsInstance(src[data], dict)
Beispiel #15
 def test_create_sensor_no_location(self):
     se = sensor.Sensor('2891')
     self.assertEqual(se.__repr__(), 'Sensor 2891')
Beispiel #16
 def test_can_repr(self):
     Test that we properly generate a Channel's string representation
     se = sensor.Sensor(2891)
     self.assertEqual(se.child.__repr__(), 'Sensor 2891, child of 2890')
Beispiel #17
 def test_is_useful(self):
     se = sensor.Sensor('14633')
     self.assertEqual(se.is_useful(), True)
Beispiel #18
 def test_as_flat_dict(self):
     se = sensor.Sensor('2891')
     src = se.as_flat_dict()
     for data in src:
         self.assertNotIsInstance(src[data], dict)
Beispiel #19
 def test_create_sensor_location(self):
     se = sensor.Sensor('2891', parse_location=True)
         'Sensor 2891 at 10834, Canyon Road, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 68112, United States of America'