Beispiel #1
def _clear_postgres(config, prefix, verbose=False, sysname=None):
    cfg_copy = dict(config)
    if "password" in cfg_copy:
        cfg_copy["password"] = "******"
    if "admin_password" in cfg_copy:
        cfg_copy["admin_password"] = "******"
    print 'clear_db: Clearing PostgreSQL databases using config=', cfg_copy

    import getpass
    db_name = prefix if not sysname else sysname + "_" + config.get('database', 'ion')

    username = config.get("admin_username", None) or getpass.getuser()
    password = config.get("admin_password", None) or ""
    host = config.get('host', None) or 'localhost'
    port = str(config.get('port', None) or '5432')
    default_database = config.get('default_database', None) or 'postgres'

    import psycopg2
    from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT
    dsn = "host=%s port=%s dbname=%s user=%s password=%s" % (host, port, default_database, username, password)
    with psycopg2.connect(dsn) as conn:
        print "clear_db: Connected to PostgreSQL as:", dsn.rsplit("=", 1)[0] + "=***"
        with conn.cursor() as cur:

            cur.execute("SELECT pid, datname FROM pg_stat_activity")
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            conn_by_db = {}
            for row in rows:
                conn_id, dbn = row[0], row[1]
                conn_by_db.setdefault(dbn, []).append(conn_id)
            print "clear_db: Found %s open connections" % len(rows)

            cur.execute("SELECT datname FROM pg_database")
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            ignored_num = 0
            for row in rows:
                    db_name = row[0]
                    if (prefix == '*' and not db_name.startswith('_')) or db_name.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()):
                        print "clear_db: (PostgreSQL) DROP DATABASE", db_name
                        if conn_by_db.get(db_name, None):
                            for conn_id in conn_by_db[db_name]:
                                cur.execute("SELECT pg_terminate_backend(%s)", (conn_id, ))
                            print "clear_db: Dropped %s open connections to database '%s'" % (len(conn_by_db[db_name]), db_name)
                        cur.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % db_name)
                        ignored_num += 1
                except Exception as ex:
                    print "Could not drop database '%s'" % db_name

            print 'clear_db: Ignored %s existing databases' % ignored_num
Beispiel #2
def get_obj_geospatial_point(doc, calculate=True):
    """Extracts a geospatial point (lat, lon, elev) from given object dict, by looking for an attribute with
    GeospatialIndex or GeospatialPoint or GeospatialLocation type or computing the center from a bounds
    geo_center = None
    # TODO: Be more flexible about finding attributes with the right types
    if "location" in doc:
        geo_center = doc["location"]
    if "geospatial_point_center" in doc:
        geo_center = doc["geospatial_point_center"]
    if "details" in doc and type(
            doc["details"]) is dict and "location" in doc["details"]:
        geo_center = doc["details"]["location"]
    if not geo_center and calculate:
        # Try to calculate center point from bounds
        present, geo_bounds = get_obj_geospatial_bounds(doc,
        if present:
                from ion.util.geo_utils import GeoUtils
                geo_bounds_obj = DotDict(**geo_bounds)
                geo_center = GeoUtils.calc_geospatial_point_center(
            except Exception:
                log.exception("Could not calculate geospatial center point")
    if geo_center and isinstance(geo_center, dict):
        if "lat" in geo_center and "lon" in geo_center:
            lat, lon = geo_center.get("lat", 0), geo_center.get("lon", 0)
            if lat or lon:
                return True, (lat, lon, 0)
        elif "latitude" in geo_center and "longitude" in geo_center:
            lat, lon = geo_center.get("latitude",
                                      0), geo_center.get("longitude", 0)
            elev = geo_center.get("elevation", 0)
            if lat or lon or elev:
                return True, (lat, lon, elev)
        elif "geospatial_latitude" in geo_center and "geospatial_longitude" in geo_center:
            lat, lon = geo_center.get("geospatial_latitude",
                                      0), geo_center.get(
                                          "geospatial_longitude", 0)
            elev = geo_center.get("geospatial_vertical_location", 0)
            if lat or lon:
                return True, (lat, lon, elev)
    return False, (0, 0, 0)
def get_obj_geospatial_point(doc, calculate=True):
    """Extracts a geospatial point (lat, lon, elev) from given object dict, by looking for an attribute with
    GeospatialIndex or GeospatialPoint or GeospatialLocation type or computing the center from a bounds
    geo_center = None
    # TODO: Be more flexible about finding attributes with the right types
    if "location" in doc:
        geo_center = doc["location"]
    if "geospatial_point_center" in doc:
        geo_center = doc["geospatial_point_center"]
    if "details" in doc and type(
            doc["details"]) is dict and "location" in doc["details"]:
        geo_center = doc["details"]["location"]
    if not geo_center and calculate:
        # Try to calculate center point from bounds
        present, geo_bounds = get_obj_geospatial_bounds(
            doc, calculate=False, return_geo_bounds=True)
        if present:
                from ion.util.geo_utils import GeoUtils
                geo_bounds_obj = DotDict(**geo_bounds)
                geo_center = GeoUtils.calc_geospatial_point_center(
            except Exception:
                log.exception("Could not calculate geospatial center point")
    if geo_center and isinstance(geo_center, dict):
        if "lat" in geo_center and "lon" in geo_center:
            lat, lon = geo_center.get("lat", 0), geo_center.get("lon", 0)
            if lat or lon:
                return True, (lat, lon, 0)
        elif "latitude" in geo_center and "longitude" in geo_center:
            lat, lon = geo_center.get("latitude", 0), geo_center.get(
                "longitude", 0)
            elev = geo_center.get("elevation", 0)
            if lat or lon or elev:
                return True, (lat, lon, elev)
        elif "geospatial_latitude" in geo_center and "geospatial_longitude" in geo_center:
            lat, lon = geo_center.get("geospatial_latitude",
                                      0), geo_center.get(
                                          "geospatial_longitude", 0)
            elev = geo_center.get("geospatial_vertical_location", 0)
            if lat or lon:
                return True, (lat, lon, elev)
    return False, (0, 0, 0)