def test_a_star_fifteen(heuristic):
    Test a star on a randomly generated fifteen puzzle problem

    @param heuristic (function) The heuristic function  to test
    print("Begin A_Star 15 puzzle Test \n-------------------------------\n")

    fifteen_puzzles = _gen_n_puzzles(1, 4, FIFTEEN_PSOL)
    print("The 15 puzzles: ")
    for next in fifteen_puzzles:
    print("\n Begin 15 puzzle tests \n-------------------------------\n")

    search_length = 0
    solution_length = 0
    start_time = time.time()
    count = 1
    for puzzle in fifteen_puzzles:
        print("Solving puzzle {} of fifteen puzzle".format(count))
        count += 1
        states_taken, final_puzzle = a_star(puzzle, FIFTEEN_PSOL, heuristic)
        search_length += states_taken
        if (final_puzzle is None):
            solution_length += final_puzzle.num_parents
    print(" %s seconds to complete 15 puzzle tests" %
          (time.time() - start_time))
    print("Number of steps to find an optimal solution: {}".format(
        search_length / len(fifteen_puzzles)))
    print("Number of steps for the optimal solution: {}".format(
        solution_length / len(fifteen_puzzles)))
    print("End A_Star 15 puzzle Test \n-------------------------------\n")
def test_a_star_eight(heuristic):
    Test  A* Search algorithm on 10 randomly generated 8 puzzle problems

    @param heuristic (function) The heuristic function  to test
    print("Begin A_Star Test \n-------------------------------\n")
    print("Generating the puzzles")
    eight_puzzles = _gen_n_puzzles(10, 3, EIGHT_PSOL)
    print("The 8 puzzles: ")
    for next in eight_puzzles:

    print("Begin 8 Puzzle Test \n-------------------------------\n")
    search_length = 0
    solution_length = 0
    start_time = time.time()
    count = 1
    for puzzle in eight_puzzles:
        print("Solving puzzle {} of eight puzzle".format(count))
        count += 1
        states_taken, final_puzzle = a_star(puzzle, EIGHT_PSOL, heuristic)
        search_length += states_taken
        if (final_puzzle is None):
            solution_length += final_puzzle.num_parents
    print(" %s seconds to complete eight puzzle tests" %
          (time.time() - start_time))
    print("Average steps to find an optimal solution {}".format(
        search_length / len(eight_puzzles)))
    print("Average steps for the optimal solution {}".format(
        solution_length / len(eight_puzzles)))
    print("\n End Algorithm test \n-------------------------------\n")
def test_single_astar(heuristic):
    Test a* algorithm with given heuristic on a single eight puzzle

    @param heuristic (function) The heuristic function used to calculate the cost
    print("Testing a* on a single random 8 puzzle")
    random_puzzle = _gen_1_puzzle(3, EIGHT_PSOL)

    print("Testing A* with Heuristic")
    start_time = time.time()
    states_taken, final = a_star(random_puzzle, EIGHT_PSOL, heuristic)
    print(" %s seconds to solve with A* Heuristic" %
          (time.time() - start_time))
    print("{} steps to find an optimal solution".format(states_taken))
    print("{} steps for the actual optimal solution".format(final.num_parents))
    print("\n----------- End A* Huerist Testing ---------------\n")
def test_algorithm_eight(algorithm):
    Test either DFS or BFS on 10 random 8 puzzles

    @param algorithm (function) The algorithm function  to test
    print("Begin Algorithm Test \n-------------------------------\n")
    print("Generating the puzzles")
    eight_puzzles = _gen_n_puzzles(10, 3, EIGHT_PSOL)
    print("The 8 puzzles: ")
    for next in eight_puzzles:
    print("End Puzzle Generation\n-------------------------------\n")

    print("Begin 8 Puzzle Test \n-------------------------------\n")
    search_length = 0
    solution_length = 0
    start_time = time.time()
    count = 1
    for puzzle in eight_puzzles:
        print("Solving puzzle {} of eight puzzle".format(count))
        count += 1
        states_taken, final_puzzle = algorithm(puzzle, EIGHT_PSOL)
        search_length += states_taken
        if (final_puzzle is None):
            solution_length += final_puzzle.num_parents
    print(" %s seconds to complete eight puzzle tests" %
          (time.time() - start_time))
    print("Average steps to find an optimal solution {}".format(
        search_length / len(eight_puzzles)))
    print("Average steps for the optimal solution {}".format(
        solution_length / len(eight_puzzles)))
    print("\n End Algorithm test \n-------------------------------\n")
def test_all_alg():
    Test all algorithms dfs, bfs, and a* with all heuristics used
    on a single randomly generated 8 puzzle
    print("Testing all algorithms on a random 8 puzzle")
    random_puzzle = _gen_1_puzzle(3, EIGHT_PSOL)

    print("\nTesting DFS")
    start_time = time.time()
    states_taken, final = dfs(random_puzzle, EIGHT_PSOL)
    if final is None:
        print("Error this puzzle is not solvable trying again\n")
    print("%s seconds to solve with DFS" % (time.time() - start_time))
    print("{} steps to find the solution".format(states_taken))
    print("{} steps for the simple path to the solution".format(
    print("\n----------- End DFS Testing ---------------\n")

    print("Testing BFS")
    start_time = time.time()
    states_taken, final = bfs(random_puzzle, EIGHT_PSOL)
    print("%s seconds to solve with BFS" % (time.time() - start_time))
    print("{} steps to find the solution".format(states_taken))
    print("{} steps for the simple path to the solution".format(
    print("\n----------- End BFS Testing ---------------\n")

    print("Testing A* with Hamming Heuristic")
    start_time = time.time()
    states_taken, final = a_star(random_puzzle, EIGHT_PSOL, hamming_distance)
    print("%s seconds to solve with A* Hamming Distance Heuristic" %
          (time.time() - start_time))
    print("{} steps to find the solution".format(states_taken))
    print("{} steps for simple path to the solution".format(final.num_parents))
    print("\n----------- End A* Hamming Testing ---------------\n")

    print("Testing A* with Manhattan Heuristic")
    start_time = time.time()
    states_taken, final = a_star(random_puzzle, EIGHT_PSOL, manhattan_distance)
    print("%s seconds to solve with A* with Manhattan Distance Heuristic" %
          (time.time() - start_time))
    print("{} steps to find the solution".format(states_taken))
    print("{} steps for the simple path to the solution ".format(
    print("\n----------- End A* Manhattan Testing ---------------\n")

    print("Testing A* with Linear Conflict Heuristic")
    start_time = time.time()
    states_taken, final = a_star(random_puzzle, EIGHT_PSOL, linear_conflict)
    print("%s seconds to solve with A* with Linear Conflict Heuristic" %
          (time.time() - start_time))
    print("{} steps to find the solution".format(states_taken))
    print("{} steps for simple path to the solution".format(final.num_parents))
    print("\n----------- End A* Manhattan Testing ---------------\n")

    print("Now showing simple path to solution")
    print("Initial state of the puzzle")
    path = reconstruct_path(final)
    for next in path:
        print("Take {} from previous puzzle".format(next.direction))
    print("Final State above")