Beispiel #1
class Level (object):
    """A simple Puzzle wrapper to handle input and winning.


Level([event_handler][, ID][, definition][, win_cb], sound = True)

event_handler: evthandler.EventHandler instance to use for keybindings.  If not
               given, the level cannot be controlled by the keyboard.
ID: level ID to load in the form (is_custom, level_ID).
definition: a level definition to use; see the puzzle module for details.
win_cb: function to call when the player wins, or (function, *args) to pass
        some arguments to the function.
sound: whether to play sounds.

One of ID and definition is required.




game: None.
ID: level ID; None if this is a custom level or a definition was given instead.
puzzle: puzzle.Puzzle instance.
players: player blocks in the puzzle.
msg: puzzle message.
won: whether the level has been won.
solving: whether the puzzle is currently being solved.
solving_index: the current step in the solution being used to solve the puzzle.
solutions: a list of solutions to the level.
recording: whether input is currently being recorded.
frozen: whether the solution being played back is paused.
start_time: time the level started; this is altered when unpaused to give the
            proper amount of time the level has been running, not its actual
            start time.
win_cb: as given.
sound: as given.


    def __init__ (self, event_handler = None, ID = None, definition = None,
                  win_cb = None, sound = True):
        if not hasattr(self, 'game'):
   = None
        if event_handler is not None:
            # add gameplay key handlers
            args = (
                max(int(conf.MOVE_INITIAL_DELAY * conf.FPS), 1),
                max(int(conf.MOVE_REPEAT_DELAY * conf.FPS), 1)
            move = lambda *ds: [(self._move, ds)]
            freeze = lambda k, e, m: self.set_frozen()
            l = conf.KB_LAYOUT
                (conf.KEYS_MOVE_LEFT[l], move(0)) + args,
                (conf.KEYS_MOVE_UP[l], move(1)) + args,
                (conf.KEYS_MOVE_RIGHT[l], move(2)) + args,
                (conf.KEYS_MOVE_DOWN[l], move(3)) + args,
                (conf.KEYS_MOVE_UPLEFT[l], move(0, 1)) + args,
                (conf.KEYS_MOVE_UPRIGHT[l], move(1, 2)) + args,
                (conf.KEYS_MOVE_DOWNRIGHT[l], move(2, 3)) + args,
                (conf.KEYS_MOVE_DOWNLEFT[l], move(3, 0)) + args,
                (conf.KEYS_SOLN_NEXT, self._step_solution) + args,
                (conf.KEYS_RESET, self.reset, eh.MODE_ONDOWN),
                (conf.KEYS_TAB, self._fast_forward, eh.MODE_HELD),
                (conf.KEYS_NEXT, freeze, eh.MODE_ONDOWN),
                (conf.KEYS_RIGHT, self._step_solution) + args
        self.sound = sound
        self.load(ID, definition)
        if hasattr(win_cb, '__call__'):
            self.win_cb = (win_cb,)
            self.win_cb = win_cb

    def load (self, ID = None, definition = None):
        """Load a level.

Takes ID and definition arguments as in the constructor.

        self.ID = None if ID is None or ID[0] else ID[1]
        if ID is not None:
            # get data from file
            path = conf.LEVEL_DIR_CUSTOM if ID[0] else conf.LEVEL_DIR_MAIN
            with open(path + ID[1]) as f:
                definition =
        self.puzzle = Puzzle(, definition, True, self.sound)
        self.players = [b for b in self.puzzle.blocks
                        if b.type == conf.B_PLAYER]
        # store message and solutions
        lines = definition.split('\n')
        msgs = []
        solns = []
        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip()
            for char, val in (('@', msgs), (':', solns)):
                if line.startswith(char):
                    # add lines (stripped) starting with the character
                    # won't start with the other one if it starts with this one
        self.msg = msgs[0] if msgs and conf.SHOW_MSG else None = solns

        self._moved = []
        self._stored_moves = []
        self._winning = False
        self.won = False
        self.solving = False
        self.solving_index = None
        self._ff = False
        self.recording = False
        self.frozen = False
        self.start_time = time()

    def move (self, multi, *directions):
        """Apply force to all player blocks in the given directions."""
        if len(directions) == 1 and multi:
            if self._stored_moves is True:
            elif self._stored_moves:
                directions += (self._stored_moves[0],)
                self._stored_moves = True
        # only make the move if haven't done already this frame
        directions = [d for d in directions if d not in self._moved]
        if not directions:
        self._moved += directions
        if self.recording:
        for d in set(directions):
            for player in self.players:
                player.add_force(d, conf.FORCE_MOVE)

    def _move (self, key, event, mods, *directions):
        """Key callback to move player."""
        if not self.solving:
            for d in directions:
                self.move(mods & conf.KEYS_MULTI, d)

    def reset (self, *args):
        """Reset the level to its state after the last call to Level.load."""
        if not self.solving:
            self.players = [b for b in self.puzzle.blocks
                            if b.type == conf.B_PLAYER]
        # restart recording if want to
        if self.recording and self._blank_on_reset:
        self._winning = False
        self.won = False

    def _fast_forward (self, key, event, mods):
        """Key callback to fast-forward solving this frame."""
        if self.solving:
            # if holding ctrl, go even faster
            if pygame.KMOD_CTRL & mods:
                self._ff = 2
                self._ff = 1

    def _parse_soln (self, ID, speed = conf.SOLVE_SPEED):
        """Parse a solution string and return the result."""
        soln =[ID]
        parsed = []
        for i, s in enumerate(soln.split(',')):
            s = s.strip()
            if i % 2:
                # directions
                s = [conf.SOLN_DIRS.index(c) for c in s]
                # time delay
                if s.startswith('['):
                    # got keys to hold for this waiting period
                    end = s.find(']')
                    hold = [conf.SOLN_DIRS.index(c) for c in s[1:end]]
                    s = s[end + 1:].strip()
                    hold = ()
                ops = ('>', '<')
                if any(op in s for op in ops):
                    # minimum and maximum values
                    allowed_range = [None, None]
                    while s:
                        # check for < and > being first
                        for op in ops:
                            if s.startswith(op):
                                s = s[1:].strip()
                                eq = s.startswith('=')
                                if eq:
                                    # remove = if found
                                    s = s[1:].strip()
                                # op is not the first operator
                            # the number is everything up to the next operator
                            next_op = len(s)
                            for o in ops:
                                j = s.find(o)
                                # or the end of the string
                                if j == -1:
                                    j = len(s)
                                next_op = min(j, next_op)
                            val = int(s[:next_op])
                            val = int(val)
                            # add/subtract one if >/<
                            val += (-1 if op == '<' else 1) * (1 - eq)
                            allowed_range[ops.index(op)] = val
                            s = s[next_op:].strip()
                    # constrain by given conditions
                    gt, lt = allowed_range
                    s = speed
                    if gt is not None:
                        s = max(s, gt)
                    if lt is not None:
                        s = min(s, lt)
                    s = int(s) if s else speed
                s = (hold, s)
        return parsed

    def solve (self, solution = 0, stop_on_finish = True):
        """Solve the puzzle.

Takes the solution number to use (its index in the list of solutions ordered as
in the puzzle definition).  This defaults to 0 (the 'primary' solution).

Returns a list of the directions moved.

This function is also called to move to the next step of an ongoing solution,
in which case it requires no argument.  In fact, if a solution is ongoing, it
cannot be called as detailed above (any argument is ignored).  This makes it
a bad idea to call this function while solving.

        i = self.solving_index
        if i is None:
            # starting
            self.solving = True
            self.solving_index = 0
            self._solution = self._parse_soln(solution)
            self._solution_ff = self._parse_soln(solution, 0)
            self._solve_time = self._solution[0][1]
            self._solve_time_ff = self._solution_ff[0][1]
            self._finished_solving = False
            # store solve method
            if self.ID is not None:
                levels = conf.get('completed_levels', [])
                if self.ID not in levels:
                    solved = conf.get('solve_methods', [])
                    conf.set(solve_methods = solved)
            # call this function again to act on the first instruction
            move = self.solve()
        elif i == len(self._solution):
            # finished: just wait until the level ends
            self._finished_solving = True
            if stop_on_finish:
            move = []
            # continuing
            if i % 2:
                # make a move
                move = self._solution[i]
                self.move(False, *move)
                i += 1
                if i < len(self._solution):
                    self._solve_time = self._solution[i][1]
                    self._solve_time_ff = self._solution_ff[i][1]
                self.solving_index = i
                # wait
                # if fast-forwarding, use the quicker solution
                fast = self._ff or self.frozen
                t = self._solve_time_ff if fast else self._solve_time
                if t <= 0:
                    self.solving_index += 1
                    # do next step now
                    move = self.solve()
                    self._solve_time -= 1
                    self._solve_time_ff -= 1
                    held = self._solution[self.solving_index][0]
                    if held:
                        # want to send some input every frame for this delay
                        self.move(False, *held)
                        move = held
                        move = []
        self._ff = False
        return move

    def set_frozen (self, frozen = None):
        """Set paused state of solution, or toggle without an argument."""
        if self.solving:
            self.frozen = not self.frozen if frozen is None else frozen

    def _step_solution (self, key, event, mods):
        """If paused, step the solution forwards once."""
        if self.solving and self.frozen:
            self._next_step = True

    def stop_solving (self):
        """Stop solving the puzzle."""
        if self.solving:
            self.solving = False
            self.solving_index = None
            self.frozen = False
            del self._solution, self._solution_ff, self._solve_time, \
                self._solve_time_ff, self._next_step, self._finished_solving

    def _record (self, directions):
        """Add input to the current recording."""
        directions = set(directions)
        recorded = self._recorded
        frame = self._recording_frame
        while len(recorded) < frame:
            # haven't added anything for some previous frames
        if len(recorded) == frame:
            # haven't added anything for this frame
            # add more to this frame
            recorded[frame] |= directions
        self._recorded = recorded

    def start_recording (self, blank_on_reset = True):
        """Start recording input to the puzzle (moves).

Takes one boolean argument indicating whether to start recording again if the
puzzle is reset.  If already recording, calling this will delete the current

        self.recording = True
        self._blank_on_reset = blank_on_reset
        self._recorded = []
        self._recording_frame = 0

    def stop_recording (self):
        """Stop recording input and return the recorded input.

The return value is in the standard solution format.  If not recording, this
function returns None.

        result = ''
        t = 0
        for frame in self._recorded:
            if frame is None:
                # wait for a frame with input
                t += 1
                # add total wait time
                result += str(t) + ','
                t = 0
                # add input
                result += ''.join(conf.SOLN_DIRS[d] for d in frame) + ','
        self.recording = False
        del self._blank_on_reset, self._recorded, self._recording_frame
        return result[:-1]

    def update (self):
        """Update puzzle and check win conditions.

Returns whether anything changed.

        if not self.frozen or self._next_step:
            # fast-forward by increasing FPS
            if self.solving and self._ff == 2:
                if not hasattr(self, '_FRAME'):
                    self._FRAME = self.FRAME
                    self.FRAME /= conf.FF_SPEEDUP
            elif hasattr(self, '_FRAME'):
                self.FRAME = self._FRAME
                del self._FRAME
            # continue solving
            if self.solving:
            # continue recording
            if self.recording:
                self._recording_frame += 1
            # step puzzle forwards
            rtn = self.puzzle.step()
            self._next_step = False
            # reset list of moves made this frame
            self._moved = []
            self._stored_moves = []
            rtn = False
        # check for surfaces with their corresponding Block types on them
        win = True
        for col in self.puzzle.grid:
            for s, b, sel in col:
                # goal surfaces have IDs starting at 0
                if s >= 0 and (not isinstance(b, Block) or s != b.type):
                    win = False
        # need to stay winning for one frame - that is, blocks must have
        # stopped on the goals, not just be moving past them
        if win:
            if not self._winning:
                self._winning = True
            # else if this is the first frame since we've won,
            elif not self.won:
                # stop solving
                if self.solving:
                    if self._finished_solving:
                        win = self._winning
                        win = False
                if win:
                    # save to disk
                    if not self.solving and self.ID is not None:
                        levels = conf.get('completed_levels', [])
                        if self.ID not in levels:
                            conf.set(completed_levels = levels)
                                                        're_init', True)
                            # store solve method
                            solved = conf.get('solve_methods', [])
                            conf.set(solve_methods = solved)
                    # call win callback
                    if self.win_cb is not None:
                    # play victory sound
                    if self.sound:
                    self.won = True
            self._winning = False
        return rtn