Beispiel #1
def shark_game(player):
	dice = random.randint(1,10)
	input_s("As you continue in your quest for the elusive Wizard and emerge onto the balcony, you encounter an escaped 'mythical' creature from the menagerie - the famous talking LandShark.", player)
	input_s("The *clever* LandShark, having been on land for so long, has grown lungs and developed consumption (in addition to liver cirrhosis, for other reasons).", player)
	decision = input_s("Do you [jump over the shark] and risk infection or [go the long way] on your quest to the wizard?\n", user = player)

	while str(decision) not in ['jump over the shark', 'go the long way', 'riddle me']:
		decision = input_s(text=sass.sample_sass(), user = player, color="purple")

	if decision == "jump over the shark":
		if dice > 3:
			input_s("Damn, you just signed up for a lifetime of pain and suffering, lose 3 HP.", player)
			player.hp -= 3
		elif dice <= 3:
			input_s("You narrowly escaped, but why were you so foolish in the first place? Dumbass.", player)
			player.intelligence -= 2
			player.hp += 2
	elif decision == "go the long way":
		input_s("Someone knows what they're doing! Good job!", player)
		player.intelligence += 3
		input_s("Now you have to double back to the stairs to find an alternative route and encounter the legendary, award winning Milwaukee's Best (Monster).", player)
		print_s("To get past this monster, you must fight one of his (somewhat drunken) creatures.")
		animal = creatures.Animals()
		input_s("A wobbly " + + " stumbles down the stairs and attacks!\n", player)
		if player.hp>0:
			input_s("I hope you're proud of your self, defeating a drunken " + + ". But you get to pass on to your greatest challenge yet. \n", player)
	elif decision == "riddle me":
		print_s("Congrats! *coughs violently* You have uncovered my hidden riddle!")
		my_puzzle = puzzles.Puzzles()
		puzzle_success = my_puzzle.do_puzzle(user = player)
		if puzzle_success == True:
			input_s("Great work! You completed my riddle and are richly rewarded.", player)
			player.intelligence += 3
			player.attack += 2
		elif puzzle_success == False:
			input_s("Drats, you failed. But (cough) have a free pass anyway.", player)
Beispiel #2
                elif beer_query == "no":
                        "\nYou heave the cask into the corner exposing the trapdoor underneath.\n",
                    "\nYou attempt to open the trapdoor, but you find that it is locked. But you seem to have awakened something within.\n"
                fake_query = input_s("", player)
                print_s("The trapdoor creaks open.\n")
                fake_query = input_s("", player)
                puzzle_query = input_s(
                    "You hear an eerie voice coming out of the dark depths.\n 'There is a way out through my sewer,\n but only the intellectually astute are permitted to enter.'\n The head and torso of boratK rise out of the darkness.\n",
                boratk = creatures.Borat()
                my_puzzle = puzzles.Puzzles()
                puzzle_success = my_puzzle.do_puzzle(user=player)

                if puzzle_success == True:
                        "BoratK sinks slowly back into the darkness, leaving the trapdoor open behind him. You cautiously descend into the depths below.\n\n"
                    print_s("BoratK slams the trapdoor closed at your feet.\n")
                    fake_query = input_s("", player)
                        "You hear the sound of an approaching creature coming down the stairs. You look desperately around the room and see there is no escape except through the locked trapdoor. You prepare to fight whatever is about to come down the stairs. Are you ready?\n",
                        "This beast doesn't care if you're ready or not, it's coming.\n"
Beispiel #3
def easter_egg(player):
    shelf = '''
||.--.    .-._                        .----.             ||
|||==|____| |H|___            .---.___|""""|_____.--.___ ||
|||  |====|P| |xxx|_          |+++|=-=|_  _|-=+=-|==|---|||
|||==|    |E| |   | \         |   |   |_\/_|Black|  | ^ |||
|||  |    |R| | R |\ \   .--. |   |=-=|_/\_|-=+=-|  | ^ |||
|||  |    |L| |   |_\ \_( oo )|   |   |    |Magic|  | ^ |||
|||==|====| |H|xxx|  \ \ |''| |+++|=-=|""""|-=+=-|==|---|||
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||       /\\\/ _(|===|-|   |  |''|  |:x:|=|  |  H  | |   |||
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||              `---^-^---^--^--'--^---^-^--^-===-^-^---^||
||            \033[8mChoose [read] for secret room\033[8m\033[0m              ||


        "You scan the room. It appears mostly empty apart from a dusty bookshelf that seems to contain questionably old and outdated textbooks."
    decision = input_ss(
        'You may not have time for assing about with useless scholarly nonsense, but it may prove fruitful. Do you [leave] or stay and [search]?',

    if decision == 'search':
            "You begin scanning the bookshelf for something entertaining and/or educational. An ancient text, bound in thousand year old embossed centaur leather, briefly catches your eye. Its title, 'Mastery of Python and Complex Systems', reminds you of an ancient teaching you once received. The effects of amnesia are taking their toll, and the memory fades.",
        book_decision = input_ss(
            'You question your existence and past life before the prison. Before you break down into an existential crisis, you [leave] the room. Or do you?\n',
        if book_decision == 'read':
                'You impulsively decide to read the book about Pythons. Perhaps in some attempt of mastering creature control? However, pulling the book from the shelf, you realise the book is no book at all. Instead, the bookshelf swings open to reveal a secret room.\n',
                "Inside, you find ancient texts and writings in languages you barely know the name of (assembly, java, and visual basic??). You study them for some time in an attempt to gain some knowledge."
            hidden_room = puzzles.Puzzles()
            room_puzzle = hidden_room.do_puzzle(user=player)

            if room_puzzle == True:
                    "After a few hours your hard work pays off and you gain 1 intelligence, and leave the room.",
                player.intelligence += 1

                    'Unfortunately your mental capacity is restricted by inactivity from your time in the cell, and you do not solve the mysteries of the ancient texts. You leave the room.',