Beispiel #1
 def test_list_users_diff_mpwd(self):
     with sphinx.connect() as s:
         self.assertIsInstance(sphinx.create(s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size), str)
     with sphinx.connect() as s:
         self.assertIsInstance(sphinx.create(s, 'zxcv', user2, host, char_classes, size), str)
     with sphinx.connect() as s:
         users = sphinx.users(s, host)
         self.assertIsInstance(users, str)
         self.assertEqual(users, '\n'.join((user,user2)))
Beispiel #2
    def test_commit_undo_inv_mpwd(self):
        # create
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd0 = sphinx.create(s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size)
            self.assertIsInstance(pwd0, str)

        # change invalid mpwd
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
           self.assertRaises(ValueError, sphinx.change,s, 'zxcv', user, host)

        # change correct mpwd
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
           pwd2 = sphinx.change(s, pwd, user, host)
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd2, str)
        self.assertNotEqual(pwd0, pwd2)

        # commit invalid mpwd
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
           self.assertRaises(ValueError, sphinx.commit,s, 'zxcv', user, host)

        # commit correct mpwd
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
           pwd4 = sphinx.commit(s, pwd, user, host, )
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd4, str)
        self.assertEqual(pwd2, pwd4)

        # undo invalid mpwd
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
           self.assertRaises(ValueError, sphinx.undo,s, 'zxcv', user, host)

        # undo correct mpwd
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
           pwd5 = sphinx.undo(s, pwd, user, host, )
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd5, str)
        self.assertEqual(pwd0, pwd5)
Beispiel #3
    def test_commit_undo(self):
        # create
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd0 = sphinx.create(s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size)
            self.assertIsInstance(pwd0, str)

        # get
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd1 = sphinx.get(s, pwd, user, host)
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd1, str)

        # change
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd2 = sphinx.change(s, pwd, user, host)
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd2, str)
        self.assertNotEqual(pwd1, pwd2)

        # get
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd3 = sphinx.get(s, pwd, user, host)
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd3, str)
        self.assertEqual(pwd1, pwd3)

        # commit
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd4 = sphinx.commit(s, pwd, user, host, )
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd4, str)
        self.assertEqual(pwd2, pwd4)

        # undo
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd5 = sphinx.undo(s, pwd, user, host, )
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd5, str)
        self.assertEqual(pwd1, pwd5)
Beispiel #4
    def test_get_inv_mpwd(self):
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            rwd0 = sphinx.create(s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size)
            self.assertIsInstance(rwd0, str)

        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            rwd = sphinx.get(s, 'zxcv', user, host)
Beispiel #5
    def test_change(self):
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            self.assertIsInstance(sphinx.create(s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size), str)

        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd0 = sphinx.get(s, pwd, user, host)
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd0, str)

        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd1 = sphinx.change(s, pwd, user, host)
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd1, str)
        self.assertNotEqual(pwd0, pwd1)
Beispiel #6
    def test_double_commit(self):
        # create
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd0 = sphinx.create(s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size)
            self.assertIsInstance(pwd0, str)

        # change
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd2 = sphinx.change(s, pwd, user, host)
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd2, str)
        self.assertNotEqual(pwd0, pwd2)

        # commit
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            pwd4 = sphinx.commit(s, pwd, user, host, )
        self.assertIsInstance(pwd4, str)
        self.assertEqual(pwd2, pwd4)

        # commit
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, sphinx.commit,s, pwd, user, host)
Beispiel #7
    def test_delete_inv_mpwd(self):
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            self.assertIsInstance(sphinx.create(s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size), str)

        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            self.assertIsNone(sphinx.delete(s, 'zxcv', user, host))
Beispiel #8
    def test_delete(self):
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            self.assertIsInstance(sphinx.create(s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size), str)

        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            self.assertTrue(sphinx.delete(s, pwd, user, host))
Beispiel #9
    def test_recreate_user(self):
        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            self.assertIsInstance(sphinx.create(s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size), str)

        with sphinx.connect() as s:
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, sphinx.create,s, pwd, user, host, char_classes, size)