Beispiel #1
def ToString(v, typeName=None):
    """Returns a string representing a "detailed view" of the value v.
    This string is used in the watch window"""

    from pxr import Tf, Gf

    if v is None:
        return 'None'

    if not typeName:
        typeName = str(v.__class__)

    if typeName:
        from pxr import Sdf
        if isinstance(typeName, Sdf.ValueTypeName):
            tfType = typeName.type
            tfType = Sdf.GetTypeForValueTypeName(typeName)
        if tfType != Tf.Type.Unknown:
            typeName = tfType.typeName

    # Pretty-print a bounding box
    if isinstance(v, Gf.BBox3d):
        prettyMatrix = (
            "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" %
            (v.matrix[0], v.matrix[1], v.matrix[2], v.matrix[3])).replace(
                "(", "").replace(")", "")
        result = "Endpts of box diagonal:\n%s\n%s\n\nTransform matrix:\n%s\n" \
                 % (,, prettyMatrix)
        if (v.hasZeroAreaPrimitives):
            result += "\nHas zero-area primitives\n"
            result += "\nDoes not have zero-area primitives\n"
        worldSpaceRange = Gf.Range3d()
        result += "\nWorld-space range:\n%s\n%s\n" % \
            (worldSpaceRange.GetMin(), worldSpaceRange.GetMax())

    # Pretty-print a GfMatrix*
    elif typeName.startswith("GfMatrix"):
        result = ""
        numRows = int(typeName[8])

        for i in range(numRows):
            result += str(v[i]) + "\n"
        result = result.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")

    # Pretty-print a GfVec*
    elif typeName.startswith("GfVec"):
        result = "( %s )" % (", ".join([ToString(x) for x in v]))

    # Pretty-print a TfTimeStamp
    elif isinstance(v, Tf.TimeStamp):
        from datetime import datetime
        dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(v.Get())
        result = dt.isoformat(' ')

    # pretty print an int
    elif isinstance(v, int):
        result = "{:,d}".format(v)

    # pretty print a float
    elif isinstance(v, float):
        result = "{:,.6f}".format(v)

    # print a string as-is
    elif isinstance(v, str):
        result = v

        import pprint
        result = pprint.pformat(v)

    return result
Beispiel #2
def ToString(v, typeName=None):
    """Returns a string representing a "detailed view" of the value v.
    This string is used in the watch window"""

    from pxr import Tf, Gf
    global _toStringFnCache
    # Check cache.
    t = type(v)
    fn = _toStringFnCache.get(t)
    if fn:
        return fn(v)

    if not typeName:
        typeName = str(v.__class__)

    if typeName:
        from pxr import Sdf
        if isinstance(typeName, Sdf.ValueTypeName):
            tfType = typeName.type
            tfType = Sdf.GetTypeForValueTypeName(typeName)
        if tfType != Tf.Type.Unknown:
            typeName = tfType.typeName

    # Cache miss.
    if v is None:
        fn = lambda _: 'None'

    # Pretty-print a bounding box
    elif isinstance(v, Gf.BBox3d):
        def bboxToString(v):
            prettyMatrix = (
                "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" %
                (v.matrix[0], v.matrix[1],
                 v.matrix[2], v.matrix[3])).replace("(","").replace(")","")
            result = ("Endpts of box diagonal:\n"
                      "%s\n%s\n\nTransform matrix:\n%s\n"
                      % (,, prettyMatrix))
            if (v.hasZeroAreaPrimitives):
                result += "\nHas zero-area primitives\n"
                result += "\nDoes not have zero-area primitives\n"
            worldSpaceRange = Gf.Range3d()
            result += "\nWorld-space range:\n%s\n%s\n" % \
                      (worldSpaceRange.GetMin(), worldSpaceRange.GetMax())
            return result
        fn = lambda b: bboxToString(b)

    # Pretty-print a GfMatrix*
    elif typeName.startswith("GfMatrix"):
        def matrixToString(v):
            result = ""
            numRows = int(typeName[8])
            for i in range(numRows):
                result += str(v[i]) + "\n"
            result = result.replace("(","").replace(")","")
            return result
        fn = lambda m: matrixToString(m)

    # Pretty-print a GfVec*
    elif typeName.startswith("GfVec"):
        fn = lambda v: str(v)
    # pretty print an int
    elif isinstance(v, int):
        fn = lambda i: "{:,d}".format(i)

    # pretty print a float
    elif isinstance(v, float):
        fn = lambda f: "{:,.6f}".format(f)

    # print a string as-is
    elif isinstance(v, str):
        fn = lambda s: s

        import pprint
        fn = lambda v: pprint.pformat(v)

    # Populate cache and invoke function to produce the string.
    _toStringFnCache[t] = fn
    return fn(v)