def int_to_size_str(size,b1024=True,zero='0 B',less_than_zero='%s', ): '''Convert a file size to human-readable form. Keyword arguments: size -- file size in bytes b1024 -- if True (default), use multiples of 1024 if False, use multiples of 1000 Returns: string test git ''' U,T,N,F=py.importUTNF() if py.istr(size) or py.isbyte(size): size=U.len(size) if size < 0: if py.callable(less_than_zero): return less_than_zero(size) if py.istr(less_than_zero): if '%' in less_than_zero: return less_than_zero%size if '{' in less_than_zero and '}' in less_than_zero: return less_than_zero.format(size) return less_than_zero if size==0:return zero # raise ValueError('number must be non-negative') multiple = 1024.0 if b1024 else 1000.0 #another if statement style if size<=multiple:return py.str(size)+' B' for suffix in SUFFIXES[multiple]: size /= multiple if size < multiple: return '{0:.3f} {1}'.format(size, suffix) raise ValueError('number too large')
def deSerialize(obj=None,file=None): '''The protocol version of the pickle is detected automatically, so no protocol argument is needed. Bytes past the pickled object's representation are ignored. ''' if not py.isbyte(obj) and not file:raise py.ArgumentError('need bytes or file=str ') import pickle if py.istr(obj): file=obj obj=None U.log('autoArgs file=%s'%file) if py.isbyte(obj): return pickle.loads(obj) else: file=autoPath(file) with,'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
def __new__(cls, *a, **ka): #int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not if py.istr(a[0]) or py.isbyte(a[0]) or py.isnumber(a[0]): self=, *a) else: self= a[0] self.ka=ka return self
def include(file,keyword): if py.isbyte(keyword):mod='rb' else:mod='r' try: with,mod) as f: for i in f: if keyword in i:return True except Exception as e: return py.No(e) return False
def set(skey, name, value, root=HKEY_CURRENT_USER, type='auto,or REG_TYPE int', returnType=True): r = OpenKey(root, skey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE) if not py.isint(type): if py.isint(value): type = 4 if py.istr(value): type = 1 if py.isbyte(value): type = 3 #TODO test,and add more rule SetValueEx(r, 'ProxyEnable', 0, type, value) if get(skey, name, root=root, returnType=False) == value: return 'reg.set [{}] {}={} sucess!'.format(skey[-55:], name, value) else: return 'reg.set [{}] {}={} Failed !'.format(skey, name, value)
def write(file,data,mod='w',encoding='utf-8',mkdir=False,autoArgs=True,pretty=True,seek=None): '''py3 open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None) py2 open(name[, mode[, buffering]]) pretty=True Format a Python object into a pretty-printed representation. ''' U=py.importU() try: if autoArgs: if py.istr(data) and py.len(file)>py.len(data)>0: if '.' in data and '.' not in file and isFileName(data): file,data=data,file U.warring('F.write fn,data but seems data,fn auto corrected(v 纠正') except:pass # try: file=autoPath(file) if not encoding:encoding=U.encoding if mkdir:makeDirs(file,isFile=True) # if 'b' not in mod and py.isbytes(data):mod+='b'# 自动检测 data与 mod 是否匹配 if 'b' not in mod: #强制以 byte 写入 mod+='b',mod) #f.write(强制unicode) 本来只适用 py.is3() ,但 py2 中 有 from io import open if py.isint(seek): # with open(file,mod) as f: if py.isbyte(data):#istr(data) or (py.is3() and py.isinstance(data,py.bytes) ) : f.write(data) elif (py.is2() and py.isinstance(data,py.unicode)) : f.write(data.encode(encoding)) elif (py.is3() and py.istr(data)): # if 'b' in mod.lower(): f.write(data.encode(encoding)) # else:f.write(data)#*** UnicodeEncodeError: 'gbk' codec can't encode character '\xa9' in else: # if py.is2():print >>f,data # else: if pretty: data=U.pformat(data) U.pln(data,file=f) f.close() return