def dill_load(filename,return_value=False,set_user_ns=True): # F=py.importF() if filename.lower()[-5:] not in ['.dill','ickle']: for f in,f=1,d=0): if filename in f: py.input('continue or ctrl+c using: '+f) filename=f break vars=[] dnv={} if U.all_in([',','='],filename): vars=T.regex_match_all(F.getNameWithoutExt(filename),T.RE_vars_separated_by_commas)[0].split(',') if vars: for n,v in py.enumerate(F.dill_load(filename,dill_ext='')): dnv[vars[n]]=v else: varname='' for c in F.getNameWithoutExt(filename): if c not in T.alphanumeric_:break varname+=c dnv[varname]=F.dill_load(filename,dill_ext='') if py.len(dnv)==1: r=[py.list(dnv)[0],filename] else: r=[py.list(dnv),filename] U.pln(r) if set_user_ns: for name,v in dnv.items(): gipy.user_ns[name]=v if return_value: return r
def msgbox(s='', st='title', *a): ''' __import__('ctypes').windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, 'text', 'title', 0) ''' if (a): a = py.list(a) a.insert(0, s) a.insert(1, st) st = 'length %s' % len(a) s = str(a) # s=str(s)+ ','+str(a)#[1:-2] if py.is2(): return user32.MessageBoxA(0, str(s), str(st), 0) else: return user32.MessageBoxW(0, str(s), str(st), 0)
def dill_dump(*vars,len=True): ''' pip install astor ''' T=py.importT() import ast co=sys._getframe().f_back.f_code dvars={} for index_a,e in enumerate(ast.walk(U.getAST(co) ) ): da={i:getattr(e,i) for i in dir(e) if not i.startswith('_') } # if index==1:break if ('value' in da) and py.isinstance( e.value,ast.Call): #ipy.*dump*() if U.getattr(e.value,'func','value','id')=='ipy' and \ ('dump' in U.getattr(e.value,'func','attr').lower() ): # print(index_a, da,'\n================\n') # U.set(e.value.args) for i,var in py.enumerate(e.value.args): # if py.isinstance( var,(ast.Name,ast.Subscript) ):# var : Name(lineno=1, col_offset=12, id='In', ctx=Load()), dvars[U.ast_to_code(var,EOL=False) ]=vars[i] if py.len(vars)==1 and not len: return F.dill_dump(obj=vars[0],file=py.list(dvars)[0]) r=[] for n,i in py.enumerate(dvars): il=U.len(dvars[i]) if il: if py.len(dvars)> 1:il='%-2s:%s'%(n,il) if py.len(dvars)==1:il='%-4s'%(il) else: il='%-2s'%n r.append( [ i, il ] ) if py.len(r)> 1:f='(%s) = {%s}' if py.len(r)==1: f='%s-%s' vars=vars[0] f=f % ( ','.join([i[0] for i in r]) ,','.join([i[1] for i in r])) f=f.replace('"""',"'") f=T.fileName(f) return F.dill_dump(obj=vars,file=f)
def get_cursor_pos_color(x=None, y=None, **ka): ''' x or y arg 优先 return [x,y],color ''' U, T, N, F = py.importUTNF() if not py.isint(x) and y == None: pos = x if x == None or y == None: pos = U.get_duplicated_kargs(ka, 'pos', 'xy') if not pos: pos = get_cursor_pos() else: pos = [x, y] pos = py.list(pos) if py.isint(x): pos[0] = x if py.isint(y): pos[1] = y import win32gui color = win32gui.GetPixel(win32gui.GetDC(win32gui.GetActiveWindow()), *pos) if color < 256: color = 256 * 256 * color color = U.IntCustomRepr(color, repr=U.rgb_name(color)) return pos, color
def save(file=None,lines=-1,tryExcept=False,out=False,columns=70,overide=True,del_other=False,out_max=9999,**ka): '''file is str or (mod a) 在没有ipython实例时,不能get_ipython() 当file被指定时,overide 参数无效 #BUG #TODO 出现输入记录不同步的现象,应该添加一个报警 In [302]: _i265 Out[302]: '[i for i in sku if i[0] in [0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.18] ]' In [303]: In[265] Out[303]: 'page=pa=await tb.get_or_new_page(U.cbg(e=1))' ''' del_other=U.get_duplicated_kargs(ka,'delOther','delete','delattr',default=del_other) if ka:raise py.ArgumentError('没有处理这个ka,是不是多传了参数',ka) try: if py.isint(lines) and lines>0: # lsta,lend=0,lines lsta,lend=lines,-1 elif len(lines)==2: lsta,lend=lines lsta=lsta if lsta>0 else 0 else:raise Exception except: lsta,lend=0,gIn.__len__() if file:#当指定file 名时,总是 overide if T.istr(file): file=T.filename(file)[:255-3]# 如果用 pathname 不好处理 含有 /斜杠的问题 if U.is_linux(): while py.len(file.encode('utf-8'))> 255-3: # 256-3 too long ! file=file[:-1] file=F.autoPath(file,ext='.py',default=gsavePath) #255-3(.py) 防止文件名过长 OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: "\\\\?\\C:\\test if py.is2():file=open(file,'a') else:file=open(file,'a',encoding="utf8") elif py.isfile(file): if file.mode!='a':raise Exception('file mode should be "a" ') else: raise Exception('invalid argument file') else: if gdTimeName and overide: file=gdTimeName[py.list(gdTimeName.keys() )[-1]]#is3:TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing file=F.autoPath(file,ext='.py',default=gsavePath) if py.is2():file=open(file,'w') else:file=open(file,'w',encoding="utf8") # last=-1 # for t in gdTimeName: # if t>last:file,last=name,d # last=gdTimeName.values() # last.sort()#从小到大排序,ACS正序, DESC倒序 Ascending and Descending # file=[n for n,d in gdTimeName.items() if d==last[-1]][0] else: file='{0}{1}.py'.format(gsavePath,U.stime()) if py.is2():file=open(file,'a') else:file=open(file,'a',encoding="utf8") U.pln(gshead,file=file) ####### get exec_lines to gsqgb gsqgb=U.main(display=False) #join( <traitlets.config.loader.LazyConfigValue at 0x20066295400> ) ### TypeError: can only join an iterable gsexec_lines=U.getNestedValue(gipy.config,'InteractiveShellApp','exec_lines') #_class%20'traitlets.config.loader.LazyConfigValue'_.html if not py.iterable(gsexec_lines): gsexec_lines=[] gsexec_lines=' ;'.join(gsexec_lines) if gsexec_lines: if not 'from qgb import' in gsexec_lines: gsqgb='{0}\n{1}'.format(gsqgb,gsexec_lines) else:gsqgb=gsexec_lines U.pln(gsqgb+'\n',file=file ) # print >>file,'import sys;sys.path.append('{0}');from qgb import *'.format(gspath) #using single quote for cmd line #-4 为了去除 /qgb #ipython --InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines=['%qp%'] 不会改变In[0],始终为'' for i,v in enumerate(gIn[lsta:lend]): skip=False if i==0 and lsta==0:continue i=lsta+i v=v.strip() # U.isSyntaxError(u'_{0}={1}'.format(i,v) ) : # pass if i in gOut: if i==1 and py.istr(gOut[1]) and gOut[1].endswith(':/QGB/babun/cygwin/lib/python2.7/'): pass else: v=u'_{0}={1}'.format(i,v) if U.isSyntaxError(v) or U.multin(gIgnoreIn,v): # or u'from qgb import *' in v or sum(map(lambda a:v.startswith(a),gIgnoreStart) ): v=u'#'+v skip=True if tryExcept and (not skip): v='#########################\n\t'+v if py.is2():v=gsTryExcept.format(i,v).encode('utf-8') else:v=gsTryExcept.format(i,v) U.p(v,file=file ) else: if py.is2():v=v.encode('utf-8') else:pass U.p(v,' '*(columns-len(v.splitlines()[-1])),file=file ) if out and (i in gOut) and (not skip): pout=pformat(gOut[i]) if py.len(pout) > out_max: pout='#Warning# len(pout)={} > out_max'.format(py.len(pout)) print( ' In[{}]{}# len(pout)={} > out_max'.format(i,gIn[i],py.len(pout)) ) U.pln(';"""#{0}'.format(i),file=file ) # U.pln('"""',file=file ) U.pln(pout,file=file ) U.pln('"""',file=file ) else: U.pln('#',i,file=file ) # if i in [14]:import pdb;pdb.set_trace()#U.repl() # gipy.magic(u'save 0-115') # U.pln(gIn # U.pln(gOut.keys() file.close() gdTimeName[U.time()] if del_other: for t,f in gdTimeName.items(): if f == print('del:',U.stime(t),F.delete(f) or [f,False]) return '{0} {1} success!'.format(,
def csvAsList(fn): import csv with, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) return py.list(reader)
def list(ap='.',type='',t='',r=False,d=False,dir=False,f=False, file=False,include='',exclude='',timeout=None,print_result=False,**ka): '''Parms:bool r recursion str (type,t) '(d,f,a,r)' default return all''' U=py.importU() print_result=U.get_duplicated_kargs(ka,'print_r','print','p',default=print_result) if dir:d=True if file:f=True if t and not type:type=t if 'd' in type:d=True if 'f' in type:f=True if 'a' in type:d=True;f=True if 'r' in type:r=True if d or dir or f or file:pass else:d=f=True #default return all if not py.istr(ap) or py.len(ap)<1: setErr('F.list arguments ap error') ap='.' # if len(ap)==2 and ap.endswith(':'):ap+='/' ap=ap.replace('\\','/') if not ap.endswith('/'):#U.inMuti(ap,'/','\\',f=str.endswith): if isDir(ap): ap+='/' else: return [exists(ap)] # if not ap.endswith('/'):ap+='/' # else:ap+='\\' # U.repl() ########## below r is result rls=[] try:r3=py.list(walk(ap)) except Exception as ew: # pln ap;raise ew return py.No(ew) if ap=='./':ap='' # U.repl() r3[1]=[ap+i+'/' for i in r3[1]] #dirs r3[2]=[ap+i for i in r3[2]] #files if d:rls.extend(r3[1]) # if r: for i in r3[1]:rls.extend(list(i,r=r,d=d,f=f)) if f:rls.extend(r3[2]) if include:rls=[i for i in rls if include in i] if exclude:rls=[i for i in rls if exclude not in i] if print_result: U.pprint(rls) return rls
def glob(path='./', pattern='**/*'): '''pattern='**/*' : all files '**/*.txt' : all txt files''' import pathlib return py.list(pathlib.Path(path).glob(pattern))
def read_xls_sheets_name(file): ''' XLRDError: Excel xlsx file; not supported''' import xlrd w=xlrd.open_workbook(file) return py.list(py.enumerate( w.sheet_names() ) )