Beispiel #1
def test_fib():
    source = parse(
        "def fib(n):",
        "    if n == 1:",
        "        return 1",
        "    elif n == 0:",
        "        return 0",
        "    else:",
        "        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1>",
        "auto fib(T1 n) {",
        "if(n == 1) {",
        "return 1;",
        "} else {",
        "if(n == 0) {",
        "return 0;",
        "} else {",
        "return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);",
Beispiel #2
def test_fib():
    source = parse(
        "def fib(n):",
        "    if n == 1:",
        "        return 1",
        "    elif n == 0:",
        "        return 0",
        "    else:",
        "        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1>",
        "auto fib(T1 n) {",
        "if(n == 1) {",
        "return 1;",
        "} else {",
        "if(n == 0) {",
        "return 0;",
        "} else {",
        "return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);",
Beispiel #3
def test_assign():
    source = parse(
        "x = 3",
        "x = 1",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("auto x = 3;", "x = 1;")
Beispiel #4
def test_comb_sort():
    source = parse(
        "def sort(seq):",
        "    gap = len(seq)",
        "    swap = True",
        "    while gap > 1 or swap:",
        "        gap = max(1, int(gap / 1.25))",
        "        swap = False",
        "        for i in range(len(seq) - gap):",
        "            if seq[i] > seq[i + gap]:",
        "                seq[i], seq[i + gap] = seq[i + gap], seq[i]",
        "                swap = True",
        "                return seq",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1>",
        "auto sort(T1 seq) {",
        "auto gap = seq.size();",
        "auto swap = true;",
        "while (gap > 1||swap) {",
        "gap = std::max(1, py14::to_int(gap / 1.25));",
        "swap = false;",
        "for(auto i : rangepp::range(seq.size() - gap)) {",
        "if(seq[i] > seq[i + gap]) {",
        "std::tie(seq[i], seq[i + gap]) = " "std::make_tuple(seq[i + gap], seq[i]);",
        "swap = true;",
        "return seq;",
Beispiel #5
def test_bubble_sort():
    source = parse(
        "def sort(seq):",
        "    L = len(seq)",
        "    for _ in range(L):",
        "        for n in range(1, L):",
        "            if seq[n] < seq[n - 1]:",
        "                seq[n - 1], seq[n] = seq[n], seq[n - 1]",
        "    return seq",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1>",
        "auto sort(T1 seq) {",
        "auto L = seq.size();",
        "for(auto _ : rangepp::range(L)) {",
        "for(auto n : rangepp::range(1, L)) {",
        "if(seq[n] < seq[n - 1]) {",
        "std::tie(seq[n - 1], seq[n]) = " "std::make_tuple(seq[n], seq[n - 1]);",
        "return seq;",
Beispiel #6
def test_void_function():
    source = parse(
        "def test_fun():",
        "   assert True",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("inline void test_fun() {", "REQUIRE(true);", "}")
Beispiel #7
def test_bubble_sort():
    source = parse(
        "def sort(seq):",
        "    L = len(seq)",
        "    for _ in range(L):",
        "        for n in range(1, L):",
        "            if seq[n] < seq[n - 1]:",
        "                seq[n - 1], seq[n] = seq[n], seq[n - 1]",
        "    return seq",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1>",
        "auto sort(T1 seq) {",
        "auto L = seq.size();",
        "for(auto _ : rangepp::range(L)) {",
        "for(auto n : rangepp::range(1, L)) {",
        "if(seq[n] < seq[n - 1]) {",
        "std::tie(seq[n - 1], seq[n]) = "
        "std::make_tuple(seq[n], seq[n - 1]);",
        "return seq;",
Beispiel #8
def test_comb_sort():
    source = parse(
        "def sort(seq):",
        "    gap = len(seq)",
        "    swap = True",
        "    while gap > 1 or swap:",
        "        gap = max(1, int(gap / 1.25))",
        "        swap = False",
        "        for i in range(len(seq) - gap):",
        "            if seq[i] > seq[i + gap]:",
        "                seq[i], seq[i + gap] = seq[i + gap], seq[i]",
        "                swap = True",
        "                return seq",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    range_f = "range" if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else "xrange"
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1>", "auto sort(T1 seq) {",
        "auto gap = seq.size();", "auto swap = true;",
        "while (gap > 1||swap) {",
        "gap = std::max(1, py14::to_int(gap / 1.25));", "swap = false;",
        "for(auto i : rangepp::{0}(seq.size() - gap)) {{".format(range_f),
        "if(seq[i] > seq[i + gap]) {", "std::tie(seq[i], seq[i + gap]) = "
        "std::make_tuple(seq[i + gap], seq[i]);", "swap = true;",
        "return seq;", "}", "}", "}", "}")
Beispiel #9
def test_bubble_sort():
    source = parse(
        "def sort(seq):",
        "    L = len(seq)",
        "    for _ in range(L):",
        "        for n in range(1, L):",
        "            if seq[n] < seq[n - 1]:",
        "                seq[n - 1], seq[n] = seq[n], seq[n - 1]",
        "    return seq",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    range_f = "range" if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else "xrange"
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1>",
        "auto sort(T1 seq) {",
        "auto L = seq.size();",
        "for(auto _ : rangepp::{0}(L)) {{".format(range_f),
        "for(auto n : rangepp::{0}(1, L)) {{".format(range_f),
        "if(seq[n] < seq[n - 1]) {",
        "std::tie(seq[n - 1], seq[n]) = "
        "std::make_tuple(seq[n], seq[n - 1]);",
        "return seq;",
Beispiel #10
def test_function_with_return():
    source = parse(
        "def fun(x):",
        "   return x",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("template <typename T1>", "auto fun(T1 x) {",
                        "return x;", "}")
Beispiel #11
def test_create_catch_test_case():
    source = parse(
        "def test_fun():",
        "   assert True",
    cpp = transpile(source, testing=True)
    assert cpp == parse('#include "catch.hpp"', 'TEST_CASE("test_fun") {',
                        "REQUIRE(true);", "}")
Beispiel #12
def test_vector_find_out_type():
    source = parse(
        "values = []",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("std::vector<decltype(1)> values {};",
Beispiel #13
def test_empty_return():
    source = parse("def foo():", "   return")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    expected = """\
    inline void foo() {
    assert cpp == textwrap.dedent(expected)
Beispiel #14
def test_print_multiple_vars():
    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
        source = parse('print(("hi", "there" ))')
        source = parse('print("hi", "there" )')
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == ('std::cout << std::string {"hi"} '
                   '<< std::string {"there"} << std::endl;')
Beispiel #15
def test_void_function():
    source = parse("def test_fun():", "   assert True")
    cpp = transpile(source, testing=False)
    expected = """\
        inline void test_fun() {
    assert cpp == textwrap.dedent(expected)
Beispiel #16
def test_function_with_return():
    source = parse("def fun(x):", "   return x")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    expected = """\
        template <typename T0>auto fun(T0 x) {
        return x;}
    assert cpp == textwrap.dedent(expected)
Beispiel #17
def test_tuple_swap():
    source = parse(
        "x = 3",
        "y = 1",
        "x, y = y, x",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("auto x = 3;", "auto y = 1;",
                        "std::tie(x, y) = std::make_tuple(y, x);")
Beispiel #18
def test_declare_vars_inside_if_as_long_as_possible():
    source = parse(
        "x = 5",
        "if True:",
        "   y = 10",
        "   x *= y",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("auto x = 5;", "if(true) {", "auto y = 10;", "x *= y;",
Beispiel #19
def test_augmented_assigns_with_counter():
    source = parse(
        "counter = 0",
        "counter += 5",
        "counter -= 2",
        "counter *= 2",
        "counter /= 3",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("auto counter = 0;", "counter += 5;", "counter -= 2;",
                        "counter *= 2;", "counter /= 3;")
Beispiel #20
def test_declare_var_before_if_else_statements():
    source = parse(
        "if True:",
        "   x = True",
        "   x = False",
        "y = x",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("decltype(true) x;", "if(true) {", "x = true;",
                        "} else {", "x = false;", "}", "auto y = x;")
Beispiel #21
def test_print_program_args():
    source = parse('if __name__ == "__main__":', "    for arg in sys.argv:", "       print(arg)")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "int main(int argc, char ** argv) {",
        "py14::sys::argv = std::vector<std::string>(argv, argv + argc);",
        "for(auto arg : py14::sys::argv) {",
        "std::cout << arg << std::endl;",
Beispiel #22
def test_empty_return():
    source = parse(
        "def foo():",
        "   return",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "inline auto foo() {",
Beispiel #23
def test_print_program_args():
    source = parse(
        'if __name__ == "__main__":',
        "    for arg in sys.argv:",
        "       print(arg)",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "int main(int argc, char ** argv) {",
        "py14::sys::argv = std::vector<std::string>(argv, argv + argc);",
        "for(auto arg : py14::sys::argv) {", "std::cout << arg << std::endl;",
        "}", "}")
Beispiel #24
def test_map_function():
    source = parse(
        "def map(values, fun):",
        "   results = []",
        "   for v in values:",
        "       results.append(fun(v))",
        "   return results",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1, typename T2>", "auto map(T1 values, T2 fun) {",
        "<typename decltype(values)::value_type>()))> results {};",
        "for(auto v : values) {", "results.push_back(fun(v));", "}",
        "return results;", "}")
Beispiel #25
def test_normal_pdf():
    source = parse(
        "def pdf(x, mean, std_dev):",
        "    term1 = 1.0 / ((2 * math.pi) ** 0.5)",
        "    term2 = (math.e ** (-1.0 * (x-mean) ** 2.0 / 2.0",
        "             * (std_dev ** 2.0)))",
        "    return term1 * term2",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    expected = """\
        template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>auto pdf(T0 x, T1 mean, T2 std_dev) {
        auto term1 = 1.0 / (std::pow(2 * (py14::math::pi), 0.5));
        auto term2 = std::pow(py14::math::e, (((-1.0) * (std::pow(x - mean, 2.0))) / 2.0) * (std::pow(std_dev, 2.0)));
        return term1 * term2;}
    assert cpp == parse(textwrap.dedent(expected))
Beispiel #26
def test_normal_pdf():
    source = parse(
        "def pdf(x, mean, std_dev):",
        "    term1 = 1.0 / ((2 * math.pi) ** 0.5)",
        "    term2 = (math.e ** (-1.0 * (x-mean) ** 2.0 / 2.0",
        "             * (std_dev ** 2.0)))",
        "    return term1 * term2",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>",
        "auto pdf(T1 x, T2 mean, T3 std_dev) {",
        "auto term1 = 1.0 / std::pow(2 * py14::math::pi, 0.5);",
        "auto term2 = std::pow(py14::math::e, -1.0 * "
        "std::pow(x - mean, 2.0) / 2.0 * std::pow(std_dev, 2.0));",
        "return term1 * term2;", "}")
Beispiel #27
def test_normal_pdf():
    source = parse(
        "def pdf(x, mean, std_dev):",
        "    term1 = 1.0 / ((2 * math.pi) ** 0.5)",
        "    term2 = (math.e ** (-1.0 * (x-mean) ** 2.0 / 2.0",
        "             * (std_dev ** 2.0)))",
        "    return term1 * term2",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>",
        "auto pdf(T1 x, T2 mean, T3 std_dev) {",
        "auto term1 = 1.0 / std::pow(2 * py14::math::pi, 0.5);",
        "auto term2 = std::pow(py14::math::e, -1.0 * " "std::pow(x - mean, 2.0) / 2.0 * std::pow(std_dev, 2.0));",
        "return term1 * term2;",
Beispiel #28
def test_map_function():
    source = parse(
        "def map(values, fun):",
        "   results = []",
        "   for v in values:",
        "       results.append(fun(v))",
        "   return results",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    expected = """\
        template <typename T0, typename T1>auto map(T0 values, T1 fun) {
        std::vector<decltype(fun(std::declval<typename decltype(values)::value_type>()))> results = {};
        for(auto v : values) {
        return results;}
    assert cpp == textwrap.dedent(expected)
Beispiel #29
def test_map_function():
    source = parse(
        "def map(values, fun):",
        "   results = []",
        "   for v in values:",
        "       results.append(fun(v))",
        "   return results",
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse(
        "template <typename T1, typename T2>",
        "auto map(T1 values, T2 fun) {",
        "std::vector<decltype(fun(std::declval" "<typename decltype(values)::value_type>()))> results {};",
        "for(auto v : values) {",
        "return results;",
Beispiel #30
def transpile_tests(tests_dir):
    Transpile all python regression tests in tests_dir into C++ header
    files and include them in a single cpp file
    hpp_files = []
    py_files = [p for p in os.listdir(tests_dir) if is_test(p)]

    for py_file in py_files:
        hpp_file = splitext(py_file)[0] + ".hpp"
        hpp_path = join(tests_dir, hpp_file)

        with open(hpp_path, "w") as cpp_file:
            source = open(join(tests_dir, py_file)).read()
            cpp = transpile(source, headers=True, testing=True)


    with open(join(tests_dir, "main.cpp"), "w") as main:
        main.write("#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN\n")
        main.write('#include "catch.hpp"\n')
        for hpp_file in hpp_files:
            main.write('#include "{0}"\n'.format(hpp_file))
Beispiel #31
def test_create_catch_test_case():
    source = parse("def test_fun():", "   assert True")
    cpp = transpile(source, testing=True)
    assert cpp == parse('#include "catch.hpp"', 'TEST_CASE("test_fun") {', "REQUIRE(true);", "}")
Beispiel #32
def test_assert():
    source = parse("assert 1 == foo(3)")
    cpp = transpile(source, testing=True)
    assert cpp == '#include "catch.hpp"\nREQUIRE(1 == foo(3));'
Beispiel #33
def transpilation():
    source =
    cpp = transpile(source, headers=False, testing=False)
    return format_cpp(cpp), 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
Beispiel #34
def test_tuple_swap():
    source = parse("x = 3", "y = 1", "x, y = y, x")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("auto x = 3;", "auto y = 1;", "std::tie(x, y) = std::make_tuple(y, x);")
Beispiel #35
def test_function_with_return():
    source = parse("def fun(x):", "   return x")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("template <typename T1>", "auto fun(T1 x) {", "return x;", "}")
Beispiel #36
def test_declare_vars_inside_if_as_long_as_possible():
    source = parse("x = 5", "if True:", "   y = 10", "   x *= y")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("auto x = 5;", "if(true) {", "auto y = 10;", "x *= y;", "}")
Beispiel #37
def test_declare():
    source = parse("x = 3")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == "auto x = 3;"
Beispiel #38
def test_assert():
    source = parse("assert 1 == foo(3)")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == ("REQUIRE(1 == foo(3));")
Beispiel #39
def test_augmented_assigns_with_counter():
    source = parse("counter = 0", "counter += 5", "counter -= 2", "counter *= 2", "counter /= 3")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("auto counter = 0;", "counter += 5;", "counter -= 2;", "counter *= 2;", "counter /= 3;")
Beispiel #40
def transpilation():
    source =
    cpp = transpile(source, headers=False, testing=False)
    return format_cpp(cpp), 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
Beispiel #41
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import argparse
from py14.transpiler import transpile

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Transpile Python to C++14")
    parser.add_argument("script", metavar='<python file>')
    parser.add_argument('--testing', action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    source = open(args.script).read()
    cpp = transpile(source, headers=True, testing=args.testing)
Beispiel #42
def test_void_function():
    source = parse("def test_fun():", "   assert True")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("inline void test_fun() {", "REQUIRE(true);", "}")
Beispiel #43
def test_declare():
    source = parse("x = 3")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == "auto x = 3;"
Beispiel #44
def test_print_multiple_vars():
    source = parse('print("hi", "there" )')
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == ('std::cout << std::string {"hi"} ' '<< std::string {"there"} << std::endl;')
Beispiel #45
def test_assert():
    source = parse('assert 1 == foo(3)')
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == ('REQUIRE(1 == foo(3));')
Beispiel #46
def test_empty_return():
    source = parse("def foo():", "   return")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("inline auto foo() {", "return;", "}")
Beispiel #47
def test_assign():
    source = parse("x = 3", "x = 1")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("auto x = 3;", "x = 1;")
Beispiel #48
def test_list_as_vector():
    source = parse("values = [0, 1, 2, 3]")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == "std::vector<decltype(0)> values {0, 1, 2, 3};"
Beispiel #49
def test_print_multiple_vars():
    source = parse('print("hi", "there" )')
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == ('std::cout << std::string {"hi"} '
                   '<< std::string {"there"} << std::endl;')
Beispiel #50
def test_vector_find_out_type():
    source = parse("values = []", "values.append(1)")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("std::vector<decltype(1)> values {};", "values.push_back(1);")
Beispiel #51
def test_list_as_vector():
    source = parse("values = [0, 1, 2, 3]")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == "std::vector<decltype(0)> values {0, 1, 2, 3};"
Beispiel #52
def test_declare_var_before_if_else_statements():
    source = parse("if True:", "   x = True", "else:", "   x = False", "y = x")
    cpp = transpile(source)
    assert cpp == parse("decltype(true) x;", "if(true) {", "x = true;", "} else {", "x = false;", "}", "auto y = x;")