Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, args_dict):
        self._POLL_MAX_NUM_MESSAGES = 500
        self._POLL_TIMEOUT = py3utils.ensure_long(10000)


        self._prefix = self._sandboxid + "-" + self._workflowid + "-"
        self._wf_local = {}


        self._state_utils = StateUtils(
            self._function_state_type, self._function_state_name,
            self._function_state_info, self._function_runtime, self._logger,
            self._workflowid, self._sandboxid, self._function_topic,
            self._datalayer, self._storage_userid, self._internal_endpoint)

        # check the runtime
        if self._function_runtime == "java":
            self._api_thrift = thriftpy2.load(

        elif self._function_runtime == "python 3.6":
            # if it is python, load the user code
            sys.path.insert(1, self._function_folder)
            if self._state_utils.isTaskState():
                    prevdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
                    #self._logger.debug("dir of functionworker before importing user code: " + prevdir)
                    # FIXME: need to fix this part for python3 compatibility
                    self.code = imp.load_source(self._function_name,
                    #curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
                    #self._logger.debug("dir of functionworker after importing user code: " + curdir)
                except Exception as exc:
                    self._logger.exception("Exception loading user code: %s",

        # for retrieving new messages
        self.local_queue_client = LocalQueueClient(connect=self._queue)

        # for storing (key, pid) tuples on the data layer
        # keyspace: hostname + "InstancePidMap"
        # tablename: topic with "_" as separator
        # entries := (key, pid)
        #self._map_name_key_pid = "KeyPidMap_" + self._hostname + "_" + self._function_topic.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
        #self.local_data_layer_client = DataLayerClient(locality=0, sid=self._sandboxid, for_mfn=True, connect=self._datalayer)

        signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN)

        # do this once rather than at every forked process
        if self._state_utils.isTaskState():

        self._is_running = False
Beispiel #2
    def run(self):
        self._is_running = True

        max_num_messages = 1000
        # initially, it is the heartbeat_interval
        poll_timeout = self._local_poll_timeout

        if self._heartbeat_enabled:
            t_cur = time.time() * 1000.0
            last_heartbeat_time = t_cur

        # _XXX_: our location is stored as part of our metadata
        # so that the remote functions can
        # look it up and send their message via that that location
        # first, create local topic

        while self._is_running:
            #self._logger.debug("[SessionHelperThread] polling new session update messages...")
            # wait until the polling interval finishes
            # the polling interval depends on the heartbeat interval and when we actually receive a message
            # if we get a message before, then update the polling interval as (heartbeat_interval - passed_time)
            lqm_list = self._local_queue_client.getMultipleMessages(self._local_topic_communication, max_num_messages, poll_timeout)

            # double check we are still running
            # if the long-running function finished while we were polling, no need to send another heartbeat
            if not self._is_running:

            num = len(lqm_list)
            for i in range(num):
                lqm = lqm_list[i]
                if lqm is not None:

                if self._heartbeat_enabled:
                    # send heartbeat
                    # this is part of the message loop, such that we can have a more precise heartbeat
                    # if it was only after the message loop, then there is a corner case, where the
                    # processing of the messages would take more than the heartbeat interval,
                    # meaning we would miss our deadline
                    t_cur = time.time() * 1000.0
                    if (t_cur - last_heartbeat_time) >= self._heartbeat_interval:
                        last_heartbeat_time = t_cur

            if self._heartbeat_enabled:
                # send heartbeat
                # even if there are no messages, we might need to send a heartbeat
                t_cur = time.time() * 1000.0
                if (t_cur - last_heartbeat_time) >= self._heartbeat_interval:
                    last_heartbeat_time = t_cur
                # update the poll time
                # if we sent a heartbeat recently, last_heartbeat and t_cur will cancel each other out
                poll_timeout = py3utils.ensure_long(last_heartbeat_time + self._local_poll_timeout - t_cur)
                #self._logger.debug("updated poll timeout: " + str(poll_timeout))

    def __init__(self, helper_params, logger, pubutils, sessutils,
                 queueservice, datalayer):

        self._logger = logger

        #self._logger.debug("[SessionHelperThread] " + str(helper_params))

        self._publication_utils = pubutils

        self._session_utils = sessutils

        self._queue_service = queueservice
        self._datalayer = datalayer

        self._sandboxid = helper_params["sandboxid"]
        self._workflowid = helper_params["workflowid"]
        self._session_function_id = helper_params["session_function_id"]
        self._session_id = helper_params["session_id"]

        # set up heartbeat parameters
        self._heartbeat_enabled = False
        self._heartbeat_method = None
        # our own local queue client to be used when sending a heartbeat
        # TODO: double check if we can just reuse the one we're polling
        # probably yes
        self._local_queue_client_heartbeat = None
        self._heartbeat_function = None
        self._heartbeat_data_layer_key = None
        self._data_layer_client_heartbeat = None


        # set up communication parameters
        self._communication_params = helper_params["communication_parameters"]
        # similar to the data layer rendezvous point for message delivery, we listen to a local topic
        # allowing us to queue messages and deliver multiple messages to the session function if desired
        self._local_topic_communication = self._communication_params[
        # by default, assign a simple poll timeout
        # if the heartbeat is specified, it will be updated to the heartbeat to ensure
        # we can send regular heartbeats
        self._local_poll_timeout = py3utils.ensure_long(10000)

        # use a queue to keep the incoming update messages for blocking and/or blocking get_update_messages() requests
        self._message_queue = queue.Queue()

        self._local_queue_client = LocalQueueClient(

        self._special_messages = {}
        self._special_messages["--stop"] = True
        self._special_messages["--update-heartbeat"] = True

        self._is_running = False

        #self._logger.debug("[SessionHelperThread] init done.")

    def run(self):
        self._is_running = True

        # initially, it is the heartbeat_interval / 2
        poll_timeout = self._local_poll_timeout

        if self._heartbeat_enabled:
            t_cur = time.time() * 1000.0
            last_heartbeat_time = t_cur

        # _XXX_: our location is stored as part of our metadata
        # so that the remote functions can
        # look it up and send their message via that that location
        # first, create local topic

        while self._is_running:
            #self._logger.debug("[SessionHelperThread] polling new session update messages...")
            # wait until the polling interval finishes
            # the polling interval depends on the heartbeat interval and when we actually receive a message
            # if we get a message before, then update the polling interval as (heartbeat_interval - passed_time)
            lqm = self._local_queue_client.getMessage(
                self._local_topic_communication, poll_timeout)

            # double check we are still running
            # if the long-running function finished while we were polling, no need to send another heartbeat
            if not self._is_running:

            if lqm is not None:

            if self._heartbeat_enabled:
                # send heartbeat
                # even if there are no messages, we might need to send a heartbeat
                t_cur = time.time() * 1000.0
                if (t_cur - last_heartbeat_time) >= self._heartbeat_interval:
                    last_heartbeat_time = t_cur
                # update the poll time
                # if we sent a heartbeat recently, last_heartbeat and t_cur will cancel each other out
                poll_timeout = py3utils.ensure_long(last_heartbeat_time +
                                                    self._local_poll_timeout -
                #self._logger.debug("updated poll timeout: " + str(poll_timeout))
                if poll_timeout <= 0:
                    # we just missed a deadline; send a heartbeat right away
                    t_cur = time.time() * 1000.0
                    last_heartbeat_time = t_cur
                    # reset the poll timeout accordingly
                    poll_timeout = self._local_poll_timeout
                    #self._logger.debug("updated poll timeout (after missing deadline): " + str(poll_timeout))

Beispiel #5
import logging_helpers
import process_utils

sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '../FunctionWorker/python'))

import py3utils
from DataLayerClient import DataLayerClient
from LocalQueueClient import LocalQueueClient
from LocalQueueClientMessage import LocalQueueClientMessage

LOG_FILENAME = '/opt/mfn/logs/sandboxagent.log'
FLUENTBIT_FOLDER = '/opt/mfn/LoggingService/fluent-bit'  # this a symbolic link to the actual fluent-bit folder location inside the sandbox container

POLL_TIMEOUT = py3utils.ensure_long(60000)
#ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX = 'wf' # index name will be: 'wf' + [the first character of the workflow name (in lower case)]

class SandboxAgent:
    def __init__(self, hostname, queue, datalayer, sandboxid, userid,
                 workflowid, elasticsearch, workflowname, endpoint_key):

        self._start = time.time()

        self._python_version = sys.version_info

        self._hostname = hostname
        self._queue = queue
        self._datalayer = datalayer
        self._elasticsearch = elasticsearch
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, helper_params, logger, pubutils, sessutils, queue,

        self._logger = logger

        #self._logger.debug("[SessionHelperThread] " + str(helper_params))

        self._publication_utils = pubutils

        self._session_utils = sessutils

        self._queue = queue
        self._datalayer = datalayer

        self._sandboxid = helper_params["sandboxid"]
        self._workflowid = helper_params["workflowid"]
        self._session_function_id = helper_params["session_function_id"]
        self._session_id = helper_params["session_id"]

        # initialize only needed
        # need a separate backup data layer client from the publication utils; otherwise, we run into concurrent modification
        # problems from Thrift
        # locality = -1 means that the writes happen to the local data layer first and then asynchronously to the global data layer
        self._backup_data_layer_client = DataLayerClient(

        # set up heartbeat parameters
        self._heartbeat_enabled = False
        self._heartbeat_method = None
        # our own local queue client to be used when sending a heartbeat
        # TODO: double check if we can just reuse the one we're polling
        # probably yes
        self._local_queue_client_heartbeat = None
        self._heartbeat_function = None
        self._heartbeat_data_layer_key = None
        self._data_layer_client_heartbeat = None


        # set up communication parameters
        self._communication_params = helper_params["communication_parameters"]
        # similar to the data layer rendezvous point for message delivery, we listen to a local topic
        # allowing us to queue messages and deliver multiple messages to the session function if desired
        self._local_topic_communication = self._communication_params[
        # by default, assign a simple poll timeout
        # if the heartbeat is specified, it will be updated to the heartbeat to ensure
        # we can send regular heartbeats
        self._local_poll_timeout = py3utils.ensure_long(10000)

        # use a deque to keep the list of messages
        # updating the list and retrieving the list would be done by two threads
        # this should be safe without lock because of the global interpreter lock in python
        self._message_queue = deque()

        self._local_queue_client = LocalQueueClient(connect=self._queue)

        self._special_messages = {}
        self._special_messages["--stop"] = True
        self._special_messages["--update-heartbeat"] = True

        self._is_running = False

        #self._logger.debug("[SessionHelperThread] init done.")
