Beispiel #1
    def getNF(self, bname, *, sname=None):
        """Get the number of  feed stage for the specified RadFrac block and feed stream or
        Get the all feed stream for the specified RadFrac block in a list-type.

        :param bname: Block name.
        :param sname: Feed stream name.
        :return: if sname is None, return a feed stream list for specified block.
        if sname is specified, return the NF of specified block and feed stream.
        ## 檢查bname是否為RadFrac
        if self.master.BlockType(bname) != 'RadFrac':
            raise UDE.AspenPlus_BlockTypeError(
                bname + ' is not a RadFrac,' +
                'please check the name you type!!')

        ## 對sname進行檢查並處理
        if sname is None:
        elif type(sname) is str:
            ## 把sname轉換成大寫,因為Aspen裡面的名稱都大寫
            sname = sname.upper()

            ## 檢查輸入的物流名稱是否在檔案當中,如無回傳錯誤
            if sname not in self.master.StreamsList():
                raise UDE.AspenPlus_StreamTypeError(
                    "Cannot Find " + sname + " in the AspenFile. " +
                    "Please Check the name you type!!")
            raise TypeError("sname must be a 'String'!!!")

        ## 指定塔的進料物流 物件
        obj = self.aspen.Tree.Elements("Data").Elements("Blocks").Elements(

        ## 列出指定塔的進料物流有哪些
        nlist = []
        for e in obj.Elements:

        if sname is None:  # 沒輸入sname就回傳進料物流列表
            return nlist
        elif sname is not None:  # 有輸入sname且為特定塔的進料物流的話,輸出進料板
            if sname not in nlist:
                raise UDE.AspenPlus_StreamTypeError(
                    sname + " is not a feed stream" + " for " + bname + ". " +
                    "Please Check the name you type!!")
            return obj.Elements(sname).Value
Beispiel #2
    def setNF(self, bname, sname, set_value):
        """Set the number of  feed stage for the specified RadFrac block and feed stream.

        :param bname: Block name.
        :param sname: Feed stream name.
        :param set_value: feed stage you want to specify.
        :return: None
        ## 檢查輸入的資料型態正確與否
        if type(set_value) != int:
            raise TypeError("set_value must be a 'Integer'!!!")
        ## 檢查set_value 是否為正整數
        if set_value < 0:
            raise ValueError("set_value must be a 'Positive' number!!!")

        ## 對sname進行檢查並處理
        if sname is None:
        elif type(sname) is str:
            ## 把sname轉換成大寫,因為Aspen裡面的名稱都大寫
            sname = sname.upper()

            ## 檢查輸入的物流名稱是否在檔案當中,如無回傳錯誤
            if sname not in self.master.StreamsList():
                raise UDE.AspenPlus_StreamTypeError(
                    "Cannot Find " + sname + " in the AspenFile. " +
                    "Please Check the name you type!!")
            raise TypeError("sname must be a 'String'!!!")

        ## 指定塔的進料物流 物件
        obj = self.aspen.Tree.Elements("Data").Elements("Blocks").Elements(

        ## 列出指定塔的進料物流有哪些
        nlist = []
        for e in obj.Elements:

        # 有輸入sname且為特定塔的進料物流的話,輸出進料板
        if sname not in nlist:
            raise UDE.AspenPlus_StreamTypeError(
                sname + " is not a feed stream" + " for " + bname + ". " +
                "Please Check the name you type!!")

        obj.Elements(sname).Value = set_value  # 輸入超過總板數會報有用的錯誤
Beispiel #3
        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            # Inner function for this decorator
            def name_up_and_arg_change(name, args):

                name = name.upper()
                args = list(args)   # 要把args第一個參數(name)變成大寫
                args[0] = name      # 但是args是tuple不能修改,所以要先
                args = tuple(args)  # 變成list,修改過後再轉回tuple
                return name, args

            if Type == 'stream':
                sname = args[0]

                ## 先檢查輸入的資料型態正確與否
                if type(sname) != str:
                    raise TypeError("sname must be a 'String'!!!")

                # 把sname變大寫並回傳回args
                sname, args = name_up_and_arg_change(sname, args)

                ## 檢查輸入的物流名稱是否在檔案當中,如無回傳錯誤
                if sname not in self.master.StreamsList():
                    raise UDE.AspenPlus_StreamTypeError("Cannot Find " + sname
                                                        + " in the AspenFile. "
                                                        + "Please Check the name you type!!")
            elif Type == 'block':
                bname = args[0]

                ## 先檢查輸入的資料型態正確與否
                if type(bname) != str:
                    raise TypeError("bname must be a 'String'!!!")

                # 把bname變大寫並回傳回args
                bname, args = name_up_and_arg_change(bname, args)

                ## 檢查輸入的物流名稱是否在檔案當中,如無回傳錯誤
                if bname not in self.master.BlocksList():
                    raise UDE.AspenPlus_BlockTypeError("Cannot Find " + bname
                                                        + " in the AspenFile. "
                                                        + "Please Check the name you type!!")
                raise TypeError('No Match Value for Type, '
                                + 'Please Check the value you type !!!')

            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)