Beispiel #1
def test_figures():
    ass = Assignment()

    with ass.add_figure() as f:
        f.caption = "A"
        f.caption += " figure"
        f.filename = "image.png"

    assert len(ass._figures) == 1
    assert ass._figures[0].filename == os.path.abspath("image.png")
    assert ass._figures[0].caption == "A figure"
    assert ass._figures[0].formatted_caption == "A figure" = "1234"

    with ass.add_figure() as f:
        f.caption = "figure for question {id}"
        f.filename = "image.png"

    assert len(ass._figures) == 2
    assert ass._figures[0].filename == os.path.abspath("image.png")
    assert ass._figures[0].caption == "A figure"
    assert ass._figures[0].formatted_caption == "A figure"
    assert ass._figures[1].filename == os.path.abspath("image.png")
    assert ass._figures[1].caption == "figure for question {id}"
    assert ass._figures[1].formatted_caption == "figure for question 1234"
Beispiel #2
def test_simple_writer(tmpdir):
    with utils.TempDir(tmpdir):
        ass = Assignment()

        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text = "q1"
            with q.add_part() as p:
                p.text = "q1p1"
            with q.add_part() as p:
                p.text = "q1p2"

        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text = "q2"
            with q.add_part() as p:
                p.text = "q2p1"
            with q.add_part() as p:
                p.text = "q2p2"

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
            w = Writers.Simple()

        fh = io.StringIO()
        writer = Writers.Simple(fh)
Beispiel #3
def test_problem_set_builder(tmpdir):
    with utils.TempDir(tmpdir):
        ass = Assignment()
        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text += "Question 1"
            with q.add_question() as qq:
                qq.text += "What is the answer to Q1?"
                with qq.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
                    a.quantity = 1.23

        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text += "Question 2"
            with q.add_part() as p:
                p.text += "Question 2, Part 1"
                with p.add_question() as qq:
                    qq.text += "What is the answer to Q2P1?"
                    with qq.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
                        a.quantity = 2.34

        if os.path.exists("_test"): shutil.rmtree("_test")

        Actions.BuildProblemSetAndBlackboardQuiz(ass, "test")

        Actions.BuildProblemSetAndBlackboardQuiz(ass, "test", remove=True)

        assert os.path.isdir("_test")
        assert os.path.isfile("_test/test.tex")
        assert os.path.isfile("_test/test.pdf")
        assert os.path.isfile("_test/test.aux")
        assert os.path.isfile("_test/test-quiz.txt")
Beispiel #4
def test_blackboard_quiz_writer_output():
    fh = io.StringIO()
    writer = Writers.BlackboardQuiz(fh)

    ass = Assignment()
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q1.1"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
            a.incorrect += "a1"
            a.incorrect += "a2"
            a.incorrect += "a3"
            a.correct += "a4"
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q1.2"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
            a.incorrect += "a1"
            a.incorrect += "a2"
            a.incorrect += "a3"
            a.incorrect += "a4"

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q2.1"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = 1.23
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q2.2"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = u.Quantity(987654321, 'm/s')
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q2.3"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = u.Quantity(5432, '')
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q2.4"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = UQ_(Q_(10.234, 'm'), Q_(321, 'cm'))

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q3.1"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Text) as a:
            a.text = "correct answer"
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q3.2"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Text) as a:
            a.text = "first correct answer;second correct answer"

    quiz_text = """\
MC\tq1.1\ta1\tincorrect\ta2\tincorrect\ta3\tincorrect\ta4\tcorrect\tNone of the above.\tincorrect
MC\tq1.2\ta1\tincorrect\ta2\tincorrect\ta3\tincorrect\ta4\tincorrect\tNone of the above.\tcorrect
NUM\tq2.2 Give your answer in meter / second.\t9.88E+08\t9.88E+06
NUM\tq2.4 Give your answer in meter.\t1.02E+01\t3.21E+00
FIB\tq3.1\tcorrect answer
FIB\tq3.2\tfirst correct answer\tsecond correct answer

    assert fh.getvalue() == quiz_text
Beispiel #5
def test_blackboard_quiz_writer_raises_on_no_answers():
    fh = io.StringIO()
    writer = Writers.BlackboardQuiz(fh)

    ass = Assignment()
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q1"

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Beispiel #6
def test_question_tagging():

  ass = Assignment()
  with ass.add_question() as q:
    q.tags = "topic 1"
    q.tags += "topic 2"
    q.text = "q1"
    with q.add_answer(Answer.Text) as a:
      a.text = 'the answer'

  with ass.add_question() as q:
    q.tags = "topic 3"
    q.text = "q2"
    with q.add_part() as p:
      p.text = "q2p1"
      with p.add_answer(Answer.Text) as a:
        a.quantity = 2.34

  with ass.add_question() as q:
    q.text = "q3"
    q.tags = "topic 2"
    with q.add_part() as p:
      p.text = "q3p1"
      with p.add_answer(Answer.Text) as a:
        a.quantity = 3.10
    with q.add_part() as p:
      p.text = "q3p2"
      with p.add_answer(Answer.Text) as a:
        a.quantity = 3.2

  fass = Filters.filter( Filters.has_tag('topic 2'), ass )
  assert len(fass._questions) == 2
  assert fass._questions[0]._text == "q1"
  assert fass._questions[1]._text == "q3"

  fass = Filters.filter( Filters.has_tag('topic 3'), ass )
  assert len(fass._questions) == 1
  assert fass._questions[0]._text == "q2"

  fass = Filters.filter( Filters.has_tag("topic 2"), ass )
  assert len(fass._questions) == 2
  assert fass._questions[0]._text == "q1"
  assert fass._questions[1]._text == "q3"

  fass = Filters.filter( Filters.has_tag("topic 3"), ass )
  assert len(fass._questions) == 1
  assert fass._questions[0]._text == "q2"

  fass = Filters.filter( Filters.has_matching_tag("topic ."), ass )
  assert len(fass._questions) == 3
  assert fass._questions[0]._text == "q1"
  assert fass._questions[1]._text == "q2"
  assert fass._questions[2]._text == "q3"
Beispiel #7
def test_blackboard_quiz_writer_raises_on_unrecognized_answer_type():
    fh = io.StringIO()
    writer = Writers.BlackboardQuiz(fh)

    ass = Assignment()
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q1"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.AnswerBase) as a:

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Beispiel #8
def test_blackboard_quiz_writer_removed_newlines_in_question_text():
    fh = io.StringIO()
    writer = Writers.BlackboardQuiz(fh)

    ass = Assignment()
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = '''A question
    with line breaks.'''
        with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
            a.incorrect += "a1"
            a.correct += "a2"


    assert fh.getvalue(
    ) == "MC\tA question with line breaks.\ta1\tincorrect\ta2\tcorrect\tNone of the above.\tincorrect\n"
Beispiel #9
def test_information():

    ass = Assignment()

    with ass.add_information() as info:
        info.text = "For each of the problems below..."

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "Question 1"

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "Question 2"

    with ass.add_information() as info:
        info.text = "For the next problem, assume..."

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "Question 3"

    assert len(ass._questions) == 3
    assert len(ass._information) == 2
    assert 0 in ass._information
    assert 2 in ass._information
    assert ass._information[0].text == "For each of the problems below..."
    assert ass._information[2].text == "For the next problem, assume..."
Beispiel #10
def test_latex_writer_header_and_footers():
    ass = Assignment()
    ass.meta.title = "The Title"
    ass.meta.header = {
        'R': "right header",
        'L': "left header",
        'C': "center header"
    ass.meta.footer = {
        'R': "right footer",
        'L': "left footer",
        'C': "center footer"
    ass.meta.config = {
        'answers': {
            'numerical/spacing': '2in',
            'multiple_choice/symbol': r'\alph*)',
            'text/spacing': r'3in'

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q1"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
            a.incorrect += "a1"
            a.correct += "a2"

    fh = io.StringIO()
    writer = Writers.Latex(fh)
    writer.make_key = True


    assert"header", fh.getvalue())
    assert"footer", fh.getvalue())
    assert"left header", fh.getvalue())
    assert"center header", fh.getvalue())
    assert"right header", fh.getvalue())
    assert"left footer", fh.getvalue())
    assert"center footer", fh.getvalue())
    assert"right footer", fh.getvalue())
    assert"\\title\{The Title\}", fh.getvalue())
Beispiel #11
def test_blackboard_quiz_writer_output_with_macros():
    fh = io.StringIO()
    writer = Writers.BlackboardQuiz(fh)

    ass = Assignment()
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = r"q1.1 \shell[strip]{pwd}"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
            a.incorrect += "a1"
            a.incorrect += "a2"
            a.incorrect += "a3"
            a.correct += "a4"

    quiz_text = """\
MC\tq1.1 {CWD}\ta1\tincorrect\ta2\tincorrect\ta3\tincorrect\ta4\tcorrect\tNone of the above.\tincorrect

    assert fh.getvalue() == quiz_text
Beispiel #12
def test_demo():
    ass = Assignment()

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = '''
    Compute the gravitational force exerted on a {Mass1} object by:
        q.NS.Mass1 = 1.2

        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = '''

        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = '''
      A {Mass2} object placed {Distance} away.

            p.NS.Mass2 = 2.3
Beispiel #13
def test_latex_writer_raises_with_no_fh():
    ass = Assignment()

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q1"
        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = "q1p1"
        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = "q1p2"

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q2"
        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = "q2p1"
        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = "q2p2"

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        w = Writers.Latex()
Beispiel #14
def test_latex_writer(tmpdir):
    with utils.TempDir(tmpdir):
        fh = io.StringIO()
        writer = Writers.Latex(fh)
        writer.make_key = True

        ass = Assignment()
        ass.meta.title = "Homework Assignment"
        ass.meta.header = {'R': r"powered by \LaTeX"}
        ass.meta.config = {
            'answers': {
                'numerical/spacing': '2in',
                'multiple_choice/symbol': r'\alph*)',
                'text/spacing': r'3in'

        with ass.add_information() as info:
            info.text = "This is some information for the assignment."

        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text = "q1"
            with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
                a.incorrect += "a1"
                a.incorrect += "a2"
                a.incorrect += "a3"
                a.correct += "a4"
        with ass.add_information() as info:
            info.text = "This information should appear between the first and second question."
        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text = "q2"
            with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
                a.quantity = 1.23
        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text = "q3"
            with q.add_part() as p:
                p.text = "q3p1"
            with q.add_part() as p:
                p.text = "q3p2"
        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text = "q1"
            with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
                a.correct += "a1"
                a.incorrect += "a2"
                a.incorrect += "a3"
                a.correct += "a4"


        with open('test.tex', 'w') as f:
Beispiel #15
def test_extract_quiz():

  ass = Assignment()

  with ass.add_question() as q:
    q.text = "q1"

    with q.add_question() as qq:
      qq.text = "q1:qq"

      with qq.add_answer(Answer.Text) as a:
        a.text = 'the answer'

  with ass.add_question() as q:
    q.text = "q2"

    with q.add_part() as p:
      p.text = "q2p1"

      with q.add_question() as qq:
        qq.text = "q2p1:qq"

  with ass.add_question() as q:
    q.text = "q3"

    with q.add_part() as p:
      p.text = "q3p1"

      with q.add_question() as qq:
        qq.text = "q3p1:qq"

    with q.add_part() as p:
      p.text = "q3p2"

  filt = Filters.QuizExtractor()

  quiz = filt.filter(ass)

  fh = io.StringIO()
  writer = Writers.Simple(fh)
Beispiel #16
def test_blackboard_quiz_writer_raises_on_multiple_choice_with_no_correct_answer(
    fh = io.StringIO()
    writer = Writers.BlackboardQuiz(fh)
    writer.config.add_none_of_the_above_choice = False

    ass = Assignment()
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q1"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
            a.incorrect += "a1"
            a.incorrect += "a2"
            a.incorrect += "a3"

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

    writer.config.add_none_of_the_above_choice = True

    ass = Assignment()
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q1"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
            a.meta.add_none_of_the_above_choice = False
            a.incorrect += "a1"
            a.incorrect += "a2"
            a.incorrect += "a3"

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Beispiel #17
def test_question_text():
    ass = Assignment()

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "question 1 text"
        q.NS.x = 10

        # with q.add_answer( Numerical ) as a:
        # def calc(x):
        # return 2*x
        # a.NS.calc = calc

        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = "question 1, part 1 text"
        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = "question 1, part 2 text"

    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "question 2 text"

        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = "question 2, part 1 text"

        with q.add_part() as p:
            p.text = "question 2, part 2 text"
            # with q.add_answer( MultipleChoice ) as a:
            # a.choices  = '''
            # incorrect
            # ^correct"
            # also not correct
            # incorrect 4
            # '''

    assert ass._questions[0]._text == "question 1 text"
    assert ass._questions[0]._parts[0]._text == "question 1, part 1 text"
    assert ass._questions[0]._parts[1]._text == "question 1, part 2 text"
    assert ass._questions[1]._text == "question 2 text"
    assert ass._questions[1]._parts[0]._text == "question 2, part 1 text"
    assert ass._questions[1]._parts[1]._text == "question 2, part 2 text"
Beispiel #18
def test_blackboard_writer_figures(tmpdir):
    with utils.TempDir(tmpdir):
        image_text = r"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">
<circle cx="125" cy="125" r="75" fill="orange" />
        with open("file.svg", "w") as f:

        fh = io.StringIO()
        writer = Writers.BlackboardQuiz(fh)

        ass = Assignment()
        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text = "See image above."
            with q.add_figure() as f:
                f.filename = "file.svg"
            with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
                a.incorrect += "a"
                a.correct += "b"
        with ass.add_question() as q:
            q.text = "no image here."
            with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
                a.correct += "a"
                a.incorrect += "b"


        quiz_text = """\
MC\t{IMAGE_TEXT}</br>Consider the figure above. See image above.\ta\tincorrect\tb\tcorrect\tNone of the above.\tincorrect
MC\tno image here.\ta\tcorrect\tb\tincorrect\tNone of the above.\tincorrect
""".format(IMAGE_TEXT=image_text.replace("\n", " "))

        assert fh.getvalue() == quiz_text

        with open("Bb-quiz-with-figure.txt", "w") as f:
            writer.dump(ass, f)
Beispiel #19
def test_blackboard_quiz_writer_with_numerical_answer_tolerance():
    fh = io.StringIO()
    writer = Writers.BlackboardQuiz(fh)

    ass = Assignment()
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q1"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = UQ_(Q_(10, 'm'), Q_(1, 'm'))
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q2"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = UQ_(Q_('10', 'm'), Q_('1', 'cm'))
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q3"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = Q_(10, 'm')
    with ass.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "q4"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = Q_('10', 'm')

Beispiel #20
def test_test_question_bank():
    bank = Assignment()

    def CalcAnswer(Mass):
        return (Mass * Q_(9.8, 'm/s^2')).to("N")

    with bank.add_question() as q:
        q.text = r'''How much does a {Mass:} weigh?'''
        q.tags += "M1"
        q.tags += "L1"
        q.NS.Mass = Q_(10, 'kg')
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = CalcAnswer

    with bank.add_question(copy.deepcopy(q)) as q:
        q.NS.Mass = Q_(20, 'kg')

    with bank.add_question(copy.deepcopy(q)) as q:
        q.NS.Mass = Q_(30, 'kg')

    def CalcAnswer(Mass1, Mass2, Distance):
        # a_r = v^2 / r = G m1 / r^2
        # v^2 = G m1 / r
        # v = sqrt( G m1 / r )
        G = Q_(6.674e-11, 'N kg^-2 m^2')
        return ((G * Mass1 / Distance)**0.5).to('m/s')

    with bank.add_question() as q:
        q.text = r'''How fast will a {Mass1} mass in a {Distance} orbit around a {Mass2} mass be traveling?'''
        q.tags += "M1"
        q.tags += "L2"
        q.NS.Mass1 = Q_(10, 'kg')
        q.NS.Mass2 = Q_(300, 'kg')
        q.NS.Distance = Q_(10, 'm')
        with q.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = CalcAnswer

    with bank.add_question(copy.deepcopy(q)) as q:
        q.NS.Mass1 = Q_(35, 'kg')

    with bank.add_question(copy.deepcopy(q)) as q:
        q.NS.Mass1 = Q_(500, 'kg')

    test1 = Assignment()
    test2 = Assignment()
    test3 = Assignment()
    test4 = Assignment()

    for q in PullRandomQuestions(bank,
                                 predicate=(has_tag("M1") & has_tag("L1"))):
        with test1.add_question(q):

    for q in PullRandomQuestions(bank,
                                 predicate=(has_tag("M1") | has_tag("L1"))):
        with test2.add_question(q):

    for q in PullRandomQuestions(bank,
                                 predicate=(has_tag("M1") & has_tag("L1"))):
        with test3.add_question(q):

    for q in PullRandomQuestions(bank,
                                 predicate=(has_tag("M1") | has_tag("L1"))):
        with test4.add_question(q):

    assert len(test1._questions) == 3
    assert len(test2._questions) == 6
    assert len(test3._questions) == 2
    assert len(test4._questions) == 2

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        PullRandomQuestions(bank, num=2, predicate=has_tag("Missing"))

    assert CheckQuestionBank(bank, Checks.has_a_tag)
    assert CheckQuestionBank(bank, has_tag("M1"))
    assert not CheckQuestionBank(bank, has_tag("M2"))

    assert CheckQuestionBank(bank, Checks.has_answer)

    with bank.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "None"

    assert not CheckQuestionBank(bank, Checks.has_answer)

    del bank._questions[-1]
    assert CheckQuestionBank(bank, Checks.has_answer)

    with bank.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "None"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:

    assert not CheckQuestionBank(bank, Checks.has_answer)

    del bank._questions[-1]
    assert CheckQuestionBank(bank, Checks.has_answer)

    with bank.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "None"
        with q.add_answer(Answer.MultipleChoice) as a:
            a.correct += "A"

    assert CheckQuestionBank(bank, Checks.has_answer)
Beispiel #21
def test_update():
    ass1 = Assignment()
    ass2 = Assignment()

    with ass1.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "A1Q1"

    with ass1.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "A1Q2"

    with ass2.add_question() as q:
        q.text = "A2Q1"

    assert len(ass1._questions) == 2
    assert len(ass2._questions) == 1

    assert ass1._questions[0]._text == "A1Q1"
    assert ass1._questions[1]._text == "A1Q2"
    assert ass2._questions[0]._text == "A2Q1"


    assert len(ass1._questions) == 3
    assert len(ass2._questions) == 1

    assert ass1._questions[0]._text == "A1Q1"
    assert ass1._questions[1]._text == "A1Q2"
    assert ass1._questions[2]._text == "A2Q1"
    assert ass2._questions[0]._text == "A2Q1"


    assert len(ass1._questions) == 3
    assert len(ass2._questions) == 4

    assert ass1._questions[0]._text == "A1Q1"
    assert ass1._questions[1]._text == "A1Q2"
    assert ass1._questions[2]._text == "A2Q1"

    assert ass2._questions[0]._text == "A2Q1"
    assert ass2._questions[1]._text == "A1Q1"
    assert ass2._questions[2]._text == "A1Q2"
    assert ass2._questions[3]._text == "A2Q1"
Beispiel #22
import os, sys
from pyAssignment.Assignment import Assignment
import pyAssignment.Assignment.Answers as Answer
from pyAssignment.Actions import BuildProblemSetAndBlackboardQuiz
import pint

units = pint.UnitRegistry()
Q_ = units.Quantity

ass = Assignment()
ass.meta.title = r'Simple Assignment'

with ass.add_question() as q:
    q.text = r'''Calculate the weight of a 20 kg mass.'''

    with q.add_question() as qq:
        qq.text = r'''What is the mass?'''
        with qq.add_answer(Answer.Numerical) as a:
            a.quantity = (Q_(20, 'kg') * Q_(9.8, 'm/s^2')).to('N')

basename = os.path.basename(__file__).replace(".py", "")
BuildProblemSetAndBlackboardQuiz(ass, basename)