def evaluateClassifier(argv):
    dirName = argv[2]    
    useAccelerometer = ((argv[3]=="1") or (argv[3]=="2") or (argv[3]=="3")  or (argv[3]=="4"))
    useAccelerometerOnlyX = (argv[3]=="1")
    useAccelerometerOnlyY = (argv[3]=="2")
    useAccelerometerOnlyZ = (argv[3]=="3")

    useImage = (argv[4]=="1")    
    fileList  = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirName, "*.csv")))    
    GTs = []
    eX = []        
    eY = []    
    eZ = [] 

    featuresAll = []
    classNames = []

    for i, m in enumerate(fileList):                
        gt = int(ntpath.basename(m).split("_")[-1].replace(".csv",""))

        className = ntpath.basename(m).split("_")[1]        
        if not className in classNames:
        #if gt>0:
        if True:
            FeatureVectorFusion = featureExtraction(m, useAccelerometer, useAccelerometerOnlyX, useAccelerometerOnlyY, useAccelerometerOnlyZ, useImage)
            print FeatureVectorFusion.shape
            if len(featuresAll[classNames.index(className)])==0:
                featuresAll[classNames.index(className)] = FeatureVectorFusion
                featuresAll[classNames.index(className)] = numpy.vstack((featuresAll[classNames.index(className)], FeatureVectorFusion))

    #featuresAll = featuresY
    (featuresAll, MEAN, STD) = aT.normalizeFeatures(featuresAll)
    #bestParam = aT.evaluateClassifier(featuresAll, classNames, 1000, "svm", [0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2,3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200], 0, perTrain=0.80)
    bestParam = aT.evaluateClassifier(featuresAll, classNames, 1000, "svm", [0.05, 0.1, 0.5], 0, perTrain=0.80)    

    MEAN = MEAN.tolist()
    STD = STD.tolist()    

    # STEP C: Save the classifier to file    
    Classifier = aT.trainSVM(featuresAll, bestParam)
    modelName = argv[5]
    with open(modelName, 'wb') as fid:                                            # save to file
        cPickle.dump(Classifier, fid)            
    fo = open(modelName + "MEANS", "wb")
    cPickle.dump(MEAN, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cPickle.dump(STD, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cPickle.dump(classNames, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

def Classify(clf, featuresAll, bestParam):
    if clf == 'svm':
        model = aT.trainSVM(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'svm_rbf':
        model = aT.trainSVM_RBF(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'extratrees':
        model = aT.trainExtraTrees(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'randomforest':
        model = aT.trainRandomForest(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'knn':
        model = aT.trainKNN(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'gradientboosting':
        model = aT.trainGradientBoosting(featuresAll, bestParam)

    return model
Beispiel #3
def train_SVM(st_feats):
    st_energy = st_feats[1, :]
    en = np.sort(st_energy)
    l1 = int(len(en) / 10)
    t1 = np.mean(en[0:l1]) + 0.000000000000001  # 计算10%较低能量的均值,作为低阈值
    t2 = np.mean(en[-l1:-1]) + 0.000000000000001  # 计算10%较高能量的均值,作为高阈值
    class1 = st_feats[:, np.where(st_energy <= t1)[0]]  # 将能量低于低阈值的帧,作为class1
    class2 = st_feats[:, np.where(st_energy >= t2)[0]]  # 将能量高于高阈值的帧,作为class2
    feats_s = [class1.T, class2.T]  # class1.T:(58,68)|class2.T:(38,68)

    [feats_s_norm, means_s,
     stds_s] = aT.normalizeFeatures(feats_s)  # 标准化:减均值除方差
    svm = aT.trainSVM(feats_s_norm, 1.0)

    return svm, means_s, stds_s
Beispiel #4
 def getTrainClassifier(f_train,classifier_name,param):
     if classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__svmModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainSVM(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__svmRbfModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainSVM_RBF(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__knnModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainKNN(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__randomforestModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainRandomForest(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__gradientboostingModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainGradientBoosting(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__extratreesModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainExtraTrees(f_train, param)
         classifier = None
     return classifier
Beispiel #5
    def trainDirs(self, dir_root):
        Train all wav files within the list of directories within dir
        The class name is derived as last entry after splitting
        dir_list = glob.glob(dir_root+'/*')
        features=[] #is a list of feature matrices, one for each class
        for d in dir_list:
            log.logv('featurize %s\n' % (d))
            first = True
            class_features = np.array([])
            for w in os.listdir(d) :
                if w.endswith('.wav') :
                    _f = self.featurize(os.path.join(d, w)) # returns a matrix of numBlocks x numFeatures
                    if first :
                        first = False
                        class_features = _f
                        class_features = np.vstack((class_features, _f))
            if class_features.shape[0] > 0 :
                #class features is a matrix M*Features

        classifierParams = np.array([0.001, 0.01, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0])

        # parameter mode 0 for best accuracy, 1 for best f1 score
        [featuresNew, self.MEAN, self.STD] = aT.normalizeFeatures(features) # normalize features

        bestParam = aT.evaluateClassifier(features, self.classNames, 100, "svm",
                                          classifierParams, 0, perTrain=0.90)

        print "Selected params: {0:.5f}".format(bestParam)
        # TODO
        # 1. normalize before evaluating?
        # 2. try gaussian kernel?
        self.Classifier = aT.trainSVM(featuresNew, bestParam)
Beispiel #6
def silenceRemoval(x,
    Event Detection (silence removal)
         - x:                the input audio signal
         - fs:               sampling freq
         - st_win, st_step:    window size and step in seconds
         - smoothWindow:     (optinal) smooth window (in seconds)
         - weight:           (optinal) weight factor (0 < weight < 1) the higher, the more strict
         - plot:             (optinal) True if results are to be plotted
         - seg_limits:    list of segment limits in seconds (e.g [[0.1, 0.9], [1.4, 3.0]] means that
                    the resulting segments are (0.1 - 0.9) seconds and (1.4, 3.0) seconds

    if weight >= 1:
        weight = 0.99
    if weight <= 0:
        weight = 0.01

    # Step 1: feature extraction
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x)
    st_feats, _ = aF.stFeatureExtraction(x, fs, st_win * fs, st_step * fs)

    # Step 2: train binary svm classifier of low vs high energy frames
    # keep only the energy short-term sequence (2nd feature)
    st_energy = st_feats[1, :]
    en = numpy.sort(st_energy)
    # number of 10% of the total short-term windows
    l1 = int(len(en) / 10)
    # compute "lower" 10% energy threshold
    t1 = numpy.mean(en[0:l1]) + 0.000000000000001
    # compute "higher" 10% energy threshold
    t2 = numpy.mean(en[-l1:-1]) + 0.000000000000001
    # get all features that correspond to low energy
    class1 = st_feats[:, numpy.where(st_energy <= t1)[0]]
    # get all features that correspond to high energy
    class2 = st_feats[:, numpy.where(st_energy >= t2)[0]]
    # form the binary classification task and ...
    faets_s = [class1.T, class2.T]
    # normalize and train the respective svm probabilistic model
    # (ONSET vs SILENCE)
    [faets_s_norm, means_s, stds_s] = aT.normalizeFeatures(faets_s)
    svm = aT.trainSVM(faets_s_norm, 1.0)

    # Step 3: compute onset probability based on the trained svm
    prob_on_set = []
    for i in range(st_feats.shape[1]):
        # for each frame
        cur_fv = (st_feats[:, i] - means_s) / stds_s
        # get svm probability (that it belongs to the ONSET class)
        prob_on_set.append(svm.predict_proba(cur_fv.reshape(1, -1))[0][1])
    prob_on_set = numpy.array(prob_on_set)
    # smooth probability:
    prob_on_set = smoothMovingAvg(prob_on_set, smoothWindow / st_step)

    # Step 4A: detect onset frame indices:
    prog_on_set_sort = numpy.sort(prob_on_set)
    # find probability Threshold as a weighted average
    # of top 10% and lower 10% of the values
    Nt = int(prog_on_set_sort.shape[0] / 10)
    T = (numpy.mean((1 - weight) * prog_on_set_sort[0:Nt]) +
         weight * numpy.mean(prog_on_set_sort[-Nt::]))

    max_idx = numpy.where(prob_on_set > T)[0]
    # get the indices of the frames that satisfy the thresholding
    i = 0
    time_clusters = []
    seg_limits = []

    # Step 4B: group frame indices to onset segments
    while i < len(max_idx):
        # for each of the detected onset indices
        cur_cluster = [max_idx[i]]
        if i == len(max_idx) - 1:
        while max_idx[i + 1] - cur_cluster[-1] <= 2:
            cur_cluster.append(max_idx[i + 1])
            i += 1
            if i == len(max_idx) - 1:
        i += 1
            [cur_cluster[0] * st_step, cur_cluster[-1] * st_step])

    # Step 5: Post process: remove very small segments:
    min_dur = 0.2
    seg_limits_2 = []
    for s in seg_limits:
        if s[1] - s[0] > min_dur:
    seg_limits = seg_limits_2

    if plot:
        timeX = numpy.arange(0, x.shape[0] / float(fs), 1.0 / fs)

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        plt.plot(timeX, x)
        for s in seg_limits:
        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        plt.plot(numpy.arange(0, prob_on_set.shape[0] * st_step, st_step),
        for s in seg_limits:
        plt.title('svm Probability')

    return seg_limits
def evaluateclassifier(features, class_names, n_exp, classifier_name, Params, parameterMode, perTrain=0.90):
        features:     a list ([numOfClasses x 1]) whose elements containt numpy matrices of features.
                each matrix features[i] of class i is [n_samples x numOfDimensions]
        class_names:    list of class names (strings)
        n_exp:        number of cross-validation experiments
        classifier_name: svm or knn or randomforest
        Params:        list of classifier parameters (for parameter tuning during cross-validation)
        parameterMode:    0: choose parameters that lead to maximum overall classification ACCURACY
                1: choose parameters that lead to maximum overall f1 MEASURE
         bestParam:    the value of the input parameter that optimizes the selected performance measure

    # feature normalization:
    (features_norm, MEAN, STD) = normalizeFeatures(features)
    #features_norm = features;
    n_classes = len(features)
    ac_all = []
    f1_all = []
    precision_classes_all = []
    recall_classes_all = []
    f1_classes_all = []
    cms_all = []

    # compute total number of samples:
    n_samples_total = 0
    for f in features:
        n_samples_total += f.shape[0]
    if n_samples_total > 1000 and n_exp > 50:
        n_exp = 50
        print("Number of training experiments changed to 50 due to high number of samples")
    if n_samples_total > 2000 and n_exp > 10:
        n_exp = 10
        print("Number of training experiments changed to 10 due to high number of samples")

    for Ci, C in enumerate(Params):
        # for each param value
        cm = numpy.zeros((n_classes, n_classes))
        for e in range(n_exp):
            # for each cross-validation iteration:
            print("Param = {0:.5f} - classifier Evaluation "
                  "Experiment {1:d} of {2:d}".format(C, e+1, n_exp))
            # split features:
            f_train, f_test = randSplitFeatures(features_norm, perTrain)
            # train multi-class svms:
            if classifier_name == "svm":
                classifier = trainSVM(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "svm_rbf":
                classifier = trainSVM_RBF(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "knn":
                classifier = trainKNN(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "randomforest":
                classifier = trainRandomForest(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "gradientboosting":
                classifier = trainGradientBoosting(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "extratrees":
                classifier = trainExtraTrees(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "logisticregression":
                classifier = trainLogisticRegression(f_train, C)

            cmt = numpy.zeros((n_classes, n_classes))
            for c1 in range(n_classes):
                n_test_samples = len(f_test[c1])
                res = numpy.zeros((n_test_samples, 1))
                for ss in range(n_test_samples):
                    [res[ss], _] = classifierWrapperHead(classifier,
                for c2 in range(n_classes):
                    cmt[c1][c2] = float(len(numpy.nonzero(res == c2)[0]))
            cm = cm + cmt
        cm = cm + 0.0000000010
        rec = numpy.zeros((cm.shape[0], ))
        pre = numpy.zeros((cm.shape[0], ))

        for ci in range(cm.shape[0]):
            rec[ci] = cm[ci, ci] / numpy.sum(cm[ci, :])
            pre[ci] = cm[ci, ci] / numpy.sum(cm[:, ci])
        f1 = 2 * rec * pre / (rec + pre)
        ac_all.append(numpy.sum(numpy.diagonal(cm)) / numpy.sum(cm))


    print("\t\t", end="")
    for i, c in enumerate(class_names):
        if i == len(class_names)-1:
            print("{0:s}\t\t".format(c), end="")
            print("{0:s}\t\t\t".format(c), end="")
    print("\tC", end="")
    for c in class_names:
        print("\tPRE\tREC\tf1", end="")
    print("\t{0:s}\t{1:s}".format("ACC", "f1"))
    best_ac_ind = numpy.argmax(ac_all)
    best_f1_ind = numpy.argmax(f1_all)
    for i in range(len(precision_classes_all)):
        print("\t{0:.3f}".format(Params[i]), end="")
        for c in range(len(precision_classes_all[i])):
            print("\t{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}\t{2:.1f}".format(100.0 * precision_classes_all[i][c],
                                                       100.0 * recall_classes_all[i][c],
                                                       100.0 * f1_classes_all[i][c]), end="")
        print("\t{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}".format(100.0 * ac_all[i], 100.0 * f1_all[i]), end="")
        if i == best_f1_ind:
            print("\t best f1", end="")
        if i == best_ac_ind:
            print("\t best Acc", end="")

    if parameterMode == 0:    # keep parameters that maximize overall classification accuracy:
        print("Confusion Matrix:")
        printConfusionMatrix(cms_all[best_ac_ind], class_names)
        return Params[best_ac_ind]
    elif parameterMode == 1:  # keep parameters that maximize overall f1 measure:
        print("Confusion Matrix:")
        printConfusionMatrix(cms_all[best_f1_ind], class_names)
        return Params[best_f1_ind]
def featureAndTrain(list_of_dirs, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step,
                    classifier_type, model_name,
                    compute_beat=False, perTrain=0.90, feats=["gfcc", "mfcc"]):
    This function is used as a wrapper to segment-based audio feature extraction and classifier training.
        list_of_dirs:        list of paths of directories. Each directory contains a signle audio class whose samples are stored in seperate WAV files.
        mt_win, mt_step:        mid-term window length and step
        st_win, st_step:        short-term window and step
        classifier_type:        "svm" or "knn" or "randomforest" or "gradientboosting" or "extratrees"
        model_name:        name of the model to be saved
        None. Resulting classifier along with the respective model parameters are saved on files.

    # STEP A: Feature Extraction:
    [features, classNames, _] = aF.dirsWavFeatureExtraction(list_of_dirs,

    if len(features) == 0:
        print("trainSVM_feature ERROR: No data found in any input folder!")

    n_feats = features[0].shape[1]
    feature_names = ["features" + str(d + 1) for d in range(n_feats)]

    writeTrainDataToARFF(model_name, features, classNames, feature_names)

    for i, f in enumerate(features):
        if len(f) == 0:
            print("trainSVM_feature ERROR: " + list_of_dirs[i] + " folder is empty or non-existing!")

    # STEP B: classifier Evaluation and Parameter Selection:
    if classifier_type == "svm" or classifier_type == "svm_rbf":
        classifier_par = numpy.array([0.001, 0.01,  0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0])
    elif classifier_type == "randomforest":
        classifier_par = numpy.array([10, 25, 50, 100,200,500])
    elif classifier_type == "knn":
        classifier_par = numpy.array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15])
    elif classifier_type == "gradientboosting":
        classifier_par = numpy.array([10, 25, 50, 100,200,500])
    elif classifier_type == "extratrees":
        classifier_par = numpy.array([10, 25, 50, 100,200,500])
    elif classifier_type == "logisticregression":
        classifier_par = numpy.array([0.01, 0.1, 1, 5])

    # get optimal classifeir parameter:
    features2 = []
    for f in features:
        fTemp = []
        for i in range(f.shape[0]):
            temp = f[i,:]
            if (not numpy.isnan(temp).any()) and (not numpy.isinf(temp).any()) :
                print("NaN Found! Feature vector not used for training")
    features = features2

    bestParam = evaluateclassifier(features, classNames, 300, classifier_type, classifier_par, 0, perTrain) # Hier!!!!

    print("Selected params: {0:.5f}".format(bestParam))

    C = len(classNames)
    [features_norm, MEAN, STD] = normalizeFeatures(features)        # normalize features
    MEAN = MEAN.tolist()
    STD = STD.tolist()
    featuresNew = features_norm

    # STEP C: Save the classifier to file
    if classifier_type == "svm":
        classifier = trainSVM(featuresNew, bestParam)
    elif classifier_type == "svm_rbf":
        classifier = trainSVM_RBF(featuresNew, bestParam)
    elif classifier_type == "randomforest":
        classifier = trainRandomForest(featuresNew, bestParam)
    elif classifier_type == "gradientboosting":
        classifier = trainGradientBoosting(featuresNew, bestParam)
    elif classifier_type == "extratrees":
        classifier = trainExtraTrees(featuresNew, bestParam)
    elif classifier_type == "logisticregression":
        classifier = trainLogisticRegression(featuresNew, bestParam)

    if classifier_type == "knn":
        [X, Y] = listOfFeatures2Matrix(featuresNew)
        X = X.tolist()
        Y = Y.tolist()
        fo = open(model_name, "wb")
        cPickle.dump(X, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(Y,  fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(MEAN, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(STD,  fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(classNames,  fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(bestParam,  fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(mt_win, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(mt_step, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(st_win, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(st_step, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(compute_beat, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    elif classifier_type == "svm" or classifier_type == "svm_rbf" or \
                    classifier_type == "randomforest" or \
                    classifier_type == "gradientboosting" or \
                    classifier_type == "extratrees" or \
                    classifier_type == "logisticregression":
        with open(model_name, 'wb') as fid:
            cPickle.dump(classifier, fid)
        fo = open(model_name + "MEANS", "wb")
        cPickle.dump(MEAN, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(STD, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(classNames, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(mt_win, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(mt_step, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(st_win, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(st_step, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(compute_beat, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Beispiel #9
 classifierParams = numpy.array([0.001, 0.01, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0])
 nExp = 50
 bestParam = audioTrainTest.evaluateClassifier(features,
 [featuresNorm, MEAN,
  STD] = audioTrainTest.normalizeFeatures(features)  # normalize features
 MEAN = MEAN.tolist()
 STD = STD.tolist()
 featuresNew = featuresNorm
 Classifier = audioTrainTest.trainSVM(featuresNew, bestParam)
     os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + '/classifier_data/' +
 fo = open(
     os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + '/classifier_data/' +
     modelName + "MEANS", "wb")
 cPickle.dump(MEAN, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
 cPickle.dump(STD, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
 cPickle.dump(classNames, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
 cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
 cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
 cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
 cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
 cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def main(rootName, modelType, classifierParam, signal_type):
    CMall = numpy.zeros((2, 2))
    if modelType != "svm" and modelType != "svm_rbf":
        C = [int(classifierParam)]
        C = [(classifierParam)]
    F1s = []
    Accs = []
    for ifold in range(0, 10):  # for each fold
        dirName = rootName + os.sep + "fold_{0:d}".format(
            ifold)  # get fold path name
        classNamesTrain, featuresTrain = dirFeatureExtraction([
            os.path.join(dirName, "train", "fail"),
            os.path.join(dirName, "train", "success")
        ], signal_type)  # TRAINING data feature extraction
        bestParam = aT.evaluateClassifier(
            featuresTrain, classNamesTrain, 2, modelType, C, 0,
            0.90)  # internal cross-validation (for param selection)
        classNamesTest, featuresTest = dirFeatureExtraction([
            os.path.join(dirName, "test", "fail"),
            os.path.join(dirName, "test", "success")
        ], signal_type)  # trainGradientBoosting data feature extraction
        [featuresTrainNew, MEAN, STD] = aT.normalizeFeatures(
            featuresTrain)  # training features NORMALIZATION
        if modelType == "svm":  # classifier training
            Classifier = aT.trainSVM(featuresTrainNew, bestParam)
        elif modelType == "svm_rbf":
            Classifier = aT.trainSVM_RBF(featuresTrainNew, bestParam)
        elif modelType == "randomforest":
            Classifier = aT.trainRandomForest(featuresTrainNew, bestParam)
        elif modelType == "gradientboosting":
            Classifier = aT.trainGradientBoosting(featuresTrainNew, bestParam)
        elif modelType == "extratrees":
            Classifier = aT.trainExtraTrees(featuresTrainNew, bestParam)

        CM = numpy.zeros((2, 2))  # evaluation on testing data
        for iC, f in enumerate(featuresTest):  # for each class
            for i in range(
                    f.shape[0]):  # for each testing sample (feature vector)
                curF = f[i, :]  # get feature vector
                curF = (curF - MEAN) / STD  # normalize test feature vector
                winnerClass = classNamesTrain[int(
                        Classifier, modelType,
                        curF)[0])]  # classify and get winner class
                trueClass = classNamesTest[iC]  # get groundtruth class
                    winnerClass)] += 1  # update confusion matrix
        CMall += CM  # update overall confusion matrix
        Recall, Precision, F1 = computePreRec(
            CM, classNamesTrain)  # get recall, precision and F1 (per class)
        Acc = numpy.diagonal(CM).sum() / CM.sum()  # get overall accuracy
        F1s.append(numpy.mean(F1))  # append average F1
        Accs.append(Acc)  # append clasification accuracy
    print "FINAL RESULTS"
    print "----------------------------------"
    print "fold\tacc\tf1"
    print "----------------------------------"
    for i in range(len(F1s)):
        print "{0:d}\t{1:.1f}\t{2:.1f}".format(i, 100 * Accs[i], 100 * F1s[i])
    Acc = numpy.diagonal(CMall).sum() / CMall.sum()
    Recall, Precision, F1 = computePreRec(CMall, classNamesTrain)
    print "----------------------------------"
    print "{0:s}\t{1:.1f}\t{2:.1f}".format("Avg", 100 * numpy.mean(Accs),
                                           100 * numpy.mean(F1s))
    print "{0:s}\t{1:.1f}\t{2:.1f}".format("Av CM", 100 * Acc,
                                           100 * numpy.mean(F1))
    print "----------------------------------"
    print "Overal Confusion matrix:"
    aT.printConfusionMatrix(CMall, classNamesTrain)
    print "FAIL Recall = {0:.1f}".format(100 *
    print "FAIL Precision = {0:.1f}".format(
        100 * Precision[classNamesTrain.index("fail")])
    print "SUCCESS Recall = {0:.1f}".format(
        100 * Recall[classNamesTrain.index("success")])
    print "SUCCESS Precision = {0:.1f}".format(
        100 * Precision[classNamesTrain.index("success")])

    return CMall, Acc, Recall, Precision, F1
Beispiel #11
def silenceRemoval(x,
    Event Detection (silence removal)
         - x:                the input audio signal
         - Fs:               sampling freq
         - stWin, stStep:    window size and step in seconds
         - smoothWindow:     (optinal) smooth window (in seconds)
         - Weight:           (optinal) weight factor (0 < Weight < 1) the higher, the more strict
         - plot:             (optinal) True if results are to be plotted
         - segmentLimits:    list of segment limits in seconds (e.g [[0.1, 0.9], [1.4, 3.0]] means that
                    the resulting segments are (0.1 - 0.9) seconds and (1.4, 3.0) seconds

    if Weight >= 1:
        Weight = 0.99
    if Weight <= 0:
        Weight = 0.01

    # Step 1: feature extraction
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x)  # convert to mono
    ShortTermFeatures = aF.stFeatureExtraction(
        x, Fs, stWin * Fs, stStep * Fs)  # extract short-term features

    # Step 2: train binary SVM classifier of low vs high energy frames
    EnergySt = ShortTermFeatures[
        1, :]  # keep only the energy short-term sequence (2nd feature)
    E = numpy.sort(EnergySt)  # sort the energy feature values:
    L1 = int(len(E) / 10)  # number of 10% of the total short-term windows
    T1 = numpy.mean(
        E[0:L1]) + 0.000000000000001  # compute "lower" 10% energy threshold
    T2 = numpy.mean(
        E[-L1:-1]) + 0.000000000000001  # compute "higher" 10% energy threshold
    Class1 = ShortTermFeatures[:, numpy.where(
        EnergySt <= T1)[0]]  # get all features that correspond to low energy
    Class2 = ShortTermFeatures[:, numpy.where(
        EnergySt >= T2)[0]]  # get all features that correspond to high energy
    featuresSS = [Class1.T,
                  Class2.T]  # form the binary classification task and ...

    [featuresNormSS, MEANSS,
     STDSS] = aT.normalizeFeatures(featuresSS)  # normalize and ...
    SVM = aT.trainSVM(
        1.0)  # train the respective SVM probabilistic model (ONSET vs SILENCE)

    # Step 3: compute onset probability based on the trained SVM
    ProbOnset = []
    for i in range(ShortTermFeatures.shape[1]):  # for each frame
        curFV = (ShortTermFeatures[:, i] -
                 MEANSS) / STDSS  # normalize feature vector
            SVM.predict_proba(curFV.reshape(1, -1))[0]
            [1])  # get SVM probability (that it belongs to the ONSET class)
    ProbOnset = numpy.array(ProbOnset)
    ProbOnset = smoothMovingAvg(ProbOnset,
                                smoothWindow / stStep)  # smooth probability

    # Step 4A: detect onset frame indices:
    ProbOnsetSorted = numpy.sort(
    )  # find probability Threshold as a weighted average of top 10% and lower 10% of the values
    Nt = int(ProbOnsetSorted.shape[0] / 10)
    T = (numpy.mean((1 - Weight) * ProbOnsetSorted[0:Nt]) +
         Weight * numpy.mean(ProbOnsetSorted[-Nt::]))

    MaxIdx = numpy.where(ProbOnset > T)[
        0]  # get the indices of the frames that satisfy the thresholding
    i = 0
    timeClusters = []
    segmentLimits = []

    # Step 4B: group frame indices to onset segments
    while i < len(MaxIdx):  # for each of the detected onset indices
        curCluster = [MaxIdx[i]]
        if i == len(MaxIdx) - 1:
        while MaxIdx[i + 1] - curCluster[-1] <= 2:
            curCluster.append(MaxIdx[i + 1])
            i += 1
            if i == len(MaxIdx) - 1:
        i += 1
        segmentLimits.append([curCluster[0] * stStep, curCluster[-1] * stStep])

    # Step 5: Post process: remove very small segments:
    minDuration = 0.2
    segmentLimits2 = []
    for s in segmentLimits:
        if s[1] - s[0] > minDuration:
    segmentLimits = segmentLimits2

    if plot:
        timeX = numpy.arange(0, x.shape[0] / float(Fs), 1.0 / Fs)

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        plt.plot(timeX, x)
        for s in segmentLimits:
        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        plt.plot(numpy.arange(0, ProbOnset.shape[0] * stStep, stStep),
        for s in segmentLimits:
        plt.title('SVM Probability')

    return segmentLimits
def silenceCounter(x,
    if weight >= 1:
        weight = 0.99
    if weight <= 0:
        weight = 0.01

    # Step 1: feature extraction
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x)
    st_feats, _ = aF.stFeatureExtraction(x, fs, st_win * fs, st_step * fs)

    # Step 2: train binary svm classifier of low vs high energy frames
    # keep only the energy short-term sequence (2nd feature)
    st_energy = st_feats[1, :]
    en = numpy.sort(st_energy)
    # number of 10% of the total short-term windows
    l1 = int(len(en) / 10)
    # compute "lower" 10% energy threshold
    t1 = numpy.mean(en[0:l1]) + 0.000000000000001
    # compute "higher" 10% energy threshold
    t2 = numpy.mean(en[-l1:-1]) + 0.000000000000001
    # get all features that correspond to low energy
    class1 = st_feats[:, numpy.where(st_energy <= t1)[0]]
    # get all features that correspond to high energy
    class2 = st_feats[:, numpy.where(st_energy >= t2)[0]]
    # form the binary classification task and ...

    # change the order of the array
    # faets_s = [class1.T, class2.T]

    # changing order gives the segmens with silence
    faets_s = [class2.T, class1.T]

    # normalize and train the respective svm probabilistic model
    # (SILENCE vs ONSET)
    [faets_s_norm, means_s, stds_s] = aT.normalizeFeatures(faets_s)
    svm = aT.trainSVM(faets_s_norm, 1.0)

    # Step 3: compute onset probability based on the trained svm
    prob_on_set = []
    for i in range(st_feats.shape[1]):
        # for each frame
        cur_fv = (st_feats[:, i] - means_s) / stds_s
        # get svm probability (that it belongs to the ONSET class)
        prob_on_set.append(svm.predict_proba(cur_fv.reshape(1, -1))[0][1])
    prob_on_set = numpy.array(prob_on_set)
    # smooth probability:
    prob_on_set = smoothMovingAvg(prob_on_set, smoothWindow / st_step)

    # Step 4A: detect onset frame indices:
    prog_on_set_sort = numpy.sort(prob_on_set)
    # find probability Threshold as a weighted average
    # of top 10% and lower 10% of the values
    Nt = int(prog_on_set_sort.shape[0] / 10)
    T = (numpy.mean((1 - weight) * prog_on_set_sort[0:Nt]) +
         weight * numpy.mean(prog_on_set_sort[-Nt::]))

    max_idx = numpy.where(prob_on_set > T)[0]
    # get the indices of the frames that satisfy the thresholding
    i = 0
    time_clusters = []
    seg_limits = []

    # Step 4B: group frame indices to onset segments
    while i < len(max_idx):
        # for each of the detected onset indices
        cur_cluster = [max_idx[i]]
        if i == len(max_idx) - 1:
        while max_idx[i + 1] - cur_cluster[-1] <= 2:
            cur_cluster.append(max_idx[i + 1])
            i += 1
            if i == len(max_idx) - 1:
        i += 1
            [cur_cluster[0] * st_step, cur_cluster[-1] * st_step])

    # Step 5: Post process: remove very small segments:
    min_dur = 0.2
    seg_limits_2 = []
    for s in seg_limits:
        if s[1] - s[0] > min_dur:
    print(f"SEGMENTS 0.2: {seg_limits_2}")
    print(F"SEGMENTS: {seg_limits}")
Beispiel #13
if __name__ == '__main__':
    modelName = rospy.get_param('~classifier_name', 'modelSVM')
    features = []
    classNames = rospy.get_param('~classes', {'silence', 'speech'})
    classNames = classNames.split()
    for a in classNames:
        temp = numpy.load(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))+'/classifier_data/'+a+'.npy')        
    classifierParams = numpy.array([0.001, 0.01,  0.5, 1.0, 5.0])
    nExp = 50
    bestParam = audioTrainTest.evaluateClassifier(features, classNames, nExp, "svm", classifierParams, 0, perTrain = 0.01)
    [featuresNorm, MEAN, STD] = audioTrainTest.normalizeFeatures(features)        # normalize features
    MEAN = MEAN.tolist()
    STD = STD.tolist()
    featuresNew = featuresNorm
    Classifier = audioTrainTest.trainSVM(featuresNew, bestParam)
    fo = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))+'/classifier_data/'+modelName + "MEANS", "wb")
    cPickle.dump(MEAN, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cPickle.dump(STD, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cPickle.dump(classNames, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cPickle.dump(0, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def trainTextClassifiers(directoryPath, classifierType, classifierName):
    subdirectories = get_immediate_subdirectories(directoryPath)
    #tf_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(max_df=0.95, min_df=2, max_features = 10000, stop_words='english')
    dicts = loadDictionaries("myDicts/")
    classNames = []
    Features = []
    # extract features from corpus
    for si, s in enumerate(
            subdirectories):  # for each directory in training data
        print "Training folder {0:d} of {1:d} ({2:s})".format(
            si + 1, len(subdirectories), s),
        files = getListOfFilesInDir(directoryPath + os.sep + s,
                                    "*")  # get list of files in directory
        if MAX_FILES_PER_CLASS > 0 and MAX_FILES_PER_CLASS < len(files):
            files = random.sample(files, MAX_FILES_PER_CLASS)
        print " - {0:d} files".format(len(files))
        for ifile, fi in enumerate(files):  # for each file in current class:
            with open(fi) as f:
                content =
                curF = getFeaturesFromText(content,
                                           dicts)  # get feature vector
            if ifile == 0:  # update feature matrix
                Features[-1] = numpy.concatenate((Features[-1], curF.T),

    # define classifier parameters
    if classifierType == "svm":
        classifierParams = numpy.array([0.001, 0.01, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0])
    elif classifierType == "randomforest":
        classifierParams = numpy.array([10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500])
    elif classifierType == "knn":
        classifierParams = numpy.array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15])
    elif classifierType == "gradientboosting":
        classifierParams = numpy.array([10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500])
    elif classifierType == "extratrees":
        classifierParams = numpy.array([10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500])

    # evaluate classifier and select best param
    nExp = 10
    bestParam = audioTrainTest.evaluateClassifier(Features, subdirectories,
                                                  nExp, classifierType,
                                                  classifierParams, 0, 0.9)

    # normalize features
    C = len(classNames)
    [featuresNorm, MEAN, STD] = audioTrainTest.normalizeFeatures(Features)
    MEAN = MEAN.tolist()
    STD = STD.tolist()
    featuresNew = featuresNorm

    # save the classifier to file
    if classifierType == "svm":
        Classifier = audioTrainTest.trainSVM(featuresNew, bestParam)
    elif classifierType == "randomforest":
        Classifier = audioTrainTest.trainRandomForest(featuresNew, bestParam)
    elif classifierType == "gradientboosting":
        Classifier = audioTrainTest.trainGradientBoosting(
            featuresNew, bestParam)
    elif classifierType == "extratrees":
        Classifier = audioTrainTest.trainExtraTrees(featuresNew, bestParam)

    if 'Classifier' in locals():
        with open(classifierName, 'wb') as fid:  # save to file
            cPickle.dump(Classifier, fid)
        fo = open(classifierName + "MEANS", "wb")
        cPickle.dump(MEAN, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(STD, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        cPickle.dump(classNames, fo, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Beispiel #15
def silenceRemoval(x,
    Event Detection (silence removal)
         - x:                the input audio signal
         - fs:               sampling freq
         - st_win, st_step:    window size and step in seconds
         - smoothWindow:     (optinal) smooth window (in seconds)
         - weight:           (optinal) weight factor (0 < weight < 1)
                              the higher, the more strict
         - plot:             (optinal) True if results are to be plotted
         - seg_limits:    list of segment limits in seconds (e.g [[0.1, 0.9],
                          [1.4, 3.0]] means that
                          the resulting segments are (0.1 - 0.9) seconds
                          and (1.4, 3.0) seconds

    if weight >= 1:
        weight = 0.99
    if weight <= 0:
        weight = 0.01

    # Step 1: feature extraction 特征提取
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(x)
    st_feats, _ = sF.feature_extraction(x, fs, st_win * fs,
                                        st_step * fs)  # st_feats (68个特征,966)

    # Step 2: train binary svm classifier of low vs high energy frames  训练低能量帧与高能量帧的二进制svm分类器
    # keep only the energy short-term sequence (2nd feature) 仅保留能量短期序列(第二个特征)
    st_energy = st_feats[1, :]  # st_feats (966,)
    en = np.sort(st_energy)  # 将帧按能量大小进行排序
    # number of 10% of the total short-term windows 短期窗口总数的10%
    l1 = int(len(en) / 10)
    # compute "lower" 10% energy threshold  计算“较低”的10%能量阈值 均值
    t1 = np.mean(en[0:l1]) + 0.000000000000001
    # compute "higher" 10% energy threshold  计算“较高”的10%能量阈值  均值
    t2 = np.mean(en[-l1:-1]) + 0.000000000000001
    # get all features that correspond to low energy  获得所有与低能耗相对应的功能
    class1 = st_feats[:, np.where(st_energy <= t1)[0]]
    # get all features that correspond to high energy  获得所有与高能量对应的特征
    class2 = st_feats[:, np.where(st_energy >= t2)[0]]
    # form the binary classification task and ...  形成二进制分类任务并...
    faets_s = [class1.T, class2.T]  # class1.T(58,68) class2.T(38,68)
    # normalize and train the respective svm probabilistic model 规范化并训练各自的svm概率模型
    # (ONSET vs SILENCE)  (开始vs沉默)
    [faets_s_norm, means_s,
     stds_s] = aT.normalizeFeatures(faets_s)  # 标准化:减均值除方差
    svm = aT.trainSVM(faets_s_norm, 1.0)

    # Step 3: compute onset probability based on the trained svm 根据受过训练的svm计算发作概率
    prob_on_set = []
    for i in range(st_feats.shape[1]):  # st_feats.shape[1] 966
        # for each frame
        cur_fv = (st_feats[:, i] - means_s) / stds_s  # 每帧的特征 (68,)
        # get svm probability (that it belongs to the ONSET class)  获取svm概率(它属于ONSET类)
        prob_on_set.append(svm.predict_proba(cur_fv.reshape(1, -1))[0][1])
    prob_on_set = np.array(prob_on_set)
    # smooth probability: 平稳概率
    prob_on_set = smoothMovingAvg(prob_on_set, smoothWindow / st_step)

    # Step 4A: detect onset frame indices: 检测起始帧索引
    prog_on_set_sort = np.sort(prob_on_set)  # 对检测概率进行排序
    # find probability Threshold as a weighted average 查找概率阈值作为加权平均值
    # of top 10% and lower 10% of the values 值的前10%和下10%
    Nt = int(prog_on_set_sort.shape[0] / 10)
    T = (
        np.mean((1 - weight) * prog_on_set_sort[0:Nt]) +  # 排序后取 前96帧
        weight * np.mean(prog_on_set_sort[-Nt::]))  # 排序后取 后96帧
    # 加权平均得到阈值

    max_idx = np.where(prob_on_set > T)[0]  # 大于阈值的帧(491,0)
    # get the indices of the frames that satisfy the thresholding   获取满足阈值的帧的索引
    i = 0
    time_clusters = []
    seg_limits = []

    # Step 4B: group frame indices to onset segments  将框架索引分组以开始片段
    while i < len(max_idx):
        # for each of the detected onset indices  对于每个检测到的发病指数
        cur_cluster = [max_idx[i]]
        if i == len(max_idx) - 1:
        while max_idx[i + 1] - cur_cluster[-1] <= 2:
            cur_cluster.append(max_idx[i + 1])
            i += 1
            if i == len(max_idx) - 1:
        i += 1
            [cur_cluster[0] * st_step, cur_cluster[-1] * st_step])

    # seg_limits= [[0.12,1.73],[3.65,5.29],[7.72,9.35]]

    # Step 5: Post process: remove very small segments: 发布过程:删除非常小的细分
    # 删除 小于0.2s的部分
    min_dur = 0.2
    seg_limits_2 = []
    for s in seg_limits:
        if s[1] - s[0] > min_dur:
    seg_limits = seg_limits_2

    if plot:
        timeX = np.arange(0, x.shape[0] / float(fs), 1.0 / fs)

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        plt.plot(timeX, x / x.max())
        for s in seg_limits:
            plt.axvline(x=s[0], color='red')
            plt.axvline(x=s[1], color='red')
        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        plt.plot(np.arange(0, prob_on_set.shape[0] * st_step, st_step),
        for s in seg_limits:
            plt.axvline(x=s[0], color='red')
            plt.axvline(x=s[1], color='red')
        plt.ylim(0, 1)
        plt.title('svm Probability')

    return seg_limits