Beispiel #1
def _define_TINparams(totPts, input, FVmesh, recGrid, verbose=False):
    This function is defining the main values declared on the TIN.

    # Initialise MPI communications
    comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    size = comm.Get_size()

    walltime = time.clock()

    inIDs = np.where(FVmesh.partIDs[recGrid.boundsPt:] == rank)[0]
    inIDs += recGrid.boundsPt

    local_elev = np.zeros(totPts)

    # In case of a restart read values from HDF5 files
    if input.restart:
        local_cum = np.zeros(totPts)
        local_hill = np.zeros(totPts)
        if input.flexure:
            local_cumflex = np.zeros(totPts)
            local_elev[inIDs], local_cum[inIDs], local_hill[
                inIDs], local_cumflex[inIDs] = recGrid.load_hdf5_flex(
                    input.rfolder, input.rstep, FVmesh.node_coords[inIDs, :2])
            local_elev[inIDs], local_cum[inIDs], local_hill[
                inIDs] = recGrid.load_hdf5(input.rfolder, input.rstep,
                                           FVmesh.node_coords[inIDs, :2])
        comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, local_elev, op=mpi.MAX)
        comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, local_cum, op=mpi.MAX)
        comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, local_hill, op=mpi.MAX)
        # Get cumulative erosion/deposition values
        cumdiff = local_cum
        cumdiff[:recGrid.boundsPt] = 0.
        cumhill = local_hill
        cumhill[:recGrid.boundsPt] = 0.
        if input.flexure:
            # Get cumulative flexural values
            comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, local_cumflex, op=mpi.MAX)
            cumflex = local_cumflex
            cumflex[:recGrid.boundsPt] = 0.

    # Otherwise interpolate elevation from DEM to TIN
        local_elev[inIDs] = elevationTIN.getElevation(
            recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY, recGrid.regZ,
            FVmesh.node_coords[inIDs, :2])
        comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, local_elev, op=mpi.MAX)
        # Initialise TIN parameters
        cumdiff = np.zeros(totPts)
        cumhill = np.zeros(totPts)
        if input.flexure:
            cumflex = np.zeros(totPts)

    # Assign boundary values
    elevation, parentIDs = elevationTIN.update_border_elevation(

    # Define pit filling algorithm
                                      FVmesh.control_volumes, input.diffnb,
                                      input.diffprop, recGrid.boundsPt,

    if rank == 0 and verbose:
        print " - define paramters on TIN grid ", time.clock() - walltime

    if input.flexure:
        return elevation, cumdiff, cumhill, cumflex, inIDs, parentIDs
        return elevation, cumdiff, cumhill, inIDs, parentIDs
Beispiel #2
def _define_TINparams(totPts, input, FVmesh, recGrid, verbose=False):
    This function is defining the main values declared on the TIN.

    # Initialise MPI communications
    comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    size = comm.Get_size()

    walltime = time.clock()

    inIDs = np.where(FVmesh.partIDs[recGrid.boundsPt:] == rank)[0]
    inIDs += recGrid.boundsPt

    local_elev = np.zeros(totPts)

    # In case of a restart read values from HDF5 files
    if input.restart:
        local_cum = np.zeros(totPts)
        if input.flexure:
            local_cumflex = np.zeros(totPts)
            local_elev[inIDs],local_cum[inIDs],local_cumflex[inIDs] = recGrid.load_hdf5_flex(input.rfolder,
                                                                input.rstep,FVmesh.node_coords[inIDs, :2])
            local_elev[inIDs],local_cum[inIDs] = recGrid.load_hdf5(input.rfolder,input.rstep,
                                                                FVmesh.node_coords[inIDs, :2])
        comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, local_elev, op=mpi.MAX)
        comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, local_cum, op=mpi.MAX)
        # Get cumulative erosion/deposition values
        cumdiff = local_cum
        cumdiff[:recGrid.boundsPt] = 0.
        if input.flexure:
            # Get cumulative flexural values
            comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, local_cumflex, op=mpi.MAX)
            cumflex = local_cumflex
            cumflex[:recGrid.boundsPt] = 0.
    # Otherwise interpolate elevation from DEM to TIN
        local_elev[inIDs] = elevationTIN.getElevation(recGrid.regX, recGrid.regY,
                                            recGrid.regZ, FVmesh.node_coords[inIDs, :2])
        comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, local_elev, op=mpi.MAX)
        # Initialise TIN parameters
        cumdiff = np.zeros(totPts)
        if input.flexure:
            cumflex = np.zeros(totPts)

    # Assign boundary values
    elevation = elevationTIN.update_border_elevation(local_elev, FVmesh.neighbours,
                                FVmesh.edge_length, recGrid.boundsPt, btype=input.btype)

    # Define pit filling algorithm
    if rank == 0 and verbose:
        print " - define paramters on TIN grid ", time.clock() - walltime

    if input.flexure:
        return elevation, cumdiff, cumflex, inIDs
        return elevation, cumdiff, inIDs
Beispiel #3
def reconstruct_mesh(recGrid, input, verbose=False):
    The following function is used after 3D displacements to:
        - rebuild model grids & meshes,
        - reinitialise Finite Volume discretisation,
        - redefine the partitioning when parallelisation is enable.

    rank = mpi.COMM_WORLD.rank
    size = mpi.COMM_WORLD.size
    comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD

    walltime = time.clock()
    FVmesh = FVmethod.FVmethod(recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'],

    # Perform partitioning by equivalent domain splitting
    partitionIDs, RowProc, ColProc = partitionTIN.simple(
        recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 0], recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 1])
    FVmesh.partIDs = partitionIDs

    # Get each partition global node ID
    inGIDs = np.where(partitionIDs == rank)[0]

    if rank == 0 and verbose:
        print " - partition TIN amongst processors ", time.clock() - walltime

    # Define overlapping partitions
    walltime = time.clock()
    lGIDs, localTIN = partitionTIN.overlap(recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 0],
                                           recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 1],
                                           RowProc, ColProc,
                                           2 * recGrid.resEdges, verbose)

    # Set parameters of the finite volume mesh
    tMesh = FVmethod.FVmethod(localTIN['vertices'], localTIN['triangles'],

    # Define Finite Volume parameters
    totPts = len(recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 0])
    FVmesh.neighbours = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.int32, order='F')
    FVmesh.edge_length = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.float, order='F')
    FVmesh.vor_edges = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.float, order='F')
    FVmesh.control_volumes = np.zeros(totPts, dtype=np.float)

    # Compute Finite Volume parameters
    tGIDs, tNgbh, tEdgs, tVors, tVols = tMesh.construct_FV(
        inGIDs, lGIDs, totPts, recGrid.resEdges * input.Afactor, verbose)

    FVmesh.neighbours[tGIDs, :tMesh.maxNgbh] = tNgbh
    FVmesh.edge_length[tGIDs, :tMesh.maxNgbh] = tEdgs
    FVmesh.vor_edges[tGIDs, :tMesh.maxNgbh] = tVors
    FVmesh.control_volumes[tGIDs] = tVols

    if rank == 0 and verbose:
        print " - reconstructed FV mesh ", time.clock() - walltime

    inIDs = np.where(FVmesh.partIDs[recGrid.boundsPt:] == rank)[0]
    inIDs += recGrid.boundsPt
                                      FVmesh.control_volumes, input.diffnb,
                                      input.diffprop, recGrid.boundsPt,

    return FVmesh, tMesh, lGIDs, inIDs, inGIDs, totPts
Beispiel #4
def reconstruct_mesh(recGrid, input, verbose=False):
    The following function is used after 3D displacements to:
        - rebuild model grids & meshes,
        - reinitialise Finite Volume discretisation,
        - redefine the partitioning when parallelisation is enable.

    rank = mpi.COMM_WORLD.rank
    size = mpi.COMM_WORLD.size
    comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD

    walltime = time.clock()
    FVmesh = FVmethod.FVmethod(recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'], recGrid.tinMesh['triangles'],

    # Perform partitioning by equivalent domain splitting
    partitionIDs, RowProc, ColProc = partitionTIN.simple(recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 0],
                                                         recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 1])
    FVmesh.partIDs = partitionIDs

    # Get each partition global node ID
    inGIDs = np.where(partitionIDs == rank)[0]

    if rank == 0 and verbose:
        print " - partition TIN amongst processors ", time.clock() - walltime

    # Define overlapping partitions
    walltime = time.clock()
    lGIDs, localTIN = partitionTIN.overlap(recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 0],
                                           recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 1],
                                           RowProc, ColProc, 2*recGrid.resEdges,

    # Set parameters of the finite volume mesh
    tMesh = FVmethod.FVmethod(localTIN['vertices'], localTIN['triangles'], localTIN['edges'])

    # Define Finite Volume parameters
    totPts = len(recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'][:, 0])
    FVmesh.neighbours = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.int32)
    FVmesh.edge_length = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.float)
    FVmesh.vor_edges = np.zeros((totPts, 20), dtype=np.float)
    FVmesh.control_volumes = np.zeros(totPts, dtype=np.float)

    # Compute Finite Volume parameters
    tGIDs, tNgbh, tEdgs, tVors, tVols = tMesh.construct_FV(inGIDs, lGIDs, totPts,
                                            recGrid.resEdges*input.Afactor, verbose)

    FVmesh.neighbours[tGIDs,:tMesh.maxNgbh] = tNgbh
    FVmesh.edge_length[tGIDs,:tMesh.maxNgbh] = tEdgs
    FVmesh.vor_edges[tGIDs,:tMesh.maxNgbh] = tVors
    FVmesh.control_volumes[tGIDs] = tVols

    if rank == 0 and verbose:
        print " - reconstructed FV mesh ", time.clock() - walltime

    inIDs = np.where(FVmesh.partIDs[recGrid.boundsPt:] == rank)[0]
    inIDs += recGrid.boundsPt

    elevationTIN.assign_parameter_pit(FVmesh.neighbours, recGrid.boundsPt, input.fillmax)

    return FVmesh, tMesh, lGIDs, inIDs, inGIDs, totPts