Beispiel #1
def grib_to_r2c_nomads(repos, r2c_repo, r2c_template, datestamp_object, grib_repo, silent = False):
    Function to convert the files that have been downloaded via the repo_pull_nomads function
    Note that the ensemble files are handled differently than the EC datamart ensemble files.
    NOMADS stores 1 single ensemble in 1 single grib file. There are no 'children' as in the datamart.
           #Example repos from config file, note substitution parameters (%X) in :FileName
           2:DeltaTimeStart     6                                                                          
           3:DeltaTimeEnd       240                                                                         
           4:DeltaTimeStep      6                                                                          
           5:StitchTimeStart    6                                                                          
           6:StitchTimeEnd      240                                                                         
           7:Grouping           tem                                                                        
           8:Type               NOMAD_GFS                                                                        
           9:Forecast           3
           10:num_ensembles     20   
        wx_repo: wxdata folder path
        r2c_template: path to r2c template
        datestamp_object: forecast date in the datetime class
        grib_repo: repository where grib data is downloaded and stored
        NULL - but converts grib files to r2c

    #get information for source file
    Grouping = repos[7][0]
    Type = repos[8][0]
    num_ensembles = int(repos[10][0])
    DeltaTimeStart = int(repos[2][0])
    DeltaTimeEnd = int(repos[3][0])
    DeltaTimeStep = int(repos[4][0])
    Forecast = int(repos[9][0])
    today_grib_repo = grib_repo + "/" + datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "/"
    r2c_dest_folder = os.path.join(r2c_repo, Grouping)
    r2c_template_object = pyEnSim_basics.load_r2c_template(r2c_template)

    print "Converting Hours: " + str(DeltaTimeStart) + " to " + str(DeltaTimeEnd)
    #for each ensemble member (1-20)
    for i in range(1,num_ensembles+1):
        if silent is False:
            pbar = i/float(num_ensembles) * 40
            # the exact output you're looking for:
            sys.stdout.write("[%-40s] %d%%" % ('='*int(pbar), pbar/40*100))

        #for each timestep
        for j in range(DeltaTimeStart/DeltaTimeStep,DeltaTimeEnd/DeltaTimeStep + 1):
            #get file to convert
            DeltaTime = j * DeltaTimeStep
            TimeStamp = datestamp_object + datetime.timedelta(hours = (DeltaTime-DeltaTimeStep))
            grib_filepath = today_grib_repo + Type + '_' + Grouping + '_' + "%02d" % i + '_' + "%03d" % DeltaTime + '_' + datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + '.grib2'

            #get r2c destination filename
            r2c_dest_filename = datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '_' + Grouping + '_' + "%02d" % Forecast + '-' + "%02d" % i + '.r2c'
            r2c_dest_filepath = os.path.join(r2c_dest_folder,r2c_dest_filename)

            #get first file and convert to r2c
            if j == 1:
                if Grouping == 'tem':
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template, r2c_dest_filepath, timestamp = datestamp_object, convert_add = -273.15)
                if Grouping == 'met':
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template, r2c_dest_filepath, timestamp = datestamp_object, convert_mult = False)
            else: #for all grib files after the first file, append to existing r2c file
                if Grouping == 'tem':
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template_object, r2c_dest_filepath, frameindex = j, frametime = TimeStamp, convert_add = -273.15)
                if Grouping == 'met':
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template_object, r2c_dest_filepath, frameindex = j, frametime = TimeStamp, convert_mult = False)
    print '\n'
Beispiel #2
def grib_to_r2c_nomads(repos, r2c_repo, r2c_template, datestamp_object, grib_repo):
    Function to convert the files that have been downloaded via the repo_pull_nomads function
    Note that the ensemble files are handled differently than the EC datamart ensemble files.
    NOMADS stores 1 single ensemble in 1 single grib file. There are no 'children' as in the datamart.
           #Example repos from config file, note substitution parameters (%X) in :FileName
           2:DeltaTimeStart     6                                                                          
           3:DeltaTimeEnd       240                                                                         
           4:DeltaTimeStep      6                                                                          
           5:StitchTimeStart    6                                                                          
           6:StitchTimeEnd      240                                                                         
           7:Grouping           tem                                                                        
           8:Type               NOMAD_GFS                                                                        
           9:Forecast           3
           10:num_ensembles     20   
        wx_repo: wxdata folder path
        r2c_template: path to r2c template
        datestamp_object: forecast date in the datetime class
        grib_repo: repository where grib data is downloaded and stored
        NULL - but converts grib files to r2c

    #get information for source file
    Grouping = repos[7][0]
    Type = repos[8][0]
    num_ensembles = int(repos[10][0])
    DeltaTimeStart = int(repos[2][0])
    DeltaTimeEnd = int(repos[3][0])
    DeltaTimeStep = int(repos[4][0])
    Forecast = int(repos[9][0])
    today_grib_repo = grib_repo + "/" + datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "/"
    r2c_dest_folder = os.path.join(r2c_repo, Grouping)
    r2c_template_object = pyEnSim_basics.load_r2c_template(r2c_template)

    print "Converting Hours: " + str(DeltaTimeStart) + " to " + str(DeltaTimeEnd)
    #for each ensemble member (1-20)
    for i in range(1,num_ensembles+1):
        pbar = i/float(num_ensembles) * 40
        # the exact output you're looking for:
        sys.stdout.write("[%-40s] %d%%" % ('='*int(pbar), pbar/40*100))

        #for each timestep
        for j in range(DeltaTimeStart/DeltaTimeStep,DeltaTimeEnd/DeltaTimeStep + 1):
            #get file to convert
            DeltaTime = j * DeltaTimeStep
            TimeStamp = datestamp_object + datetime.timedelta(hours = (DeltaTime-DeltaTimeStep))
            grib_filepath = today_grib_repo + Type + '_' + Grouping + '_' + "%02d" % i + '_' + "%03d" % DeltaTime + '_' + datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + '.grib2'

            #get r2c destination filename
            r2c_dest_filename = datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '_' + Grouping + '_' + "%02d" % Forecast + '-' + "%02d" % i + '.r2c'
            r2c_dest_filepath = os.path.join(r2c_dest_folder,r2c_dest_filename)

            #get first file and convert to r2c
            if j == 1:
                if Grouping == 'tem':
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template, r2c_dest_filepath, timestamp = datestamp_object, convert_add = -273.15)
                if Grouping == 'met':
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template, r2c_dest_filepath, timestamp = datestamp_object, convert_mult = False)
            else: #for all grib files after the first file, append to existing r2c file
                if Grouping == 'tem':
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template_object, r2c_dest_filepath, frameindex = j, frametime = TimeStamp, convert_add = -273.15)
                if Grouping == 'met':
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template_object, r2c_dest_filepath, frameindex = j, frametime = TimeStamp, convert_mult = False)
    print '\n'
Beispiel #3
def grib2r2c_datamart(repos, wx_repo, r2c_template, datestamp_object, grib_repo, silent = False):
    Function to process the EC datamart grib files (both deterministic and ensemble)
            #Example repos from config file, note substitution parameters (%X) in :FileName
            2:DeltaTimeStart     6                                                                          
            3:DeltaTimeEnd       240                                                                         
            4:DeltaTimeStep      6                                                                          
            5:StitchTimeStart    6                                                                          
            6:StitchTimeEnd      240                                                                         
            7:Grouping           tem                                                                        
            8:Type               NOMAD_GFS                                                                        
            9:Forecast           3
            10:num_ensembles     20   
        wx_repo: wxdata folder path
        r2c_template: path to r2c template
        datestamp_object: forecast date in the datetime class
        grib_repo: repository where grib data is downloaded and stored
        NULL - but creates r2c files from grib files

    #get initial info from repos
    Stitches = len(repos[0])
    Grouping = repos[7][0]
    Type = repos[8][0]
    num_ensembles = int(repos[10][0])
    DeltaTimeStart = int(repos[2][0])
    DeltaTimeEnd = int(repos[3][0])
    Forecast = int(repos[9][0])
    #set folder paths
    today_grib_repo = os.path.join(grib_repo,datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"))
    r2c_dest_folder = os.path.join(wx_repo, Grouping)
    #Set the number of r2c files to produce based on user defined 'num_ensembles' arg from repos
    #note that EC datamart structure has the ensembles embedded as multiple 'children' in each grib file
    #the processing of these 'children' is done within the pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c and 
    #pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c functions
    frame_index = 0
    if num_ensembles > 1:
        ensemble = num_ensembles
        ensemble = False
    #for each of the 'series' that are being stitched together (typically 1 or 2)
    for i in range(0,Stitches):

        StitchTimeStart = int(repos[5][i])
        StitchTimeEnd = int(repos[6][i])
        DeltaTimeStep = int(repos[4][i])
        print "Converting Hours: " + str(StitchTimeStart) + " to " + str(StitchTimeEnd)
        #loop through each timestep
        for j in range(StitchTimeStart/DeltaTimeStep,StitchTimeEnd/DeltaTimeStep+1):
            if silent is False:
                pbar = j/float(StitchTimeEnd/DeltaTimeStep) * 40
                # the exact output you're looking for:
                sys.stdout.write("[%-40s] %d%%" % ('='*int(pbar), pbar/40*100))
            frame_index = frame_index + 1
            #set deltatime so that frame timestamp can be properly labelled
            if j == 1:
                DeltaTime = StitchTimeStart
                DeltaTime = DeltaTime + DeltaTimeStep

            #end loop if we've reached the end
            if DeltaTime > StitchTimeEnd:

            #get first file and convert to r2c
            name = repos[1][i].replace('%T', str(DeltaTime).zfill(3)) #%Y%m%d%H have already been replaced in query_meteorological_forecast()
            grib_filepath = os.path.join(today_grib_repo,name)

            oldname = repos[1][i].replace('%T', str(DeltaTime-DeltaTimeStep).zfill(3)) #%Y%m%d%H have already been replaced in query_meteorological_forecast()
            oldgrib_filepath = os.path.join(today_grib_repo,oldname)

            #get r2c destination filename
            r2c_dest_filename = datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '_' + Grouping + '_' + "%02d" % Forecast + '-01.r2c'
            r2c_dest_filepath = os.path.join(r2c_dest_folder,r2c_dest_filename)
            r2c_template_object = pyEnSim_basics.load_r2c_template(r2c_template)
            frame_time = datestamp_object + datetime.timedelta(hours=int(DeltaTime))
            if Grouping == "tem":
                if j == 1:
                    #if this is the first pass, create the r2c file(s)
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template, r2c_dest_filepath, timestamp = datestamp_object, convert_add = -273.15, ensemble = ensemble)
                    #append grib data to existing r2c file(s) on all other passes
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template_object, r2c_dest_filepath, frame_index, frame_time, convert_add = -273.15, ensemble = ensemble)

            if Grouping == "met":
                if j == 1:
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template, r2c_dest_filepath, timestamp = datestamp_object, ensemble = ensemble)
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template_object, r2c_dest_filepath, frame_index, frame_time, grib_previous = oldgrib_filepath, ensemble = ensemble)

        print "\n"
Beispiel #4
def grib2r2c_datamart(repos, wx_repo, r2c_template, datestamp_object, grib_repo):
    Function to process the EC datamart grib files (both deterministic and ensemble)
            #Example repos from config file, note substitution parameters (%X) in :FileName
            2:DeltaTimeStart     6                                                                          
            3:DeltaTimeEnd       240                                                                         
            4:DeltaTimeStep      6                                                                          
            5:StitchTimeStart    6                                                                          
            6:StitchTimeEnd      240                                                                         
            7:Grouping           tem                                                                        
            8:Type               NOMAD_GFS                                                                        
            9:Forecast           3
            10:num_ensembles     20   
        wx_repo: wxdata folder path
        r2c_template: path to r2c template
        datestamp_object: forecast date in the datetime class
        grib_repo: repository where grib data is downloaded and stored
        NULL - but creates r2c files from grib files

    #get initial info from repos
    Stitches = len(repos[0])
    Grouping = repos[7][0]
    Type = repos[8][0]
    num_ensembles = int(repos[10][0])
    DeltaTimeStart = int(repos[2][0])
    DeltaTimeEnd = int(repos[3][0])
    Forecast = int(repos[9][0])
    #set folder paths
    today_grib_repo = os.path.join(grib_repo,datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"))
    r2c_dest_folder = os.path.join(wx_repo, Grouping)
    #Set the number of r2c files to produce based on user defined 'num_ensembles' arg from repos
    #note that EC datamart structure has the ensembles embedded as multiple 'children' in each grib file
    #the processing of these 'children' is done within the pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c and 
    #pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c functions
    frame_index = 0
    if num_ensembles > 1:
        ensemble = num_ensembles
        ensemble = False
    #for each of the 'series' that are being stitched together (typically 1 or 2)
    for i in range(0,Stitches):

        StitchTimeStart = int(repos[5][i])
        StitchTimeEnd = int(repos[6][i])
        DeltaTimeStep = int(repos[4][i])
        print "Converting Hours: " + str(StitchTimeStart) + " to " + str(StitchTimeEnd)
        #loop through each timestep
        for j in range(StitchTimeStart/DeltaTimeStep,StitchTimeEnd/DeltaTimeStep+1):
            pbar = j/float(StitchTimeEnd/DeltaTimeStep) * 40
            # the exact output you're looking for:
            sys.stdout.write("[%-40s] %d%%" % ('='*int(pbar), pbar/40*100))
            frame_index = frame_index + 1
            #set deltatime so that frame timestamp can be properly labelled
            if j == 1:
                DeltaTime = StitchTimeStart
                DeltaTime = DeltaTime + DeltaTimeStep

            #end loop if we've reached the end
            if DeltaTime > StitchTimeEnd:

            #get first file and convert to r2c
            name = repos[1][i].replace('%T', str(DeltaTime).zfill(3)) #%Y%m%d%H have already been replaced in query_meteorological_forecast()
            grib_filepath = os.path.join(today_grib_repo,name)

            oldname = repos[1][i].replace('%T', str(DeltaTime-DeltaTimeStep).zfill(3)) #%Y%m%d%H have already been replaced in query_meteorological_forecast()
            oldgrib_filepath = os.path.join(today_grib_repo,oldname)

            #get r2c destination filename
            r2c_dest_filename = datestamp_object.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '_' + Grouping + '_' + "%02d" % Forecast + '-01.r2c'
            r2c_dest_filepath = os.path.join(r2c_dest_folder,r2c_dest_filename)
            r2c_template_object = pyEnSim_basics.load_r2c_template(r2c_template)
            frame_time = datestamp_object + datetime.timedelta(hours=int(DeltaTime))
            if Grouping == "tem":
                if j == 1:
                    #if this is the first pass, create the r2c file(s)
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template, r2c_dest_filepath, timestamp = datestamp_object, convert_add = -273.15, ensemble = ensemble)
                    #append grib data to existing r2c file(s) on all other passes
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template_object, r2c_dest_filepath, frame_index, frame_time, convert_add = -273.15, ensemble = ensemble)

            if Grouping == "met":
                if j == 1:
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_save_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template, r2c_dest_filepath, timestamp = datestamp_object, ensemble = ensemble)
                    pyEnSim_basics.grib_fastappend_r2c(grib_filepath, r2c_template_object, r2c_dest_filepath, frame_index, frame_time, grib_previous = oldgrib_filepath, ensemble = ensemble)

        print "\n"