Beispiel #1
def update_olog_uid(uid, text, attachments):
    '''Update olog book  logid entry cotaining uid string with text and attachments files
    uid: string, the uid of a scan or a specficial string (only gives one log entry)
    text: the text to update, will add this text to the old text
    attachments: add new attachment files    
    An example:
    filename1 = '/XF11ID/analysis/2016_2/yuzhang/Results/August/af8f66/Report_uid=af8f66.pdf'
    atch=[  Attachment(open(filename1, 'rb')) ] 
    update_olog_uid( uid='af8f66', text='Add xpcs pdf report', attachments= atch )    

    olog_client = SimpleOlogClient(

    client = OlogClient(url='',

    logid = olog_client.find(search=uid)[0]['id']
    update_olog_id(logid, text, attachments)
Beispiel #2
def update_olog_id(logid, text, attachments):
    '''Update olog book  logid entry with text and attachments files
    logid: integer, the log entry id
    text: the text to update, will add this text to the old text
    attachments: add new attachment files
    An example:
    filename1 = '/XF11ID/analysis/2016_2/yuzhang/Results/August/af8f66/Report_uid=af8f66.pdf'
    atch=[  Attachment(open(filename1, 'rb')) ] 
    update_olog_id( logid=29327, text='add_test_atch', attachmenents= atch )    
    url = ''
    olog_client = SimpleOlogClient(url=url,

    client = OlogClient(url='',

    old_text = olog_client.find(id=logid)[0]['text']
    upd = LogEntry(
        text=old_text + '\n' + text,
        logbooks=[Logbook(name='Operations', owner=None, active=True)])
    upL = client.updateLog(logid, upd)
        'The url=%s was successfully updated with %s and with the attachments'
        % (url, text))
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, logbook):
     self.logbook = logbook
     from pyOlog import SimpleOlogClient
     self.client = SimpleOlogClient()
     # Check at init time we are in an IPython session.
     from IPython import get_ipython  # noqa: F401
Beispiel #4
    {{ start.signature }}
{% endif %}
{% for k, v in start.items() -%}
{%- if k not in ['plan_name', 'plan_args'] -%}{{ k }} : {{ v }}
{% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}"""

bluesky.callbacks.olog.TEMPLATES['desc'] = """
{{- start.plan_name }} ['{{ start.uid[:6] }}'] (scan num: {{ start.scan_id }})"""

bluesky.callbacks.olog.TEMPLATES['call'] = """RE({{ start.plan_name }}(
{%- for k, v in start.plan_args.items() %}{%- if not loop.first %}   {% endif %}{{ k }}={{ v }}
{%- if not loop.last %},
{% endif %}{% endfor %}))

LOGBOOKS = ['Comissioning']  # list of logbook names to publish to
simple_olog_client = SimpleOlogClient()
generic_logbook_func = simple_olog_client.log
configured_logbook_func = partial(generic_logbook_func, logbooks=LOGBOOKS)

cb = logbook_cb_factory(configured_logbook_func)
RE.subscribe('start', cb)
loogbook = simple_olog_client

import esm # general ESM routines: e2g(), g2e(), angles()
Beispiel #5
def configure_olog(user_ns, *, callback=None, subscribe=True):
    Setup a callback that publishes some metadata from the RunEngine to Olog.

    Also, add the public contents of pyOlog.ophyd_tools to the namespace.

    This is expected to be run after :func:`configure_base`. It expects to find
    an instance of RunEngine named ``RE`` in the user namespace. Additionally,
    if the user namespace contains the name ``logbook``, that is expected to be
    an instance ``pyOlog.SimpleOlogClient``.

    user_ns: dict
        a namespace --- for example, ``get_ipython().user_ns``
    callback : callable, optional
        a hook for customizing the logbook_cb_factory; if None a default is
    subscribe : boolean, optional
        True by default. Set to False to skip the subscription. (You still get

    names : list
        list of names added to the namespace

    Configure the Olog.

    >>>> configure_olog(get_ipython().user_ns);
    # Conceptually our task is simple: add a subscription to the RunEngine that
    # publishes to the Olog using the Python wrapper of its REST API, pyOlog.
    # In practice this is messy because we have deal with the many-layered API
    # of pyOlog and, more importantly, ensure that slowness or errors from the
    # Olog do not affect the run. Historically the Olog deployment has not been
    # reliable, so it is important to be robust against these issues. Of
    # course, by ignoring Olog errors, we leave gaps in the log, which is not
    # great, but since all data is saved to a databroker anyway, we can always
    # re-generate them later.

    ns = {}  # We will update user_ns with this at the end.

    from bluesky.callbacks.olog import logbook_cb_factory
    from functools import partial
    from pyOlog import SimpleOlogClient
    import queue
    import threading
    from warnings import warn

    # This is for pyOlog.ophyd_tools.get_logbook, which simply looks for
    # a variable called 'logbook' in the global IPython namespace.
    if "logbook" in user_ns:
        simple_olog_client = user_ns["logbook"]
        simple_olog_client = SimpleOlogClient()
        ns["logbook"] = simple_olog_client

    if subscribe:
        if callback is None:
            # list of logbook names to publish to
            LOGBOOKS = ("Data Acquisition", )
            generic_logbook_func = simple_olog_client.log
            configured_logbook_func = partial(generic_logbook_func,
            callback = logbook_cb_factory(configured_logbook_func)

        def submit_to_olog(queue, cb):
            while True:
                name, doc = queue.get()  # waits until document is available
                    cb(name, doc)
                except Exception as exc:
                    warn("This olog is giving errors. This will not be logged."
                         "Error:" + str(exc))

        olog_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=100)
        olog_thread = threading.Thread(target=submit_to_olog,
                                       args=(olog_queue, callback),


        def send_to_olog_queue(name, doc):
                olog_queue.put((name, doc), block=False)
            except queue.Full:
                warn("The olog queue is full. This will not be logged.")

        RE = user_ns["RE"]
        RE.subscribe(send_to_olog_queue, "start")

    import pyOlog.ophyd_tools

    import_star(pyOlog.ophyd_tools, ns)

    return list(ns)