Beispiel #1
def test_simpleIf():
    b = ast.parse(simpleIf).body
    p = Path(b,source=simpleIf)
    # Step through the "if" statement
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    p2 = p.step()
    ifSide = p2[0]
    elseSide = p2[1]
    # ifSide's path should now be inside, meaning only the print statement
    assert len(ifSide.path) == 1
    # Else should be in the else statement
    assert len(elseSide.path) == 2
    # Neither have anything to do after the if statement
    assert len(ifSide.callStack) == 0
    assert len(elseSide.callStack) == 0
    # If side should not be possible
    assert not ifSide.state.isSat()
    assert elseSide.state.isSat()
    # Track expected number of assertions
    assert len(ifSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3
    assert len(elseSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3
    # Make sure the answer makes sense
    assert ifSide.state.any_int('x') == None
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == 1
Beispiel #2
def test_pathCopy():
    b = ast.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b,source=test1)
    p2 = p.copy()
    assert p2 != p
    p = p.step()[0]
    assert p.state.any_int('x') == 1
    assert p2.state.any_int('x') == None
Beispiel #3
def test_basicPathStep():
    b = ast.parse(test1).body
    p1 = Path(b,source=test1)
    p2 = p1.step()[0].step()[0]
    assert p2.state.any_int('x') == 1
    assert p2.state.any_int('y') == 2
    assert p1.state.any_int('x') == None
    assert p1.state.any_int('y') == None
Beispiel #4
def test_ifReturn():
    b = ast.parse(testIfReturn).body
    p = Path(b,source=testIfReturn)
    p = p.step()[0].step()[0]
    ifSide,elseSide = p.step()
    ifSide = ifSide.step()[0].step()[0]
    elseSide = elseSide.step()[0].step()[0]
    assert ifSide.state.any_int('x') == 2
    assert ifSide.state.any_real('y') == 2.2
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == None
    assert elseSide.state.any_real('y') == None # Else side is wonky because it's not a possible path
Beispiel #5
def test_pySym_AugAssign_MixedTypes():
    # Add #
    b = ast.parse(test2).body
    p = Path(b,source=test2)
    # Step through program
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    ifSide,elseSide = p.step()
    elseSide = elseSide.step()[0]

    assert elseSide.state.isSat()
    assert elseSide.state.any_real('x') == 9.0
    assert elseSide.state.getZ3Var('x').is_real()
Beispiel #6
def test_funcion_abs():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)


    assert len(pg.completed) == 1
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('a') == 10
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('b') == 10
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('c') == 10
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('d') == 10
def test_pyObjectManager_Int_MultipleObj():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test4).body
    p = Path(b, source=test4)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.found) == 1

    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.found) == 1
Beispiel #8
def test_pyObjectManager_BitVec_isStatic():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    x = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('x')

    assert x.isStatic()
    assert x.getValue() == 5
Beispiel #9
def test_pySym_BinOp_StrConcat():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test10).body
    p = Path(b,source=test10)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_str('s') == "test" + " blerg"
    assert len(pg.completed[0].state.any_str('s2')) == 8 + len(" blerg")
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_str('s2').endswith(" blerg")

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_str('s3') == "This " + "is " + "a " + "test"
Beispiel #10
def test_pySym_BinOp_StatePropagation():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test15).body
    p = Path(b,source=test15)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 9

    # Check that the x value (output) is correct
    assert set([len(p.state.any_str('x')) for p in pg.completed]) == set([x*2 for x in range(9)])

    # Check that the back-propogation of the s values are also accurate
    assert set([len(p.state.any_str('s')) - len(p.state.any_str('s').rstrip("x")) for p in pg.completed]) == set(range(9))
Beispiel #11
def test_function_pyState_String():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    s = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('s')
    s2 = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('s2')

    assert s.length() == 32
    assert s2.length() == Z3_MAX_STRING_LENGTH
Beispiel #12
def test_pyState_ListComp_MultipleFor():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test4).body
    p = Path(b, source=test4)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_list('l') == [
        x for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for y in [1, 2, 3]

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
Beispiel #13
def test_assignInt():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)
    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    s = pg.completed[0].state
    # Basic dict checks
    assert type(s.getVar("x")) == Int
    assert s.getVar("x").getZ3Object().is_int()
    #assert len(s.solver.assertions()) == 1

    # Try solving it to ensure that works correctly
    assert s.isSat()

    # Ensure we're getting expected output
    assert s.any_int('x') == 1

    # Try assigning again
    b = ast_parse.parse(test2).body
    p = Path(b, source=test2)
    pg = PathGroup(p)
    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    s = pg.completed[0].state

    # Basic dict checks
    assert type(s.getVar("x")) == Int
    assert s.getVar("x").getZ3Object().is_int()
    #assert len(s.solver.assertions()) == 2

    # Try solving it to ensure that works correctly
    assert s.isSat()

    # Ensure we're getting expected output
    assert s.any_int('x') == 2
Beispiel #14
def test_pyPath_stepThroughProgram():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len( == 0
    assert len(pg.completed) == 1
    assert len(pg.errored) == 0
    assert len(pg.deadended) == 0
    assert len(pg.found) == 0

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('x') == 10
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('z') == 1
Beispiel #15
def test_pyObjectManager_Int_PostSet():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test5).body
    p = Path(b, source=test5)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    for q in range(6):
        s = pg.completed[0].state.copy()
        x = s.getVar('x')
        i = s.getVar('i')
        assert x.getValue() == q
Beispiel #16
def test_pySym_simpleWhile():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)
    assert pg.explore(find=6)

    assert len( == 0
    assert len(pg.completed) == 0
    assert len(pg.errored) == 0
    assert len(pg.deadended) == 11
    assert len(pg.found) == 1

    assert pg.found[0].state.isSat()
    assert pg.found[0].state.any_int('x') == 10
def test_function_String_zfill_static():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)


    # Every index should be a possibility
    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_str('x') == "test"
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_str('y') == "0test"
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_str('z') == "test"
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_str('d') == "000000test"
Beispiel #18
def test_pyPathGroup_exploreWithIf():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test2).body
    p = Path(b, source=test2)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    # Explore to the end
    assert pg.explore(find=15)

    assert len( == 0
    assert len(pg.completed) == 0
    assert len(pg.errored) == 0
    assert len(pg.deadended) == 2
    assert len(pg.found) == 1

    assert pg.found[0].state.any_int('x') == 1337
Beispiel #19
def test_any_n_int():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)


    assert len(pg.completed) == 1
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('x') == 1
    # Duplicate test to ensure we're not destroying state
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_n_int('x', 10) == [1]
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_n_int('x', 10) == [1]

    b = ast_parse.parse(test4).body
    p = Path(b, source=test4)
    pg = PathGroup(p)


    assert len(pg.completed) == 1
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('x') != None
    # Duplicate test to ensure we're not destroying state
    assert len(pg.completed[0].state.any_n_int('x', 10)) == 10
    assert len(pg.completed[0].state.any_n_int('x', 10)) == 10
Beispiel #20
def test_any_n_real():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test3).body
    p = Path(b, source=test3)
    pg = PathGroup(p)


    assert len(pg.completed) == 1
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_real('x') == 3.1415
    # Duplicate test to ensure we're not destroying state
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_n_real('x', 10) == [3.1415]
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_n_real('x', 10) == [3.1415]

    b = ast_parse.parse(test5).body
    p = Path(b, source=test5)
    pg = PathGroup(p)


    assert len(pg.completed) == 1
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_real('x') != None
    # Duplicate test to ensure we're not destroying state
    assert len(pg.completed[0].state.any_n_real('x', 10)) == 10
    assert len(pg.completed[0].state.any_n_real('x', 10)) == 10
Beispiel #21
def test_pySym_AugAssign_MultipleStates():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test13).body
    p = Path(b, source=test13)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    # There should be 10 possible states here
    assert len(pg.completed) == 10

    # Get the output states
    rets = []
    for p in pg.completed:

    assert set(rets) == set([1 + x for x in range(10)])
Beispiel #22
def test_pyPathGroup_exploreFunctionCompare():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test3).body
    p = Path(b, source=test3)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    # Execute to the end
    assert pg.explore(find=10)

    assert len( == 0
    assert len(pg.completed) == 0
    assert len(pg.errored) == 0
    assert len(pg.deadended) == 1
    assert len(pg.found) == 1

    assert pg.found[0].state.any_int('x') == 1
Beispiel #23
def test_pyObjectManager_String_canBe():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    s = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('s')

    assert s.canBe("Test")
    assert not s.canBe("test")
    assert s[0:1].canBe("T")
    assert not s[0:2].canBe("T3")
    assert s[:3].canBe("Tes")
Beispiel #24
def test_pyObjectManager_String_isStatic():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test4).body
    p = Path(b, source=test4)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    s = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('s')
    d = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('d')

    assert s.isStatic()
    assert s.getValue() == "abcd"

    assert not d.isStatic()
def test_function_String_zfill_statesplit():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test2).body
    p = Path(b, source=test2)
    pg = PathGroup(p)


    # Every index should be a possibility
    assert len(pg.completed) == 8

    o = [p.state.any_str('y') for p in pg.completed]
    assert o == [
        '000test', '00test', '0test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test'
def test_function_String_Index():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1.format("T")).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1.format("T"))
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('x') == 0

    b = ast_parse.parse(test1.format("t")).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1.format("t"))
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('x') == 3

    b = ast_parse.parse(test1.format("es")).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1.format("es"))
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('x') == 1

    b = ast_parse.parse(test1.format("st")).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1.format("st"))
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('x') == 2
def test_pyObjectManager_List_canBe():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test11).body
    p = Path(b, source=test11)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    l = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('l')
    k = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('k')
    j = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('j')

    assert l.canBe(k)
    assert not l.canBe(j)

    assert l.mustBe(k)
def test_function_String_Index_Symbolic():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test2).body
    p = Path(b, source=test2)
    pg = PathGroup(p)


    # Every index should be a possibility
    assert len(pg.completed) == 10

    indexes = []
    # Make sure we got all of them
    for path in pg.completed:

    assert set(indexes) == set(range(10))
Beispiel #29
def test_function_zip():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_list('l') == [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_list('l3') == [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_list('l6') == [["1", "4"], ["2", "5"],
                                                    ["3", "6"]]
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_list('l7') == [["1", "5"], ["2", "6"]]
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_list('l8') == [["1", "3"], ["2", "4"]]
    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_list('l9') == [[1, "a"], [2, "b"],
                                                    [3, "c"]]
Beispiel #30
def test_copy():
    b = ast_parse.parse("a = 1").body
    p = Path(b, source="a = 1")

    s = p.state
    s2 = s.copy()

    # Ensure it's actually being copied
    assert s != s2

    # Add something to one and make sure the other is empty
    s = s.step()[0]
    assert s.any_int('a') == 1
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
Beispiel #31
def test_pyPath_exploreFindLine():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    # Explore to line 9 (z = 1)
    # Current setup means that z=1 will not actually be executed
    assert pg.explore(find=9)

    assert len( == 0
    assert len(pg.completed) == 0
    assert len(pg.errored) == 0
    assert len(pg.deadended) == 0
    assert len(pg.found) == 1

    assert pg.found[0].state.any_int('x') == 10
Beispiel #32
def test_pyObjectManager_BitVec_setTo():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test2).body
    p = Path(b, source=test2)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    x = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('x')
    y = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('y')

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('x') == 1337

    assert pg.completed[0].state.any_int('x') == 15
Beispiel #33
def test_pyObjectManager_String_canBe_mustBe_String():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test3).body
    p = Path(b, source=test3)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    s = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('s')
    d = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('d')
    f = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('f')
    g = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('g')

    assert s.canBe(d)
    assert not s.canBe(f)
    assert g.canBe(s)
    assert not g.mustBe(s)
    assert g.canBe(f)
Beispiel #34
def test_pyObjectManager_getParent():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test1).body
    p = Path(b, source=test1)
    pg = PathGroup(p)

    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    l = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('l')
    i = l[2]

    # Make sure it returned the right object
    assert pg.completed[0].state.objectManager.getParent(i) == l

    q = pg.completed[0].state.getVar('q')
    i = q[2][0]

    # Check that it recurses fully
    assert pg.completed[0].state.objectManager.getParent(i) == q[2]
Beispiel #35
def test_recursiveCopy():
    b = ast_parse.parse(test6).body
    p = Path(b, source=test6)
    pg = PathGroup(p)


    assert len(pg.completed) == 1

    s = pg.completed[0].state

    l = s.getVar('l')
    l2 = s.recursiveCopy(s.getVar('l'))

    assert l != l2

    l2[-1][2].value = 4

    assert l[-1][2].value != l2[-1][2].value
Beispiel #36
def test_pySym_AugAssign():
    # Add #
    b = ast.parse(test1.format("+=")).body
    p = Path(b,source=test1.format("+="))
    # Step through program
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    ifSide,elseSide = p.step()
    elseSide = elseSide.step()[0]
    assert elseSide.state.isSat()
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == 14

    # Subtract #
    b = ast.parse(test1.format("-=")).body
    p = Path(b,source=test1.format("-="))
    # Step through program
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    ifSide,elseSide = p.step()
    elseSide = elseSide.step()[0]

    assert elseSide.state.isSat()
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == 0

    # Multiply #
    b = ast.parse(test1.format("*=")).body
    p = Path(b,source=test1.format("*="))
    # Step through program
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    ifSide,elseSide = p.step()
    elseSide = elseSide.step()[0]

    assert elseSide.state.isSat()
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == 49

    # Divide #
    b = ast.parse(test1.format("/=")).body
    p = Path(b,source=test1.format("/="))
    # Step through program
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    ifSide,elseSide = p.step()
    elseSide = elseSide.step()[0]

    assert elseSide.state.isSat()
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == 1

    # Modulo #
    b = ast.parse(test1.format("%=")).body
    p = Path(b,source=test1.format("%="))
    # Step through program
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    ifSide,elseSide = p.step()
    elseSide = elseSide.step()[0]

    assert elseSide.state.isSat()
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == 0
Beispiel #37
def test_pySym_Compare():
    # Greater Than #
    b = ast.parse(compare1.format(1,5,">")).body
    p = Path(b,source=compare1.format(1,5,">"))
    # Step through the "if" statement
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    p2 = p.step()
    ifSide = p2[0]
    elseSide = p2[1]

    # If side should not be possible
    assert not ifSide.state.isSat()
    assert elseSide.state.isSat()

    # Track expected number of assertions
    assert len(ifSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3
    assert len(elseSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3

    # Make sure the answer makes sense
    assert ifSide.state.any_int('x') == None
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == 1

    # Greater Than Or Equal #
    b = ast.parse(compare1.format(2,2,">=")).body
    p = Path(b,source=compare1.format(2,2,">="))
    # Step through the "if" statement
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    p2 = p.step()
    ifSide = p2[0]
    elseSide = p2[1]

    # If side should be correct
    assert ifSide.state.isSat()
    assert not elseSide.state.isSat()

    # Track expected number of assertions
    assert len(ifSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3
    assert len(elseSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3

    # Make sure the answer makes sense
    assert ifSide.state.any_int('x') == 2
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == None

    # Less Than #
    b = ast.parse(compare1.format(1,5,"<")).body
    p = Path(b,source=compare1.format(1,5,"<"))
    # Step through the "if" statement
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    p2 = p.step()
    ifSide = p2[0]
    elseSide = p2[1]

    # If side should be correct
    assert ifSide.state.isSat()
    assert not elseSide.state.isSat()

    # Track expected number of assertions
    assert len(ifSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3
    assert len(elseSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3

    # Make sure the answer makes sense
    assert ifSide.state.any_int('x') == 1
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == None

    # Less Than Or Equal #
    b = ast.parse(compare1.format(3,5,"<=")).body
    p = Path(b,source=compare1.format(3,5,"<="))
    # Step through the "if" statement
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    p2 = p.step()
    ifSide = p2[0]
    elseSide = p2[1]
    # If side should be correct
    assert ifSide.state.isSat()
    assert not elseSide.state.isSat()

    # Track expected number of assertions
    assert len(ifSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3
    assert len(elseSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3

    # Make sure the answer makes sense
    assert ifSide.state.any_int('x') == 3
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == None

    # Equal #
    b = ast.parse(compare1.format(1,5,"==")).body
    p = Path(b,source=compare1.format(1,5,"=="))
    # Step through the "if" statement
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    p2 = p.step()
    ifSide = p2[0]
    elseSide = p2[1]

    # If side should not be correct
    assert not ifSide.state.isSat()
    assert elseSide.state.isSat()

    # Track expected number of assertions
    assert len(ifSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3
    assert len(elseSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3

    # Make sure the answer makes sense
    assert ifSide.state.any_int('x') == None
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == 1

    # Not Equal #
    b = ast.parse(compare1.format(1,5,"!=")).body
    p = Path(b,source=compare1.format(1,5,"!="))
    # Step through the "if" statement
    p = p.step()[0]
    p = p.step()[0]
    p2 = p.step()
    ifSide = p2[0]
    elseSide = p2[1]

    # If side should be correct
    assert ifSide.state.isSat()
    assert not elseSide.state.isSat()

    # Track expected number of assertions
    assert len(ifSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3
    assert len(elseSide.state.solver.assertions()) == 3

    # Make sure the answer makes sense
    assert ifSide.state.any_int('x') == 1
    assert elseSide.state.any_int('x') == None