Beispiel #1
Y_cells    = 500 
PR         = 0.
cppr       = 8 
vfraclimit = .495                               # The changeover point from random to forced contacts. > 1.0 => least contacts; = 0. Max contacts
x_length   = 1.e-3
y_length   = 1.e-3
GRIDSPC    = x_length/X_cells
mat_no     = 5

mats = pss.mats

part_area  = np.zeros((1))
cppr_range = pss.cppr_max - pss.cppr_min
r = pss.cppr_mid
pss.mesh_Shps[0,:,:],part_area[0] = pss.gen_circle(r)

lx, ly = 35., 35.
UC = pss.unit_cell(LX=lx,LY=ly)
N  = 5
UCX  = np.array([0.,lx,lx,0.,lx/2.])
UCY  = np.array([0.,0.,ly,ly,ly/2.])
MATS = np.array([1.,1.,1.,1.,1.])
RAD  = np.array([8.,8.,8.,8.,8.])

for i in range(N):

Y_cells = 500
PR = 0.
cppr = 8
vfraclimit = .495  # The changeover point from random to forced contacts. > 1.0 => least contacts; = 0. Max contacts
x_length = 1.e-3
y_length = 1.e-3
GRIDSPC = x_length / X_cells
mat_no = 5

pss.generate_mesh(X_cells, Y_cells, mat_no, cppr, PR, vol_frac)
mats = pss.mats

part_area = np.zeros((1))
cppr_range = pss.cppr_max - pss.cppr_min
r = pss.cppr_mid
pss.mesh_Shps[0, :, :], part_area[0] = pss.gen_circle(r)

lx, ly = 35., 35.
UC = pss.unit_cell(LX=lx, LY=ly)
N = 5
UCX = np.array([0., lx, lx, 0., lx / 2.])
UCY = np.array([0., 0., ly, ly, ly / 2.])
MATS = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])
RAD = np.array([8., 8., 8., 8., 8.])

for i in range(N):
    pss.place_shape(pss.mesh_Shps[0, :, :],
Beispiel #3
""" #################################################################################### """
""" #######   GENERATE n+1 Particles - to be placed in appropriate distribution  ####### """
""" #################################################################################### """
n = pss.N                                 # Particles can be placed MORE than once!
part_area  = np.zeros((n))
part_radii = []
cppr_range = pss.cppr_max - pss.cppr_min
r = cppr
#r = np.zeros((n,6))+cppr #+ cppr*np.random.randn(6)/4.
#r = np.random.randn(n)*np.sqrt(cppr_range) + cppr
#print r
for i in range(n):                            # n+1 as range starts at 0; i.e. you'll never get to i = n unless range goes to n+1!
    #r = pss.cppr_min + i*cppr_range/(n-1)                # generate radii that are incrementally greater for each circle produced
    #pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_polygon(6,r)
    #pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_ellipse(r,random.random()*np.pi,np.sqrt(8./9.))
    pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_circle(r)
    part_area[i] = np.sum(pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:])

""" #################################################################################### """
""" #######              sort particles into order of Large -> Small             ####### """
""" #################################################################################### """

sort_indices  = np.argsort(part_area)                    # Sort areas into smallest to largest
part_area     = part_area[sort_indices]                    # Arrange as appropriate
pss.mesh_Shps = pss.mesh_Shps[sort_indices,:,:]
part_area     = part_area[::-1]                        # Sort shapes into same order as areas
pss.mesh_Shps = pss.mesh_Shps[::-1,:,:]
part_radii    = part_radii[::-1]			# Radii are not 'sorted' as they are created in size order already
#print part_radii, part_area[0:n]
Beispiel #4

n = pss.N  # n is the number of particles to generated for the 'library' which can be selected from this and placed into the mesh
part_area = np.zeros(
    (n))  # N.B. particles can (and likely will) be placed more than once
part_radii = np.linspace(
    pss.cppr_min, pss.cppr_max, n
)  # part_area and part_radii are arrays to contain the area and radii of the 'library' particles
# if PR is non-zero then a range of radii will be generated

for i in range(n):
    pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :] = pss.gen_circle(
    )  # Generate a circle and store it in mesh_Shps (an array of meshes)
    part_area[i] = np.sum(pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :])  # Record the shape's area

A_ = []  # Generate empty lists to store the area
xc = []  # x coord
yc = []  # y coord
I_ = []  # Library index
J_ = []  # shape number of each placed particle
vf_pld = 0  # Volume Fraction of material inserted into the mesh so far
J = 0
old_vfrac = 0.
try:  # Begin loop placing grains in.
    while vf_pld < vol_frac:  # Keep attempting to add particles until the required volume fraction is achieved
        I = random.randint(
            0, n - 1
y_length   = 1.e-3                                                  # Longitudinal width of bed
PR         = 0.                                                     # Particle size range (as a fraction)
cppr       = 20                                                     # Cells per particle radius
GRIDSPC    = x_length/X_cells                                       # Physical distance/cell
mat_no     = 5


n = pss.N                                                           # n is the number of particles to generated for the 'library' which can be selected from this and placed into the mesh
part_area  = np.zeros((n))                                          # N.B. particles can (and likely will) be placed more than once
part_radii = np.linspace(pss.cppr_min,pss.cppr_max,n)               # part_area and part_radii are arrays to contain the area and radii of the 'library' particles
                                                                    # if PR is non-zero then a range of radii will be generated

for i in range(n):                                                                      
    pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_circle(part_radii[i])            # Generate a circle and store it in mesh_Shps (an array of meshes) 
    part_area[i]         = np.sum(pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:])             # Record the shape's area

A_        = []                                                      # Generate empty lists to store the area
xc        = []                                                      # x coord
yc        = []                                                      # y coord
I_        = []                                                      # Library index
J_        = []                                                      # shape number of each placed particle
vf_pld    = 0                                                       # Volume Fraction of material inserted into the mesh so far
J         = 0
old_vfrac = 0.
try:                                                                # Begin loop placing grains in.
    while vf_pld < vol_frac:                                        # Keep attempting to add particles until the required volume fraction is achieved      
        I    = random.randint(0,n-1)                                  # Generate a random index to randomly select a particle from the 'library'
        fail = 1
Beispiel #6
import scipy.spatial as scsp
import scipy as sc
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time

L_cells = 234  # T - Transverse, L - Longitudinal
T_cells = 407
r = 8
T_length = 25.4e-3
L_length = 14.6e-3
GRIDSPC = L_length / L_cells
pss.generate_mesh(L_cells, T_cells, CPPR=r, mat_no=5, GridSpc=GRIDSPC)
mats = pss.mats
pss.mesh_Shps[0, :, :] = pss.gen_circle(r)

i = np.where(abs(pss.yh - 12.7e-3) < pss.GS / 2.)
j = np.where(abs(pss.xh - 4.51e-3) < pss.GS / 2.)
I, J, M = i[0], j[0], mats[4]
pss.place_shape(pss.mesh_Shps[0, :, :], J, I, M)

Cu1_T1 = 0.
Cu1_T2 = 25.4e-3
Cu1_L1 = 0.
Cu1_L2 = 1.3e-3
pss.fill_rectangle(Cu1_L1, Cu1_T1, Cu1_L2, Cu1_T2, mats[0])

Cu2_T1 = 7.7e-3
Cu2_T2 = 17.7e-3
Cu2_L1 = 1.3e-3