Beispiel #1
    def node_from_yaml(layer_spec):
        """ Load the specs and initialize the layer nodes """
        assert("parameters" in layer_spec
               and "class_labels" in layer_spec["parameters"]
               and "node" in layer_spec["parameters"]),\
                   "Node requires specification of a node and classification labels!"
        scheme = layer_spec["parameters"].pop("scheme", "1vs1")
        # Create all nodes that are packed together in this layer
        layer_nodes = []
        node_spec = layer_spec["parameters"]["node"][0]
        classes = layer_spec["parameters"]["class_labels"]
        if scheme == '1vR':
            for label in layer_spec["parameters"]["class_labels"]:
                node_obj = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(
                    NodeChainFactory.instantiate(node_spec, {"LABEL": label}))
            n = len(classes)
            for i in range(n - 1):
                for j in range(i + 1, n):
                    replace_dict = {"LABEL1": classes[i], "LABEL2": classes[j]}
                    node_obj = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(
                        NodeChainFactory.instantiate(node_spec, replace_dict))
        # Create the node object
        node_obj = MultiClassLayerNode(nodes=layer_nodes,

        return node_obj
    def node_from_yaml(layer_spec):
        """ Load the specs and initialize the layer nodes """
        assert("parameters" in layer_spec
               and "class_labels" in layer_spec["parameters"]
               and "node" in layer_spec["parameters"]),\
                   "Node requires specification of a node and classification labels!"
        scheme = layer_spec["parameters"].pop("scheme","1vs1")
        # Create all nodes that are packed together in this layer
        layer_nodes = []
        node_spec = layer_spec["parameters"]["node"][0]
        classes = layer_spec["parameters"]["class_labels"]
        if scheme=='1vR':
            for label in layer_spec["parameters"]["class_labels"]:
                node_obj = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(NodeChainFactory.instantiate(node_spec,{"LABEL":label}))
            for i in range(n-1):
                for j in range(i+1,n):
                    replace_dict = {"LABEL1":classes[i],"LABEL2":classes[j]}
                    node_obj = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(NodeChainFactory.instantiate(node_spec,replace_dict))
        # Create the node object
        node_obj = MultiClassLayerNode(nodes = layer_nodes,**layer_spec["parameters"])

        return node_obj
 def node_from_yaml(node_spec):
     """ Create the node based on the node_spec """
     node_spec = copy.deepcopy(node_spec)
     # call parent class method for most of the work
     node_spec["parameters"], flow_template = \
     # check grid search specific params
     optimization = node_spec["parameters"].pop("optimization")
     assert("ranges" in optimization), "Grid Search needs *ranges* parameter"
     node_obj = GridSearchNode(ranges=optimization["ranges"], 
     return node_obj
 def node_from_yaml(node_spec):
     """ Create the node based on the node_spec """
     node_spec = copy.deepcopy(node_spec)
     # call parent class method for most of the work
     node_spec["parameters"], flow_template = \
     if node_spec["parameters"].has_key("optimization"):
         # since pattern search specific params are all optional, add them to
         # **kwargs and let the __init__ do the default assignments
         for key, value in node_spec["parameters"].pop("optimization").iteritems():
             node_spec["parameters"][key] = value
     node_obj = PatternSearchNode(flow_template=flow_template, 
     return node_obj
Beispiel #5
 def node_from_yaml(node_spec):
     """ Create the node based on the node_spec """
     node_spec = copy.deepcopy(node_spec)
     # call parent class method for most of the work
     node_spec["parameters"], flow_template = \
     # check grid search specific params
     optimization = node_spec["parameters"].pop("optimization")
     assert ("ranges"
             in optimization), "Grid Search needs *ranges* parameter"
     node_obj = GridSearchNode(ranges=optimization["ranges"],
     return node_obj
Beispiel #6
 def node_from_yaml(node_spec):
     """ Create the node based on the node_spec """
     node_spec = copy.deepcopy(node_spec)
     # call parent class method for most of the work
     node_spec["parameters"], flow_template = \
     if node_spec["parameters"].has_key("optimization"):
         # since pattern search specific params are all optional, add them to
         # **kwargs and let the __init__ do the default assignments
         for key, value in node_spec["parameters"].pop(
             node_spec["parameters"][key] = value
     node_obj = PatternSearchNode(flow_template=flow_template,
     return node_obj
Beispiel #7
 def _prepare_node_chain(nodes_spec):
     """ Creates the FlowNode node and the contained chain based on the node_spec """
     assert "parameters" in nodes_spec
     if "load_path" in nodes_spec["parameters"]:
         # Let node load pickled object
         return nodes_spec["parameters"]  
         # The node chain has to be specified in YAML syntax
         assert "nodes" in nodes_spec["parameters"], \
                    "FlowNode requires specification of a list of nodes " \
                    "or of a load_path to a pickled node chain."
         node_sequence = [ExternalGeneratorSourceNode(),
         # For all nodes in the specs
         for node_spec in nodes_spec["parameters"]["nodes"]:
             # Use factory method to create node
             node_obj = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(node_spec)
             # Append this node to the sequence of node
         # Check if the nodes have to cache their outputs
         for index, node in enumerate(node_sequence):
             # If a node is trainable, it uses the outputs of its input node
             # at least twice, so we have to cache.
             if node.is_trainable():
                 node_sequence[index - 1].set_permanent_attributes(caching=True)
             # Split node might also request the data from their input nodes
             # (once for each split), depending on their implementation. We 
             # assume the worst case and activate caching
             if node.is_split_node():
                 node_sequence[index - 1].set_permanent_attributes(caching=True)
         # Determine if any of the nodes is trainable
         trainable = reduce(operator.or_, 
                            [node.is_trainable() for node in node_sequence])
         # Determine if any of the nodes requires supervised training
         supervised = reduce(operator.or_, 
                             [node.is_trainable() for node in node_sequence])
         # Create the nodes
         flow = NodeChain(node_sequence)
         # Evaluate all remaining parameters if they are eval statements
         for key, value in nodes_spec["parameters"].iteritems():
             if isinstance(value, basestring) and value.startswith("eval("):
                 nodes_spec["parameters"][key] = eval(value[5:-1])
         # Create the node object
         member_dict = copy.deepcopy(nodes_spec["parameters"])
         member_dict["nodes"] = flow
         member_dict["trainable"] = trainable
         member_dict["supervised"] = supervised
         return member_dict
Beispiel #8
    def check_parameters(param_spec):
        """ Check input parameters of existence and appropriateness """
        assert("nodes" in param_spec and "optimization" in param_spec),\
                   "Parameter Optimization node requires specification of a " \
                   "list of nodes and optimization algorithm!"

        validation_set = param_spec.get("validation_set", {})
        validation_set["splits"] = validation_set.get("splits", 5)
        validation_set["split_node"] = validation_set.get(
            "split_node", {
                'node': 'CV_Splitter',
                'parameters': {
                    'splits': validation_set["splits"]

        evaluation = param_spec.get("evaluation", {})
        evaluation["ir_class"] = evaluation.get("ir_class", "Target")
        evaluation["performance_sink_node"] = evaluation.get(
            "performance_sink_node", {
                'node': 'Classification_Performance_Sink',
                'parameters': {
                    'ir_class': evaluation["ir_class"]

        # build flow template
        nodes_spec = param_spec.pop("nodes")
        flow_template = [{
            'node': 'External_Generator_Source_Node'
        }, validation_set["split_node"]]

        # Evaluate all remaining parameters

        # params with defaults in __init__ have to be added to param_spec dict
        if validation_set.has_key("runs"):
            param_spec["runs"] = validation_set["runs"]
        if evaluation.has_key("metric"):
            param_spec["metric"] = evaluation["metric"]
        if evaluation.has_key("std_weight"):
            param_spec["std_weight"] = evaluation['std_weight']

        return param_spec, flow_template
 def _stop_training(self, debug=False):
     n0 = self.labels.count(self.classes[0])
     n1 = self.labels.count(self.classes[1])
     if n0 > n1:
         # n[0] is divided in packages of size n[1]
         num = n0 / n1
         self.nodes = []
         # initialization of the necessary classifier nodes
         for j in range(num):
         # self.classifier[0]['parameters']['weight']=self.weight#addon
         # self.nodes.append(BaseNode.node_from_yaml(self.classifier[0]))#addon
         k = 0
         for i in range(len(self.samples)):
             if self.labels[i] == self.classes[1]:
                 # underrepresented class is sent to all classifiers
                 for classifier in self.nodes:
                     classifier.train(self.samples[i], self.labels[i])
                 # feed into k-th classifier
                 self.nodes[k].train(self.samples[i], self.labels[i])
                 k = (k + 1) % num
                 # self.nodes[num].train(self.samples[i],self.labels[i])#addon
         # n[1] is divided in packages of size n[0]
         num = n1 / n0
         self.nodes = []
         # initialization of the necessary classifier nodes
         for j in range(num):
         k = 0
         for i in range(len(self.samples)):
             if self.labels[i] == self.classes[0]:
                 # underrepresented class is sent to all classifiers
                 for classifier in self.nodes:
                     classifier.train(self.samples[i], self.labels[i])
                 # feed into k-th classifier
                 self.nodes[k].train(self.samples[i], self.labels[i])
                 k = (k + 1) % num
     for classifier in self.nodes:
     self.num_retained_features = (
         "differs maybe"
     )  # self.nodes[0].num_retained_features # This should be calculated more exactly.
     self.complexity = "differs"  # self.nodes[0].complexity
 def _stop_training(self, debug=False):
     n0 = self.labels.count(self.classes[0])
     n1 = self.labels.count(self.classes[1])
     if n0 > n1:
         # n[0] is divided in packages of size n[1]
         num = n0 / n1
         self.nodes = []
         # initialization of the necessary classifier nodes
         for j in range(num):
         # self.classifier[0]['parameters']['weight']=self.weight#addon
         # self.nodes.append(BaseNode.node_from_yaml(self.classifier[0]))#addon
         k = 0
         for i in range(len(self.samples)):
             if self.labels[i] == self.classes[1]:
                 # underrepresented class is sent to all classifiers
                 for classifier in self.nodes:
                     classifier.train(self.samples[i], self.labels[i])
                 # feed into k-th classifier
                 self.nodes[k].train(self.samples[i], self.labels[i])
                 k = (k + 1) % num
                 # self.nodes[num].train(self.samples[i],self.labels[i])#addon
         # n[1] is divided in packages of size n[0]
         num = n1 / n0
         self.nodes = []
         # initialization of the necessary classifier nodes
         for j in range(num):
         k = 0
         for i in range(len(self.samples)):
             if self.labels[i] == self.classes[0]:
                 # underrepresented class is sent to all classifiers
                 for classifier in self.nodes:
                     classifier.train(self.samples[i], self.labels[i])
                 # feed into k-th classifier
                 self.nodes[k].train(self.samples[i], self.labels[i])
                 k = (k + 1) % num
     for classifier in self.nodes:
     self.num_retained_features = "differs maybe"  # self.nodes[0].num_retained_features # This should be calculated more exactly.
     self.complexity = "differs"  #self.nodes[0].complexity
Beispiel #11
 def _train(self, data, class_label):
     """ It is assumed that the class_label parameter
     contains information about the true class the data belongs to
     self._train_phase_started = True
     # init of node
     if self.nodes == None:
         self.nodes = [BaseNode.node_from_yaml(self.classifier)]
         self.nodes[0].complexity = self.complexity
     self.nodes[0].train(data, class_label)
 def _train(self, data, class_label):
     """ It is assumed that the class_label parameter
     contains information about the true class the data belongs to
     self._train_phase_started = True
     # init of node
     if self.nodes == None:
         self.nodes = [BaseNode.node_from_yaml(self.classifier)]
         self.nodes[0].complexity = self.complexity
     self.nodes[0].train(data, class_label)
    def check_parameters(param_spec):
        """ Check input parameters of existence and appropriateness """
        assert("nodes" in param_spec and "optimization" in param_spec), \
            "Parameter Optimization node requires specification of a " \
            "list of nodes and optimization algorithm!"
        validation_set = param_spec.pop("validation_set", {})
        validation_set["splits"] = validation_set.get("splits",5)
        validation_set["split_node"] = validation_set.get("split_node",
                           {'node': 'CV_Splitter', 
                            'parameters': {'splits': validation_set["splits"]}})

        evaluation = param_spec.pop("evaluation", {})
        evaluation["ir_class"] = evaluation.get("ir_class", "Target")
        evaluation["performance_sink_node"] = \
                           {'node': 'Classification_Performance_Sink',
                            'parameters': {'ir_class': evaluation["ir_class"]}})
        # build flow template
        nodes_spec = param_spec.pop("nodes")
        flow_template = [{'node': 'External_Generator_Source_Node'},
        # Evaluate all remaining parameters
        # params with defaults in __init__ have to be added to param_spec dict
        if validation_set.has_key("runs"): 
            param_spec["runs"] = validation_set["runs"] 
        if evaluation.has_key("metric"): 
            param_spec["metric"] = evaluation["metric"]
        if evaluation.has_key("inverse_metric"):
            param_spec["inverse_metric"] = evaluation["inverse_metric"]
        if evaluation.has_key("std_weight"): 
            param_spec["std_weight"] = evaluation['std_weight']
        return param_spec, flow_template
 def node_from_yaml(node_spec):
     """ Creates a node based on the node_spec to overwrite default """
     # This node requires one parameters, namely a list of nodes
     assert("parameters" in node_spec 
             and "wrapped_node" in node_spec["parameters"]),\
                "ConsumeTrainingDataNode requires specification of a wrapped node!"
     # Create all nodes that are packed together in this layer
     wrapped_node = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(node_spec["parameters"]["wrapped_node"])
     # Create the node object
     node_obj = ConsumeTrainingDataNode(wrapped_node = wrapped_node,
     return node_obj
    def node_from_yaml(node_spec):
        """ Creates a node based on the node_spec to overwrite default """
        # This node requires one parameters, namely a list of nodes
        assert("parameters" in node_spec
                and "wrapped_node" in node_spec["parameters"]),\
                   "ConsumeTrainingDataNode requires specification of a wrapped node!"
        # Create all nodes that are packed together in this layer
        wrapped_node = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(
        # Create the node object
        node_obj = ConsumeTrainingDataNode(wrapped_node=wrapped_node,

        return node_obj
    def node_from_yaml(layer_spec):
        """ Load the specs and initialize the layer nodes """
        # This node requires one parameters, namely a list of nodes
        assert("parameters" in layer_spec 
                and "nodes" in layer_spec["parameters"]),\
                   "SameInputLayerNode requires specification of a list of nodes!"
        # Create all nodes that are packed together in this layer
        layer_nodes = []
        for node_spec in layer_spec["parameters"]["nodes"]:
            node_obj = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(node_spec)
        # Create the node object
        node_obj = SameInputLayerNode(nodes = layer_nodes,**layer_spec["parameters"])

        return node_obj
Beispiel #17
    def node_from_yaml(layer_spec):
        """ Load the specs and initialize the layer nodes """
        # This node requires one parameters, namely a list of nodes
        assert("parameters" in layer_spec
               and "nodes" in layer_spec["parameters"]),\
            "SameInputLayerNode requires specification of a list of nodes!"
        # Create all nodes that are packed together in this layer
        layer_nodes = []
        for node_spec in layer_spec["parameters"]["nodes"]:
            node_obj = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(node_spec)
        # Create the node object
        node_obj = SameInputLayerNode(nodes=layer_nodes,

        return node_obj