Beispiel #1
  outFC = outFC.replace("\\","/")
  fullName = os.path.split(outFC)
  outFolder = fullName[0].replace("\\", "/")
  shapeClass = "Point"
#collect the points
outPnts = []
pnts = PM.grid_rot(x_c, y_c, rot_angle, Cols, Rows, dx, dy)
#optional shapefile creation
if outFC != "#":
  fieldsToAdd = [["Group", "LONG", "9", "#"],
                 ["X", "DOUBLE", 16, 7],
                 ["Y", "DOUBLE", 16, 7]]
  py_gp.createPointFile (outFC, shapeClass, "#", outPnts, fieldsToAdd, arcpy)
  arcpy.AddMessage("\n" + "You can join the original table to " \
                + "this shapefile table if you want other attributes." + "\n")
#optional csv file creation or output to screen
if outCSV != "#":
  PM.to_CSV(outCSV, outPnts)
if outToScreen == "true":
  py_gp.print_pnts(outPnts, arcpy)
      Xcent = L + ((R-L)/2.0); Ycent = B + ((T-B)/2.0)
  if random_rad == True:
    rad_max = (R - L) * 0.1   #max is 10%  of width
    rad_min = (R - L) * 0.01  #min is 1% of width
    radius = random.uniform(rad_min, rad_max)
    radius2 = radius * random.uniform(0.5, 0.99)
  #generate the points
  pnts = PM.annulus(n, Xcent, Ycent, radius2, radius)
#optional shapefile creation
if outFC != "#":
  fieldsToAdd = [["Group", "LONG", "9", "#"],
                 ["X", "DOUBLE", 16, 7],
                 ["Y", "DOUBLE", 16, 7]]
  py_gp.createPointFile (outFC, shapeClass, "#", outPnts, fieldsToAdd, arcpy)
  arcpy.AddMessage("\n" + "You can join the original table to " \
                + "this shapefile table if you want other attributes." + "\n")
#optional csv file creation or output to screen
if outCSV != "#":
  PM.to_CSV(outCSV, outPnts)
if outToScreen == "true":
  py_gp.print_pnts(outPnts, arcpy)