Beispiel #1
 def test_search_all(self):
     web_bing = PyMsCognitiveWebSearch(SECRET_KEY,
                                       "Python Software Foundation")
     result_one = web_bing.search_all(quota=60)
     self.assertTrue(len(result_one) == 60)
     self.assertTrue("python" in result_one[0].name.lower())
Beispiel #2
class FileCrawler:
    This class should be used to seeds a specific file and save it to a specific url
    def __init__(self, filetype: str, ms_key: str, out_dir: str):
        :param filetype: The filetype to seeds.
        :param ms_key: The api key for the bing search api. 
        self.filetype = filetype.lower()
        self.ms_key = ms_key
        print("KEY", self.ms_key)
        self.out_dir = out_dir
        self.search_service = None

    def is_valid_file(filetype, url: str) -> bool:
        Given an url, it checks if the content is a file and of the right fileformat or not.
        :param url: The url to check
        :return: True if url is not an html webpage, false if it is

        utils.temp_print("Trying", url)
            response = requests.head(url, timeout=MAX_TIMEOUT, headers=headers)
        except Exception as e:
            return False
        if response.headers.get("content-type") is not None:
            # return False
            if "text/html" in response.headers["content-type"]:
                return False
            if filetype in response.headers["content-type"]:
                return True
        part = url.rpartition(
        )  # Returns a three tuple, last tuple containing the part after the "."
        if part[2].lower() == filetype:
            return True
        return False

    def website_crawl(self, query):
        This function issues the given query to ping, then crawls the websites 
        that were given in the ResultSet for links to a file. To be used with 
        queries such as "jpg example file" or "inurl:(avi) intitle:index of"
        :return: A generator - StopIteration is called when no more links can/should be found.
        self.search_service = PyMsCognitiveWebSearch(self.ms_key, query)
        self.search_service.SEARCH_WEB_BASE = ""
        results = self.search_service.search_all(format="json",
        for item in results:
                r = requests.get(item.url, timeout=MAX_TIMEOUT)
            except Exception as e:
                print("Skipping ", item.url, "because of Exception", str(e))

            parsed_uri = urlparse(r.url)
            subdomain = '{uri.scheme}://{uri.netloc}/'.format(uri=parsed_uri)
            # extract the top level domain:
            rootdomain = '{uri.scheme}://{ext.domain}.{ext.suffix}'.format(
                uri=parsed_uri, ext=tldextract.extract(r.url))
                if requests.head(
                        subdomain +
                        "/robots.txt").status_code == 404 and requests.head(
                            rootdomain + "/robots.txt").status_code == 404:
                    # No Robots TXT - Skip
                    print("Skipping", subdomain,
                          "because it does not contain a robots.txt")
            except Exception as e:
                print("Skipping", subdomain, "because of exception", str(e))
            print("Now scanning through", r.url)
            html_text = r.text
            if "index of" in query and not "index of" in html_text:
                # TODO: Really really hacky. This if statement shoud only be
                # TODO: in place if we are issuing the index of query
                # We probably did not reach a file repository
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, "html.parser")
            link_anchors = soup.find_all("a")
            links = list(map(lambda x: x.get("href"),
                             link_anchors))  # type: [str]
            links = list(
                    lambda x: x is not None and x.lower().endswith(
                        self.filetype), links))
            for link in links:
                path = link
                filelink = urljoin(
                    r.url, path
                )  # Join the two urls. Urljoin handles every case: path is relative and path is absolute
                if self.is_valid_file(self.filetype, filelink):
                    print("Yielding", filelink)
                    yield filelink

    def try_filetype_crawl(self):
        Try to find download links to files of the given file format. 
        :return: A generator - StopIteration is called when no more links can/should be found.

        # First: Try a simple  "filetype:" query - works for some, but not all filetypes
        query = "filetype:" + self.filetype
        PyMsCognitiveWebSearch.SEARCH_WEB_BASE = ""
        self.search_service = PyMsCognitiveWebSearch(self.ms_key, query)
        results = self.search_service.search_all(format="json",
                                                 quota=LIMIT_RESULTS + 20)
        for item in results:
                r = requests.get(
                    item.url, timeout=MAX_TIMEOUT,
                    headers=headers)  # Request the url to resolve the redirect
            except Exception as e:  # requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout:
                print("Skipping ", item.url, "because of Exception", str(e))
                # Then just skip
            if self.is_valid_file(self.filetype, r.url):
                print("Yielding ", r.url)
                yield r.url
        # If this fails, maybe the requested filetype is an image? Then perform an image search
        if self.filetype in image_list:  # Perform an image Search
            query = self.filetype + " sample"
            PyMsCognitiveImageSearch.SEARCH_IMAGE_BASE = ""
            self.search_service = PyMsCognitiveImageSearch(self.ms_key, query)

            results = self.search_service._search(
                format="json")  # TODO: Class does not implement pagination? :(
            for item in results:
                utils.temp_print("Checking item", item.content_url)
                    r = requests.get(item.content_url,
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Skipping ", item.url, "because of Exception",
                    # print("Timeout, checking next item")

                print("Url is", r.url)
                if self.is_valid_file(self.filetype, r.url):
                    print("Yielding ", r.url)
                    yield r.url

        for result in self.website_crawl("." + self.filetype +
                                         " example file"):
            print("Yielding", result)
            yield result
        for result in self.website_crawl("." + self.filetype + " sample file"):
            print("Yielding", result)
            yield result

        # Last Resort: The index of trick. Note thatfi this can yield some undesired file samples, use with caution!
        query = "inurl:(" + self.filetype + ") intitle:\"index of:\""
        self.search_service = PyMsCognitiveWebSearch(self.ms_key, query)
        results = self.search_service.search_all(format="json",
        for item in results:
                r = requests.get(item.url, timeout=MAX_TIMEOUT)
            except Exception as e:
                print("Skipping ", item.url, "because of Exception", str(e))

            parsed_uri = urlparse(r.url)
            domain = '{uri.scheme}://{uri.netloc}/'.format(uri=parsed_uri)
                if requests.head(domain + "/robots.txt").status_code == 404:
                    # No Robots TXT - Skip
                    print("Skipping", domain,
                          "because it does not contain a robots.txt")
            except Exception as e:
                print("Skipping", domain, "because of exception", str(e))
            print("Now scanning through", r.url)
            html_text = r.text
            if not "index of" in html_text:
                # We probably did not reach a file repository
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, "html.parser")
            link_anchors = soup.find_all("a")
            links = list(map(lambda x: x.get("href"),
                             link_anchors))  # type: [str]
            links = list(
                    lambda x: x is not None and x.lower().endswith(
                        self.filetype), links))
            for link in links:
                path = link
                filelink = urljoin(
                    r.url, path
                )  # Join the two urls. Urljoin handles every case: path is relative and path is absolute
                if self.is_valid_file(self.filetype, filelink):
                    print("Yielding", filelink)
                    yield filelink

    def download(self, max_download=1) -> int:
        Tries to download max number of samples files of the given file format to the self.out_dir folder
        :return: The amount of downloaded files.
        print("MAX", max_download)

        i = 0
        for rurl in self.try_filetype_crawl():
            print("Yielded", rurl)
            filename = self.filetype + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
            if (not os.path.exists(self.out_dir)):
            # with open(self.out_dir + "/" + filename + "." + self.filetype, "wb") as file:
            #    for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
            #        if chunk:  # filter out keep-alive new chunks
            #            file.write(chunk)
            i += 1
            if i >= max_download:
                return max_download
            # print("Downloaded",rurl)
        return i