def __init__(self, abf: pyabf.ABF, channel: int = 0): """ This object contains passive cell membrane properties calculated from each sweep an episodic protocol containing a voltage-clamp step. WARNING: These calculations are not optimized for speed or accuracy. This module is experimental and included only for backward compatibility purposes. Users are highly encouraged to write their own analysis code. """ assert isinstance(abf, pyabf.ABF) self.sweepCount = abf.sweepCount self.TimeSec = np.arange(abf.sweepCount) * abf.sweepIntervalSec self.TimeMin = self.TimeSec / 60.0 Result = self.Ih = Result(abf.sweepCount, "Holding Current", "Ih", "pA") self.Rm = Result(abf.sweepCount, "Membrane Resistance", "Rm", "MOhm") self.Ra = Result(abf.sweepCount, "Access Resistance", "Ra", "MOhm") self.CmStep = Result(abf.sweepCount, "Capacitance (Step)", "Cm", "pF") self.CmRamp = Result(abf.sweepCount, "Capacitance (Ramp)", "Cm", "pF") for sweepNumber in abf.sweepList: abf.setSweep(sweepNumber, channel) # square step memtest Ih, Rm, Ra, CmStep = self.Ih.values[sweepNumber] = Ih self.Rm.values[sweepNumber] = Rm self.Ra.values[sweepNumber] = Ra self.CmStep.values[sweepNumber] = CmStep # ramp memtest CmRamp = self.CmRamp.values[sweepNumber] = CmRamp
def restPotential(abf: pyabf.ABF, fig: pyABFauto.figure.Figure): pyabf.filter.gaussian(abf, 1) xs = abf.getAllXs() ys = abf.getAllYs() rmp = np.nanmean(ys) plt.grid(alpha=.5, ls='--') plt.plot(xs, ys, alpha=.7) plt.axhline(rmp, lw=3, color='r', ls='--') t = plt.gca().text(.97, .97, f"RMP = {rmp:.02f} mV", transform=plt.gca().transAxes, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right', fontsize=22, family='monospace', color='k') plt.title(abf.abfID + ".abf") plt.ylabel("Membrane Potential (mV)") plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)") plt.margins(0, .1) plt.tight_layout()
def plotFullAbf(abf: pyabf.ABF, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes): for sweep in range(abf.sweepCount): abf.setSweep(sweep, absoluteTime=True) ax.plot(abf.sweepX / 60, abf.sweepY, 'b-') ax.margins(0, .1) ax.set_ylabel("Current (pA)") ax.set_xlabel("Time (minutes)") addTagLines(abf, ax)
def measureTau(abf: pyabf.ABF, sweep: int, epoch: int = 3, percentile: float = .05, ax: plt.Axes = None): abf.setSweep(sweep) # use epoch table to determine puff times puffTimeStart = abf.sweepEpochs.p1s[epoch] / abf.sampleRate puffTimeEnd = abf.sweepEpochs.p2s[epoch] / abf.sampleRate # calculate baseline level baselineStart = puffTimeStart - .1 baselineEnd = puffTimeStart baselineMean = getMean(abf, baselineStart, baselineEnd) # find antipeak antipeakIndex = getAntiPeakIndex(abf.sweepY, abf.sampleRate, puffTimeStart, puffTimeStart + .5) antipeakLevel = abf.sweepY[antipeakIndex] # find portion of curve to fit curveIndex1, curveIndex2 = getCurveIndexes(abf.sweepY, antipeakIndex, baselineMean, percentile) curveYs = -abf.sweepY[curveIndex1:curveIndex2] curveXs = np.arange(len(curveYs)) / abf.sampleRate try: p0 = (500, 15, 0) # start with values near those we expect params, cv = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(monoExp, curveXs, curveYs, p0) except: print(f"FIT FAILED (sweep {sweep})") return None m, t, b = params curveYsIdeal = monoExp(curveXs, m, t, b) tauMS = 1000 / t if (tauMS < 0): return None if ax: yPad = abs(antipeakLevel - baselineMean) * .1 ax.plot(abf.sweepX, abf.sweepY, alpha=.5) ax.grid(alpha=.5, ls='--') ax.axhline(baselineMean, ls='--', color='k') ax.plot(abf.sweepX[curveIndex1:curveIndex2], -curveYsIdeal, color='k') ax.set(title=f"first sweep tau = {tauMS:.02f} ms") ax.axis([ baselineStart - .1, baselineStart + 1, antipeakLevel - yPad, baselineMean + yPad ]) ax.axvspan(puffTimeEnd, puffTimeEnd + .5, color='g', alpha=.1) ax.axvspan(puffTimeEnd + .5, puffTimeEnd + .6, color='m', alpha=.1) return tauMS
def plotPeakBySweep(abf: pyabf.ABF, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, epoch: int = 3): puffTimeStart = abf.sweepEpochs.p1s[epoch] / abf.sampleRate puffTimeEnd = abf.sweepEpochs.p2s[epoch] / abf.sampleRate values = [] for i in range(abf.sweepCount): abf.setSweep(i) baselineStart = puffTimeStart - .1 baselineEnd = puffTimeStart baselineMean = getMean(abf, baselineStart, baselineEnd) antipeak = getMin(abf, puffTimeEnd, puffTimeEnd + .5) values.append(abs(antipeak - baselineMean)) ax.plot(abf.sweepTimesMin, values, '.-', color='k') ax.set_ylabel("Peak Response (pA)") ax.set_xlabel("Time (minutes)") ax.grid(alpha=.5, ls='--') addTagLines(abf, ax)
def plotTimeAfterBySweep(abf: pyabf.ABF, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, epoch: int = 3): puffTimeStart = abf.sweepEpochs.p1s[epoch] / abf.sampleRate puffTimeEnd = abf.sweepEpochs.p2s[epoch] / abf.sampleRate values = [] for i in range(abf.sweepCount): abf.setSweep(i) baselineStart = puffTimeStart - .1 baselineEnd = puffTimeStart baselineMean = getMean(abf, baselineStart, baselineEnd) mean = getMean(abf, puffTimeEnd + .5, puffTimeEnd + .6) - baselineMean values.append(mean) ax.plot(abf.sweepTimesMin, values, '.-', color='m') ax.set_ylabel("pA after 1s") ax.set_xlabel("Time (minutes)") ax.grid(alpha=.5, ls='--') addTagLines(abf, ax)
def getFullTrace(abf: pyabf.ABF): sweeps = [None] * abf.sweepCount for sweepIndex in range(abf.sweepCount): abf.setSweep(sweepIndex) sweeps[sweepIndex] = abf.sweepY return np.concatenate(sweeps)
""" Created on Aug 14, 2018 @author: jwhite """ from pyabf import ABF if __name__ == '__main__': a = ABF( abfFilePath= '/Volumes/external/hnl/incoming/PD_surgery_data/2017_08_25/2017_08_25_0004.abf', loadData=False)