def example2(): nodes_h = {} tcpconf = ('tcp', ('', 1234)) host = init_host(tcpconf) t1 = time() # Create and initialize nodes for i in range(100): nodes_h[i] = host.spawn_id(str(id()), 'chord_protocol', 'Node', []) nodes_h[i].init_node() for i in range(len(nodes_h)): j = 0 if i is 0 else i-1 try: nodes_h[i].join(nodes_h[j]) except: print 'Node %s fails' % str(i) else: interval_host(host, 0.5, update, nodes_h[i]) t2 = time() print 'Time to create 100 nodes' print t2 - t1 # Wait to give time to chord to fix its tables. # Note that if we use the class chord_improved we will need less time to fix the node tables. sleep(30) key = hash('pedro') print key found = nodes_h[0].find_predecessor(key) print found.get_id()
def example1(): nodes = [1,8,14,21,32,38,42,48,51,56] nodes_h = {} tcpconf = ('tcp', ('', 1234)) host = init_host(tcpconf) # Create and initialize nodes for i in range(len(nodes)): nodes_h[i] = host.spawn_id(str(nodes[i]), 'chord_protocol', 'Node', []) nodes_h[i].init_node() for i in range(len(nodes)): j = 0 if i is 0 else i-1 try: nodes_h[i].join(nodes_h[j]) except: print 'Node %s fails' % str(i) else: interval_host(host, 0.5, update, nodes_h[i]) # Wait to give time to chord to fix its tables. sleep(5) found = nodes_h[0].find_successor(40) print 'found', found.get_id()
def test(): host = init_host() e1 = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor5c', 'Echo', []) bot = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor5c', 'Bot', []) bot.set_channel() bot.insult() sleep(4)
def testN(): net_conf = ('tcp',('',6664)) host = init_host(net_conf) print 'TEST ',NUM_NODES,' nodes and', NUM_MSGS, "messages." nf = host.spawn_id('init', 'ring3','Node',['nf']) ni = nf; for i in range (NUM_NODES-2): ni = host.spawn_id(str(i), 'ring3','Node',[('n',i),ni]) n1 = host.spawn_id('end','ring3','Node',['n1',ni]) nf.set_next(n1) print 'start time!!' init = time() nf.init_token() while(not n1.is_finished()): sleep(0.01) end = time() print ((end - init)*1000),' ms.'
def test_log(): host = init_host() log = host.spawn_id('log', 'log', 'Log', []) host.set_tracer(log) ref = host.spawn_id('1', 'log', 'Server', []) ref.substract(6, 5) print ref.add(5, 5) sleep(1)
def serve_forever(func, params=[]): threads[current_thread()] = 'atom://localhost/'+func.__module__+'/'+func.__name__ func(*params) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) print 'Press Ctrl+C to kill the execution' while True: controller.sleep(1)
def launch(func, params=[]): t1 = Thread(target=func, args=params) threads[t1] = 'atom://localhost/'+func.__module__+'/'+func.__name__ t1.start() t1.join() controller.sleep(2) host = controller.get_host() host._shutdown()
def test_log(): host = init_host() log = host.spawn_id('log', 'log','Log',[]) host.set_tracer(log) ref = host.spawn_id('1','log','Server',[]) ref.substract(6,5) print ref.add(5,5) sleep(1)
def test1(test): n2 ='0', 'ring', 'Node', ['n2']) n1 ='1', 'ring', 'Node', ['n1', n2]) n3 ='2', 'ring', 'Node', ['n3', n2]) n1.start() n3.start() sleep(0.5) cnt = n2.get_cnt() test.assertEqual(cnt, 200, "testing load oneway")
def test1(): host = init_host() n2 = host.spawn_id('2','test_sync_parallel','Server',[]) n1 = host.spawn_id('3','test_sync_parallel','Server',[n2]) n3 = host.spawn_id('4','test_sync_parallel','Server',[n2]) n1.start() sleep(1) n3.start2() sleep(15)
def test1(test): n2 ='0','ring','Node',['n2']) n1 ='1','ring','Node',['n1',n2]) n3 ='2','ring','Node',['n3',n2]) n1.start() n3.start() sleep(0.5) cnt = n2.get_cnt() test.assertEqual(cnt, 200, "testing load oneway")
def test1(): host = init_host() n2 = host.spawn_id('2','parallel1','Node',['n2']) n1 = host.spawn_id('1','parallel1','Node',['n1',n2]) n3 = host.spawn_id('3','parallel1','Node',['n3',n1]) n1.start() sleep(2) n3.start_n3() sleep(15)
def test(): host = init_host() e1 = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor4', 'Echo', []) bot = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor4', 'Bot', [e1]) bot.insult() sleep(4)
def client_test(): tcpconf = ('tcp',('',4324)) host = init_host(tcpconf) e1 = host.lookup('tcp://') e1.echo('hola amigo') e1.echo('adeu') sleep(1)
def test1(test): n3 ='0', 'ring2', 'Node', ['n3']) n2 ='1', 'ring2', 'Node', ['n2', n3]) n1 ='2', 'ring2', 'Node', ['n1', n2]) n3.set_next(n1) n1.init_token() sleep(0.5) cnt = n3.get_cnt() test.assertEqual(cnt, 1, "testing message loop")
def test1(test): n3 ='0','ring2','Node',['n3']) n2 ='1','ring2','Node',['n2',n3]) n1 ='2','ring2','Node',['n1',n2]) n3.set_next(n1) n1.init_token() sleep(0.5) cnt = n3.get_cnt() test.assertEqual(cnt, 1, "testing message loop")
def push_data(self,inf,index,on,cont,lamport,index_server): if( # delay de 1 segon al server 1 sleep(1) print 'Informacio streetlight ' + str(index+1) +': ' + str(inf) # feedback self.opcio=3 self.inf[index]=inf self.cont[index]=cont if (int(self.inf[index])==1): # si tenim un "1" posa contador a 0 self.cont[index]=0 if (on==False): # si teniem Streetlight tancat, obre self.opcio=1 else: self.cont[index]=self.cont[index]+1 # si tenim un "0" augmenta contador if (self.cont[index]==4): # si tenim 4 "0" if(on==True): # si el Streetlight esta obert, tanca self.opcio=0 self.cont[index]=0 for i in self.database: if(,index)==True): # contem quantes databases estan a favor del commit self.cont_commit+=1 if (self.cont_commit==len(self.database)): # mirem si totes les database estan a favor self.cont_commit=0 #print "commit" for i in self.database: i.commit(lamport,index) # indiquem a les databases que el commit es realitzara i que actualitzin el seu lamport clock print "Lamport "+str(lamport)+" de Streetlight "+str(index+1)+" commited" self.queue.switch(self.opcio,index,self.cont[index]) # canviem estat segons opcio else: print "Lamport "+str(lamport)+ " Streetlight "+str(index+1)+ " aborted" for i in self.database: i.abort(lamport) # indica a les databases que el commit no es realitzara sleep(1) self.queue.send(self.inf[index],index,on,cont,lamport) # reenvia dada a la cua
def test_2pc_bad(): host = init_host() coord = host.spawn_id('5','2pc_multi','Coordinator',[]) cohort1 = host.spawn_id('1','2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord]) cohort2 = host.spawn_id('2','2pc_multi','BadCohort',[coord]) cohort3 = host.spawn_id('3','2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord]) cohort4 = host.spawn_id('4','2pc_multi','BadCohort',[coord]) coord.set_cohorts([cohort1, cohort2, cohort3, cohort4]) coord.commit() sleep(1)
def test(): host = init_host() f1 = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor9', 'File', []) web = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor9', 'Web', []) web.remote_server(f1) load = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor9', 'Workload', []) load.remote_server(web) load2 = host.spawn_id('2', 'actor9', 'Workload', []) load2.remote_server(web) load.launch() sleep(10)
def test(): host = init_host() # parameters 1 = 'id', 'test_sync' = module name, 'Server' = class name f1 = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor8', 'File', []) web = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor8', 'Web', []) web.remote_server(f1) load = host.spawn_id('1', 'actor8', 'Workload', []) load.remote_server(web) load2 = host.spawn_id('2', 'actor8', 'Workload', []) load2.remote_server(web) load.launch() sleep(10)
def test_2pc(): host = init_host() #log = host.spawn('loguml','LogUML',[]) #host.set_tracer(log) coord = host.spawn_id('5', '2pc_multi','Coordinator',[]) cohort1 = host.spawn_id('1', '2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord]) cohort2 = host.spawn_id('2', '2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord]) cohort3 = host.spawn_id('3', '2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord]) cohort4 = host.spawn_id('4', '2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord]) coord.set_cohorts([cohort1, cohort2, cohort3, cohort4]) coord.commit() print 'hola que tal!' sleep(1)
def test3(): host = init_host(('tcp', ('', 4346))) aref = 'tcp://' ref = host.lookup(aref) ref.substract(34, 2) ref.add(6, 8) for i in range(3): s = ref.add(56, 4) print s, 'ok' sleep(1) try: ref.wait_a_lot() except TimeoutError: print 'correct timeout' sleep(3) host.shutdown()
def testN(test): nf ='3','ring2','Node',['nf']) ni = nf; for i in range (10): ni = + 4),'ring2','Node',[('n',i+4),ni]) n1 ='16','ring2','Node',['n1',ni]) nf.set_next(n1) n1.init_token() sleep(0.5) cnt = nf.get_cnt() test.assertEqual(cnt, 1, "testing message loop")
def testN(test): nf ='3', 'ring2', 'Node', ['nf']) ni = nf for i in range(10): ni = + 4), 'ring2', 'Node', [('n', i + 4), ni]) n1 ='16', 'ring2', 'Node', ['n1', ni]) nf.set_next(n1) n1.init_token() sleep(0.5) cnt = nf.get_cnt() test.assertEqual(cnt, 1, "testing message loop")
def test3(): host = init_host(('tcp',('',4346))) aref = 'tcp://' ref = host.lookup(aref) ref.substract(34,2) ref.add(6,8) for i in range(3): s = ref.add(56,4) print s,'ok' sleep(1) try: ref.wait_a_lot() except TimeoutError: print 'correct timeout' sleep(3) host.shutdown()
def test(): lP = [] lA = [] lL = [] host = init_host() log = host.spawn_id('log', 'mpaxos_main', 'LogUML', []) host.set_tracer(log) interval(1, save_log, log) for i in range(0, N_SERVERS): l = host.spawn_id(str(i), 'multi_paxos', 'Server',[N_SERVERS]) lL.append(l) for i in range(0, N_SERVERS): if i == 0: lL[i].set_multi(lL[1:]) else: lL[i].set_multi(lL[:i] + lL[i+1:]) interval(2, update, lL[i]) lL[N_SERVERS - 1].set_leader() for i in range(0,N_SERVERS): num = int(random.random() * 100) print i, num lL[i].set_proposal(num) print lL[N_SERVERS - 1].set_proposal(int(random.random() * 100)) print lL[N_SERVERS - 1].set_proposal(int(random.random() * 100)) print lL[N_SERVERS - 1].set_proposal(int(random.random() * 100)) print lL[N_SERVERS - 1].set_proposal(int(random.random() * 100)) # lP[0].set_multi([lA[0], lA[1],lA[2]]) # lP[1].set_multi([lA[2], lA[3],lA[4]]) # lP[2].set_multi([lA[0], lA[1],lA[2]]) # lP[3].set_multi([lA[2], lA[3],lA[4]]) # p = AMulti(lP) # p.prepare() print lL[0].prepare() print lL[1].prepare() print lL[2].prepare() print lL[N_SERVERS - 1].prepare() sleep(5) lL[N_SERVERS - 1].set_proposal(num) print lL[N_SERVERS - 1].prepare()
def test_2pc_bad(): host = init_host() coord = host.spawn('2pc_multi','Coordinator',[]) cohort1 = host.spawn('2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord,'1']) cohort2 = host.spawn('2pc_multi','BadCohort',[coord,'2']) cohort3 = host.spawn('2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord,'3']) cohort4 = host.spawn('2pc_multi','BadCohort',[coord,'4']) group = host.spawn_id('2pc_bad','atom.multi','Multi',[]) #print group.aref,group.members() group.join(cohort1) group.join(cohort2) group.join(cohort3) coord.set_cohort(group.join(cohort4)) coord.commit() sleep(0.5)
def test_2pc(): host = init_host() #log = host.spawn('loguml','LogUML',[]) #host.set_tracer(log) coord = host.spawn_id('5', '2pc_multi','Coordinator',[]) cohort1 = host.spawn_id('1', '2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord,'1']) cohort2 = host.spawn_id('2', '2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord,'2']) cohort3 = host.spawn_id('3', '2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord,'3']) cohort4 = host.spawn_id('4', '2pc_multi','GoodCohort',[coord,'4']) # group = host.new_group('6') #es queda pillat al join! mirar el enviament de missatges # group.join(cohort1) # group.join(cohort2) # group.join(cohort3) # pepito = group.join(cohort4) # print 'pepitooooo', pepito coord.set_cohort(cohort4) coord.commit() sleep(0.5)
def start_node(): nodes_h = {} num_nodes = 5 cont = 1 retry = 0 index=0 # tcpconf = ('tcp', ('', 1234)) # host = init_host(tcpconf) momconf = ('mom',{'name':'s1','ip':'','port':61613,'namespace':'/topic/test'}) host = init_host(momconf) log = host.spawn_id('log','chord_log','LogUML',[]) host.set_tracer(log) # print log for i in range(num_nodes): nodes_h[i] = host.spawn_id(str(cont), 'chord_protocol', 'Node', []) cont += 1 for i in range(num_nodes): nodes_h[i].init_node() while index < num_nodes: try: if(nodes_h[index].join(nodes_h[0])): print "True" interval(5, update, nodes_h[index]) index += 1 retry = 0 sleep(0.2) except TimeoutError: retry += 1 if retry > 3: index += 1 interval(200, show, nodes_h[0]) interval(200, show, nodes_h[num_nodes/2]) interval(200, show, nodes_h[num_nodes - 1]) interval(15, save_log, log)
def test1(): host = init_host() n2 = host.spawn_id('2','lock_test','Node',['n2']) sleep(2) n1 = host.spawn_id('1','lock_test','Node',['n1']) n1.registry_object(n2) n3 = host.spawn_id('3','lock_test','Node',['n3']) n3.registry_object(n1) n1.start() n3.start_n3() sleep(15) result = n1.start2() print 'response_start2', result sleep(20)
def throw_timeout(self): sleep(3) return 'timeout test'
def wait_a_lot(self): sleep(2) return 'ok'
def tearDownModule(self): sleep(0.2)
def return_msg(self): sleep(10) return 'Hello World'
def test(): host=init_host() sensor=host.spawn_id('1','SD_Task2_A','Sensor',[]) sl1=host.spawn_id('1','SD_Task2_A','Streetlight',[]) sl2=host.spawn_id('2','SD_Task2_A','Streetlight',[]) sl3=host.spawn_id('3','SD_Task2_A','Streetlight',[]) q= host.spawn_id('1','SD_Task2_A','Queue',[]) l=host.spawn_id('1','SD_Task2_A','Write_file',[]) sensor.subscribe(sl1) # connectem clients al sensor sensor.subscribe(sl2) sensor.subscribe(sl3) sl1.set_log(l) # connectem clients amb classe per escriure a arxiu sl2.set_log(l) # connectem clients amb classe per escriure a arxiu sl3.set_log(l) # connectem clients amb classe per escriure a arxiu sl1.set_queue(q,0) # connectem clients amb cua sl2.set_queue(q,1) sl3.set_queue(q,2) q.connect_queue(sl1) # connectem cua amb clients q.connect_queue(sl2) q.connect_queue(sl3) s1=host.spawn_id('1','SD_Task2_A','Server',[]) s2=host.spawn_id('2','SD_Task2_A','Server',[]) db1=host.spawn_id('1','SD_Task2_A','Database',[]) db2=host.spawn_id('2','SD_Task2_A','Database',[]) db3=host.spawn_id('3','SD_Task2_A','Database',[]) s1.connect_database(db1) # connectem servidors amb database s1.connect_database(db2) s1.connect_database(db3) s1.set_queue_server(q) # connectem servidors amb cua q.add_server(s1) # connectem cua amb servidors sensor.start('arxiu.txt') sensor.start_interval() sleep(27) # esperar a tenir tots els valors sl1.log() sleep(1) sl2.log() sleep(1) sl3.log() sleep(1) l.write()