Beispiel #1
    def map_regions(self,
        """Plot regional data for a single model, scenario, variable, and year

        see pyam.plotting.region_plot() for all available options

        map_col: string
            The column used to map new regions to. Common examples include
            iso and 5_region.
        agg: string, optional
            Perform a data aggregation. Options include: sum.
        copy_col: string, optional
            Copy the existing region data into a new column for later use.
        fname: string, optional
            Use a non-default region mapping file
        region_col: string, optional
            Use a non-default column name for regions to map from.
        inplace : bool, default False
            if True, do operation inplace and return None
        models = self.meta.index.get_level_values('model').unique()
        fname = fname or run_control()['region_mapping']['default']
        mapping = read_pandas(fname).rename(str.lower, axis='columns')
        map_col = map_col.lower()

        ret = copy.deepcopy(self) if not inplace else self
        _df =
        columns_orderd = _df.columns

        # merge data
        dfs = []
        for model in models:
            df = _df[_df['model'] == model]
            _col = region_col or '{}.REGION'.format(model)
            _map = mapping.rename(columns={_col.lower(): 'region'})
            _map = _map[['region', map_col]].dropna().drop_duplicates()

            if copy_col is not None:
                df[copy_col] = df['region']

            df = (df.merge(_map, on='region').drop(
                'region', axis=1).rename(columns={map_col: 'region'}))
        df = pd.concat(dfs)

        # perform aggregations
        if agg == 'sum':
            df = df.groupby(LONG_IDX).sum().reset_index() = (df.reindex(
        if not inplace:
            return ret
Beispiel #2
    def map_regions(self, map_col, agg=None, copy_col=None, fname=None,
                    region_col=None, remove_duplicates=False, inplace=False):
        """Plot regional data for a single model, scenario, variable, and year

        see pyam.plotting.region_plot() for all available options

        map_col: string
            The column used to map new regions to. Common examples include
            iso and 5_region.
        agg: string, optional
            Perform a data aggregation. Options include: sum.
        copy_col: string, optional
            Copy the existing region data into a new column for later use.
        fname: string, optional
            Use a non-default region mapping file
        region_col: string, optional
            Use a non-default column name for regions to map from.
        remove_duplicates: bool, optional, default: False
            If there are duplicates in the mapping from one regional level to
            another, then remove these duplicates by counting the most common
            mapped value.
            This option is most useful when mapping from high resolution
            (e.g., model regions) to low resolution (e.g., 5_region).
        inplace : bool, default False
            if True, do operation inplace and return None
        models = self.meta.index.get_level_values('model').unique()
        fname = fname or run_control()['region_mapping']['default']
        mapping = read_pandas(fname).rename(str.lower, axis='columns')
        map_col = map_col.lower()

        ret = copy.deepcopy(self) if not inplace else self
        _df =
        columns_orderd = _df.columns

        # merge data
        dfs = []
        for model in models:
            df = _df[_df['model'] == model]
            _col = region_col or '{}.REGION'.format(model)
            _map = mapping.rename(columns={_col.lower(): 'region'})
            _map = _map[['region', map_col]].dropna().drop_duplicates()
            _map = _map[_map['region'].isin(_df['region'])]
            if remove_duplicates and _map['region'].duplicated().any():
                # find duplicates
                where_dup = _map['region'].duplicated(keep=False)
                dups = _map[where_dup]
                Duplicate entries found for the following regions.
                Mapping will occur only for the most common instance.
                # get non duplicates
                _map = _map[~where_dup]
                # order duplicates by the count frequency
                dups = (dups
                        .groupby(['region', map_col])
                        .sort_values(by='count', ascending=False)
                        .drop('count', axis=1))
                # take top occurance
                dups = dups[~dups['region'].duplicated(keep='first')]
                # combine them back
                _map = pd.concat([_map, dups])
            if copy_col is not None:
                df[copy_col] = df['region']

            df = (df
                  .merge(_map, on='region')
                  .drop('region', axis=1)
                  .rename(columns={map_col: 'region'})
        df = pd.concat(dfs)

        # perform aggregations
        if agg == 'sum':
            df = df.groupby(LONG_IDX).sum().reset_index() = (df
        if not inplace:
            return ret