Beispiel #1
def find_target_node(ctx, stmt, is_instance_allowed = False):
    """Find the target node for the 'refine' or 'augment' statements"""
    parent = stmt.parent
    if stmt.arg == '.':
        return parent
    # parse the path into a list of two-tuples of (prefix,identifier)
    pstr = '/' + stmt.arg
    path = [(m[1], m[2]) for m in syntax.re_schema_node_id_part.findall(pstr)]
    node = parent
    # go down the path
    for (prefix, identifier) in path:
        if not is_instance_allowed and node is not parent and is_instation(node):
            err_add(ctx.errors, stmt.pos, 'BAD_REF_AUG', (node.arg, node.pos))
            return None

        module = statements.prefix_to_module(parent.i_module, prefix,
                    stmt.pos, ctx.errors)
        if module is None:
            return None
        child = statements.search_child(node.i_children,
                    module.i_modulename, identifier)
        if child is None:
            err_add(ctx.errors, stmt.pos, 'NODE_NOT_FOUND',
                (module.i_modulename, identifier))
            return None
        node = child
    return node
Beispiel #2
def resolve_complex_type(ctx, prefix, name, stmt):
    """Resolves a complex type by prefix and name in the scope of stmt."""
    if prefix is None or stmt.i_module.i_prefix == prefix:
        # check local complex types
        stmt.i_complex_type = search_complex_type(stmt, name)
        # this is a prefixed name, check the imported modules
        pmodule = statements.prefix_to_module(stmt.i_module, prefix, stmt.pos,
        if pmodule is None:
        stmt.i_complex_type = search_complex_type(pmodule, name)
Beispiel #3
    def find_target_node(self, stmt):
        inthismod = True
        if stmt.arg.startswith('/'):
            is_absolute = True
            arg = stmt.arg
            is_absolute = False
            arg = "/" + stmt.arg
        # parse the path into a list of two-tuples of (prefix,identifier)
        path = [(m[1], m[2])
                for m in syntax.re_schema_node_id_part.findall(arg)]
        # find the module of the first node in the path
        (prefix, identifier) = path[0]
        if prefix == '':
            inthismod = True
            inthismod = (prefix == self.thismod_prefix)
        # sys.stderr.write("prefix for %s : %s \n" %(path, prefix))
        module = statements.prefix_to_module(stmt.i_module, prefix, stmt.pos,
        if module is None:
            # error is reported by prefix_to_module
            return inthismod, None
        if is_absolute:
            # find the first node
            node = statements.search_data_keyword_child(
                module.i_children, module.i_modulename, identifier)
            if node is None:
                # check all our submodules
                for inc in'include'):
                    submod = self._ctx.get_module(inc.arg)
                    if submod is not None:
                        node = statements.search_data_keyword_child(
                            submod.i_children, submod.i_modulename, identifier)
                        if node is not None:
                if node is None:
                    err_add(self._ctx.errors, stmt.pos, 'NODE_NOT_FOUND',
                            (module.arg, identifier))
                    return inthismod, None
            path = path[1:]
            if hasattr(stmt.parent, 'i_annotate_node'):
                node = stmt.parent.i_annotate_node
                err_add(self._ctx.errors, stmt.pos, 'BAD_ANNOTATE', ())
                return inthismod, None

        # then recurse down the path
        for (prefix, identifier) in path:
            module = statements.prefix_to_module(stmt.i_module, prefix,
                                                 stmt.pos, self._ctx.errors)
            if module is None:
                return None
            if hasattr(node, 'i_children'):
                children = node.i_children
                children = []
            child = statements.search_data_keyword_child(
                children, module.i_modulename, identifier)
            if child is None:
                err_add(self._ctx.errors, stmt.pos, 'NODE_NOT_FOUND',
                        (module.arg, identifier))
                return inthismod, None
            node = child

        stmt.i_annotate_node = node
        return inthismod, node
Beispiel #4
def typestring(node):
    def get_nontypedefstring(node):
        s = ""
        found = False
        t = node.search_one('type')
        if t is not None:
            s = t.arg + '\n'
            if t.arg == 'enumeration':
                found = True
                s = s + ' : {'
                for enums in t.substmts:
                    s = s + enums.arg + ','
                s = s + '}'
            elif t.arg == 'leafref':
                found = True
                s = s + ' : '
                p = t.search_one('path')
                if p is not None:
                    s = s + p.arg

            elif t.arg == 'identityref':
                found = True
                b = t.search_one('base')
                if b is not None:
                    s = s + ' {' + b.arg + '}'

            elif t.arg == 'union':
                found = True
                uniontypes ='type')
                s = s + '{' + uniontypes[0].arg
                for uniontype in uniontypes[1:]:
                    s = s + ', ' + uniontype.arg
                s = s + '}'

            typerange = t.search_one('range')
            if typerange is not None:
                found = True
                s = s + ' [' + typerange.arg + ']'
            length = t.search_one('length')
            if length is not None:
                found = True
                s = s + ' {length = ' + length.arg + '}'

            pattern = t.search_one('pattern')
            if pattern is not None:  # truncate long patterns
                found = True
                s = s + ' {pattern = ' + pattern.arg + '}'
        return s

    s = get_nontypedefstring(node)

    if s != "":
        t = node.search_one('type')
        # chase typedef
        type_namespace = None
        i_type_name = None
        name = t.arg
        if name.find(":") == -1:
            prefix = None
            [prefix, name] = name.split(':', 1)
        if prefix is None or t.i_module.i_prefix == prefix:
            # check local typedefs
            pmodule = node.i_module
            typedef = statements.search_typedef(t, name)
            # this is a prefixed name, check the imported modules
            err = []
            pmodule = statements.prefix_to_module(t.i_module, prefix, t.pos,
            if pmodule is None:
            typedef = statements.search_typedef(pmodule, name)
        if typedef != None:
            s = s + get_nontypedefstring(typedef)
    return s
Beispiel #5
def typestring(node):
    def get_nontypedefstring(node):
        s = {}
        found = False
        t = node.search_one('type')
        if t is not None:
            s['type'] = t.arg
            if t.arg == 'enumeration':
                found = True
                s['enumeration'] = []
                for enums in t.substmts:
            elif t.arg == 'leafref':
                found = True
                p = t.search_one('path')
                if p is not None:
                    s['path'] = p.arg

            elif t.arg == 'identityref':
                found = True
                b = t.search_one('base')
                if b is not None:
                    s['base'] = b.arg

            elif t.arg == 'union':
                found = True
                uniontypes ='type')
                s['union'] = [uniontypes[0].arg]
                for uniontype in uniontypes[1:]:

            typerange = t.search_one('range')
            if typerange is not None:
                found = True
                s['type_range'] = typerange.arg
            length = t.search_one('length')
            if length is not None:
                found = True
                s['length'] = length.arg

            pattern = t.search_one('pattern')
            if pattern is not None:
                found = True
                s['pattern'] = json_escape(pattern.arg)
        return s

    s = get_nontypedefstring(node)

    if len(s) != 0:
        t = node.search_one('type')
        # chase typedef
        type_namespace = None
        i_type_name = None
        name = t.arg
        if name.find(":") == -1:
            prefix = None
            [prefix, name] = name.split(':', 1)
        if prefix is None or t.i_module.i_prefix == prefix:
            # check local typedefs
            pmodule = node.i_module
            typedef = statements.search_typedef(t, name)
            # this is a prefixed name, check the imported modules
            err = []
            pmodule = statements.prefix_to_module(t.i_module, prefix, t.pos,
            if pmodule is None:
            typedef = statements.search_typedef(pmodule, name)
        if typedef != None:
            s['typedef'] = get_nontypedefstring(typedef)
    return s
Beispiel #6
    def find_target_node(self, stmt):
        inthismod = True;
        if stmt.arg.startswith('/'):
            is_absolute = True
            arg = stmt.arg
            is_absolute = False
            arg = "/" + stmt.arg
        # parse the path into a list of two-tuples of (prefix,identifier)
        path = [(m[1], m[2]) for m in syntax.re_schema_node_id_part.findall(arg)]
        # find the module of the first node in the path
        (prefix, identifier) = path[0]
        if prefix == '':
            inthismod = True
            inthismod = (prefix == self.thismod_prefix);
        # sys.stderr.write("prefix for %s : %s \n" %(path, prefix))
        module = statements.prefix_to_module(stmt.i_module, prefix,
                                             stmt.pos, self._ctx.errors)
        if module is None:
            # error is reported by prefix_to_module
            return inthismod, None
        if is_absolute:
            # find the first node
            node = statements.search_data_keyword_child(module.i_children,
            if node is None:
                # check all our submodules
                for inc in'include'):
                    submod = self._ctx.get_module(inc.arg)
                    if submod is not None:
                        node = statements.search_data_keyword_child(
                        if node is not None:
                if node is None:
                    err_add(self._ctx.errors, stmt.pos, 'NODE_NOT_FOUND',
                            (module.arg, identifier))
                    return inthismod, None
            path = path[1:]
            if hasattr(stmt.parent, 'i_annotate_node'):
                node = stmt.parent.i_annotate_node
                err_add(self._ctx.errors, stmt.pos, 'BAD_ANNOTATE', ())
                return inthismod, None

        # then recurse down the path
        for (prefix, identifier) in path:
            module = statements.prefix_to_module(stmt.i_module, prefix, stmt.pos,
            if module is None:
                return None
            if hasattr(node, 'i_children'):
                children = node.i_children
                children = []
            child = statements.search_data_keyword_child(children,
            if child is None:
                err_add(self._ctx.errors, stmt.pos, 'NODE_NOT_FOUND',
                        (module.arg, identifier))
                return inthismod, None
            node = child

        stmt.i_annotate_node = node
        return inthismod, node
Beispiel #7
def getType(node):

    global codegenTypesToYangTypesMap
    xpath = statements.mk_path_str(node, True)

    def resolveType(stmt, nodeType):
        if nodeType == "string" \
            or nodeType == "instance-identifier" \
            or nodeType == "identityref":
            return codegenTypesToYangTypesMap["string"]
        elif nodeType == "enumeration":
            enums = []
            for enum in stmt.substmts:
                if enum.keyword == "enum":
            return codegenTypesToYangTypesMap["string"], enums
        elif nodeType == "empty" or nodeType == "boolean":
            return {"type": "boolean", "format": "boolean"}
        elif nodeType == "leafref":
            return handle_leafref(node, xpath)
        elif nodeType == "union":
            return codegenTypesToYangTypesMap["string"]
        elif nodeType == "decimal64":
            return codegenTypesToYangTypesMap[nodeType]
        elif nodeType in [
                'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32',
                'uint64', 'binary', 'bits'
            return codegenTypesToYangTypesMap[nodeType]
            print("no base type found")

    base_types = [
        'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32',
        'uint64', 'decimal64', 'string', 'boolean', 'enumeration', 'bits',
        'binary', 'leafref', 'identityref', 'empty', 'union',
    # Get Type of a node
    t = node.search_one('type')

    while t.arg not in base_types:
        # chase typedef
        name = t.arg
        if name.find(":") == -1:
            prefix = None
            [prefix, name] = name.split(':', 1)
        if prefix is None or t.i_module.i_prefix == prefix:
            # check local typedefs
            pmodule = node.i_module
            typedef = statements.search_typedef(t, name)
            # this is a prefixed name, check the imported modules
            err = []
            pmodule = statements.prefix_to_module(t.i_module, prefix, t.pos,
            if pmodule is None:
            typedef = statements.search_typedef(pmodule, name)

        if typedef is None:
                "Typedef ", name,
                " is not found, make sure all dependent modules are present")
        t = typedef.search_one('type')

    return resolveType(t, t.arg)
Beispiel #8
def typestring(node):

    def get_nontypedefstring(node):
        s = ""
        found  = False
        t = node.search_one('type')
        if t is not None:
            s = t.arg + '\n'
            if t.arg == 'enumeration':
                found = True
                s = s + ' : {'
                for enums in t.substmts:
                    s = s + enums.arg + ','
                s = s + '}'
            elif t.arg == 'leafref':
                found = True
                s = s + ' : '
                p = t.search_one('path')
                if p is not None:
                    s = s + p.arg

            elif t.arg == 'identityref':
                found = True
                b = t.search_one('base')
                if b is not None:
                    s = s + ' {' + b.arg + '}'

            elif t.arg == 'union':
                found = True
                uniontypes ='type')
                s = s + '{' + uniontypes[0].arg
                for uniontype in uniontypes[1:]:
                    s = s + ', ' + uniontype.arg
                s = s + '}'

            typerange = t.search_one('range')
            if typerange is not None:
                found = True
                s = s + ' [' + typerange.arg + ']'
            length = t.search_one('length')
            if length is not None:
                found = True
                s = s + ' {length = ' + length.arg + '}'

            pattern = t.search_one('pattern')
            if pattern is not None: # truncate long patterns
                found = True
                s = s + ' {pattern = ' + pattern.arg + '}'
        return s

    s = get_nontypedefstring(node)

    if s != "":
        t = node.search_one('type')
        # chase typedef
        type_namespace = None
        i_type_name = None
        name = t.arg
        if name.find(":") == -1:
            prefix = None
            [prefix, name] = name.split(':', 1)
        if prefix is None or t.i_module.i_prefix == prefix:
            # check local typedefs
            pmodule = node.i_module
            typedef = statements.search_typedef(t, name)
            # this is a prefixed name, check the imported modules
            err = []
            pmodule = statements.prefix_to_module(t.i_module,prefix,t.pos,err)
            if pmodule is None:
            typedef = statements.search_typedef(pmodule, name)
        if typedef != None:
            s = s + get_nontypedefstring(typedef)
    return s