def __call__(self, mspec, lseg, difflen = 0):
        *** input
        * mspec: mel spectrogram
        * lseg: list of tuples (label, start, stop) corresponding to previous segmentations
        * difflen: 0 if the original length of the mel spectrogram is >= 68
                otherwise it is set to 68 - length(mspec)
        *** output
        a list of adjacent tuples (label, start, stop)

        if self.nmel < 24:
            mspec = mspec[:, :self.nmel].copy()
        patches, finite = _get_patches(mspec, 68, 2)
        if difflen > 0:
            patches = patches[:-int(difflen / 2), :, :]
            finite = finite[:-int(difflen / 2)]
        assert len(finite) == len(patches), (len(patches), len(finite))
        ret = []
        for lab, start, stop in lseg:
            if lab != self.inlabel:
                ret.append((lab, start, stop))

            rawpred = self.nn.predict(patches[start:stop, :])
            rawpred[finite[start:stop] == False, :] = 0.5

            pred = viterbi_decoding(np.log(rawpred), diag_trans_exp(self.viterbi_arg, len(self.outlabels)))
            for lab2, start2, stop2 in _binidx2seglist(pred):
                ret.append((self.outlabels[int(lab2)], start2+start, stop2+start))            
        return ret
Beispiel #2
def _gender(nn, patches, finite_patches, speechzicseg):
    ret = []
    for lab, start, stop in speechzicseg:
        if lab in ['Music', 'NOACTIVITY']:
            # no energy
            ret.append((lab, start, stop))
        rawpred = nn.predict(patches[start:stop, :])
        rawpred[finite_patches[start:stop] == False, :] = 0.5
        pred = viterbi_decoding(np.log(rawpred), log_trans_exp(80))
        for lab2, start2, stop2 in _binidx2seglist(pred):
                         'Male'][int(lab2)], start2 + start, stop2 + start))
    return ret
Beispiel #3
    def __call__(self, mspec, lseg, difflen = 0):
        *** input
        * mspec: mel spectrogram
        * lseg: list of tuples (label, start, stop) corresponding to previous segmentations
        * difflen: 0 if the original length of the mel spectrogram is >= 68
                otherwise it is set to 68 - length(mspec)
        *** output
        a list of adjacent tuples (label, start, stop)

        if self.nmel < 24:
            mspec = mspec[:, :self.nmel].copy()
        patches, finite = _get_patches(mspec, 68, 2)
        if difflen > 0:
            patches = patches[:-int(difflen / 2), :, :]
            finite = finite[:-int(difflen / 2)]
        assert len(finite) == len(patches), (len(patches), len(finite))
        batch = []
        for lab, start, stop in lseg:
            if lab == self.inlabel:
                batch.append(patches[start:stop, :])

        if len(batch) > 0:
            batch = np.concatenate(batch)

            with graph.as_default():
                with tf.Session() as sess:
                    rawpred = self.nn.predict(batch, batch_size=self.batch_size)

        ret = []
        for lab, start, stop in lseg:
            if lab != self.inlabel:
                ret.append((lab, start, stop))

            l = stop - start
            r = rawpred[:l] 
            rawpred = rawpred[l:]
            r[finite[start:stop] == False, :] = 0.5
            pred = viterbi_decoding(np.log(r), diag_trans_exp(self.viterbi_arg, len(self.outlabels)))
            for lab2, start2, stop2 in _binidx2seglist(pred):
                ret.append((self.outlabels[int(lab2)], start2+start, stop2+start))            
        return ret
Beispiel #4
def _speechzic(nn, patches, finite_patches, vad):
    ret = []
    for lab, start, stop in _binidx2seglist(vad):
        if lab == 0:
            # no energy
            ret.append(('NOACTIVITY', start, stop))
        #print(start, stop)
        rawpred = nn.predict(patches[start:stop, :])
        rawpred[finite_patches[start:stop] == False, :] = 0.5
        pred = viterbi_decoding(np.log(rawpred), log_trans_exp(150))
        for lab2, start2, stop2 in _binidx2seglist(pred):
                         'Music'][int(lab2)], start2 + start, stop2 + start))
    return ret
def _energy_activity(loge, ratio=0.03):
    threshold = np.mean(loge[np.isfinite(loge)]) + np.log(ratio)
    raw_activity = (loge > threshold)
    return viterbi_decoding(pred2logemission(raw_activity),
                            log_trans_exp(150, cost0=-5))