Beispiel #1
def test_from_records(annotation):
    # Check that we can reconstruct an annotation from the
    # output of itertracks.
    records = annotation.itertracks(yield_label=True)
    actual = Annotation.from_records(records)
    expected = annotation
    assert actual == expected
Beispiel #2
def read_segments_file(segments_path):
    """Read speech/non-speech annotations from Kaldi segments file."""
    columns = ['utterance_uri', 'recording_uri', 'onset', 'offset']
    segs_df = pd.read_csv(
        segments_path, header=None, sep=' ', names=columns)
    annotations = {}
    for recording_uri, segs in segs_df.groupby('recording_uri'):
        records = [(Segment(seg.onset, seg.offset), '_', 'speech')
                   for seg in segs.itertuples(index=False)]
        ann = Annotation.from_records(records, uri=recording_uri)
        annotations[recording_uri] = ann

    return annotations