Beispiel #1
import numpy as np
import json
import os

from pyarchi.utils import create_logger

logger = create_logger("util")

def get_file_name(path, storage_location):
    Extracts the last part of the path, i.e. the dataset folder name, to store the optimized masks

        >>> get_file_name("kamuish/teste")  
        >>> "teste"

        >>> get_file_name("kamuish/teste/")  
        >>> "teste"
    path : string
        path to the base folder

    splitted_path = path.split("/")
    file_name = splitted_path[-2] if not splitted_path[-1] else splitted_path[
    json_full_path = os.path.join(storage_location,
Beispiel #2
from import fits
import numpy as np

from .Mask import Masks

from pyarchi.utils import path_finder
from pyarchi.utils import create_logger, CDPP

logger = create_logger("star_track")

class Star:
    Star class that holds the star information. We have a class attribute, number, that will be used to name the star.
     Each star increments this number by one.

            CDPP algorithm; Can be a string or a function. If it is a string, it should be "K2". Otherwise, the function should have the format
                def foo(flux, time):
                    return metric
            Initial position
        dist = None:
            Distance to center
Beispiel #3
import yaml
from functools import wraps

from .photometric_process import photometry
from pyarchi.data_objects import Data

from pyarchi.utils import general_optimizer, store_optimized_radius
from pyarchi.utils import create_logger, parameters_validator

logger = create_logger("Photo Controller")

class Photo_controller:
        Controller class that allows an easy interface with all the important functions in the module. If the no_optim parameter is set to False,
        then it automatically starts the optimization routine, at instantiation time of the class.

    def __init__(self, job_number, config_path="configuration_files/config.yaml", no_optim=False):
        self.job_number = job_number"Loading Parameters:")

        if isinstance(config_path, str):
            with open(config_path, "r") as stream:
                kwargs = yaml.load(stream)
        else:  # we can pass a dict
            kwargs = config_path

        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.data_fits = Data(kwargs['base_folder']) 
Beispiel #4
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

from pyarchi.utils import export_txt, create_fits, photo_SaveInfo
from pyarchi.data_objects import Data

from .photometry_outputs import photom_plots
from pyarchi.utils import handle_folders

from pyarchi.utils import create_logger
logger = create_logger("Output creation")

def store_data(data_fits, job_number, singular=None, **kwargs):
    Stores the data extracted from the entire pipeline.

    Like the controllers, it can work with a :class:`~pyarchi.data_objects.Data.Data` object that was used for both parts
    or only for one of them.

    If one wishes, it can also only create the folders and extract the data only for the chosen star.
        :class:`~pyarchi.data_objects.Data.Data` object.
        Job number, from the supernova server. Will be used to save the parent folder inside the
        kwargs["results_folder"] to create the entire directory structure.
        If it's not None, then only that star's light curve is saved. Only works for the "show_results".
Beispiel #5
import numpy as np
from pyarchi.utils import create_logger

logger = create_logger("masks")

class Masks:
        Class used to hold the mask for each iteration, as well as some of some important methods
    def __init__(self, mask_factor, grid_increase, initial_mask, low_memory=0):

        self._mask_factor = mask_factor
        self.grid_increase = grid_increase

        self._masks = []
        self._low_mem = low_memory

        self._mask_size = len(np.where(initial_mask != 0)[0])

    def add_mask(self, mask):
        Stores a new mask. If the low memory mode is active, only two masks are stored in memory: the initial one
        and the latest.

            Mask to be added
Beispiel #6
import numpy as np

from import fits
from pyarchi.utils import path_finder
from pyarchi.utils.misc.rotation_mats import matrix_cnter_clock
from pyarchi.utils import create_logger
from pyarchi.data_objects import Star

logger = create_logger("initial_detection")

def centers_from_fits(primary, secondary, stars, initial_angle,initial_offset, **kwargs):
    Using information stored on the fits files, we determine the centers positions. The centers are determined using
    relations between the differences in RA and DEC of all stars in relation to the known point : the central star.

    After determining the center, we use the primary and secondary arguments to see if this function should change
    the initial position of the star.

    primary: str
        Methodology to apply to the central star. If it's fits then the initial position of that star is changed to
        be the one determined here.
    secondary: str
        Methodology to apply to the outer stars. If it's fits then the initial position of those stars are changed
            to be the ones determined here.
    stars: list
        List with all the stars found with the dynam method
    initial_angle: float
        Rotation angle of the satellite for the first image
    initial_offset: list    
Beispiel #7
from import fits
import numpy as np

from pyarchi.masks_creation import create_circular_mask, create_shape_mask
from pyarchi.masks_creation import change_grid

from pyarchi.initial_detection import centers_from_fits, initial_dynam_centers

from pyarchi.utils.misc.rotation_mats import matrix_cnter_clock, matrix_clockwise
from pyarchi.utils import path_finder
from pyarchi.utils import get_optimized_mask
from pyarchi.utils import create_logger

from .Star_class import Star

logger = create_logger("Data")

class Data:
        Data structure to hold the information of all the stars in the field.

            location of the folder in which all the fits files are located.
            rotation angle for all the images.
            all the images in the fits file.
Beispiel #8
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os 
from pyarchi.star_track import star_tracking_handler

from pyarchi.utils import my_timer
from pyarchi.utils import create_logger

logger = create_logger("main")

def photometry(data_fits, save_folder, **kwargs):
    This function ensures that the entire process runs in the correct order. First the masks are updated and, afterwards,
    the centers for the next image are calculated.

    data_fits: Object of "Data" class that will hold the results of the analysis for each star

        dictionary with all the necessary information. It is loaded from the config.yaml file

        data_fits: Object of "Data" class that holds the results of the analysis for each star
        -1: If an error was found during the process

    if not kwargs[