Beispiel #1
def ssexy_win32(fname):
    import pefile

    # load the pe file
    pe = pefile.PE(fname)

    # make a addr: value dictionary for all imports
    imports = dict((x.address, or (e.dll.lower(), x.ordinal))
        for e in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT for x in e.imports)

    # apply config to the imports, if its not in the configuration, just
    # prepend the api with an underscore, the way gcc likes it.
    imports = dict((k, config.apis[v] if v in config.apis else
        config.Api('_' + v)) for k, v in imports.items())

    # dictionary with addr: value where addr is the address of the
    # `jmp dword [thunk address]' and value the name of this import.
    iat_label = {}

    # a set of all relocations
    relocs = set([(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + y.rva)
        for x in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC for y in x.entries])

    # a list of addresses that were used.
    addresses = []

    # a list of all m128 values we use
    m128s = []

    # a list of all dword values we use
    m32s = []

    instructions = pyasm2.block()

    # walk each section, find those that are executable and disassemble those
    for section in filter(lambda x: x.IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, pe.sections):
        g = distorm3.DecomposeGenerator(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase +
            section.VirtualAddress, section.get_data(), distorm3.Decode32Bits)
        for instr in g:
            # useless instruction?
            if str(instr) in ('NOP', 'ADD [EAX], AL', 'LEA ESI, [ESI]',
                        'INT 3') or str(instr)[:2] == 'DB':

            # a jump to one of the imports?
            #if instr.mnemonic == 'JMP' and instr.operands[0].type == \
            #        distorm3.OPERAND_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS and \
            #        instr.operands[0].disp in imports:
            #    iat_label[instr.address] = imports[instr.operands[0].disp]
            #    continue

            # quite hackery, but when the jumps with thunk address have been
            # processed, we can be fairly sure that there will be no (legit)
            # code anymore.
            #if len(iat_label):
            #    break

            #print str(instr)

            #print str(instr)

            # convert the instruction from distorm3 format to pyasm2 format.
            instr = distorm3_to_pyasm2(instr)

            # we create the block already here, otherwise our `labelnr' is
            # not defined.
            #block = pyasm2.block(pyasm2.Label('%08x' % instr.address), instr)
            offset_flat = None
            addr = instr.address

            # now we check if this instruction has a relocation inside it
            # not a very efficient way, but oke.
            reloc = instr.length > 4 and relocs.intersection(range(
                instr.address, instr.address + instr.length - 3))
            if reloc:
                # make an immediate with `addr' set to True
                enable_addr = lambda x: Immediate(int(x), addr=True)

                # TODO support for two relocations in one instruction
                # (displacement *and* immediate)
                reloc = reloc.pop()
                # there is only one operand, that's easy
                if not instr.op2:
                    #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 %s??\n' % instr.op1)
                    if isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.MemoryAddress):
                        # special occassion, this memory addres is an import
                        if instr.op1.reg1 is None and \
                                instr.op1.reg2 is None and \
                                int(instr.op1.disp) in imports:
                            instr.op1 = imports[int(instr.op1.disp)]
                            # change the displacement to a label
                            #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x',
                            #    '__lbl_00')
                            instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                    elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.Immediate):
                        offset_flat = int(instr.op1)
                        #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x',
                        #    'offset flat:__lbl_00')
                # if the second operand is an immediate and the relocation is
                # in the last four bytes of the instruction, then this
                # immediate is the reloc. Otherwise, if the second operand is
                # a memory address, then it's the displacement.
                elif isinstance(instr.op2, pyasm2.Immediate) and reloc == \
                        instr.address + instr.length - 4:
                    # keep this address
                    # make a label from this address
                    # TODO: fix this horrible hack
                    offset_flat = int(instr.op2)
                    #instr.op2 = pyasm2.Label('offset flat:__lbl_%08x' %
                    #    int(instr.op2), prepend=False)
                elif isinstance(instr.op2, pyasm2.MemoryAddress) and \
                        reloc == instr.address + instr.length - 4:
                    # change the displacement to a label
                    instr.op2 = enable_addr(instr.op2)
                    #instr.op2 = str(instr.op2).replace('0x', '__lbl_00')
                    #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op2 memaddr %s\n' %
                    #    str(instr.op2))
                # the relocation is not inside the second operand, it must be
                # inside the first operand after all.
                elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.MemoryAddress):
                    instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                    #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x', '__lbl_00')
                    #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 memaddr %s\n' %
                    #    str(instr.op1))
                elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.Immediate):
                    instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                    #instr.op1 = '__lbl_%08x' % int(instr.op1)
                    #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 imm %s\n' % instr.op1)
                    sys.stderr.write('Invalid Relocation!\n')

            instr = translate.Translater(instr, m128s, m32s).translate()
            if offset_flat:
                encode_offset_flat = lambda x: str(x).replace('0x',
                    'offset flat:__lbl_') if isinstance(x, (int, long,
                    pyasm2.imm)) and int(x) == offset_flat or isinstance(x,
                    pyasm2.mem) and x.disp == offset_flat else x

                if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.block):
                    for x in instr.instructions:
                        x.op1 = encode_offset_flat(x.op1)
                        x.op2 = encode_offset_flat(x.op2)
                    x.op1 = encode_offset_flat(x.op1)
                    x.op2 = encode_offset_flat(x.op2)

            instructions += pyasm2.block(pyasm2.Label('%08x' % addr), instr)

        # remove any addresses that are from within the current section
        newlist = addresses[:]
        for i in xrange(len(addresses)):
            if addresses[i] >= pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + \
                    section.VirtualAddress and addresses[i] < \
                    pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + section.VirtualAddress + \
                newlist[i] = None
        addresses = filter(lambda x: x is not None, newlist)

    # walk over each instruction, if it has references, we update them
    for instr in instructions.instructions:
        # we can skip labels
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.Label):

        # check for references to imports
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.RelativeJump):
            # not very good, but for now (instead of checking relocs) we check
            # if the index is in the iat tabel..
            if int(instr.lbl.index, 16) in iat_label:
                instr.lbl.index = iat_label[int(instr.lbl.index, 16)]
                instr.lbl.prepend = False

    program = ['.file "ssexy.c"', '.intel_syntax noprefix']

    # we walk over each section, if a reference to this section has been found
    # then we will dump the entire section as bytecode.. with matching labels
    for section in pe.sections:
        base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + section.VirtualAddress
        data = section.get_data()
        addr = set(range(base, base + len(data))).intersection(addresses)
        if addr:
            # create a header for this section
            program.append('.section %s,"dr"' % section.Name.strip('\x00'))

            # for now we do it the easy way.. one line and label per byte, lol
            for addr in xrange(len(data)):
                program.append('__lbl_%08x: .byte 0x%02x' % (base + addr,

            # empty line..
        # if there is memory left
        for left in xrange(section.Misc_VirtualSize - len(data)):
            program.append('.lcomm __lbl_%08x, 1, 32' % (
                pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + section.VirtualAddress + left))

    # now we define all xmm's etc we gathered
    program.append('.align 4')
    program += m32s
    program.append('.align 16')
    program += m128s

    # time to define 'main'
    program.append('.globl _main')

    OEP = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint

    # append each instruction
    for instr in instructions.instructions:
        # if this is an label, we want a colon as postfix
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.Label):
            program.append(str(instr) + ':')

            # if OEP is at this address, we will also add the `_main' label
            if str(instr) == '__lbl_%08x' % OEP:

                # we have to initialize the stack register, so..
                # for now we assume esp gpr is stored as first gpr in xmm7
                program.append('movd xmm7, esp')
            # TODO: fix this terrible hack as well
            program.append(str(instr).replace('byte', 'byte ptr').replace(
                'word', 'word ptr').replace('retn', 'ret').replace(
                '__lbl_00400000', '0x400000').replace('oword ptr', ''))

    print '\n'.join(program)
Beispiel #2
def ssexy_win32(fname):
    import pefile

    # load the pe file
    pe = pefile.PE(fname)

    # make a addr: value dictionary for all imports
    imports = dict((x.address, or (e.dll.lower(), x.ordinal))
                   for e in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT for x in e.imports)

    # apply config to the imports, if its not in the configuration, just
    # prepend the api with an underscore, the way gcc likes it.
    imports = dict(
        (k, config.apis[v] if v in config.apis else config.Api('_' + v))
        for k, v in imports.items())

    # dictionary with addr: value where addr is the address of the
    # `jmp dword [thunk address]' and value the name of this import.
    iat_label = {}

    # a set of all relocations
    relocs = set([(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + y.rva)
                  for x in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC for y in x.entries])

    # a list of addresses that were used.
    addresses = []

    # a list of all m128 values we use
    m128s = []

    # a list of all dword values we use
    m32s = []

    instructions = pyasm2.block()

    # walk each section, find those that are executable and disassemble those
    for section in filter(lambda x: x.IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, pe.sections):
        g = distorm3.DecomposeGenerator(
            pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + section.VirtualAddress,
            section.get_data(), distorm3.Decode32Bits)
        for instr in g:
            # useless instruction?
            if str(instr) in ('NOP', 'ADD [EAX], AL', 'LEA ESI, [ESI]',
                              'INT 3') or str(instr)[:2] == 'DB':

            # a jump to one of the imports?
            #if instr.mnemonic == 'JMP' and instr.operands[0].type == \
            #        distorm3.OPERAND_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS and \
            #        instr.operands[0].disp in imports:
            #    iat_label[instr.address] = imports[instr.operands[0].disp]
            #    continue

            # quite hackery, but when the jumps with thunk address have been
            # processed, we can be fairly sure that there will be no (legit)
            # code anymore.
            #if len(iat_label):
            #    break

            #print str(instr)

            #print str(instr)

            # convert the instruction from distorm3 format to pyasm2 format.
            instr = distorm3_to_pyasm2(instr)

            # we create the block already here, otherwise our `labelnr' is
            # not defined.
            #block = pyasm2.block(pyasm2.Label('%08x' % instr.address), instr)
            offset_flat = None
            addr = instr.address

            # now we check if this instruction has a relocation inside it
            # not a very efficient way, but oke.
            reloc = instr.length > 4 and relocs.intersection(
                range(instr.address, instr.address + instr.length - 3))
            if reloc:
                # make an immediate with `addr' set to True
                enable_addr = lambda x: Immediate(int(x), addr=True)

                # TODO support for two relocations in one instruction
                # (displacement *and* immediate)
                reloc = reloc.pop()
                # there is only one operand, that's easy
                if not instr.op2:
                    #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 %s??\n' % instr.op1)
                    if isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.MemoryAddress):
                        # special occassion, this memory addres is an import
                        if instr.op1.reg1 is None and \
                                instr.op1.reg2 is None and \
                                int(instr.op1.disp) in imports:
                            instr.op1 = imports[int(instr.op1.disp)]
                            # change the displacement to a label
                            #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x',
                            #    '__lbl_00')
                            instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                    elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.Immediate):
                        offset_flat = int(instr.op1)
                        #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x',
                        #    'offset flat:__lbl_00')
                # if the second operand is an immediate and the relocation is
                # in the last four bytes of the instruction, then this
                # immediate is the reloc. Otherwise, if the second operand is
                # a memory address, then it's the displacement.
                elif isinstance(instr.op2, pyasm2.Immediate) and reloc == \
                        instr.address + instr.length - 4:
                    # keep this address
                    # make a label from this address
                    # TODO: fix this horrible hack
                    offset_flat = int(instr.op2)
                    #instr.op2 = pyasm2.Label('offset flat:__lbl_%08x' %
                    #    int(instr.op2), prepend=False)
                elif isinstance(instr.op2, pyasm2.MemoryAddress) and \
                        reloc == instr.address + instr.length - 4:
                    # change the displacement to a label
                    instr.op2 = enable_addr(instr.op2)
                    #instr.op2 = str(instr.op2).replace('0x', '__lbl_00')
                    #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op2 memaddr %s\n' %
                    #    str(instr.op2))
                # the relocation is not inside the second operand, it must be
                # inside the first operand after all.
                elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.MemoryAddress):
                    instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                    #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x', '__lbl_00')
                    #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 memaddr %s\n' %
                    #    str(instr.op1))
                elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.Immediate):
                    instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                    #instr.op1 = '__lbl_%08x' % int(instr.op1)
                    #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 imm %s\n' % instr.op1)
                    sys.stderr.write('Invalid Relocation!\n')

            instr = translate.Translater(instr, m128s, m32s).translate()
            if offset_flat:
                encode_offset_flat = lambda x: str(x).replace(
                    '0x', 'offset flat:__lbl_') if isinstance(
                        x, (int, long, pyasm2.imm
                            )) and int(x) == offset_flat or isinstance(
                                x, pyasm2.mem) and x.disp == offset_flat else x

                if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.block):
                    for x in instr.instructions:
                        x.op1 = encode_offset_flat(x.op1)
                        x.op2 = encode_offset_flat(x.op2)
                    x.op1 = encode_offset_flat(x.op1)
                    x.op2 = encode_offset_flat(x.op2)

            instructions += pyasm2.block(pyasm2.Label('%08x' % addr), instr)

        # remove any addresses that are from within the current section
        newlist = addresses[:]
        for i in xrange(len(addresses)):
            if addresses[i] >= pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + \
                    section.VirtualAddress and addresses[i] < \
                    pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + section.VirtualAddress + \
                newlist[i] = None
        addresses = filter(lambda x: x is not None, newlist)

    # walk over each instruction, if it has references, we update them
    for instr in instructions.instructions:
        # we can skip labels
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.Label):

        # check for references to imports
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.RelativeJump):
            # not very good, but for now (instead of checking relocs) we check
            # if the index is in the iat tabel..
            if int(instr.lbl.index, 16) in iat_label:
                instr.lbl.index = iat_label[int(instr.lbl.index, 16)]
                instr.lbl.prepend = False

    program = ['.file "ssexy.c"', '.intel_syntax noprefix']

    # we walk over each section, if a reference to this section has been found
    # then we will dump the entire section as bytecode.. with matching labels
    for section in pe.sections:
        base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + section.VirtualAddress
        data = section.get_data()
        addr = set(range(base, base + len(data))).intersection(addresses)
        if addr:
            # create a header for this section
            program.append('.section %s,"dr"' % section.Name.strip('\x00'))

            # for now we do it the easy way.. one line and label per byte, lol
            for addr in xrange(len(data)):
                program.append('__lbl_%08x: .byte 0x%02x' %
                               (base + addr, ord(data[addr])))

            # empty line..
        # if there is memory left
        for left in xrange(section.Misc_VirtualSize - len(data)):
                '.lcomm __lbl_%08x, 1, 32' %
                (pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + section.VirtualAddress + left))

    # now we define all xmm's etc we gathered
    program.append('.align 4')
    program += m32s
    program.append('.align 16')
    program += m128s

    # time to define 'main'
    program.append('.globl _main')

    OEP = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint

    # append each instruction
    for instr in instructions.instructions:
        # if this is an label, we want a colon as postfix
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.Label):
            program.append(str(instr) + ':')

            # if OEP is at this address, we will also add the `_main' label
            if str(instr) == '__lbl_%08x' % OEP:

                # we have to initialize the stack register, so..
                # for now we assume esp gpr is stored as first gpr in xmm7
                program.append('movd xmm7, esp')
            # TODO: fix this terrible hack as well
                str(instr).replace('byte', 'byte ptr').replace(
                    'word', 'word ptr').replace('retn', 'ret').replace(
                        '__lbl_00400000', '0x400000').replace('oword ptr', ''))

    print '\n'.join(program)
Beispiel #3
def ssexy_linux(fname, *eips):
    import elf32
    from construct import Struct, ULInt32, ULInt16, ULInt8, Array, CString
    from construct import OptionalGreedyRange

    # assume low-endian binary
    elf32_rel = Struct('elf32_rel', ULInt32('r_offset'), ULInt32('r_info'))
    ELF32_R_SYM = lambda x: x.r_info >> 8
    ELF32_R_TYPE = lambda x: x.r_info & 0xff
    R_386_PC32 = 2

    elf32_sym = Struct('elf32_sym', ULInt32('st_name'), ULInt32('st_value'),
        ULInt32('st_size'), ULInt8('st_info'), ULInt8('st_other'),

    elf = elf32.elf32_file.parse_stream(file(fname, 'rb'))

    # retrieve section by name
    elf32_section = lambda elf, name: [x for x in elf.sections
        if == name][0]

    # for now we assume that all code is in the .text section
    code_section = [x for x in elf.sections if == '.text']
    if not len(code_section):
        raise Exception('your binary doesn\'t have a .text section..')

    relocs = [ for x in elf.sections if == '.rel.dyn']
    if not len(relocs):
        raise Exception('no relocs available, compile with -pie')

    # read all relocations
    relocs = Array(len(relocs[0]) / elf32_rel.sizeof(),
    # now get the offsets of the relocations
    relocs = set([x.r_offset for x in relocs])

    imports = {}

    # a list of addresses that were used.
    addresses = []

    # a list of all m128 values we use
    m128s = []

    # a list of all dword values we use
    m32s = []

    instructions = pyasm2.block()

    # get string at offset
    dynstr = lambda x: CString(None).parse(
        elf32_section(elf, '.dynstr').data.value[x:])

    # read the symbol table
    imports = OptionalGreedyRange(elf32_sym).parse(elf32_section(elf,

    # resolve relocations
    section = elf32_section(elf, '.rel.dyn')
    relocates = {}
    for x in xrange(0, section.size, elf32_rel.sizeof()):
        x = elf32_rel.parse([x:x+elf32_rel.sizeof()])
        # relocation to fixup addresses to imports
        if ELF32_R_TYPE(x) == R_386_PC32:
            relocates[x.r_offset] = dynstr(imports[ELF32_R_SYM(x)].st_name)

    # walk each section, find those that are executable and disassemble those
    section = elf32_section(elf, '.text')
    g = distorm3.DecomposeGenerator(section.addr,,
    for instr in g:
        # useless instruction?
        if str(instr) in ('NOP', 'ADD [EAX], AL', 'LEA ESI, [ESI]',
                    'INT 3') or str(instr)[:2] == 'DB':

        # a jump to one of the imports?
        #if instr.mnemonic == 'JMP' and instr.operands[0].type == \
        #        distorm3.OPERAND_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS and \
        #        instr.operands[0].disp in imports:
        #    iat_label[instr.address] = imports[instr.operands[0].disp]
        #    continue

        # quite hackery, but when the jumps with thunk address have been
        # processed, we can be fairly sure that there will be no (legit)
        # code anymore.
        #if len(iat_label):
        #    break

        #print str(instr)

        #print str(instr)

        # convert the instruction from distorm3 format to pyasm2 format.
        instr = distorm3_to_pyasm2(instr)

        # we create the block already here, otherwise our `labelnr' is
        # not defined.
        #block = pyasm2.block(pyasm2.Label('%08x' % instr.address), instr)
        offset_flat = None
        addr = instr.address

        # now we check if this instruction has a relocation inside it
        # not a very efficient way, but oke.
        reloc = instr.length > 4 and relocs.intersection(range(
            instr.address, instr.address + instr.length - 3))
        if reloc:
            # make an immediate with `addr' set to True
            enable_addr = lambda x: Immediate(int(x), addr=True)

            # TODO support for two relocations in one instruction
            # (displacement *and* immediate)
            reloc = reloc.pop()
            if not hasattr(instr, 'op1'):
                instr.op1, instr.op2 = None, None
            # there is only one operand, that's easy
            if not instr.op2:
                #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 %s??\n' % instr.op1)
                if isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.MemoryAddress):
                    # special occassion, this memory addres is an import
                    if instr.op1.reg1 is None and \
                            instr.op1.reg2 is None and \
                            int(instr.op1.disp) in imports:
                        instr.op1 = imports[int(instr.op1.disp)]
                        # change the displacement to a label
                        #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x',
                        #    '__lbl_00')
                        instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.Immediate):
                    offset_flat = int(instr.op1)
                    #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x',
                    #    'offset flat:__lbl_00')
            # if the second operand is an immediate and the relocation is
            # in the last four bytes of the instruction, then this
            # immediate is the reloc. Otherwise, if the second operand is
            # a memory address, then it's the displacement.
            elif isinstance(instr.op2, pyasm2.Immediate) and reloc == \
                    instr.address + instr.length - 4:
                # keep this address
                # make a label from this address
                # TODO: fix this horrible hack
                offset_flat = int(instr.op2)
                #instr.op2 = pyasm2.Label('offset flat:__lbl_%08x' %
                #    int(instr.op2), prepend=False)
            elif isinstance(instr.op2, pyasm2.MemoryAddress) and \
                    reloc == instr.address + instr.length - 4:
                # change the displacement to a label
                instr.op2 = enable_addr(instr.op2)
                #instr.op2 = str(instr.op2).replace('0x', '__lbl_00')
                #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op2 memaddr %s\n' %
                #    str(instr.op2))
            # the relocation is not inside the second operand, it must be
            # inside the first operand after all.
            elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.MemoryAddress):
                instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x', '__lbl_00')
                #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 memaddr %s\n' %
                #    str(instr.op1))
            elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.Immediate):
                instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                #instr.op1 = '__lbl_%08x' % int(instr.op1)
                #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 imm %s\n' % instr.op1)
                sys.stderr.write('Invalid Relocation!\n')

        #print instr
        m32len = len(m32s)
        instr = translate.Translater(instr, m128s, m32s).translate()
        if offset_flat:
            encode_offset_flat = lambda x: str(x).replace('0x',
                'offset flat:__lbl_') if isinstance(x, (int, long,
                pyasm2.imm)) and int(x) == offset_flat or isinstance(x,
                pyasm2.mem) and x.disp == offset_flat else x

            if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.block):
                for x in instr.instructions:
                    x.op1 = encode_offset_flat(x.op1)
                    x.op2 = encode_offset_flat(x.op2)
                x.op1 = encode_offset_flat(x.op1)
                x.op2 = encode_offset_flat(x.op2)

            # update stuff
            m32s = m32s[:m32len] + [x.replace('0x%08x' % offset_flat,
                'offset flat:__lbl_%08x' % offset_flat)
                for x in m32s[m32len:]]

        instructions += pyasm2.block(pyasm2.Label('%08x' % addr), instr)

    # remove any addresses that are from within the current section
    newlist = addresses[:]
    for i in xrange(len(addresses)):
        if addresses[i] >= code_section[0].addr and addresses[i] < \
                code_section[0].addr + code_section[0].size:
            newlist[i] = None
    addresses = filter(lambda x: x is not None, newlist)

    # walk over each instruction, if it has references, we update them
    for instr in instructions.instructions:
        # we can skip labels
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.Label):

        # check for references to imports
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.RelativeJump):
            # not very good, but for now (instead of checking relocs) we check
            # if the index is in the iat tabel..
            #if int(instr.lbl.index, 16) in iat_label:
                #instr.lbl.index = iat_label[int(instr.lbl.index, 16)]
                #instr.lbl.prepend = False

    program = ['.file "ssexy.c"', '.intel_syntax noprefix']

    # we walk over each section, if a reference to this section has been found
    # then we will dump the entire section as bytecode.. with matching labels
    for section in elf.sections:
        base = section.addr
        data =
        addr = set(range(base, base + section.size)).intersection(addresses)
        if addr:
            # create a header for this section
            program.append('.section %s' %

            # for now we do it the easy way.. one line and label per byte, lol
            for addr in xrange(section.size):
                program.append('__lbl_%08x: .byte 0x%02x' % (base + addr,

            # empty line..

    # now we define all xmm's etc we gathered
    program.append('.align 4')
    program += m32s
    program.append('.align 16')
    program += m128s

    # time to define 'main'
    program.append('.globl Main')
    program.append('.type Main, @function')

    OEP = elf.entry

    # f****d up shit
    relocates = dict(('jmp __lbl_%08x' % k, 'jmp ' + v)
        for k, v in relocates.items())

    eips = ['__lbl_%08x' % x for x in eips]

    # append each instruction
    for instr in instructions.instructions:
        # if this is an label, we want a colon as postfix
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.Label):
            program.append(str(instr) + ':')

            # if OEP is at this address, we will also add the `_main' label
            if str(instr) == '__lbl_%08x' % OEP:

                # we have to initialize the stack register, so..
                # for now we assume esp gpr is stored as first gpr in xmm7
                program.append('movd xmm7, esp')

            # if the label is in the list of addresses to which we have to add
            # an "movd xmm7, esp" instruction, then add it (e.g. callback
            # function for pthread_create)
            if str(instr) in eips:
                program.append('movd xmm7, esp')
            # TODO: fix this terrible hack as well
            program.append(str(instr).replace('byte', 'byte ptr').replace(
                'word', 'word ptr').replace('retn', 'ret').replace(
                '__lbl_00400000', '0x400000').replace('oword ptr', ''))
            if program[-1] in relocates:
                program[-1] = relocates[program[-1]]

    print '\n'.join(program)
Beispiel #4
def ssexy_linux(fname, *eips):
    import elf32
    from construct import Struct, ULInt32, ULInt16, ULInt8, Array, CString
    from construct import OptionalGreedyRange

    # assume low-endian binary
    elf32_rel = Struct('elf32_rel', ULInt32('r_offset'), ULInt32('r_info'))
    ELF32_R_SYM = lambda x: x.r_info >> 8
    ELF32_R_TYPE = lambda x: x.r_info & 0xff
    R_386_PC32 = 2

    elf32_sym = Struct('elf32_sym', ULInt32('st_name'), ULInt32('st_value'),
                       ULInt32('st_size'), ULInt8('st_info'),
                       ULInt8('st_other'), ULInt16('st_shndx'))

    elf = elf32.elf32_file.parse_stream(file(fname, 'rb'))

    # retrieve section by name
    elf32_section = lambda elf, name: [
        x for x in elf.sections if == name

    # for now we assume that all code is in the .text section
    code_section = [x for x in elf.sections if == '.text']
    if not len(code_section):
        raise Exception('your binary doesn\'t have a .text section..')

    relocs = [ for x in elf.sections if == '.rel.dyn']
    if not len(relocs):
        raise Exception('no relocs available, compile with -pie')

    # read all relocations
    relocs = Array(len(relocs[0]) / elf32_rel.sizeof(),
    # now get the offsets of the relocations
    relocs = set([x.r_offset for x in relocs])

    imports = {}

    # a list of addresses that were used.
    addresses = []

    # a list of all m128 values we use
    m128s = []

    # a list of all dword values we use
    m32s = []

    instructions = pyasm2.block()

    # get string at offset
    dynstr = lambda x: CString(None).parse(
        elf32_section(elf, '.dynstr').data.value[x:])

    # read the symbol table
    imports = OptionalGreedyRange(elf32_sym).parse(
        elf32_section(elf, '.dynsym').data.value)

    # resolve relocations
    section = elf32_section(elf, '.rel.dyn')
    relocates = {}
    for x in xrange(0, section.size, elf32_rel.sizeof()):
        x = elf32_rel.parse([x:x + elf32_rel.sizeof()])
        # relocation to fixup addresses to imports
        if ELF32_R_TYPE(x) == R_386_PC32:
            relocates[x.r_offset] = dynstr(imports[ELF32_R_SYM(x)].st_name)

    # walk each section, find those that are executable and disassemble those
    section = elf32_section(elf, '.text')
    g = distorm3.DecomposeGenerator(section.addr,,
    for instr in g:
        # useless instruction?
        if str(instr) in ('NOP', 'ADD [EAX], AL', 'LEA ESI, [ESI]',
                          'INT 3') or str(instr)[:2] == 'DB':

        # a jump to one of the imports?
        #if instr.mnemonic == 'JMP' and instr.operands[0].type == \
        #        distorm3.OPERAND_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS and \
        #        instr.operands[0].disp in imports:
        #    iat_label[instr.address] = imports[instr.operands[0].disp]
        #    continue

        # quite hackery, but when the jumps with thunk address have been
        # processed, we can be fairly sure that there will be no (legit)
        # code anymore.
        #if len(iat_label):
        #    break

        #print str(instr)

        #print str(instr)

        # convert the instruction from distorm3 format to pyasm2 format.
        instr = distorm3_to_pyasm2(instr)

        # we create the block already here, otherwise our `labelnr' is
        # not defined.
        #block = pyasm2.block(pyasm2.Label('%08x' % instr.address), instr)
        offset_flat = None
        addr = instr.address

        # now we check if this instruction has a relocation inside it
        # not a very efficient way, but oke.
        reloc = instr.length > 4 and relocs.intersection(
            range(instr.address, instr.address + instr.length - 3))
        if reloc:
            # make an immediate with `addr' set to True
            enable_addr = lambda x: Immediate(int(x), addr=True)

            # TODO support for two relocations in one instruction
            # (displacement *and* immediate)
            reloc = reloc.pop()
            if not hasattr(instr, 'op1'):
                instr.op1, instr.op2 = None, None
            # there is only one operand, that's easy
            if not instr.op2:
                #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 %s??\n' % instr.op1)
                if isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.MemoryAddress):
                    # special occassion, this memory addres is an import
                    if instr.op1.reg1 is None and \
                            instr.op1.reg2 is None and \
                            int(instr.op1.disp) in imports:
                        instr.op1 = imports[int(instr.op1.disp)]
                        # change the displacement to a label
                        #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x',
                        #    '__lbl_00')
                        instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.Immediate):
                    offset_flat = int(instr.op1)
                    #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x',
                    #    'offset flat:__lbl_00')
            # if the second operand is an immediate and the relocation is
            # in the last four bytes of the instruction, then this
            # immediate is the reloc. Otherwise, if the second operand is
            # a memory address, then it's the displacement.
            elif isinstance(instr.op2, pyasm2.Immediate) and reloc == \
                    instr.address + instr.length - 4:
                # keep this address
                # make a label from this address
                # TODO: fix this horrible hack
                offset_flat = int(instr.op2)
                #instr.op2 = pyasm2.Label('offset flat:__lbl_%08x' %
                #    int(instr.op2), prepend=False)
            elif isinstance(instr.op2, pyasm2.MemoryAddress) and \
                    reloc == instr.address + instr.length - 4:
                # change the displacement to a label
                instr.op2 = enable_addr(instr.op2)
                #instr.op2 = str(instr.op2).replace('0x', '__lbl_00')
                #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op2 memaddr %s\n' %
                #    str(instr.op2))
            # the relocation is not inside the second operand, it must be
            # inside the first operand after all.
            elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.MemoryAddress):
                instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                #instr.op1 = str(instr.op1).replace('0x', '__lbl_00')
                #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 memaddr %s\n' %
                #    str(instr.op1))
            elif isinstance(instr.op1, pyasm2.Immediate):
                instr.op1 = enable_addr(instr.op1)
                #instr.op1 = '__lbl_%08x' % int(instr.op1)
                #sys.stderr.write('reloc in op1 imm %s\n' % instr.op1)
                sys.stderr.write('Invalid Relocation!\n')

        #print instr
        m32len = len(m32s)
        instr = translate.Translater(instr, m128s, m32s).translate()
        if offset_flat:
            encode_offset_flat = lambda x: str(x).replace(
                '0x', 'offset flat:__lbl_') if isinstance(
                    x, (int, long, pyasm2.imm
                        )) and int(x) == offset_flat or isinstance(
                            x, pyasm2.mem) and x.disp == offset_flat else x

            if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.block):
                for x in instr.instructions:
                    x.op1 = encode_offset_flat(x.op1)
                    x.op2 = encode_offset_flat(x.op2)
                x.op1 = encode_offset_flat(x.op1)
                x.op2 = encode_offset_flat(x.op2)

            # update stuff
            m32s = m32s[:m32len] + [
                x.replace('0x%08x' % offset_flat,
                          'offset flat:__lbl_%08x' % offset_flat)
                for x in m32s[m32len:]

        instructions += pyasm2.block(pyasm2.Label('%08x' % addr), instr)

    # remove any addresses that are from within the current section
    newlist = addresses[:]
    for i in xrange(len(addresses)):
        if addresses[i] >= code_section[0].addr and addresses[i] < \
                code_section[0].addr + code_section[0].size:
            newlist[i] = None
    addresses = filter(lambda x: x is not None, newlist)

    # walk over each instruction, if it has references, we update them
    for instr in instructions.instructions:
        # we can skip labels
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.Label):

        # check for references to imports
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.RelativeJump):
            # not very good, but for now (instead of checking relocs) we check
            # if the index is in the iat tabel..
            #if int(instr.lbl.index, 16) in iat_label:
            #instr.lbl.index = iat_label[int(instr.lbl.index, 16)]
            #instr.lbl.prepend = False

    program = ['.file "ssexy.c"', '.intel_syntax noprefix']

    # we walk over each section, if a reference to this section has been found
    # then we will dump the entire section as bytecode.. with matching labels
    for section in elf.sections:
        base = section.addr
        data =
        addr = set(range(base, base + section.size)).intersection(addresses)
        if addr:
            # create a header for this section
            program.append('.section %s' %

            # for now we do it the easy way.. one line and label per byte, lol
            for addr in xrange(section.size):
                program.append('__lbl_%08x: .byte 0x%02x' %
                               (base + addr, ord(data[addr])))

            # empty line..

    # now we define all xmm's etc we gathered
    program.append('.align 4')
    program += m32s
    program.append('.align 16')
    program += m128s

    # time to define 'main'
    program.append('.globl Main')
    program.append('.type Main, @function')

    OEP = elf.entry

    # f****d up shit
    relocates = dict(
        ('jmp __lbl_%08x' % k, 'jmp ' + v) for k, v in relocates.items())

    eips = ['__lbl_%08x' % x for x in eips]

    # append each instruction
    for instr in instructions.instructions:
        # if this is an label, we want a colon as postfix
        if isinstance(instr, pyasm2.Label):
            program.append(str(instr) + ':')

            # if OEP is at this address, we will also add the `_main' label
            if str(instr) == '__lbl_%08x' % OEP:

                # we have to initialize the stack register, so..
                # for now we assume esp gpr is stored as first gpr in xmm7
                program.append('movd xmm7, esp')

            # if the label is in the list of addresses to which we have to add
            # an "movd xmm7, esp" instruction, then add it (e.g. callback
            # function for pthread_create)
            if str(instr) in eips:
                program.append('movd xmm7, esp')
            # TODO: fix this terrible hack as well
                str(instr).replace('byte', 'byte ptr').replace(
                    'word', 'word ptr').replace('retn', 'ret').replace(
                        '__lbl_00400000', '0x400000').replace('oword ptr', ''))
            if program[-1] in relocates:
                program[-1] = relocates[program[-1]]

    print '\n'.join(program)