def test_from_bad_string(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:sensor:whatami') assert u.urn is None u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:nothinghere') assert u.urn is None u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:totesbroken') assert u.urn is None
def add_instrument_variable(self, variable_name): if variable_name not in self._nc.variables: logger.error("Variable {} not found in file, cannot create instrument metadata variable") return elif 'id' not in self._nc.ncattrs() or 'naming_authority' not in self._nc.ncattrs(): logger.error("Global attributes 'id' and 'naming_authority' are required to create an instrument variable") return instr_var_name = "{}_instrument".format(variable_name) instrument = self._nc.createVariable(instr_var_name, "i4") datavar = self._nc.variables[variable_name] vats = { k: getattr(datavar, k) for k in datavar.ncattrs() } instrument_urn = urnify(self._nc.naming_authority,, vats) inst_urn = IoosUrn.from_string(instrument_urn) instrument.long_name = 'Instrument measuring {} from {}'.format(inst_urn.component, inst_urn.label) instrument.ioos_code = instrument_urn instrument.short_name = inst_urn.component instrument.definition = "" datavar.instrument = instr_var_name # Append the instrument to the ancilary variables av = getattr(datavar, 'ancillary_variables', '') av += ' {}'.format(instr_var_name) datavar.ancillary_variables = av.strip() self._nc.sync()
def create_file(output, ncfile, varname, df): with EnhancedDataset(ncfile) as ncd: var = ncd[varname] latitude = ncd.get_variables_by_attributes( standard_name='latitude')[0][:] longitude = ncd.get_variables_by_attributes( standard_name='longitude')[0][:] project = ncd.original_folder feature_name = '{}_{}'.format(project, ncd.MOORING).lower() station_urn = IoosUrn(authority=ncd.naming_authority, label=feature_name, asset_type='station').urn discriminant ='-', '_') output_filename = '{0}_{1}-{2}_{3}_TO_{4}.nc'.format( feature_name,, discriminant, df['time'].min().strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"), df['time'].max().strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")) output_directory = os.path.join(output, feature_name) if not os.path.isdir(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) file_global_attributes = {k: getattr(ncd, k) for k in ncd.ncattrs()} # original_folder is the project name file_global_attributes.update( dict(title='{} - {}'.format(project, ncd.MOORING), id=feature_name)) variable_attributes = {k: getattr(var, k) for k in var.ncattrs()} # Add the specific sensor as a discriminant variable_attributes.update(dict(discriminant=discriminant)) fillvalue = -9999.9 if hasattr(var, "_FillValue"): fillvalue = var._FillValue vertical_datum = None if 'crs' in ncd.variables and hasattr(ncd.variables['crs'], 'vertical_datum'): vertical_datum = ncd.variables['crs'].vertical_datum ts = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(df, output_directory, output_filename, latitude, longitude, station_urn, file_global_attributes, var.standard_name, variable_attributes, sensor_vertical_datum=vertical_datum, fillvalue=fillvalue, vertical_axis_name='height', vertical_positive='down') ts.add_instrument_variable(variable_name=var.standard_name) del ts
def test_cdiac_urn(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string( 'urn:ioos:sensor:gov.ornl.cdiac:cheeca_80w_25n:sea_water_temperature' ) assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'gov.ornl.cdiac' assert u.label == 'cheeca_80w_25n' assert u.component == 'sea_water_temperature'
def test_messy_urn(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string( 'urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel:standard_name#key=key1:value1,key2:value2;some_other_key=some_other_value' ) assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' assert u.component == 'standard_name#key=key1:value1,key2:value2;some_other_key=some_other_value'
def test_from_string(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel:mycomponent') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' assert u.component == 'mycomponent' u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel:mycomponent:myversion') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' assert u.component == 'mycomponent' assert u.version == 'myversion'
def test_change_sensor_to_station(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel:mycomponent') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' assert u.component == 'mycomponent' u.asset_type = 'station' u.component = None assert u.urn == 'urn:ioos:station:myauthority:mylabel'
def test_change_sensor_to_station(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string( 'urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel:mycomponent') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' assert u.component == 'mycomponent' u.asset_type = 'station' u.component = None assert u.urn == 'urn:ioos:station:myauthority:mylabel'
def test_from_string(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' u = IoosUrn.from_string( 'urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel:mycomponent') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' assert u.component == 'mycomponent' u = IoosUrn.from_string( 'urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel:mycomponent:myversion') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' assert u.component == 'mycomponent' assert u.version == 'myversion'
def test_setattr(self): u = IoosUrn() u.asset_type = 'sensor' u.authority = 'me' u.label = 'mysupersensor' assert u.urn == 'urn:ioos:sensor:me:mysupersensor' u.version = 'abc' assert u.urn == 'urn:ioos:sensor:me:mysupersensor:abc' u.component = 'temp' assert u.urn == 'urn:ioos:sensor:me:mysupersensor:temp:abc'
def test_from_long_string(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string( 'urn:ioos:sensor:whatami:wow:i:have:lots:of:things') assert u.urn == 'urn:ioos:sensor:whatami:wow:i:have'
def __init__(self, output_directory, latitude, longitude, station_name, global_attributes, times=None, verticals=None, vertical_fill=None, output_filename=None, vertical_axis_name=None, vertical_positive=None): if output_filename is None: output_filename = '{}_{}.nc'.format(station_name, int(random.random() * 100000))"No output filename specified, saving as {}".format(output_filename)) self.vertical_positive = vertical_positive or 'down' self.vertical_axis_name = vertical_axis_name or 'z' self.time_axis_name = 'time' # Make directory if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) self.time = None self.out_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename)) if os.path.isfile(self.out_file): os.remove(self.out_file) with EnhancedDataset(self.out_file, 'w') as nc: # Global attributes # These are set by this script, we don't someone to be able to set them manually global_skips = ["time_coverage_start", "time_coverage_end", "time_coverage_duration", "time_coverage_resolution", "featureType", "geospatial_vertical_positive", "geospatial_vertical_min", "geospatial_vertical_max", "geospatial_lat_min", "geospatial_lon_min", "geospatial_lat_max", "geospatial_lon_max", "geospatial_bounds" "geospatial_vertical_resolution", "geospatial_lat_resolution", "geospatial_lon_resolution", "Conventions", "date_created", "date_modified", "date_issued"] for k, v in global_attributes.items(): if v is None: v = "None" if k not in global_skips: nc.setncattr(k, v) now_date = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00Z") nc.setncattr("Conventions", "CF-1.6,ACDD-1.3") nc.setncattr("date_created", now_date) nc.setncattr("date_modified", now_date) nc.setncattr("date_issued", now_date) if not hasattr(nc, "date_metadata_modified"): nc.setncattr("date_metadata_modified", now_date) # Allow the customization of this attribute if 'cdm_data_type' not in global_attributes: nc.setncattr('cdm_data_type', 'Station') old_history = getattr(nc, 'history', '') new_history = '{} - {} - {}'.format(now_date, 'pyaxiom', 'File created using pyaxiom') if old_history: nc.setncattr('history', '{}\n{}'.format(old_history, new_history)) else: nc.setncattr('history', new_history) # Station name nc.createDimension("feature_type_instance", len(station_name)) name = nc.createVariable("feature_type_instance", "S1", ("feature_type_instance",)) name.cf_role = "timeseries_id" name.long_name = "Identifier for each feature type instance" name[:] = list(station_name) # Location lat = nc.createVariable("latitude", get_type(latitude)) lat.units = "degrees_north" lat.standard_name = "latitude" lat.long_name = "sensor latitude" lat.axis = "Y" lat.valid_min = latitude lat.valid_max = latitude lat[:] = latitude nc.setncattr("geospatial_lat_min", latitude) nc.setncattr("geospatial_lat_max", latitude) nc.setncattr("geospatial_lat_resolution", 0) nc.setncattr("geospatial_lat_units", "degrees_north") lon = nc.createVariable("longitude", get_type(longitude)) lon.units = "degrees_east" lon.standard_name = "longitude" lon.long_name = "sensor longitude" lon.axis = "X" lon.valid_min = longitude lon.valid_max = longitude lon[:] = longitude nc.setncattr("geospatial_lon_min", longitude) nc.setncattr("geospatial_lon_max", longitude) nc.setncattr("geospatial_lon_resolution", 0) nc.setncattr("geospatial_lon_units", "degrees_east") nc.setncattr("geospatial_bounds", "POINT({} {})".format(longitude, latitude)) if not hasattr(nc, "geospatial_bounds_crs"): nc.setncattr("geospatial_bounds_crs", "EPSG:4326") # Metadata variables = nc.createVariable("crs", "i4") = "" = "latitude_longitude" = "EPSG:4326" = float(6378137.0) = float(298.257223563) platform = nc.createVariable("platform", "i4") platform.definition = "" urn = IoosUrn.from_string(station_name) if urn.valid() is True: platform.short_name = global_attributes.get("title", urn.label) platform.long_name = global_attributes.get('summary', 'Station {}'.format(urn.label)) platform.ioos_code = urn.urn else: platform.short_name = global_attributes.get("title", station_name) platform.long_name = global_attributes.get("summary", station_name) platform.ioos_code = station_name if vertical_fill is None: vertical_fill = -9999.9 self.vertical_fill = vertical_fill self._nc = EnhancedDataset(self.out_file, 'a') self.setup_times_and_verticals(times, verticals)"Created file at '{}'".format(self.out_file))
def dictify_urn(urn, combine_interval=True): """ By default, this will put the `interval` as part of the `cell_methods` attribute (NetCDF CF style). To return `interval` as its own key, use the `combine_interval=False` parameter. """ ioos_urn = IoosUrn.from_string(urn) if ioos_urn.valid() is False: return dict() if ioos_urn.asset_type != 'sensor': logger.error("This function only works on 'sensor' URNs.") return dict() if '#' in ioos_urn.component: standard_name, extras = ioos_urn.component.split('#') else: standard_name = ioos_urn.component extras = '' d = dict(standard_name=standard_name) # Discriminant if '-' in ioos_urn.component: d['discriminant'] = standard_name.split('-')[-1] d['standard_name'] = standard_name.split('-')[0] intervals = [] cell_methods = [] if extras: for section in extras.split(';'): key, values = section.split('=') if key == 'interval': # special case, intervals should be appended to the cell_methods for v in values.split(','): intervals.append(v) else: if key == 'cell_methods': value = [ x.replace('_', ' ').replace(':', ': ') for x in values.split(',') ] cell_methods = value else: value = ' '.join([x.replace('_', ' ').replace(':', ': ') for x in values.split(',')]) d[key] = value if combine_interval is True: if cell_methods and intervals: if len(cell_methods) == len(intervals): d['cell_methods'] = ' '.join([ '{} (interval: {})'.format(x[0], x[1].upper()) for x in zip(cell_methods, intervals) ]) else: d['cell_methods'] = ' '.join(cell_methods) for i in intervals: d['cell_methods'] += ' (interval: {})'.format(i.upper()) elif cell_methods: d['cell_methods'] = ' '.join(cell_methods) for i in intervals: d['cell_methods'] += ' (interval: {})'.format(i.upper()) elif intervals: raise ValueError("An interval without a cell_method is not allowed! Not possible!") else: d['cell_methods'] = ' '.join(cell_methods) d['interval'] = ','.join(intervals).upper() if 'vertical_datum' in d: d['vertical_datum'] = d['vertical_datum'].upper() return d
def urnify_from_dict(naming_authority, station_identifier, data_dict): def clean_value(v): return v.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').strip().replace(' ', '_') extras = [] intervals = [] # Because it can be part of cell_methods and its own dict key if 'cell_methods' in data_dict and data_dict['cell_methods']: cm = data_dict['cell_methods'] keys = [] values = [] sofar = '' for i, c in enumerate(cm): if c == ":": if len(keys) == len(values): keys.append(clean_value(sofar)) else: for j in reversed(range(0, i)): if cm[j] == " ": key = clean_value(cm[j+1:i]) values.append(clean_value(sofar.replace(key, ''))) keys.append(key) break sofar = '' else: sofar += c # The last value needs appending values.append(clean_value(sofar)) pairs = zip(keys, values) mems = [] cell_intervals = [] pairs = sorted(pairs) for group, members in itertools.groupby(pairs, lambda x: x[0]): if group == 'interval': cell_intervals = [m[1] for m in members] elif group in ['time', 'area']: # Ignore 'comments'. May need to add more things here... member_strings = [] for m in members: member_strings.append('{}:{}'.format(group, m[1])) mems.append(','.join(member_strings)) if mems: extras.append('cell_methods={}'.format(','.join(mems))) if cell_intervals: intervals += cell_intervals if 'bounds' in data_dict and data_dict['bounds']: extras.append('bounds={0}'.format(data_dict['bounds'])) if 'vertical_datum' in data_dict and data_dict['vertical_datum']: extras.append('vertical_datum={0}'.format(data_dict['vertical_datum'])) if 'interval' in data_dict and data_dict['interval']: if isinstance(data_dict['interval'], (list, tuple,)): intervals += data_dict['interval'] elif isinstance(data_dict['interval'], str): intervals += [data_dict['interval']] if 'standard_name' in data_dict and data_dict['standard_name']: variable_name = data_dict['standard_name'] elif 'name' in data_dict and data_dict['name']: variable_name = data_dict['name'] else: variable_name = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(8)).lower() logger.warning("Had to randomly generate a variable name: {0}".format(variable_name)) if 'discriminant' in data_dict and data_dict['discriminant']: variable_name = '{}-{}'.format(variable_name, data_dict['discriminant']) if intervals: intervals = list(set(intervals)) # Unique them extras.append('interval={}'.format(','.join(intervals))) if extras: variable_name = '{0}#{1}'.format(variable_name, ';'.join(extras)) u = IoosUrn(asset_type='sensor', authority=naming_authority, label=station_identifier, component=variable_name, version=None) return u.urn
def main(output, station, datatype): if datatype == 'met': headers = met_header mapping = met_mapping elif datatype == 'waves': headers = waves_header mapping = waves_mapping elif datatype == 'currents': headers = currents_header mapping = currents_mapping df = None def dp(*args): datestr = "".join([str(x) for x in args]) try: return datetime.strptime(datestr, '%Y %m %d %H %M %S') except ValueError: return np.nan datapath = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', datatype)) for csv_file in sorted(os.listdir(datapath)): f = os.path.join(datapath, csv_file) cf = pd.read_csv( f, header=None, names=headers, parse_dates={ 'time': ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] }, date_parser=dp) cf.dropna(subset=['time'], inplace=True) if df is None: df = cf else: df = df.append(cf) fillvalue = -9999.9 # Station metadata stat_meta = stations[station] station_urn = IoosUrn(asset_type='station', authority=global_attributes['naming_authority'], label=stat_meta['title']) for var in df.columns: try: var_meta = mapping[var] except KeyError: logger.error( "Variable {!s} was not found in variable map!".format(var)) continue sensor_urn = urnify(station_urn.authority, station_urn.label, var_meta) gas = copy(global_attributes) gas['keywords'] = var_meta['keywords'] gas['title'] = stat_meta['title'] gas['description'] = stat_meta['description'] skip_variable_attributes = [ 'keywords', 'height_above_site', 'depth_below_surface', 'add_offset' ] vas = { k: v for k, v in var_meta.items() if k not in skip_variable_attributes } if var_meta.get('height_above_site') and stat_meta.get('site_height'): # Convert to positive down df['depth'] = -1 * (stat_meta['site_height'] + var_meta['height_above_site']) else: df['depth'] = var_meta.get('depth_below_surface', np.nan) if 'add_offset' in var_meta: df[var] = df[var] + var_meta['add_offset'] output_filename = '{}_{}_{}.nc'.format(station_urn.label, datatype, var_meta['standard_name']) ts = TimeSeries.from_dataframe( df, output, output_filename, stat_meta['latitude'], stat_meta['longitude'], station_urn.urn, gas, var_meta["standard_name"], vas, sensor_vertical_datum=var_meta.get('vertical_datum'), fillvalue=fillvalue, data_column=var, vertical_axis_name='height', vertical_positive='down') ts.add_instrument_metadata(urn=sensor_urn)
def test_args(self): u = IoosUrn(asset_type='sensor', authority='me', label='mysupersensor') assert u.urn == 'urn:ioos:sensor:me:mysupersensor'
def dictify_urn(urn, combine_interval=True): """ By default, this will put the `interval` as part of the `cell_methods` attribute (NetCDF CF style). To return `interval` as its own key, use the `combine_interval=False` parameter. """ ioos_urn = IoosUrn.from_string(urn) if ioos_urn.valid() is False: return dict() if ioos_urn.asset_type != 'sensor': logger.error("This function only works on 'sensor' URNs.") return dict() if '#' in ioos_urn.component: standard_name, extras = ioos_urn.component.split('#') else: standard_name = ioos_urn.component extras = '' d = dict(standard_name=standard_name) # Discriminant if '-' in ioos_urn.component: d['discriminant'] = ioos_urn.component.split('-')[-1] d['standard_name'] = ioos_urn.component.split('-')[0] intervals = [] cell_methods = [] if extras: for section in extras.split(';'): key, values = section.split('=') if key == 'interval': # special case, intervals should be appended to the cell_methods for v in values.split(','): intervals.append(v) else: if key == 'cell_methods': value = [ x.replace('_', ' ').replace(':', ': ') for x in values.split(',') ] cell_methods = value else: value = ' '.join([x.replace('_', ' ').replace(':', ': ') for x in values.split(',')]) d[key] = value if combine_interval is True: if cell_methods and intervals: if len(cell_methods) == len(intervals): d['cell_methods'] = ' '.join([ '{} (interval: {})'.format(x[0], x[1].upper()) for x in zip(cell_methods, intervals) ]) else: d['cell_methods'] = ' '.join(cell_methods) for i in intervals: d['cell_methods'] += ' (interval: {})'.format(i.upper()) elif cell_methods: d['cell_methods'] = ' '.join(cell_methods) for i in intervals: d['cell_methods'] += ' (interval: {})'.format(i.upper()) elif intervals: raise ValueError("An interval without a cell_method is not allowed! Not possible!") else: d['cell_methods'] = ' '.join(cell_methods) d['interval'] = ','.join(intervals).upper() if 'vertical_datum' in d: d['vertical_datum'] = d['vertical_datum'].upper() return d
def test_cdiac_urn(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:sensor:gov.ornl.cdiac:cheeca_80w_25n:sea_water_temperature') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'gov.ornl.cdiac' assert u.label == 'cheeca_80w_25n' assert u.component == 'sea_water_temperature'
def test_constructor_no_data(self): u = IoosUrn() assert u.urn is None
def test_constructor_with_bad_data(self): u = IoosUrn(notanattribute='foo') assert u.urn is None
def test_station_cant_have_component(self): u = IoosUrn(asset_type='station', component='something') assert u.urn is None
def test_from_long_string(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:sensor:whatami:wow:i:have:lots:of:things') assert u.urn == 'urn:ioos:sensor:whatami:wow:i:have'
def test_no_label(self): u = IoosUrn(asset_type='station', authority='me') assert u.urn is None
def test_messy_urn(self): u = IoosUrn.from_string('urn:ioos:sensor:myauthority:mylabel:standard_name#key=key1:value1,key2:value2;some_other_key=some_other_value') assert u.asset_type == 'sensor' assert u.authority == 'myauthority' assert u.label == 'mylabel' assert u.component == 'standard_name#key=key1:value1,key2:value2;some_other_key=some_other_value'
def main(output_format, output, do_download, download_folder, filesubset=None): if do_download is True: try: os.makedirs(download_folder) except OSError: pass waf = '' r = requests.get(waf) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") for link in soup.find_all('a'): # Skip non .txt files site_id, ext = os.path.splitext(link['href']) if ext != ".txt": continue if filesubset and site_id.lower() not in filesubset: # Skip this file! continue csv_link = waf + link['href']"Downloading '{}'".format(csv_link)) d = requests.get(csv_link) try: d.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: logger.error( "Could not download: {!s}, skipping. Status code: {!s}". format(csv_link, d.status_code)) continue with open( os.path.join(download_folder, os.path.basename(csv_link)), 'wt') as f: f.write(d.text) # Yes, this uses lots of RAM, but we need to match up lon/lat positions later on. results = [] for datafile in os.listdir(download_folder): site_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datafile))[0] if filesubset and site_id.lower() not in filesubset: # Skip this file! continue with open(os.path.join(download_folder, datafile)) as d: contents = r = None for line in contents.split("\n"): if "agency_cd" in line: r = parse_type_1(output_format, site_id, contents, output) break elif "date_time_GMT" in line: r = parse_type_2(output_format, site_id, contents, output) break else: continue if r is None: logger.error('Could not process file: {}'.format(datafile)) else:"Processed {}".format(datafile)) results.append(r) results = sorted(results, key=attrgetter('lon', 'lat')) gresults = groupby(results, attrgetter('lon', 'lat')) for (glon, glat), group in gresults: groups = [x for x in list(group) if x] # Strip off the variable type if need be gsite = groups[0].site if gsite[-2:] in ['WV', 'BP', 'WL']: gsite = gsite[:-2] for result in groups: gas = get_globals(glat, glon, result.z,, gsite) station_urn = IoosUrn(asset_type='station', authority=gas['naming_authority'], label=gsite) if output_format == 'cf16': # If CF, a file for each result dataframe times = [ calendar.timegm(x.timetuple()) for x in result.df['time'] ] verticals = result.df['depth'].values output_filename = '{}.nc'.format( ts = TimeSeries(output, latitude=glat, longitude=glon, station_name=gsite, global_attributes=gas, output_filename=output_filename, times=times, verticals=verticals) for var in result.df.columns: if var in [ 'date_time_GMT', 'datetime', 'time', 'depth', 'tz_cd', 'site_no', 'agency_cd' ]: continue try: var_meta = copy(variable_map[var]) except KeyError: logger.error( "Variable {!s} was not found in variable map!".format( var)) continue # Convert to floats result.df[var] = result.df[var].map(to_floats) if var_meta["units"].lower() in ["feet", "ft"]: result.df[var] = result.df[var].apply( lambda x: None if pd.isnull(x) else x * 0.3048) var_meta["units"] = "meters" elif var_meta["units"].lower() in ["psi"]: result.df[var] = result.df[var].apply( lambda x: None if pd.isnull(x) else x * 68.9476) var_meta["units"] = "mbar" elif var_meta["units"].lower() in ['millimeters of mercury']: result.df[var] = result.df[var].apply( lambda x: None if pd.isnull(x) else x * 1.33322) var_meta["units"] = "mbar" # Now put the fillvalue we want to be interpreted result.df.fillna(fillvalue, inplace=True) if output_format == 'axiom': # If Axiom, a file for each variable output_directory = os.path.join(output, gsite) output_filename = '{}_{}.nc'.format(, var_meta['standard_name']) ts = TimeSeries.from_dataframe( result.df, output_directory, output_filename, glat, glon, station_urn.urn, gas, var_meta["standard_name"], var_meta, sensor_vertical_datum='NAVD88', fillvalue=fillvalue, data_column=var, vertical_axis_name='height') sensor_urn = urnify(station_urn.authority, station_urn.label, var_meta) ts.add_instrument_metadata(urn=sensor_urn) elif output_format == 'cf16': # If CF, add variable to existing TimeSeries try: int(var[0]) variable_name = 'v_{}'.format(var) except BaseException: variable_name = var ts.add_variable(variable_name, values=result.df[var].values, attributes=var_meta, fillvalue=fillvalue, sensor_vertical_datum='NAVD88')