# VSYNC GPIO output example. # # This example shows how to toggle the IR LED pin on VSYNC interrupt. import sensor, image, time from pyb import Pin sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) # Wait for settings take effect. # IR LED pin object ir_led_pin = Pin('LED_IR', Pin.OUT_PP, Pin.PULL_NONE) # This pin will be toggled on/off on VSYNC (start of frame) interrupt. sensor.set_vsync_output(ir_led_pin) clock = time.clock() # Create a clock object to track the FPS. while (True): clock.tick() # Update the FPS clock. img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. # Turn off the IR LED after snapshot. ir_led_pin.off() print( clock.fps()) # Note: OpenMV Cam runs about half as fast when connected # to the IDE. The FPS should increase once disconnected.
import time down = Pin('B10', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) up = Pin('A5', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) left = Pin('A15', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) right = Pin('C13', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) red = Pin('C9',Pin.OUT) green = Pin('C8',Pin.OUT) blue = Pin('C6',Pin.OUT) red.on() while True: print(down.value()) if(down.value()==0): red.on() elif(up.value()==0): green.on() elif(left.value()==0): blue.on() elif(right.value()==0): red.on() else: red.off() green.off() blue.off() time.sleep(0.05)
class RomiMotor : """ We reuse the same timer for all instances of the class, so this is the callback of the class, which calls the handlers in each instance. """ @classmethod def class_rpm_handler(cls, tim) : for h in cls.rpm_handlers : h(tim) # List of the rpm handlers of the instances, necessary because we share a single timer. rpm_handlers = [] # The shared timer rpmtimer = None """ Initialize a RomiMotor, connected either to the 'X' side or the 'Y' side of the Pyboard. On either side (? is 'X' or 'Y'): - PWM is on pin ?1 - DIR is on pin ?2 - SLEEP is on pin ?3 - ENCA is on pin ?4 - ENCB is on pin ?5 """ def __init__(self, X=True) : if X : self.pwmpin = Pin('X6', Pin.OUT_PP) self.pwmtim = Timer(2, freq=5000) self.pwm = self.pwmtim.channel(1, mode=Timer.PWM, pin=self.pwmpin) self.pwm.pulse_width(0) self.dir = Pin('X2', Pin.OUT_PP) self.dir.off() # O = forward, 1 = reverse self.sleep = Pin('X3', Pin.OUT_PP) self.sleep.value(0) # 0 = sleep, 1 = active self.enca = Pin('X4', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.encb = Pin('X5', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) else : self.pwmpin = Pin('Y1', Pin.OUT_PP) self.pwmtim = Timer(8, freq=5000) self.pwm = self.pwmtim.channel(1, mode=Timer.PWM, pin=self.pwmpin) self.pwm.pulse_width(0) self.dir = Pin('Y2', Pin.OUT_PP) self.dir.off() # O = forward, 1 = reverse self.sleep = Pin('Y3', Pin.OUT_PP) self.sleep.value(0) # 0 = sleep, 1 = active self.enca = Pin('Y4', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.encb = Pin('Y5', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.pwmscale = (self.pwmtim.period() + 1) // 10000 # scale factot for permyriad(10000 as it allows to get more distinct points and avoid divisions) power self.count_a = 0 # counter for impulses on the A output of the encoder self.target_a = 0 # target value for the A counter (for controlled rotation) self.count_b = 0 # counter for impulses on the B output of the encoder self.time_a = 0 # last time we got an impulse on the A output of the encoder self.time_b = 0 # last time we got an impulse on the B output of the encoder self.elapsed_a_b = 0 # time elapsed between an impulse on A and an impulse on B self.dirsensed = 0 # direction sensed through the phase of the A and B outputs self.rpm = 0 # current speed in rotations per second self.rpm_last_a = 0 # value of the A counter when we last computed the rpms self.cruise_rpm = 0 # target value for the rpms self.walking = False # Boolean that indicates if the robot is walking or stationary self.desiredDir = True# Boolean that indecates the desired direction of the motor for move function self._control = PID() # PID control for the rotation of the wheels self._control.setTunings(KP, KI, KD); self._control.setSampleTime(1); self._control.setOutputLimits(-10000, 10000) self._control_distance = PID() # PID control for the cascade of the distance self._control_distance.setTunings(KP_DISTANCE, KI_DISTANCE, KD_DISTANCE); self._control_distance.setSampleTime(1); self._control_distance.setOutputLimits(-MAXIMUM_VELOCITY, MAXIMUM_VELOCITY) ExtInt(self.enca, ExtInt.IRQ_RISING, Pin.PULL_UP, self.enca_handler) ExtInt(self.encb, ExtInt.IRQ_RISING, Pin.PULL_UP, self.encb_handler) if RomiMotor.rpmtimer is None : # create only one shared timer for all instances RomiMotor.rpmtimer = Timer(4) RomiMotor.rpmtimer.init(freq=100, callback=RomiMotor.class_rpm_handler) RomiMotor.rpm_handlers.append(self.rpm_handler) # register the handler for this instance """ Handler for interrupts caused by impulses on the A output of the encoder. This is where we sense the rotation direction and adjust the throttle to reach a target number of rotations of the wheel. """ def enca_handler(self, pin) : self.count_a += 1 if self.encb.value(): self.dirsensed = -1 # A occurs before B else : self.dirsensed = 1 # B occurs before A if self.target_a > 0 : # If we have a target rotation if self.count_a >= self.target_a : self.cruise_rpm = 0 self.pwm.pulse_width(0) # If we reached of exceeded the rotation, stop the motor self.target_a = 0 # remove the target self.walking = False else: # The cascade control for the distance self._control_distance.setSetPoint(self.target_a) self.cruise_rpm = self._control_distance.compute(self.count_a) self.walking = True """ Handler for interrupts caused by impulses on the B output of the encoder. """ def encb_handler(self, pin) : self.count_b += 1 """ This is the handler of the timer interrupts to compute the rpm """ def rpm_handler(self, tim) : self.rpm = 100*(self.count_a - self.rpm_last_a) # The timer is at 100Hz self.rpm_last_a = self.count_a # Memorize the number of impulses on A if self.cruise_rpm != 0 : # If we have an rpm target self._control.setSetPoint(self.cruise_rpm) output = self._control.compute(self.rpm) if output < 0 or self.desiredDir == False: # Corrects the control output for the desired direction if output < 0: output = -output self.dir.off() else : self.dir.on() self.pwm.pulse_width(output * self.pwmscale) self.walking = True self.sleep.on() else: self.walking = False """ Set the power of the motor in percents. Positive values go forward, negative values go backward. """ def throttle(self, pct) : if pct is None : return if pct < 0 : self.dir.off() pct = -pct else : self.dir.on() self.pwm.pulse_width(100 * pct * self.pwmscale) self.walking = True self.sleep.on() """ Get the current power as a percentage of the max power. The result is positive if the motor runs forward, negative if it runs backward. """ def getThrottle(self) : thr = self.pwm.pulse_width() // self.pwmscale if self.dir.value() > 0 : thr = -thr return thr """ Release the motor to let it rotate freely. """ def release(self, release=True) : if release : self.sleep.off() else : self.sleep.on() """ Perform 'tics' 1/360 rotation of the wheel at 'power' percents of the max power. If 'turns' is positive, the wheel turns forward, if it is negative, it turns backward. """ def rotatewheel(self, tics, power=20): if tics < 0 : self.desiredDir = False tics = -tics else : self.desiredDir = True self.count_a = 0 self.count_b = 0 self._control_distance.setOutputLimits(-power*100, power*100) self.target_a = int(tics) """ Wait for the rotations requested by 'rotatewheel' to be done. """ def wait(self) : while self.target_a !=0 : pass """ Set a target rpms. The wheel turns in its current rotation direction, 'rpm' should be non negative. """ def cruise(self, rpm) : if rpm < 0 : self.desiredDir = False rpm = -rpm else : self.desiredDir = True self.cruise_rpm = int(rpm * 6) """ Get the current rpms. This is always non negative, regardless of the rotation direction. """ def get_rpms(self) : return self.rpm / 60 """ Cancel all targets of rotation and rpm """ def clear(self) : self.target_a = 0 self.cruise_rpm = 0 self.desiredDir = True self.rpm = 0 self.rpm_last_a = 0 self.count_a = 0 self.count_b = 0 self.pwm.pulse_width(0) """ Stop the motor. """ def stop(self) : self.clear() self.throttle(0)
# condition for testing each wire from sending end and actual receiving end. if (testing(s_1, r_1)) is 1: LED1_output.on() if (testing(s_2, r_2)) is 1: LED2_output.on() if (testing(s_3, r_3)) is 1: LED3_output.on() if (testing(s_4, r_4)) is 1: LED4_output.on() if (testing(s_5, r_5)) is 1: LED5_output.on() # to display the error flg print(buzz) # if any error start the buzzer. else sleep after 3 min to save power # using machine.deepsleep() while (buzz > 0): buzzer.on() time.sleep(0.5) buzzer.off() time.sleep(0.5)
i2c = I2C(1) aff = Seg7x4(i2c, address=0x70) f = 750E3 # max = 750 kHz [84Mhz/4/(12+15) = 778 kHz] nb = 1000 # Nombre de points de mesure pinE = Pin('A2', Pin.OUT) # Alimentation du circuit RC adc = ADC(Pin('A3')) # Activation du CAN buf = array.array("h", nb * [0x0FFF]) # h = signed short (int 2 octets) tim = Timer(6, freq=f) #tim = Timer(6, prescaler=0, period=120) # create a timer running at 10Hz while True: pinE.on() # Décharge du condensateur sleep_ms(100) # Attendre 2 s pinE.off() # Début de la charge adc.read_timed(buf, tim) # Mesures seuil = buf[0] * 0.368 for i in range(nb): if buf[i] < seuil: tau = i / tim.freq() * 1E6 break R = 9.93 C = tau / R # nF h = round(1.56 * C - 33.7, 1) #print("C=", C, "h =", h) aff.fill(0) # Efface l'affichage précédent aff.text(str(h)) aff.show()
class Ultrasound(object): ''' Driver for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor ''' PULSE2CM = 17241.3793 # cm/s MAX_RANGE = 3500 # cm OUT_OF_RANGE = 0xffffffff def __init__(self, triggerPort, echoPort, nSamples=3): ''' Constructor @param triggerPort: Port number of the trigger signal @param echoPort: Port number of the echo port @param nSamples: Number of samples to measure the distance ''' self._nSamples = nSamples #Configure ports self._trigger = Pin(triggerPort, Pin.OUT) self._trigger.value(0) self._echo = Pin(echoPort, Pin.IN) sleep(1) def read(self): ''' Measures distance @return: Distance as centimeters ''' POLL_TIMEOUT = 500000 # microseconds i = 0 dist = 0 while i < self._nSamples and dist != Ultrasound.OUT_OF_RANGE: # Send start signal self._trigger.on() sleep_us(10) self._trigger.off() # Wait for response pollStart = ticks_us() while self._echo.value() == 0: if ticks_diff(ticks_us(), pollStart) > POLL_TIMEOUT: raise Exception("Timeout waiting for echo HIGH") # Measure signal length pulseStart = ticks_us() while self._echo.value() == 1: if ticks_diff(ticks_us(), pollStart) > POLL_TIMEOUT: raise Exception("Timeout waiting for echo LOW") pulseEnd = ticks_us() pulseDuration = ticks_diff(pulseEnd, pulseStart) # as microseconds distSample = pulseDuration * Ultrasound.PULSE2CM / 1e6 # cm if distSample < Ultrasound.MAX_RANGE: dist += distSample else: dist = Ultrasound.OUT_OF_RANGE i += 1 return dist / i if dist != Ultrasound.OUT_OF_RANGE else Ultrasound.OUT_OF_RANGE def cleanup(self): ''' Frees resources ''' #self._trigger.cleanup() #self._echo.cleanup() pass
# Charge d'un condensateur à travers une résistance # R = 100k et C = 220 nF from pyb import Pin, ADC, Timer from time import sleep_ms import array T = 0.02 # microsecond f = 1 / (T * 1E-3) nb = 30 pinE = Pin('A2', Pin.OUT) # Alimentation du circuit RC adc = ADC(Pin('A3')) # Activation du CAN buf = array.array("h", nb * [0x7FFF]) # h = signed short (int 2 octets) tim = Timer(6, freq=f) # create a timer running at 10Hz pinE.off() # Décharge du condensateur sleep_ms(1000) # Attendre 2 s pinE.on() # Début de la charge adc.read_timed(buf, tim) # Mesures # Données f = tim.freq() x = [i / f * 1E3 for i in range(nb)] # Millisecond y = [val for val in buf] print((x, y))
from pyb import Pin, ADC, Timer from array import array from math import log from linear_regression import linear_reg from time import sleep_ms f = 750E3 # max = 750 kHz [84Mhz/4/(12+15) = 778 kHz] nb = 100 # Nombre de points de mesure pinE = Pin('A2', Pin.OUT) # Source du circuit RC adc = ADC(Pin('A3')) # Activation du CAN buf = array("h", nb * [0x7FFF]) # h = signed short (int 2 octets) tim = Timer(6, freq=f) while True: pinE.on() # Décharge du condensateur E=0 sleep_ms(100) # Attendre 100 ms pinE.off() # Début de la charge E=Vcc adc.read_timed(buf, tim) # Lance les mesures f = tim.freq() # Fréquence réelle utilisée par le timer x = [i / f * 1E6 for i in range(nb)] # Tableau des fréquence en µs y = [log(val) for val in buf] # Tableau des ln(u) a, b = linear_reg(x, y) # Regression linéaire C = -1 / (a * 10) # Calcul de la capacité print("C = ", C) # Affichage sleep_ms(1000)
from pyb import Pin # Gestion des broches E/S from time import sleep_ms # Gestion du temps led = Pin("D5", Pin.OUT_PP) # LED sur D5 en sortie classique (push-pull) while True: # Boucle infinie led.on() # LED allumée sleep_ms(500) # Attendre 500 ms led.off() # LED éteinte sleep_ms(500) # Attendre 500 ms
import time from pyb import Pin led = Pin('LED_YELLOW', Pin.OUT_PP) try: while True: if led.value(): led.off() else: led.on() time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
class Motor(object): ''' Controls a motor ''' PWM_FREQ = 50.0 MIN_DUTY = 30.0 MAX_DUTY = 90.0 DIFF_DUTY = (MAX_DUTY - MIN_DUTY) / 100.0 def __init__(self, pwmPin, pwmTimer, pwmChannel, reversePin): ''' Constructor @param pwmPin: Pin where the PWM-signal comes from @param pwmTimer: Timer to produce the PWM signal @param pwmChannel: Channel of the timer @param reversePin: Pin which controls the reverse signal ''' self._throttle = 0.0 self._pwm = Pwm(pwmPin, pwmTimer, pwmChannel, Motor.PWM_FREQ) self._reversePin = Pin(reversePin, Pin.OUT) self._reversePin.off() def cleanup(self): ''' Finishes and releases the resources ''' self.stop() self._pwm.cleanup() self._reversePin.off() def setThrottle(self, throttle): ''' Makes the motor spin @param throttle: (-100..100) Percentage to spin the motor. This value can be negative, in that case, the motor spins reversed. ''' if throttle < 0: self.setAbsThrottle(-throttle, True) else: self.setAbsThrottle(throttle, False) def setAbsThrottle(self, throttle, reverse): ''' Sets the motor throttle as absolute value (negative values are considered as 0) @param throttle: (0..100) Percentagle to spin the motor. @param reverse: Indicates whether the motor spins forwards or backwards (reversed) ''' if throttle < 0.0: throttle = 0.0 elif throttle > 100.0: throttle = 100.0 self._throttle = throttle if self._throttle != 0: if reverse: self._reversePin.on() else: self._reversePin.off() duty = Motor.MIN_DUTY + self._throttle * Motor.DIFF_DUTY self._pwm.setDutyPerc(duty) else: self._reversePin.off() self._pwm.setDutyPerc(0) def getThrottle(self): ''' @return: The current throttle ''' return self._throttle def isReversed(self): ''' @return: Indicates whether the motor drives forwards or backwards ''' return self._reversePin.value() == 1 def stop(self): ''' Stops the motor ''' self.setAbsThrottle(0, False)
class Esp8266(object): ''' WiFi module TODO: 20200326 DPM: This class is intended for having a single client. Another limitation is that any request to the module should not be performed meanwhile it is in server mode. Further improvements must be done to avoid these limitations. A possible solution could be capturing all messages from the module in a IRQ-handler where the contents could be processed to rise events or send data through queues or even change the status of the object. ''' BYTES_ENCODING = "ascii" OP_MODE_CLIENT = const(1) OP_MODE_AP = const(2) SECURITY_OPEN = const(0) SECURITY_WEP = const(1) SECURITY_WPA = const(2) SECURITY_WPA2 = const(3) SECURITY_WPA_WPA2 = const(4) def __init__(self, uartId, enablePin=None, readTimeout=1000, baud=115200, debug=False): ''' Constructor @param uartId: Id of the UART port. @param enablePin: (default=None) Pin to handle the enable signal of the ESP8266 module. If not provided here, this line should be provided using a different way to the module in order to activate it. @param readTimeout: Time to wait for any incoming data in milliseconds (default 1000) @param baud: (default=115200) bit-rate of the communication @param debug: (default=False) prints debug information on the REPL ''' self._uart = UART(uartId, baud) if enablePin != None: self._enablePin = Pin(enablePin, Pin.OUT) else: self._enablePin = None self._readTimeout = readTimeout self._debug = debug # Reset module self.disable() sleep_ms(500) def start(self, txPower=10): ''' Starts the module. Enable the module and set the TX-power. @param txPower: (default=10) the tx-power ''' self.enable() self.setTxPower(txPower) def cleanup(self): self.disable() self._uart.deinit() def enable(self): ''' Enables the module, if enable pin was provided ''' if self._enablePin != None: self._enablePin.on() sleep_ms(500) if self._uart.any(): self._flushRx() sleep_ms(500) def disable(self): ''' Disables the module, if enable pin was provided ''' if self._enablePin != None: self._enablePin.off() def isPresent(self): ''' Checks if the module is present. Just sends a "AT" command. @return: True if it's present ''' self._write("AT") return self._isOk() def reset(self, txPower=10): ''' Resets the module @param txPower: (default=10) The tx-power ''' self._write("AT+RST") sleep_ms(300) assert self._isOk() self.setTxPower(txPower) def getVersion(self): ''' Gets the firmware version @return: array with the version information as follows: [AT version, SDK version, compile time] ''' version = [] self._write("AT+GMR") data = self._readline() while data != None and not data.startswith( bytes("OK", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)): if not data.startswith(bytes("AT+GMR", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)): version.append(data.strip()) data = self._readline() return version def getOperatingMode(self): ''' @return: The operating mode @raise Exception: On non reading mode ''' self._write("AT+CWMODE?") data = self._readline() while data != None and not data.startswith( bytes("+CWMODE", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)): data = self._readline() if data != None: mode = int( data.split(bytes(":", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING))[1].strip()) self._flushRx() else: raise Exception("Cannot read operating mode.") return mode def setOperatingMode(self, mode): ''' @param mode: The operating mode. Modes can be added using the or-operator. ''' self._write("AT+CWMODE={0}".format(mode)) assert self._isOk() def join(self, ssid, passwd=None): ''' Joins to a wireless network. Only when client mode is enabled. @param ssid: Network name @param passwd: Password (Optional for open networks). Max 64 bytes ASCII @raise Exception: On join error. Error codes: 1: connection timeout. 2: wrong password. 3: cannot find the target AP. 4: connection failed. ''' if passwd != None and passwd != "": self._write("AT+CWJAP_CUR=\"{0}\",\"{1}\"".format(ssid, passwd)) else: self._write("AT+CWJAP_CUR=\"{0}\"".format(ssid)) data = self._readline() or "" isError = data.startswith(bytes("FAIL", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)) while not isError and not data.startswith( bytes("OK", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)): sleep_ms(100) data = self._readline() or "" isError = data.startswith(bytes("FAIL", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)) self._flushRx() if isError: raise Exception("Error: Cannot join to network.") def joinedNetwork(self): ''' Gets the name of the joined network where the module is currently connected to, if any. @return: Name of the network ''' name = "" self._write("AT+CWJAP?") data = self._readline() self._flushRx() if data.startswith(bytes("+CWJAP", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)): networkData = data.split(bytes(":", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING))[1] name = networkData.split(bytes(",", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING))[0] return name def discover(self): ''' List available discovered networks. This list may not be exhaustive. @return: List of networks ''' pass def disconnect(self): ''' Disconnects the current network. Only when it is already joined. ''' pass def setAccessPointConfig(self, ssid, passwd=None, channel=1, security=SECURITY_OPEN): ''' Sets up the AP configuration. @param ssid: Name of the network @param passwd: Password (not used for open AP) @param channel: WiFi channel (default 1) @param security: Security mode, like WEP, WPA or WPA2 (default open) ''' if security != Esp8266.SECURITY_OPEN: self._write("AT+CWSAP=\"{0}\",\"{1}\",{2},{3}".format( ssid, passwd, channel, security)) else: self._write("AT+CWSAP=\"{0}\",\"\",{1},{2}".format( ssid, channel, security)) assert self._isOk() def getAccessPointConfig(self): ''' Queries the current access point configuration. This works when AP mode is enabled. ''' pass def getAddresses(self): ''' Gets the addresses and MACs of the module depending of the operating mode. It returns addresses for the currently active modes. Possible address-types are: APIP, APMAC, STAIP, STAMAC @return: Dictionary of addresses and MACs with the format {address-type, address} ''' addresses = {} self._write("AT+CIFSR") data = self._readline() #TODO: It seems not reading the contents while data != None and data.startswith( bytes("+CIFSR", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)): addressInfo = data.strip().split(bytes( ":", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING))[1].split( bytes(",", Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)) addresses[addressInfo[0]] = addressInfo[1] return addresses def getAddressByType(self, addrType): ''' Get the module address of a concrete type, if enabled. @param addrType: Possible address-types are: APIP, APMAC, STAIP, STAMAC @return: The address or none if the type is not enabled ''' address = b"" addresses = self.getAddresses() apIpKey = bytes(addrType, Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING) if apIpKey in addresses.keys(): address = addresses[apIpKey] return address def getApIpAddress(self): ''' @return: The IP address of the module's access point or empty if not enabled. ''' return self.getAddressByType("APIP") def setApIpAddress(self, ip, gateway, netmask=""): ''' Sets the IP address of the module's access point @param ip: IP address @param gateway: Network's gateway @param netmask: (default="") Network's mask of the IP addresses ''' self._write("AT+CIPAP_CUR=\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\"".format( ip, gateway, netmask)) assert self._isOk() def getStaIpAddress(self): ''' @return: The IP address when it is connected to a station or empty if not enabled ''' return self.getAddressByType("STAIP") def setStaIpAddress(self, ip, gateway, netmask=""): ''' Sets the IP address when it is connected to a station @param ip: IP address @param gateway: Network's gateway @param netmask: (default="") Network's mask for the IP addresses ''' self._write("AT+CIPSTA_CUR=\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\"".format( ip, gateway, netmask)) #This command is returning b"O" instead of b"OK\r\n" assert self._startsLineWith("O") def initServer(self, connectionClass, extraObj=None, port=333): ''' Initializes the socket server. 20200325 DPM: There is a limitation of the length of the received messages: It can receive up to 53 bytes at once and therefore further bytes will be missed. In instance, the client could send: '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' (70 bytes) But it receives: b'+IPD,0,70:12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123' The strange thing is, it knows that it should be 70 bytes, but it misses the last 17 bytes, which won't came in any further input either. @see: Connection class @param connectionClass: (instance of Connection class) Class which implements connection actions @param extraObj: (default=None) Extra object to pass to the ConnectionClass new instances @param port: (default=333) Listening port ''' self._write("AT+CIPMUX=1") assert self._isOk() self._write("AT+CIPSERVER=1,{0}".format(port)) assert self._isOk() #TODO: 20200326 DPM: Enabling IRQ here makes any request to the module not working properly. self._enableRxIrq() self._connections = {} self._connectionClass = connectionClass self._extraObj = extraObj def stopServer(self): ''' Stops the socket server. ''' self._disableRxIrq() self._write("AT+CIPSERVER=0") assert self._isOk() def _send(self, clientId, data): #TODO: 20200326 DPM: Disabling the IRQ during the send will miss any new client connection. # Therefore a single client can be used safely for the moment. #TODO: 20200326 DPM: Implement with a lock to avoid different coroutines sending at the same time. # Otherwise the concurrent send requests could be messed. self._disableRxIrq() self._write("AT+CIPSEND={0},{1}".format(clientId, len(data))) self._flushRx() self._write(data) line = self._readline() while line != None and not line.startswith("SEND"): line = self._readline() self._enableRxIrq() assert line != None and "OK" in line def getTimeout(self): ''' Gets the socket client disconnect timeout (AT+CIPSTO?) @return: The timeout as seconds ''' pass def setTimeout(self, timeout): ''' Sets the socket client disconnect timeout (AT+CIPSTO=nn) @param timeout: The timeout as seconds ''' pass def setTxPower(self, value): ''' Sets the RF power for transmission @param value: [0..82]; unit 0.25 dBm ''' self._write("AT+RFPOWER={0}".format(value)) assert self._isOk() def _write(self, data): if self._debug: print("=> {0}".format(bytes(data, Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING))) self._uart.write("{0}\r\n".format(data)) sleep_ms(200) def _readline(self): startTicks = ticks_ms() while self._uart.any() == 0 and ticks_diff( ticks_ms(), startTicks) < self._readTimeout: sleep_ms(50) data = None if self._uart.any() != 0: data = self._uart.readline() if self._debug: if data: print("<= {0}".format(data)) else: print("UART timeout") return data def _flushRx(self): ''' Flushes the RX-buffer ''' if self._uart.any(): buff = self._uart.read() if self._debug: print("(flushed)<= {0}".format(buff)) def _startsLineWith(self, text, flush=True): ''' Checks whether the next line starts with a text @param text: Text to find @param flush: Flushes the RX-buffer after checking @return: True if the line starts with the text ''' data = self._readline() startsWith = data != None and data.startswith( bytes(text, Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)) while data != None and not startsWith: data = self._readline() startsWith = data != None and data.startswith( bytes(text, Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING)) if flush: self._flushRx() return startsWith def _isOk(self, flush=True): ''' @param flush: Flushes the RX-buffer after checking @return: True if OK return was found ''' return self._startsLineWith("OK", flush) def _isError(self, flush=True): ''' @param flush: Flushes the RX-buffer after checking @return: True if Error return was found ''' return self._startsLineWith("ERROR", flush) def _enableRxIrq(self): self._uart.irq(trigger=UART.IRQ_RXIDLE, handler=self._onDataReceived) def _disableRxIrq(self): self._uart.irq(trigger=UART.IRQ_RXIDLE, handler=None) def _onDataReceived(self, _): line = None while self._uart.any(): line = self._readline() if line.startswith(b"+IPD"): #Message from client contents = line.split(b":", 1) data = contents[0].split(b",") clientId = int(data[1]) message = str(contents[1][:int(data[2])], Esp8266.BYTES_ENCODING) get_event_loop().create_task( self._connections[clientId].onReceived(message)) else: line = line.strip() contents = line.split(b",", 1) if len(contents) > 1: if contents[1] == b"CONNECT": #New client clientId = int(contents[0]) self._connections[clientId] = self._connectionClass( clientId, self, self._extraObj) get_event_loop().create_task( self._connections[clientId].onConnected()) elif contents[1] == b"CLOSED": #Client gone clientId = int(contents[0]) self._connections[clientId].onClose() del self._connections[clientId]
i2c = I2C(1) aff = Seg7x4(i2c, address=0x70) f = 750E3 # max = 750 kHz [84Mhz/4/(12+15) = 778 kHz] nb = 100 # Nombre de points de mesure pinE = Pin('A2', Pin.OUT) # Source du circuit RC adc = ADC(Pin('A3')) # Activation du CAN buf = array("h", nb * [0x7FFF]) # h = signed short (int 2 octets) tim = Timer(6, freq=f) # Déclaration du timer while True: pinE.on() # E=Vcc (charge) sleep_ms(100) # Attendre 100 ms pinE.off() # E=0 (décharge) adc.read_timed(buf, tim) # Mesures f = tim.freq() # Fréquence réelle du timer x = [i / f * 1E6 for i in range(nb)] # Tableau des fréquence (µs) y = [log(u) for u in buf] # Tableau des ln(u) a, b = linear_reg(y, x) # Regression linéaire C = -a / 10 # Calcul de la capacité h = round(1.713 * C - 17.90, 1) aff.fill(0) # Efface l'affichage précédent aff.text(str(h)) # Affichage aff.show() # ...
if d[1]: ir_avg.append(d[0]) if d[3]: red_avg.append(d[2]) ir_D = (sum(ir_avg) - max(ir_avg) - min(ir_avg)) // len(ir_avg) red_D = (sum(red_avg) - max(red_avg) - min(red_avg)) // len(red_avg) print('ir:',ir_D) print('red:',red_D) return [ir_D,red_D] ################################################################ alert = Pin("PE0",Pin.OUT) alert.on() time.sleep(1) alert.off() while 1: try: m = max30102.MAX30102(pin='PE1') except: print("init error and retry ..") time.sleep(1) [ir_D,red_D] = get(1000)
class RomiMotor: """ We reuse the same timer for all instances of the class, so this is the callback of the class, which calls the handlers in each instance. """ @classmethod def class_rpm_handler(cls, tim): for h in cls.rpm_handlers: h(tim) # List of the rpm handlers of the instances, necessary because we share a single timer. rpm_handlers = [] # The shared timer rpmtimer = None """ Initialize a RomiMotor, connected either to the 'X' side or the 'Y' side of the Pyboard. On either side (? is 'X' or 'Y'): - PWM is on pin ?1 - DIR is on pin ?2 - SLEEP is on pin ?3 - ENCA is on pin ?4 - ENCB is on pin ?5 """ def __init__(self, X=True): if X: self.pwmpin = Pin('X1', Pin.OUT_PP) self.pwmtim = Timer(2, freq=5000) self.pwm = self.pwmtim.channel(1, mode=Timer.PWM, pin=self.pwmpin) self.pwm.pulse_width(0) self.dir = Pin('X2', Pin.OUT_PP) self.dir.off() # O = forward, 1 = reverse self.sleep = Pin('X3', Pin.OUT_PP) self.sleep.value(0) # 0 = sleep, 1 = active self.enca = Pin('X4', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.encb = Pin('X5', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) else: self.pwmpin = Pin('Y1', Pin.OUT_PP) self.pwmtim = Timer(8, freq=5000) self.pwm = self.pwmtim.channel(1, mode=Timer.PWM, pin=self.pwmpin) self.pwm.pulse_width(0) self.dir = Pin('Y2', Pin.OUT_PP) self.dir.off() # O = forward, 1 = reverse self.sleep = Pin('Y3', Pin.OUT_PP) self.sleep.value(0) # 0 = sleep, 1 = active self.enca = Pin('Y4', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.encb = Pin('Y5', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.pwmscale = (self.pwmtim.period() + 1) // 100 # scale factor for percent power self.count_a = 0 # counter for impulses on the A output of the encoder self.target_a = 0 # target value for the A counter (for controlled rotation) self.count_b = 0 # counter for impulses on the B output of the encoder self.time_a = 0 # last time we got an impulse on the A output of the encoder self.time_b = 0 # last time we got an impulse on the B output of the encoder self.elapsed_a_b = 0 # time elapsed between an impulse on A and an impulse on B self.dirsensed = 0 # direction sensed through the phase of the A and B outputs self.rpm = 0 # current speed in rotations per second self.rpm_last_a = 0 # value of the A counter when we last computed the rpms self.cruise_rpm = 0 # target value for the rpms ExtInt(self.enca, ExtInt.IRQ_RISING, Pin.PULL_UP, self.enca_handler) ExtInt(self.encb, ExtInt.IRQ_RISING, Pin.PULL_UP, self.encb_handler) if RomiMotor.rpmtimer is None: # create only one shared timer for all instances RomiMotor.rpmtimer = Timer(4) RomiMotor.rpmtimer.init(freq=4, callback=RomiMotor.class_rpm_handler) RomiMotor.rpm_handlers.append( self.rpm_handler) # register the handler for this instance """ Handler for interrupts caused by impulses on the A output of the encoder. This is where we sense the rotation direction and adjust the throttle to reach a target number of rotations of the wheel. """ def enca_handler(self, pin): self.count_a += 1 self.time_a = pyb.millis() if pyb.elapsed_millis(self.time_b) > self.elapsed_a_b: self.dirsensed = -1 # A occurs before B else: self.dirsensed = 1 # B occurs before A if self.target_a > 0: # If we have a target rotation if self.count_a >= self.target_a: self.pwm.pulse_width( 0 ) # If we reached of exceeded the rotation, stop the motor self.target_a = 0 # remove the target elif (self.target_a - self.count_a) < 30: self.pwm.pulse_width( 7 * self.pwmscale ) # If we are very close to the target, slow down a lot elif (self.target_a - self.count_a) < 60: self.pwm.pulse_width( 15 * self.pwmscale) # If we are close to the target, slow down """ Handler for interrupts caused by impulses on the B output of the encoder. """ def encb_handler(self, pin): self.count_b += 1 self.elapsed_a_b = pyb.elapsed_millis( self.time_a) # Memorize the duration since the last A impulse """ This is the handler of the timer interrupts to compute the rpms """ def rpm_handler(self, tim): self.rpm = 4 * (self.count_a - self.rpm_last_a) # The timer is at 4Hz self.rpm_last_a = self.count_a # Memorize the number of impulses on A if self.cruise_rpm != 0: # If we have an RPM target # Add a correction to the PWM according to the difference in RPMs delta = abs(self.rpm - self.cruise_rpm) if delta < 100: corr = delta // 40 elif delta < 500: corr = delta // 20 else: corr = delta // 10 if self.cruise_rpm < self.rpm: self.pwm.pulse_width( max(5 * self.pwmscale, self.pwm.pulse_width() - self.pwmscale * corr)) else: self.pwm.pulse_width( min(100 * self.pwmscale, self.pwm.pulse_width() + self.pwmscale * corr)) """ Set the power of the motor in percents. Positive values go forward, negative values go backward. """ def throttle(self, pct): if pct is None: return if pct < 0: self.dir.on() pct = -pct else: self.dir.off() self.pwm.pulse_width(pct * self.pwmscale) self.sleep.on() """ Get the current power as a percentage of the max power. The result is positive if the motor runs forward, negative if it runs backward. """ def getThrottle(self): thr = self.pwm.pulse_width() // self.pwmscale if self.dir.value() > 0: thr = -thr return thr """ Release the motor to let it rotate freely. """ def release(self, release=True): if release: self.sleep.off() else: self.sleep.on() """ Perform 'turns' rotations of the wheel at 'power' percents of the max power. If 'turns' is positive, the wheel turns forward, if it is negative, it turns backward. """ def rotatewheel(self, turns, power=20): if turns < 0: sign = -1 turns = -turns else: sign = 1 self.count_a = 0 self.count_b = 0 self.target_a = int(360 * turns) self.throttle(sign * power) """ Wait for the rotations requested by 'rotatewheel' to be done. """ def wait(self): while self.count_a < self.target_a: pass """ Set a target RPMs. The wheel turns in its current rotation direction, 'rpm' should be non negative. """ def cruise(self, rpm): self.cruise_rpm = int(rpm * 60) """ Get the current RPMs. This is always non negative, regardless of the rotation direction. """ def get_rpms(self): return self.rpm / 60 """ Cancel all targets of rotation and RPM """ def clear(self): self.target_a = 0 self.cruise_rpm = 0 """ Stop the motor. """ def stop(self): self.clear() self.throttle(0)