Beispiel #1
def decode_base58(string_base58,
    """Decode a base58-encoding string
      :param string_base58: base58 string.
      :param hex: (optional) return result as HEX encoded string, by default is False.
      :param checksum: (optional) boolean, by default is False.
      :param verify_checksum: (optional) boolean, by default is False.
      :return: HEX or bytes string format.

    if verify_checksum:
        checksum = True
    if not string_base58:
        return b''
    if not isinstance(string_base58, str):
        raise ValueError("base58 string required")
    b = __decode_base58__(string_base58)
    if checksum:
        if verify_checksum:
            if double_sha256(b[:-4])[:4] != b[-4:]:
                raise Exception("invalid checksum")
        return b[:-4].hex() if hex else b[:-4]
    return b.hex() if hex else b
Beispiel #2
def merkle_tree(tx_hash_list, return_hex=False, receive_hex=False):
    if receive_hex:
        tx_hash_deque = deque()
        tx_hash_deque_append = tx_hash_deque.append
        for h in tx_hash_list:
            tx_hash_deque_append(h if isinstance(h, bytes) else s2rh(h))
        tx_hash_deque = deque(tx_hash_list)
    c = merkle_tree_depth(len(tx_hash_deque))
    m = {c: deque(tx_hash_deque)}

    while len(tx_hash_deque) > 1:
        new_deque = deque()
        new_deque_append = new_deque.append
        while tx_hash_deque:
            h1 = tx_hash_deque.popleft()
            try: h2 = tx_hash_deque.popleft()
            except: h2 = h1
            hs = double_sha256(b"".join((h1, h2)))
        tx_hash_deque = new_deque
        c -= 1
        m[c] = deque(tx_hash_deque)
    if return_hex:
        for i in m:
            for k in range(len(m[i])):
                m[i][k] = rh2s(m[i][k])
    return m
Beispiel #3
def is_wif_valid(wif):
    Check is private key in WIF format string is valid.

    :param wif: private key in WIF format string.
    :return: boolean.
    if not isinstance(wif, str):
        return False
    if wif[0] not in PRIVATE_KEY_PREFIX_LIST:
        return False
        h = decode_base58(wif)
        return False
    checksum = h[-4:]
        if len(h) != 37:
            return False
    elif len(h) != 38:
        return False
    if double_sha256(h[:-4])[:4] != checksum:
        return False
    return True
Beispiel #4
def private_to_public_key(private_key, compressed=True, hex=True):
    Get public key from private key using ECDSA secp256k1

    :param private_key: private key in WIF, HEX or bytes.
    :param compressed: (optional) flag of public key compressed format, by default is True.
                       In case private_key in WIF format, this flag is set in accordance with 
                       the key format specified in WIF string.
    :param hex:  (optional) if set to True return key in HEX format, by default is True.
    :return: 33/65 bytes public key in HEX or bytes string.
    if not isinstance(private_key, bytes):
        if isinstance(private_key, bytearray):
            private_key = bytes(private_key)
        elif isinstance(private_key, str):
                if private_key[0] in (MAINNET_PRIVATE_KEY_UNCOMPRESSED_PREFIX,
                    compressed = False
                h = decode_base58(private_key)
                if double_sha256(h[:-4])[:4] != h[-4:]:
                    raise Exception()
                private_key = h[1:33]
                    private_key = bytes_from_hex(private_key)
                    raise ValueError("private key HEX or WIF invalid")
            raise ValueError(
                "private key must be a bytes or WIF or hex encoded string")
        if len(private_key) != 32:
            raise ValueError("private key length invalid")
    pub = __secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create__(private_key, bool(compressed))
    return pub.hex() if hex else pub
Beispiel #5
def wif_to_private_key(h, hex=True):
    Decode WIF private key to bytes string or HEX encoded string

    :param h:  private key in WIF format string.
    :param hex:  (optional) if set to True return key in HEX format, by default is True.
    :return: Private key HEX encoded string or raw bytes string.
    h = decode_base58(h)
    if double_sha256(h[:-4])[:4] != h[-4:]:
        raise TypeError("invalid wif key")
    return h[1:33].hex() if hex else h[1:33]
Beispiel #6
def encode_base58(bytes, checksum=False):
    """Encode bytes to a base58-encoded string
      :param bytes: bytes string.
      :param checksum: (optional) boolean, by default is False.
      :return: base58 string format.


    # Convert big-endian bytes to integer
    if not bytes:
        return ''
    b = get_bytes(bytes)
    if checksum:
        return __encode_base58__(b"%s%s" % (b, double_sha256(b)[:4]))
    return __encode_base58__(b)
Beispiel #7
def merkle_root_from_proof(merkle_proof, tx_id, index, return_hex=True, receive_hex=True):
    if isinstance(merkle_proof, str):
        merkle_proof = bytes_from_hex(merkle_proof)
    if isinstance(merkle_proof, bytes):
        merkle_proof = [merkle_proof[y - 32:y] for y in range(32, len(merkle_proof) + 32, 32)]

    if receive_hex:
        _merkle_proof = deque()
        _merkle_proof_append = _merkle_proof.append
        for h in merkle_proof:
            _merkle_proof_append(s2rh(h) if isinstance(h, str) else h)
        merkle_proof = _merkle_proof
        tx_id = s2rh(tx_id) if isinstance(tx_id, str) else tx_id

    root = tx_id
    for h in merkle_proof:
        root = double_sha256(b"".join((h, root) if index % 2 else (root, h)))
        index = index // 2

    if return_hex:
        return rh2s(root)
    return root
Beispiel #8
def private_key_to_wif(h, compressed=True, testnet=False):
    Encode private key in HEX or RAW bytes format to WIF format.

    :param h: private key 32 byte string or HEX encoded string.
    :param compressed: (optional) flag of public key compressed format, by default is True.
    :param testnet: (optional) flag for testnet network, by default is False.
    :return: Private key in WIF format.
    # uncompressed: 0x80 + [32-byte secret] + [4 bytes of Hash() of previous 33 bytes], base58 encoded.
    # compressed: 0x80 + [32-byte secret] + 0x01 + [4 bytes of Hash() previous 34 bytes], base58 encoded.
    if isinstance(h, str):
        h = bytes_from_hex(h)
    if len(h) != 32 and isinstance(h, bytes):
        raise TypeError("private key must be a 32 bytes or hex encoded string")
    if testnet:
    if compressed:
        h += b'\x01'
    h += double_sha256(h)[:4]
    return encode_base58(h)