def create_nc(img, outfile='', clobber=False, t0=None): """ Create a NetCDF dataset with x, y, and time variables. :param img: Input GeoImg to base shape of x, y variables on. :param outfile: Filename for output NetCDF file. :param clobber: clobber existing dataset when creating NetCDF file. :param t0: Initial time for creation of time variable. Default is 01 Jan 1900. :type img: pybob.GeoImg :type outfile: str :type clobber: bool :type t0: np.datetime64 :returns nco, to, xo, yo: output NetCDF dataset, time, x, and y variables. """ nrows, ncols = img.shape # nc file creation fails if we don't create manually the parent directory outdir = os.path.dirname(outfile) if outdir == '': outdir = '.' mkdir_p(outdir) nco = netCDF4.Dataset(outfile, 'w', clobber=clobber) nco.createDimension('x', ncols) nco.createDimension('y', nrows) nco.createDimension('time', None) nco.Conventions = 'CF-1.7' nco.description = "Stack of co-registered DEMs produced using MMASTER (+ other sources). \n" + \ "MMASTER scripts and documentation: \n" + \ "pybob source and documentation:" nco.history = "Created " + time.ctime(time.time()) nco.source = "Robert McNabb ([email protected])" to = nco.createVariable('time', 'f4', ('time')) if t0 is None: to.units = 'days since 1900-01-01' else: to.units = 'days since {}'.format(np.datetime_as_string(t0)) to.calendar = 'standard' to.standard_name = 'date' xo = nco.createVariable('x', 'f4', ('x')) # , chunksizes=[10]) xo.units = 'm' xo.standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' xo.axis = 'X' yo = nco.createVariable('y', 'f4', ('y')) # chunksizes=[10]) yo.units = 'm' yo.standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' yo.axis = 'Y' return nco, to, xo, yo
list_lat.append(lat) list_lon.append(lon) else: print('Working on: ' + str(nproc) + ' cores...') argsin = [(fn_dem, i, len(list_dem)) for i, fn_dem in enumerate(list_dem)] pool = mp.Pool(nproc, maxtasksperchild=1) outputs =, argsin, chunksize=1) pool.close() pool.join() zipped = list(zip(*outputs)) list_h = zipped[0] list_lat = zipped[1] list_lon = zipped[2] dfs = [] for i in range(len(list_h)): df = pd.DataFrame() df = df.assign(h=list_h[i], lat=list_lat[i], lon=list_lon[i]) df['t'] = list_dt[i] df['frame'] = list_f[i] dfs.append(df) df_reg = pd.concat(dfs) fn_out = os.path.join(output_dir, reg, 'IODEM3_' + reg + '_' + str(out_res) + '_pt.csv') mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(fn_out)) df_reg.to_csv(fn_out, index=None)
import os import pyddem.fit_tools as ft import xarray as xr import multiprocessing as mp import numpy as np from pybob.bob_tools import mkdir_p from glob import glob # example to extract elevation change maps (.tif) from the elevation time series (.nc) # all files worldwide world_dir = '/calcul/santo/hugonnet/worldwide' out_pdir = '/data/icesat/travail_en_cours/romain/all_dhdts' mkdir_p(out_pdir) # number of cores for processing nproc = 32 # list of periods for which to derive elevation change list_tlims = [(np.datetime64('2000-01-01'), np.datetime64('2020-01-01')), (np.datetime64('2000-01-01'), np.datetime64('2010-01-01')), (np.datetime64('2010-01-01'), np.datetime64('2020-01-01')), (np.datetime64('2000-01-01'), np.datetime64('2005-01-01')), (np.datetime64('2005-01-01'), np.datetime64('2010-01-01')), (np.datetime64('2010-01-01'), np.datetime64('2015-01-01')), (np.datetime64('2015-01-01'), np.datetime64('2020-01-01'))] # wrapper for multi-processing def wrapper_get_dh_stack(argsin): tlim, fn_stack, out_dir, i, itot = argsin
tiles = os.listdir(setsm_dir) for tile in tiles: print('Searching for tile ' + tile + ' in folder ' + setsm_dir + '...') subtile_dir = os.path.join(setsm_dir, tile) seg_tar_gz_list = [os.path.join(subtile_dir, tar_file) for tar_file in os.listdir(subtile_dir) if tar_file.endswith('.tar.gz')] print('Found ' + str(len(seg_tar_gz_list)) + ' segments in tile folder.') # 2/ EXTRACT ALL STRIPS tmp_dir = os.path.join(setsm_dir,tile, 'all_strips') mkdir_p(tmp_dir) list_tmp_dem = [os.path.join(tmp_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(seg_tar_gz))[0])[0] + '_dem.tif') for seg_tar_gz in seg_tar_gz_list] for seg_tar_gz in seg_tar_gz_list: print('Extracting dem file of segment ' + str(seg_tar_gz_list.index(seg_tar_gz) + 1) + ' out of ' + str(len(seg_tar_gz_list))) extract_file_from_tar_gz(seg_tar_gz, os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(seg_tar_gz))[0])[0] + '_dem.tif', list_tmp_dem[seg_tar_gz_list.index(seg_tar_gz)]) list_files = glob(os.path.join(setsm_dir,'**/*_dem.tif'),recursive=True) fn_shp = '/data/icesat/travail_en_cours/romain/data/outlines/rgi60/regions/rgi60_merge.shp' ds_shp = gdal.OpenEx(fn_shp, gdal.OF_VECTOR) layer_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn_shp))[0] layer = ds_shp.GetLayer() epsg_base = 4326
import os from glob import glob import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pybob.ddem_tools import nmad import scipy from pybob.bob_tools import mkdir_p import pyddem.fit_tools as ft dir_valid = '/data/icesat/travail_en_cours/romain/results/valid' dir_valid_out = '/data/icesat/travail_en_cours/romain/results/valid_summary_random_sys' mkdir_p(dir_valid_out) list_fn_valid = glob(os.path.join(dir_valid, '*.csv'), recursive=True) print('Found validation file list:') print(list_fn_valid) print('Concatenating data...') df = pd.DataFrame() for fn_valid in list_fn_valid: tmp_df = pd.read_csv(fn_valid) reg = int(os.path.basename(fn_valid).split('_')[2]) if os.path.basename(fn_valid).split('_')[1] == 'ICESat': sensor = 'ICS' else: sensor = 'IB' tmp_df = tmp_df.assign(reg=reg, sensor=sensor) df = df.append(tmp_df)
region = '06_rgi60' print('Working on region: ' + region) out_dir = os.path.join(world_calc_dir, region, 'sensitivity', name, 'stacks') results_dir = os.path.join(world_calc_dir, region, 'sensitivity', name, 'vol') print(results_dir) outfile = os.path.join(results_dir, 'dh_' + region + '_' + name + '.csv') if not os.path.exists(outfile): mkdir_p(results_dir) #integrate glaciers globally fn_shp = glob(os.path.join(dir_shp, '**/*' + region + '*.shp'), recursive=True)[0] dir_stack = out_dir list_fn_stack = glob(os.path.join(dir_stack, '**/*'), recursive=True) tt.hypsocheat_postproc_stacks_tvol(list_fn_stack, fn_shp, nproc=nproc, outfile=outfile) # add info from base glacier dataframe (missing glaciers, identify region, etc...) infile = os.path.join(results_dir, 'dh_' + region + '_' + name + '_int.csv')
def main(): parser = _argparser() args = parser.parse_args() if args.folder is not None: os.chdir(args.folder) print('Looking in folder {}'.format(os.getcwd())) flist = glob('*.zip.met') filenames = np.array([f.rsplit('.zip', 1)[0] for f in flist]) filenames.sort() dates = [parse_aster_filename(f) for f in filenames] striplist = [] # loop through the dates for i, s in enumerate(dates): # get a list of all the scenes we're currently using current_striplist = [item for sublist in striplist for item in sublist] # if the current filename is already in the sorted list, move on. if filenames[i] in current_striplist: continue else: td_list = np.array([d - s for d in dates]) # because we sorted the filelist, we don't have to consider timedeltas # less than zero (i.e., scenes within a single day are chronologically ordered) matched_inds = np.where( np.logical_and(td_list >= timedelta(0), td_list < timedelta(0, 600)))[0] # if we only get one index back, it's the scene itself. if len(matched_inds) == 1: striplist.append(filenames[matched_inds]) continue # now, check that we have continuity (if we have a difference of more than 12 seconds, # then the scenes aren't continuous even if they come from the same day) matched_diff = np.diff(np.array(td_list)[matched_inds]) break_inds = np.where(matched_diff > timedelta(0, 12))[0] if len(break_inds) == 0: pass else: # we only need the first index, add 1 because of diff break_ind = break_inds[0] + 1 matched_inds = matched_inds[0:break_ind] # here, we make sure that we only return strips that are at most max_length long. for strip in sliding_window(matched_inds, args.max_length, args.max_length - 1): strip = list(strip) if len(matched_inds) > args.max_length and len( strip) == args.max_length - 1: strip.insert(0, strip[0] - 1) striplist.append(filenames[strip]) print('Found {} strips, out of {} individual scenes'.format( len(striplist), len(filenames))) # now that the individual scenes are sorted into "strips", # we can create "strip" and "single" folders print('Moving strips to individual folders.') #mkdir_p('strips') #mkdir_p('singles') mkdir_p('sorted') for s in striplist: mkdir_p(os.path.sep.join(['sorted', s[0][0:25]])) if len(s) == 1: # shutil.move(s[0] + '.zip', 'singles') # shutil.move(s[0] + '.zip.met', 'singles') shutil.move(s[0] + '.zip', os.path.sep.join(['sorted', s[0][0:25]])) shutil.move(s[0] + '.zip.met', os.path.sep.join(['sorted', s[0][0:25]])) else: #mkdir_p(os.path.join('strips', s[0][0:25])) for ss in s: # shutil.copy(ss + '.zip', os.path.join('strips', s[0][0:25])) # shutil.copy(ss + '.zip.met', os.path.join('strips', s[0][0:25])) shutil.copy(ss + '.zip', os.path.sep.join(['sorted', s[0][0:25]])) shutil.copy(ss + '.zip.met', os.path.sep.join(['sorted', s[0][0:25]])) # now, clean up the current folder. for f in glob('*.zip*'): os.remove(f) print('Fin.')
# tile = 'S48W074' for tile in list_tiles[list_regions.index(region)]: lat, lon = SRTMGL1_naming_to_latlon(tile) _, utm = latlon_to_UTM(lat, lon) ref_utm_dir = os.path.join(world_data_dir, region, 'ref', utm) fn_stack = glob(os.path.join(dir_stack, utm, tile + ''), recursive=True)[0] fn_orig = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(fn_stack), os.path.basename(fn_stack).split('_')[0] + '.nc') ref_vrt = os.path.join(ref_utm_dir, 'tmp_' + utm + '.vrt') ref_list = glob(os.path.join(ref_utm_dir, '**/*.tif'), recursive=True) if not os.path.exists(ref_vrt): gdal.BuildVRT(ref_vrt, ref_list, resampleAlg='bilinear') out_dir = os.path.join(main_out_dir, region) mkdir_p(out_dir) ft.manual_refine_sampl_temporal_vgm( fn_orig, ref_vrt, out_dir, filt_ref='both', time_filt_thresh=[-30, 5], ref_dem_date=np.datetime64('2015-01-01'), inc_mask=inc_mask, gla_mask=gla_mask, nproc=nproc)