Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, R=np.eye(3), t=np.zeros(3)):
     Pose is defined as p_cw (pose of the world wrt camera)
     p = RigidTransform.from_Rt(R, t)
     RigidTransform.__init__(self, xyzw=p.quat.to_xyzw(), tvec=p.tvec)
     self.__cached_inverse = None
Beispiel #2
    def read_pose(gt): 
        cam_dir, cam_up = gt.cam_dir, gt.cam_up
        z = cam_dir / np.linalg.norm(cam_dir)
        x = np.cross(cam_up, z)
        y = np.cross(z, x)

        R = np.vstack([x, y, z]).T
        t = gt.cam_pos / 1000.0
        return RigidTransform.from_Rt(R, t)
Beispiel #3
    def oxts_process_cb(self, fn):
        X = np.fromfile(fn, dtype=np.float64, sep=' ')
        packet = AttrDict({fmt: x
                           for (fmt, x) in zip(self.oxts_formats, X)})

        # compute scale from first lat value
        if self.scale_ is None:
            self.scale_ = np.cos( * np.pi / 180.)

        # Use a Mercator projection to get the translation vector
        tx = self.scale_ * packet.lon * np.pi * EARTH_RADIUS / 180.
        ty = self.scale_ * EARTH_RADIUS * \
             np.log(np.tan((90. + * np.pi / 360.))
        tz = packet.alt
        t = np.array([tx, ty, tz])

        # We want the initial position to be the origin, but keep the ENU
        # coordinate system
        rx, ry, rz = packet.roll, packet.pitch, packet.yaw
        Rx = np.float32([1,0,0, 0,
                         np.cos(rx), -np.sin(rx), 0,
                         np.sin(rx), np.cos(rx)]).reshape(3,3)
        Ry = np.float32([np.cos(ry),0,np.sin(ry),
                         0, 1, 0,
                         -np.sin(ry), 0, np.cos(ry)]).reshape(3,3)
        Rz = np.float32([np.cos(rz), -np.sin(rz), 0,
                         np.sin(rz), np.cos(rz), 0,
                         0, 0, 1]).reshape(3,3)
        R =,
        pose = RigidTransform.from_Rt(R, t)

        if self.p_init_ is None:
            self.p_init_ = pose.inverse()

        # Use the Euler angles to get the rotation matrix
        return AttrDict(packet=packet, pose=self.p_init_ * pose)
Beispiel #4
def kitti_load_poses(fn):
    X = (np.fromfile(fn, dtype=np.float64, sep=' ')).reshape(-1,12)
    return [RigidTransform.from_Rt(p[:3,:3], p[:3,3])
            for p in [x.reshape(3,4) for x in X]]
Beispiel #5
def kitti_load_poses(fn): 
    X = (np.fromfile(fn, dtype=np.float64, sep=' ')).reshape(-1,12)
    return map(lambda p: RigidTransform.from_Rt(p[:3,:3], p[:3,3]), 
                map(lambda x: x.reshape(3,4), X))