def create_feature_space(feature_matrix, example_image, feature_space_name):
    feature_space_images = []
    N = feature_matrix.shape[0]
    for i, n in enumerate(feature_matrix):
        new_im = MaskedNDImage.blank(example_image.shape, mask=example_image.mask, n_channels=n.shape[1])
        new_im.landmarks = example_image.landmarks
        print_replace_line('Image {0} of {1}'.format(i + 1, N))

    cPickle.dump(images, open('/vol/atlas/pts08/cvpr/frgc_spring2003_4_{0}.pkl'.format(feature_space_name), 'wb'), protocol=2)
    return feature_space_images
Beispiel #2
def test_reconstruction(im):
    from copy import deepcopy
    from pybug.image import MaskedNDImage, DepthImage

    im = deepcopy(im)
    new_im = MaskedNDImage.blank(im.shape, mask=im.mask, n_channels=3)
    n = im.mesh.vertex_normals
    g = gradient_field_from_normals(new_im)
    d = frankotchellappa(g.pixels[..., 0], g.pixels[..., 1])

    im.view(mode='mesh', normals=n, mask_points=20)
    DepthImage(d - np.min(d)).view_new(mode='mesh')
def test_reconstruction(im):
    from copy import deepcopy
    from pybug.image import MaskedNDImage, DepthImage

    im = deepcopy(im)
    new_im = MaskedNDImage.blank(im.shape, mask=im.mask, n_channels=3)
    n = im.mesh.vertex_normals
    g = gradient_field_from_normals(new_im)
    d = frankotchellappa(g.pixels[..., 0], g.pixels[..., 1])

    im.view(mode='mesh', normals=n, mask_points=20)
    DepthImage(d - np.min(d)).view_new(mode='mesh')
Beispiel #4
def create_feature_space(feature_matrix, example_image, feature_space_name):
    feature_space_images = []
    N = feature_matrix.shape[0]
    for i, n in enumerate(feature_matrix):
        new_im = MaskedNDImage.blank(example_image.shape,
        new_im.landmarks = example_image.landmarks
        print_replace_line('Image {0} of {1}'.format(i + 1, N))

                         feature_space_name), 'wb'),
    return feature_space_images
    return feature_space_images

# <markdowncell>

# ## Generate the frame of reference via a Similarity Transform

# <codecell>

from landmarks import ibug_68_edge
# Pull out the landmarks
labeller(images, 'PTS', ibug_68_edge)
shapes = [img.landmarks['ibug_68_edge'].lms for img in images]

# <codecell>

ref_frame = MaskedNDImage.blank([480, 360])

# <codecell>

from warp import build_similarity_transform
# Warp each of the images to the reference image
sim_transforms = [build_similarity_transform(shape) for shape in shapes]
warped_images = [img.warp_to(ref_frame.mask, t) for img, t in zip(images, sim_transforms)]

# <markdowncell>

# ## Calculate the normal matrix for all the images

# <codecell>

normal_matrix = extract_normals(warped_images)
Beispiel #6
def aam_builder(path, max_images=None, group='PTS', label='all',
                crop_boundary=0.2, interpolator='scipy',
                scale=1, max_shape_components=25, reference_frame_boundary=3,
                labels=[], triangulation_func=ibug_68_trimesh,

    # TODO:
    print '- Loading images from:' + path
    # load images
    images = auto_import(path, max_images=max_images)
    # convert to greyscale
    images = [i.as_greyscale() if type(i) is RGBImage else i for i in images]
    # crop images around their landmarks
    for i in images:
        i.crop_to_landmarks_proportion(crop_boundary, group=group, label=label)

    # TODO:
    print '- Normalizing object scales'
    # extract shapes
    shapes = [i.landmarks[group][label].lms for i in images]
    # define reference shape
    reference_shape = PointCloud(np.mean([s.points for s in shapes], axis=0))
    # compute scale difference between all shapes and reference shape
    scales = [UniformScale.align(s, reference_shape).as_vector()
              for s in shapes]
    # rescale all images using previous scales
    images = [i.rescale(s, interpolator=interpolator)
              for i, s in zip(images, scales)]
    # extract rescaled shapes
    shapes = [i.landmarks[group][label].lms for i in images]

    # TODO:
    pyramid_iterator = [pyramid_gaussian(i.pixels) for i in images]

    # TODO:
    print '- Building shape model'
    # centralize shapes
    centered_shapes = [Translation(-s.centre).apply(s) for s in shapes]
    # align centralized shape using Procrustes Analysis
    gpa = GeneralizedProcrustesAnalysis(centered_shapes)
    aligned_shapes = [s.aligned_source for s in gpa.transforms]

    # TODO:
    # scale shape if necessary
    if scale is not 1:
        aligned_shapes = [Scale(scale, n_dims=reference_shape.n_dims).apply(s)
                          for s in aligned_shapes]
    # build shape model
    shape_model = PCAModel(aligned_shapes)
    # trim shape model if required
    if max_shape_components is not None:

    # TODO:
    print '- Building reference frame'
    # scale reference shape if necessary
    if scale is not 1:
        reference_shape = Scale(
            scale, n_dims=reference_shape.n_dims).apply(reference_shape)
    # compute lower bound
    lower_bound = reference_shape.bounds(
    # translate reference shape using lower bound
    reference_landmarks = Translation(-lower_bound).apply(
    # compute reference frame resolution
    reference_resolution = reference_landmarks.range(
    # build reference frame
    reference_frame = MaskedNDImage.blank(reference_resolution)
    # assign landmarks using the default group
    reference_frame.landmarks[group] = reference_landmarks
    # label reference frame
    for l in labels:
        labeller([reference_frame], group, l)
    # check for precomputed triangulation
    if triangulation_func is not None:
        labeller([reference_frame], group, triangulation_func)
        trilist = reference_frame.landmarks[triangulation_label].lms.trilist
        trilist = None
    # mask reference frame
    reference_frame.constrain_mask_to_landmarks(group=group, trilist=trilist)

    # TODO:
    print '- Building Apperance Models'
    # extract landmarks
    landmarks = [i.landmarks[group][label].lms for i in images]
    # initialize list of appearance models
    appearance_model_list = []

    # for each level
    for j in range(0, n_multiresolution_levels):
        print ' - Level {}'.format(j)
        # obtain images
        level_images = [MaskedNDImage( for p in
        # rescale and reassign landmarks if necessary
        for li, i in zip(level_images, images):
            li.landmarks[group] = i.landmarks[group]
            li.landmarks[group].lms.points = (i.landmarks[group].lms.points /
                                              (2 ** j))
        # mask level_images
        for i in level_images:
            i.constrain_mask_to_landmarks(group=group, trilist=trilist)

        # compute features
        for i in level_images:
        feature_images = level_images

        # compute transforms
        transforms = [transform_cls(reference_frame.landmarks[group].lms,

                      for i in feature_images]
        # warp images
        warped_images = [i.warp_to(reference_frame.mask, t,
                         for i, t in zip(feature_images, transforms)]
        # assign reference landmarks using the default group
        for i in warped_images:
            i.landmarks[group] = reference_landmarks
        # label reference frame
        for l in labels:
            labeller([reference_frame], group, l)
        # check for precomputed triangulation
        if triangulation_func is not None:
            labeller([reference_frame], group, triangulation_func)
        # mask warped images
        for i in warped_images:
            i.constrain_mask_to_landmarks(group=group, trilist=trilist)

        # build appearance model
        appearance_model = PCAModel(warped_images)
        # trim apperance model if required
        if max_appearance_components is not None:
        # add appearance model to the list

    return shape_model, reference_frame, appearance_model_list
Beispiel #7

# <markdowncell>

# ## Generate the frame of reference via a Similarity Transform

# <codecell>

from landmarks import ibug_68_edge
# Pull out the landmarks
labeller(images, 'PTS', ibug_68_edge)
shapes = [img.landmarks['ibug_68_edge'].lms for img in images]

# <codecell>

ref_frame = MaskedNDImage.blank([480, 360])

# <codecell>

from warp import build_similarity_transform
# Warp each of the images to the reference image
sim_transforms = [build_similarity_transform(shape) for shape in shapes]
warped_images = [
    img.warp_to(ref_frame.mask, t) for img, t in zip(images, sim_transforms)

# <markdowncell>

# ## Calculate the normal matrix for all the images

# <codecell>