def test_property_tree(self):
     # ptree as container to store int, double, string, and bool
     ptree = PropertyTree()
     ptree.put_int('dim', 3)
     self.assertEqual(ptree.get_int('dim'), 3)
     ptree.put_double('', 3.14)
     self.assertEqual(ptree.get_double(''), 3.14)
     ptree.put_string('', 'it works')
     self.assertEqual(ptree.get_string(''), 'it works')
     ptree.put_bool('is.that.a.good.idea', False)
     self.assertEqual(ptree.get_bool('is.that.a.good.idea'), False)
 def test_get_children(self):
     ptree = PropertyTree()
     # put child
     child = PropertyTree()
     child.put_double('prune', 6.10)
     ptree.put_child('a.g', child)
     self.assertEqual(ptree.get_double('a.g.prune'), 6.10)
     # get child
     ptree.put_string('', 'clement')
     ptree.put_int('child.age', -2)
     child = ptree.get_child('child')
     self.assertEqual(child.get_string('name'), 'clement')
     self.assertEqual(child.get_int('age'), -2)
#!/usr/bin/env python

from puq import dump_hdf5
from optparse import OptionParser
from pycap import PropertyTree,EnergyStorageDevice
from pycap import measure_impedance_spectrum
from numpy import real,imag,log10,absolute,angle

# read uq database
# get number of parameters

# usage
usage='usage: %prog'
for p in range(params):
    usage+=' --param_'+str(p)+' val_'+str(p)
# register options
for p in range(params):
# parse the command line arguments

# make device database
# adjust the parameters in the database
for var in options_dict:
#!/usr/bin/env python

from puq import dump_hdf5
from optparse import OptionParser
from pycap import PropertyTree, EnergyStorageDevice
from pycap import measure_impedance_spectrum
from numpy import real, imag, log10, absolute, angle

# read uq database
uq_database = PropertyTree()
# get number of parameters
params = uq_database.get_int('uq.params')

# usage
usage = 'usage: %prog'
for p in range(params):
    usage += ' --param_' + str(p) + ' val_' + str(p)
parser = OptionParser(usage)
# register options
for p in range(params):
    parser.add_option('--param_' + str(p), type=float)
# parse the command line arguments
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

# make device database
device_database = PropertyTree()
# adjust the parameters in the database
options_dict = vars(options)
for var in options_dict: