Beispiel #1
def generate_relative_configurations(reference, gaz, context, projector):
    if context == 'rural':
        pois = projector(gaz(reference, category='poi', filter_rural_score='MEDIUM'))
    elif context == 'urban':
        pois = projector(gaz(reference, category='poi', filter_urban_score='MEDIUM'))
        roads = projector(gaz(reference, category='way', filter_urban_score='LOW'))

    proj_reference = projector(reference)
    configurations = []
    for model_name in MODELS[context]['one_poi']:
        model = models.load(model_name)
        for feature in pois:
            value = model(*(numpy.array(proj_reference) - numpy.array(feature['geo_lonlat'])))
            if value >= 0.4:
                configurations.append({'type': 'preposition', 'model': model_name, 'value': value, 'feature': feature})
    if context == 'rural':
        for model_name in MODELS[context]['two_poi']:
            model = models.load(model_name)
            for idx in range(1, len(pois)):
                start = pois[idx]
                for idx2 in range(0, idx):
                    end = pois[idx2]
                    if start['dc_title'] != end['dc_title'] and start['geo_type'].main_type == end['geo_type'].main_type and start['geo_type'].main_type != 'POI':
                        d = start['geo_lonlat'].distance(end['geo_lonlat'])
                        if 5000 > d > 0:
                            params = list((numpy.array(end['geo_lonlat']) - numpy.array(start['geo_lonlat']))) + list((numpy.array(proj_reference) - numpy.array(start['geo_lonlat'])))
                            value = model(*(params))
                            if value >= 0.6:
                                configurations.append({'type': 'preposition', 'model': model_name, 'value': value, 'feature': [start, end]})
    elif context == 'urban':
        for model_name in MODELS[context]['two_poi']:
            model = models.load(model_name)
            for road in roads:
                if road['geo_lonlat'].distance(proj_reference) <= 10:
                    if model_name == 'between.urban':
                        intersections = []
                        for poi in pois:
                            d = road['geo_lonlat'].distance(poi['geo_lonlat'])
                            if d <= 10:
                        for road2 in roads:
                            if road['dc_title'] != road2['dc_title'] and road['geo_lonlat'].intersects(road2['geo_lonlat']):
                                intersection = road['geo_lonlat'].intersection(road2['geo_lonlat'])
                                if isinstance(intersection, geometry.Point):
                                    poi = deepcopy(road2)
                                    poi['geo_lonlat'] = intersection
                        for pairs in permutations(intersections, 2):
                            dist_1 = road['geo_lonlat'].project(pairs[0]['geo_lonlat'])
                            dist_2 = road['geo_lonlat'].project(proj_reference)
                            dist_3 = road['geo_lonlat'].project(pairs[1]['geo_lonlat'])
                            if dist_1 < dist_2 < dist_3:
                                value = model(dist_2 - dist_1) / (dist_3 - dist_1)
                                if value >= 0.6:
                                    configurations.append({'type': 'preposition', 'model': model_name, 'value': value, 'feature': [pairs[0], pairs[1]]})
    return configurations
Beispiel #2
def rural_between_test():
    mdl = load('between.rural')
    tools.assert_greater_equal(0.01, mdl(100, 100, 0, 0))
    tools.assert_greater_equal(0.01, mdl(100, 100, 100, 100))
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(100, 0, 53, 0), 0.8)
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(100, 0, 75, 0), 0.8)
Beispiel #3
def urban_between_test():
    mdl = load('between.urban')
    tools.eq_(0, mdl(-1))
    tools.eq_(0, mdl(1.1))
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0.4), 0.98)
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0.5), 0.98)
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0.6), 0.98)
Beispiel #4
def rural_near_test():
    """Test loading the "near" rural model"""
    mdl = load('near.rural')
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0, 0), mdl(1000, 1000))
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0, 0), mdl(-1000, 1000))
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0, 0), mdl(1000, -1000))
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0, 0), mdl(-1000, -1000))
Beispiel #5
def rural_west_test():
    mdl = load('west.rural')
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0, 0), mdl(1000, 1000))
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0, 0), mdl(-1000, 1000))
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0, 0), mdl(1000, -1000))
    tools.assert_greater_equal(mdl(0, 0), mdl(-1000, -1000))
    tools.assert_equal(0, mdl(1000, 0))
    tools.assert_equal(0, mdl(1000, 1000))
    tools.assert_equal(0, mdl(1000, -1000))
Beispiel #6
def generate_road_configurations(reference, gaz, context, projector):
    if context == 'rural':
        roads = projector(gaz(reference, category='way', filter_rural_score='LOW'))
    elif context == 'urban':
        roads = projector(gaz(reference, category='way', filter_urban_score='LOW'))

    proj_reference = projector(reference)
    configurations = []
    for road in roads:
        d = road['geo_lonlat'].distance(proj_reference)
        if d <= 10:
            configurations.append({'type': 'preposition', 'model': 'on', 'value': 1, 'feature': road})
        if context == 'urban':
            model = models.load('at_corner.urban')
            for road2 in roads:
                if road['dc_title'] != road2['dc_title'] and road['geo_lonlat'].intersects(road2['geo_lonlat']):
                    intersection = road['geo_lonlat'].intersection(road2['geo_lonlat'])
                    if isinstance(intersection, geometry.Point):
                        params = list(numpy.array(proj_reference) - numpy.array(intersection))
                        value = model(*params)
                        if value >= 0.6:
                            configurations.append({'type': 'preposition', 'model': 'at_corner.urban', 'value': value, 'feature': [road, road2]})
    return configurations
Beispiel #7
def main():
    proj = Proj(init='epsg:32630')
    for feature in GAZETTEER:
        feature['geo_lonlat'] = numpy.array(proj(*feature['geo_lonlat']))
    #point = numpy.array(proj(*(-2.5901763343811035, 53.38953524087438)))
    #point = numpy.array(proj(*(-2.6008307933807373, 53.388645857875055, )))
    #point = numpy.array(proj(*(-2.5901763343811035, 53.38953524087438)))
    point = numpy.array(proj(*(-2.6004, 53.3887)))  # Between point
    configurations = []
    for model_name in RURAL_ONE_POINT_MODELS:
        model = models.load(model_name)
        for feature in GAZETTEER:
            if model_name in ['at.urban', 'near.urban', 'next_to.urban', 'east.rural', 'north.rural', 'west.rural', 'south.rural', 'near.rural'] and feature['dc_type'] == POI:
                value = model(*(point - feature['geo_lonlat']))
            elif model_name == 'at_corner.urban' and feature['dc_type'] == JUNCTION:
                value = model(*(point - feature['geo_lonlat']))
                value = None
            if value and value >= 0.6:
                print model_name, value
                configurations.append(((model_name, value), feature))
    for model_name in RURAL_TWO_POINT_MODELS:
        model = models.load(model_name)
        for feature1 in GAZETTEER:
            for feature2 in GAZETTEER:
                if feature1['dc_type'] != JUNCTION and feature2[
                        'dc_type'] != JUNCTION and feature1[
                            'dc_title'] != feature2['dc_title']:
                    baseline = feature2['geo_lonlat'] - feature1['geo_lonlat']
                    pos = point - feature1['geo_lonlat']
                    print(baseline, pos)
                        (('between.rural', 1), feature1, feature2))