Beispiel #1
def outside_tau0_window(bank, sim, window, f_lower):
    b_tau0, _ = pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(getattr(bank, 'mass1'),
                                                 getattr(bank, 'mass2'),
    s_tau0, _ = pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(getattr(sim, 'mass1'),
                                                 getattr(sim, 'mass2'),
    return abs(b_tau0 - s_tau0) > window
Beispiel #2
def get_template_list(filters, trigger_template, f_low, n):
    bank_tau0, bank_tau3 = pnu.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(
        filters.table['mass1'], filters.table['mass2'], f_low)
    trig_tau0, trig_tau3 = pnu.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(
        trigger_template.params.mass1, trigger_template.params.mass2, f_low)
    idx = np.argmin(abs(bank_tau0 - trig_tau0))
    ids = np.arange(-n, n + 1, 1) + idx
    ids = ids[np.where((ids >= 0) & (ids < len(filters.table)) & (ids != idx))]
    trig_bank = copy.copy(filters)
    trig_bank.table = trig_bank.table[ids]
    return trig_bank
Beispiel #3
def reduced_bank_for_signale_trigger(bank, trigger_param, psd, f_lower, f_max,
                                     f_ref, hierarchy_param, miss_match):
    if hierarchy_param == 'chirp_times':
        if not ('tau0' and 'tau3' in bank.parameters):
            #             print "I am in"
            t0, t3 = pnu.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(bank.table['mass1'],
                                                  bank.table['mass2'], f_ref)
            bank.table = bank.table.add_fields([t0, t3], ['tau0', 'tau3'])
        # print "calculating ranges..."
        hpsd = copy.deepcopy(psd)
        hpsd = hpsd.astype(pt.float64)
        dtau0_range, dtau3_range = get_chirp_time_region(
            trigger_param, hpsd, miss_match, f_lower, f_max, f_ref)
        reqd_idx = []

        reqd_idx = abs(bank.table['tau0'] -
                       trigger_param['tau0']) <= 2.0 * abs(dtau0_range)
        reqd_idx *= (abs(bank.table['tau3'] - trigger_param['tau3']) <=
                     2.0 * abs(dtau3_range))
        newbank = copy.copy(bank)
        newbank.table = newbank.table[reqd_idx]

        while len(newbank.table) < 4 or len(newbank.table) > 350:
            if len(newbank.table) < 4:
                dtau0_range *= 1.5
                dtau3_range *= 1.5
                reqd_idx = abs(bank.table['tau0'] -
                               trigger_param['tau0']) <= 2.0 * abs(dtau0_range)
                reqd_idx *= (abs(bank.table['tau3'] - trigger_param['tau3']) <=
                             2.0 * abs(dtau3_range))
                newbank = copy.copy(bank)
                newbank.table = newbank.table[reqd_idx]
            elif len(newbank.table) > 350:
                dtau0_range /= 2.0
                dtau3_range /= 2.0
                reqd_idx = abs(bank.table['tau0'] -
                               trigger_param['tau0']) <= 2.0 * abs(dtau0_range)
                reqd_idx *= (abs(bank.table['tau3'] - trigger_param['tau3']) <=
                             2.0 * abs(dtau3_range))
                newbank = copy.copy(bank)
                newbank.table = newbank.table[reqd_idx]

        # print 'sngl trig bank:', len(newbank.table)

        return newbank, reqd_idx
Beispiel #4
def get_seg_triggers(trigger_file, det, bank, seg_start, seg_end, f_ref=30.0):
    #     print trigger_file
    f = h5py.File(trigger_file)
    trig_snr = f['{0}/snr'.format(det)][...]
    idx = (trig_snr > 6.0)
    trigger_hashes = f['{0}/template_hash'.format(det)][...][idx]
    trigger_end_times = f['{0}/end_time'.format(det)][...][idx]
    print seg_start, seg_end
    rel_idx = np.where(
        seg_start < trigger_end_times) and (trigger_end_times < seg_end)
    rel_hashes = set(trigger_hashes[rel_idx])
    print trigger_end_times[rel_idx][:].min(
    ), trigger_end_times[rel_idx][:].max()
    print "length of the trigger list for seg start-end:", len(
        rel_hashes), seg_start, seg_end
    trigger_params = bank.table[np.in1d(bank.table['template_hash'],
                                        list(rel_hashes), True)]
    if not ('tau0' and 'tau3' in trigger_params):
        t0, t3 = pnu.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(trigger_params['mass1'],
                                              trigger_params['mass2'], f_ref)
        trigger_params = trigger_params.add_fields([t0, t3], ['tau0', 'tau3'])

    return trigger_params
Beispiel #5
def output_sngl_inspiral_table(outputFile,
    Function that converts the information produced by the various pyCBC bank
    generation codes into a valid LIGOLW xml file containing a sngl_inspiral
    table and outputs to file.
    outputFile : string
        Name of the file that the bank will be written to
    tempBank : iterable
        Each entry in the tempBank iterable should be a sequence of
        [mass1,mass2,spin1z,spin2z] in that order.
    metricParams : metricParameters instance
        Structure holding all the options for construction of the metric
        and the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and covariance matrix
        needed to manipulate the space.
    ethincaParams: {ethincaParameters instance, None}
        Structure holding options relevant to the ethinca metric computation
        including the upper frequency cutoff to be used for filtering.
        NOTE: The computation is currently only valid for non-spinning systems
        and uses the TaylorF2 approximant.
    programName (key-word-argument) : string
        Name of the executable that has been run
    optDict (key-word argument) : dictionary
        Dictionary of the command line arguments passed to the program
    outdoc (key-word argument) : ligolw xml document
        If given add template bank to this representation of a xml document and
        write to disk. If not given create a new document.
    kwargs : key-word arguments
        All other key word arguments will be passed directly to 
    if optDict is None:
        optDict = {}
    if outdoc is None:
        outdoc = ligolw.Document()

    # get IFO to put in search summary table
    ifos = []
    if 'channel_name' in optDict.keys():
        if optDict['channel_name'] is not None:
            ifos = [optDict['channel_name'][0:2]]

    proc_id = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc(outdoc,
    sngl_inspiral_table = convert_to_sngl_inspiral_table(tempBank, proc_id)
    # Calculate Gamma components if needed
    if ethincaParams is not None:
        if ethincaParams.doEthinca:
            for sngl in sngl_inspiral_table:
                # Set tau_0 and tau_3 values needed for the calculation of
                # ethinca metric distances
                (sngl.tau0, sngl.tau3) = pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(
                    sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2, metricParams.f0)
                fMax_theor, GammaVals = calculate_ethinca_metric_comps(
                # assign the upper frequency cutoff and Gamma0-5 values
                sngl.f_final = fMax_theor
                for i in xrange(len(GammaVals)):
                    setattr(sngl, "Gamma" + str(i), GammaVals[i])
        # If Gamma metric components are not wanted, assign f_final from an
        # upper frequency cutoff specified in ethincaParams
        elif ethincaParams.cutoff is not None:
            for sngl in sngl_inspiral_table:
                sngl.f_final = pnutils.frequency_cutoff_from_name(
                    ethincaParams.cutoff, sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2, sngl.spin1z,

    # set per-template low-frequency cutoff
    if 'f_low_column' in optDict and 'f_low' in optDict and \
            optDict['f_low_column'] is not None:
        for sngl in sngl_inspiral_table:
            setattr(sngl, optDict['f_low_column'], optDict['f_low'])


    # get times to put in search summary table
    start_time = 0
    end_time = 0
    if 'gps_start_time' in optDict.keys() and 'gps_end_time' in optDict.keys():
        start_time = optDict['gps_start_time']
        end_time = optDict['gps_end_time']

    # make search summary table
    search_summary_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable)
    search_summary = return_search_summary(start_time, end_time,
                                           len(sngl_inspiral_table), ifos,

    # write the xml doc to disk
    proctable = table.get_table(outdoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName)
    def template_segment_checker(self, bank, t_num, segment, start_time):
        """Test if injections in segment are worth filtering with template.

        Using the current template, current segment, and injections within that
        segment. Test if the injections and sufficiently "similar" to any of
        the injections to justify actually performing a matched-filter call.
        Ther are two parts to this test: First we check if the chirp time of
        the template is within a provided window of any of the injections. If
        not then stop here, it is not worth filtering this template, segment
        combination for this injection set. If this check passes we compute a
        match between a coarse representation of the template and a coarse
        representation of each of the injections. If that match is above a
        user-provided value for any of the injections then filtering can
        proceed. This is currently only available if using frequency-domain


        if not self.enabled:
            # If disabled, always filter (ie. return True)
            return True

        # Get times covered by segment analyze
        sample_rate = 2. * (len(segment) - 1) * segment.delta_f
        cum_ind = segment.cumulative_index
        diff = segment.analyze.stop - segment.analyze.start
        seg_start_time = cum_ind / sample_rate + start_time
        seg_end_time = (cum_ind + diff) / sample_rate + start_time
        # And add buffer
        seg_start_time = seg_start_time - self.seg_buffer
        seg_end_time = seg_end_time + self.seg_buffer

        # Chirp time test
        if self.chirp_time_window is not None:
            m1 = bank.table[t_num]['mass1']
            m2 = bank.table[t_num]['mass2']
            tau0_temp, _ = mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(m1, m2, self.f_lower)
            for inj in self.injection_params.table:
                end_time = inj.geocent_end_time + \
                    1E-9 * inj.geocent_end_time_ns
                if not (seg_start_time <= end_time <= seg_end_time):
                tau0_inj, _ = \
                    mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(inj.mass1, inj.mass2,
                tau_diff = abs(tau0_temp - tau0_inj)
                if tau_diff <= self.chirp_time_window:
                # Get's here if all injections are outside chirp-time window
                return False

        # Coarse match test
        if self.match_threshold:
            if self._short_template_mem is None:
                # Set the memory for the short templates
                wav_len = 1 + int(
                    self.coarsematch_fmax / self.coarsematch_deltaf)
                self._short_template_mem = zeros(wav_len, dtype=np.complex64)

            # Set the current short PSD to red_psd
                red_psd = self._short_psd_storage[id(segment.psd)]
            except KeyError:
                # PSD doesn't exist yet, so make it!
                curr_psd = segment.psd.numpy()
                step_size = int(self.coarsematch_deltaf / segment.psd.delta_f)
                max_idx = int(self.coarsematch_fmax / segment.psd.delta_f) + 1
                red_psd_data = curr_psd[:max_idx:step_size]
                red_psd = FrequencySeries(
                    red_psd_data,  #copy=False,
                self._short_psd_storage[id(curr_psd)] = red_psd

            # Set htilde to be the current short template
            if not t_num == self._short_template_id:
                # Set the memory for the short templates if unset
                if self._short_template_mem is None:
                    wav_len = 1 + int(
                        self.coarsematch_fmax / self.coarsematch_deltaf)
                    self._short_template_mem = zeros(wav_len,
                # Generate short waveform
                htilde = bank.generate_with_delta_f_and_max_freq(
                self._short_template_id = t_num
                self._short_template_wav = htilde
                htilde = self._short_template_wav

            for inj in self.injection_params.table:
                end_time = inj.geocent_end_time + \
                    1E-9 * inj.geocent_end_time_ns
                if not (seg_start_time < end_time < seg_end_time):
                curr_inj = self.short_injections[inj.simulation_id]
                o, _ = match(htilde,
                if o > self.match_threshold:
                # Get's here if all injections are outside match threshold
                return False

        return True
def output_sngl_inspiral_table(outputFile, tempBank, metricParams,
                               ethincaParams, programName="", optDict = None,
                               outdoc=None, **kwargs):
    Function that converts the information produced by the various pyCBC bank
    generation codes into a valid LIGOLW xml file containing a sngl_inspiral
    table and outputs to file.

    outputFile : string
        Name of the file that the bank will be written to
    tempBank : iterable
        Each entry in the tempBank iterable should be a sequence of
        [mass1,mass2,spin1z,spin2z] in that order.
    metricParams : metricParameters instance
        Structure holding all the options for construction of the metric
        and the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and covariance matrix
        needed to manipulate the space.
    ethincaParams: {ethincaParameters instance, None}
        Structure holding options relevant to the ethinca metric computation
        including the upper frequency cutoff to be used for filtering.
        NOTE: The computation is currently only valid for non-spinning systems
        and uses the TaylorF2 approximant.
    programName (key-word-argument) : string
        Name of the executable that has been run
    optDict (key-word argument) : dictionary
        Dictionary of the command line arguments passed to the program
    outdoc (key-word argument) : ligolw xml document
        If given add template bank to this representation of a xml document and
        write to disk. If not given create a new document.
    kwargs : key-word arguments
        All other key word arguments will be passed directly to
    if optDict is None:
        optDict = {}
    if outdoc is None:
        outdoc = ligolw.Document()

    # get IFO to put in search summary table
    ifos = []
    if 'channel_name' in optDict.keys():
        if optDict['channel_name'] is not None:
            ifos = [optDict['channel_name'][0:2]]

    proc_id = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc(outdoc, programName, optDict,
                                                ifos=ifos, **kwargs).process_id
    sngl_inspiral_table = convert_to_sngl_inspiral_table(tempBank, proc_id)
    # Calculate Gamma components if needed
    if ethincaParams is not None:
        if ethincaParams.doEthinca:
            for sngl in sngl_inspiral_table:
                # Set tau_0 and tau_3 values needed for the calculation of
                # ethinca metric distances
                (sngl.tau0,sngl.tau3) = pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(
                    sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2, metricParams.f0)
                fMax_theor, GammaVals = calculate_ethinca_metric_comps(
                    metricParams, ethincaParams,
                    sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2, spin1z=sngl.spin1z,
                    spin2z=sngl.spin2z, full_ethinca=ethincaParams.full_ethinca)
                # assign the upper frequency cutoff and Gamma0-5 values
                sngl.f_final = fMax_theor
                for i in xrange(len(GammaVals)):
                    setattr(sngl, "Gamma"+str(i), GammaVals[i])
        # If Gamma metric components are not wanted, assign f_final from an
        # upper frequency cutoff specified in ethincaParams
        elif ethincaParams.cutoff is not None:
            for sngl in sngl_inspiral_table:
                sngl.f_final = pnutils.frequency_cutoff_from_name(
                    sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2, sngl.spin1z, sngl.spin2z)

    # set per-template low-frequency cutoff
    if 'f_low_column' in optDict and 'f_low' in optDict and \
            optDict['f_low_column'] is not None:
        for sngl in sngl_inspiral_table:
            setattr(sngl, optDict['f_low_column'], optDict['f_low'])


    # get times to put in search summary table
    start_time = 0
    end_time = 0
    if 'gps_start_time' in optDict.keys() and 'gps_end_time' in optDict.keys():
        start_time = optDict['gps_start_time']
        end_time = optDict['gps_end_time']

    # make search summary table
    search_summary_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable)
    search_summary = return_search_summary(start_time, end_time,
                               len(sngl_inspiral_table), ifos, **kwargs)

    # write the xml doc to disk
    ligolw_utils.write_filename(outdoc, outputFile,
    def template_segment_checker(self, bank, t_num, segment, start_time):
        """Test if injections in segment are worth filtering with template.

        Using the current template, current segment, and injections within that
        segment. Test if the injections and sufficiently "similar" to any of
        the injections to justify actually performing a matched-filter call.
        Ther are two parts to this test: First we check if the chirp time of
        the template is within a provided window of any of the injections. If
        not then stop here, it is not worth filtering this template, segment
        combination for this injection set. If this check passes we compute a
        match between a coarse representation of the template and a coarse
        representation of each of the injections. If that match is above a
        user-provided value for any of the injections then filtering can
        proceed. This is currently only available if using frequency-domain


        if not self.enabled:
            # If disabled, always filter (ie. return True)
            return True

        # Get times covered by segment analyze
        sample_rate = 2. * (len(segment) - 1) * segment.delta_f
        cum_ind = segment.cumulative_index
        diff = segment.analyze.stop - segment.analyze.start
        seg_start_time = cum_ind / sample_rate + start_time
        seg_end_time = (cum_ind + diff) / sample_rate + start_time
        # And add buffer
        seg_start_time = seg_start_time - self.seg_buffer
        seg_end_time = seg_end_time + self.seg_buffer

        # Chirp time test
        if self.chirp_time_window is not None:
            m1 = bank.table[t_num]['mass1']
            m2 = bank.table[t_num]['mass2']
            tau0_temp, _ = mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(m1, m2, self.f_lower)
            for inj in self.injection_params.table:
                end_time = inj.geocent_end_time + \
                    1E-9 * inj.geocent_end_time_ns
                if not(seg_start_time <= end_time <= seg_end_time):
                tau0_inj, _ = \
                    mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(inj.mass1, inj.mass2,
                tau_diff = abs(tau0_temp - tau0_inj)
                if tau_diff <= self.chirp_time_window:
                # Get's here if all injections are outside chirp-time window
                return False

        # Coarse match test
        if self.match_threshold:
            if self._short_template_mem is None:
                # Set the memory for the short templates
                wav_len = 1 + int(self.coarsematch_fmax /
                self._short_template_mem = zeros(wav_len, dtype=np.complex64)

            # Set the current short PSD to red_psd
                red_psd = self._short_psd_storage[id(segment.psd)]
            except KeyError:
                # PSD doesn't exist yet, so make it!
                curr_psd = segment.psd.numpy()
                step_size = int(self.coarsematch_deltaf / segment.psd.delta_f)
                max_idx = int(self.coarsematch_fmax / segment.psd.delta_f) + 1
                red_psd_data = curr_psd[:max_idx:step_size]
                red_psd = FrequencySeries(red_psd_data, #copy=False,
                self._short_psd_storage[id(curr_psd)] = red_psd

            # Set htilde to be the current short template
            if not t_num == self._short_template_id:
                # Set the memory for the short templates if unset
                if self._short_template_mem is None:
                    wav_len = 1 + int(self.coarsematch_fmax /
                    self._short_template_mem = zeros(wav_len,
                # Generate short waveform
                htilde = bank.generate_with_delta_f_and_max_freq(
                    t_num, self.coarsematch_fmax, self.coarsematch_deltaf,
                self._short_template_id = t_num
                self._short_template_wav = htilde
                htilde = self._short_template_wav

            for inj in self.injection_params.table:
                end_time = inj.geocent_end_time + \
                    1E-9 * inj.geocent_end_time_ns
                if not(seg_start_time < end_time < seg_end_time):
                curr_inj = self.short_injections[inj.simulation_id]
                o, _ = match(htilde, curr_inj, psd=red_psd,
                if o > self.match_threshold:
                # Get's here if all injections are outside match threshold
                return False

        return True