Beispiel #1
def normal(start, end, seed=0):
    """ Generate data with a white Gaussian (normal) distribution

    start_time : int
        Start time in GPS seconds to generate noise
    end_time : int
        End time in GPS seconds to generate nosie
    seed : {None, int}
        The seed to generate the noise.

    noise : TimeSeries
        A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise
    # This is reproduceable because we used fixed seeds from known values
    s = int(start / BLOCK_SIZE)
    e = int(end / BLOCK_SIZE)

    # The data evenly divides so the last block would be superfluous
    if end % BLOCK_SIZE == 0:
        e -= 1

    sv = RandomState(seed).randint(-2**50, 2**50)
    data = numpy.concatenate([block(i + sv) for i in numpy.arange(s, e + 1, 1)])
    ts = TimeSeries(data, delta_t=1.0 / SAMPLE_RATE, epoch=start)
    return ts.time_slice(start, end)
def normal(start, end, seed=0):
    """ Generate data with a white Gaussian (normal) distribution

    start_time : int
        Start time in GPS seconds to generate noise
    end_time : int
        End time in GPS seconds to generate nosie
    seed : {None, int}
        The seed to generate the noise.

    noise : TimeSeries
        A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise
    # This is reproduceable because we used fixed seeds from known values
    s = int(start / BLOCK_SIZE)
    e = int(end / BLOCK_SIZE)

    # The data evenly divides so the last block would be superfluous
    if end % BLOCK_SIZE == 0:
        e -= 1

    sv = RandomState(seed).randint(-2**50, 2**50)
    data = numpy.concatenate(
        [block(i + sv) for i in numpy.arange(s, e + 1, 1)])
    ts = TimeSeries(data, delta_t=1.0 / SAMPLE_RATE, epoch=start)
    return ts.time_slice(start, end)
Beispiel #3
def normal(start, end, sample_rate=16384, seed=0):
    """ Generate data with a white Gaussian (normal) distribution

    start_time : int
        Start time in GPS seconds to generate noise
    end_time : int
        End time in GPS seconds to generate noise
    sample-rate: float
        Sample rate to generate the data at. Keep constant if you want to
        ensure continuity between disjoint time spans.
    seed : {None, int}
        The seed to generate the noise.

    noise : TimeSeries
        A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise
    # This is reproduceable because we used fixed seeds from known values
    block_dur = BLOCK_SAMPLES / sample_rate
    s = int(numpy.floor(start / block_dur))
    e = int(numpy.floor(end / block_dur))

    # The data evenly divides so the last block would be superfluous
    if end % block_dur == 0:
        e -= 1

    sv = RandomState(seed).randint(-2**50, 2**50)
    data = numpy.concatenate(
        [block(i + sv, sample_rate) for i in numpy.arange(s, e + 1, 1)])
    ts = TimeSeries(data, delta_t=1.0 / sample_rate, epoch=(s * block_dur))
    return ts.time_slice(start, end)
waveform[merger_index:start_index] = hp

signal = noise + waveform

pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
pylab.plot(signal.sample_times, signal, label='Waveform + Noise')
pylab.plot(waveform.sample_times, waveform, label='Waveform')

pylab.xlabel('Time (s)')
pylab.title('Injected Waveform')

zoom_signal = signal.time_slice(merger_time - 0.5, merger_time + 0.5)
zoom_waveform = waveform.time_slice(merger_time - 0.5, merger_time + 0.5)
pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
pylab.plot(zoom_signal.sample_times, zoom_signal, label='Signal')
pylab.plot(zoom_waveform.sample_times, zoom_waveform, label='Waveform')
pylab.xlabel('Time (s)')
pylab.title('Zoomed View')

hp.resize(time_duration * f_sample)
snr = matched_filter(hp, signal, psd=psd, low_frequency_cutoff=20)

pylab.figure(figsize=[10, 4])
pylab.plot(snr.sample_times, abs(snr))
pylab.xlabel('Time (s)')