Beispiel #1
def pipelineCompress(cmds, outFile):
    """execute the pipeline commands, which must write to stdout, optionally
    compressing based on extension of outFile.  cmds can be a single command
    as a list or a list of lists". Create outFile atomically"""
    if isinstance(cmds[0], str):
        cmds = [cmds]
    outFileTmp = fileOps.atomicTmpFile(outFile)
    procOps.runProc(cmds + [[getCompressCmd(outFile)]], stdout=outFileTmp)
    fileOps.atomicInstall(outFileTmp, outFile)
 def atomic_install(self, target):
     Atomically install a given target to this task's output.
     output = self.output()
     if isinstance(target, luigi.LocalTarget):
         atomicInstall(target.path, output.path)
     elif isinstance(target, str):
         atomicInstall(target, output.path)
         raise NotImplementedError
Beispiel #3
 def finishSucceed(self):
     "finish production with atomic install of new output file as actual file"
     if self.installed:
         raise ExRunException("output file already installed: " + self.path)
     if self.outPath == None:
         raise ExRunException("getOutPath() never called for: " + self.path)
     if not os.path.exists(self.outPath):
         raise ExRunException("output file as not created: " + self.outPath)
     fileOps.atomicInstall(self.outPath, self.path)
     self.installed = True
     self.outPath = None
Beispiel #4
 def finishSucceed(self):
     "finish production with atomic install of new output file as actual file"
     if self.installed:
         raise ExRunException("output file already installed: " + self.path)
     if self.outPath == None:
         raise ExRunException("getOutPath() never called for: " + self.path)
     if not os.path.exists(self.outPath):
         raise ExRunException("output file as not created: " + self.outPath)
     fileOps.atomicInstall(self.outPath, self.path)
     self.installed = True
     self.outPath = None
 def run_cmd(self, cmd, tmp_files):
     Run a external command that will produce the output file for this task to many files.
     These files will be atomically installed.
     for tmp_f, f in zip(*(tmp_files, self.output())):
         if isinstance(tmp_f, luigi.LocalTarget):
             atomicInstall(tmp_f.path, f.path)
         elif isinstance(tmp_f, str):
             atomicInstall(tmp_f, f.path)
             raise NotImplementedError