Beispiel #1
def do_compilation(filename, seed, sheet=None):
    excel = ExcelComWrapper(filename, app=xl_app())
    c = ExcelCompiler(filename=filename, excel=excel)
    sp = c.gen_graph(seed, sheet=sheet)
    sp.save_to_file(filename + ".pickle")
    sp.export_to_gexf(filename + ".gexf")
    return sp
Beispiel #2
def do_compilation(filename, seed, sheet=None):
    excel = ExcelComWrapper(filename, app=xl_app())
    c = ExcelCompiler(filename=filename, excel=excel)
    sp = c.gen_graph(seed, sheet=sheet)
    sp.save_to_file(filename + ".pickle")
    sp.export_to_gexf(filename + ".gexf")
    return sp
Beispiel #3
from pycel.excellib import *
from pycel.excelcompiler import ExcelCompiler
from os.path import normpath,abspath

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    fname = os.path.join(dir, "../example/example.xlsx")
    print "Loading %s..." % fname
    # load  & compile the file to a graph, starting from D1
    c = ExcelCompiler(filename=fname)
    print "Compiling..., starting from D1"
    sp = c.gen_graph('D1',sheet='Sheet1')

    # test evaluation
    print "D1 is %s" % sp.evaluate('Sheet1!D1')
    print "Setting A1 to 200"
    print "D1 is now %s (the same should happen in Excel)" % sp.evaluate('Sheet1!D1')
    # show the graph usisng matplotlib
    print "Plotting using matplotlib..."

    # export the graph, can be loaded by a viewer like gephi
    print "Exporting to gexf..."
Beispiel #4
from pycel.excellib import *
from pycel.excelcompiler import ExcelCompiler
from os.path import normpath,abspath

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    fname = os.path.join(dir, "../example/example.xlsx")
    print "Loading %s..." % fname
    # load  & compile the file to a graph, starting from D2
    c = ExcelCompiler(filename=fname)
    print "Compiling..., starting from D4"
    sp = c.gen_graph('A1:Z500',sheet='Sheet1')

    # test evaluation
    print "D9 is %s" % sp.evaluate('Sheet1!D9')
    print "Setting A4 to 10"
    print "D9 is now %s (the same should happen in Excel)" % sp.evaluate('Sheet1!D9')
    # show the graph usisng matplotlib
    print "Plotting using matplotlib..."

    # export the graph, can be loaded by a viewer like gephi
    print "Exporting to gexf..."
Beispiel #5
class XLSXReader:
    Provides (almost) universal interface to read xlsx file cell values.

    For formulae, tries to get their precomputed values or, if none,
    to evaluate them.

    # Interface.

    def __init__(self, path: Path):
        self.__path = path
        self.__book = load_workbook(self.__path, data_only=False)

    def get_cell_value(self, address: str, sheet: str = 'Scheda'):
        # If no sheet given, work with active one.
        if sheet is None:
            sheet =

        # If cell doesn't contain a formula, return cell value.
        if not self.__cell_contains_formula(address, sheet):
            return self.__get_as_is(address, sheet)

        # If cell contains formula:
        # If there's precomputed value of the cell, return it.
        precomputed_value = self.__get_precomputed(address, sheet)
        if precomputed_value is not None:
            return precomputed_value

        # If not, try to compute its value from the formula and return it.
        # If failed, report an error and return empty value.
            computed_value = self.__compute(address, sheet)
            return None
        return computed_value

    # Private part.

    def __cell_contains_formula(self, address, sheet):
        cell = self.__book[sheet][address]
        return cell.data_type is cell.TYPE_FORMULA

    def __get_as_is(self, address, sheet):
        # Return cell value.
        return self.__book[sheet][address].value

    def __get_precomputed(self, address, sheet):
        # If the sheet is not loaded yet, load it.
        if not hasattr(self, '__book_with_precomputed_values'):
            self.__book_with_precomputed_values = load_workbook(self.__path,
        # Return precomputed value.
        return self.__book_with_precomputed_values[sheet][address].value

    def __compute(self, address, sheet):
        # If the computation engine is not created yet, create it.
        if not hasattr(self, '__formulae_calculator'):
            self.__formulae_calculator = ExcelCompiler(self.__path)
        # Compute cell value.
        computation_graph = self.__formulae_calculator.gen_graph(address,
        return computation_graph.evaluate(f"{sheet}!{address}")
Beispiel #6
Created on 3 Mar 2015

@author: mack0242
from __future__ import division
from pycel.excelutil import *
from pycel.excellib import *
import os
from pycel.excelcompiler import ExcelCompiler
from os.path import normpath, abspath

if __name__ == "__main__":

    fname = normpath(abspath("D:\\gis_files\\redfearn.xls"))

    print "Loading %s..." % fname

    # load  & compile the file to a graph, starting from D1
    c = ExcelCompiler(filename=fname)

    sheet_name = "E,N Zne to Latitude & Longitude"
    print "Compiling..., starting from B3"
    sp = c.gen_graph("B3", sheet=sheet_name)

    print "Setting E3 to 54"
    print sp
    sp.set_value(sheet_name + "!E3", 54)
    # test evaluation
    print "LAT,LNG is %s,%s" % (sp.evaluate(sheet_name + "!F43"), sp.evaluate(sheet_name + "!P43"))
Beispiel #7
from pycel.excellib import *
from pycel.excelcompiler import ExcelCompiler
from os.path import normpath,abspath

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    fname = os.path.join(dir, "../example/FQ Pricing Simulation.xlsx")
    print "Loading %s..." % fname
    # load  & compile the file to a graph
    c = ExcelCompiler(filename=fname)
    print "Compiling..., starting from E42"
    sp = c.gen_graph('E42',sheet='Fields Master')

    # test evaluation
    print "E42 is %s" % sp.evaluate('Fields Master!E42')
    print "breakpoint!"
    print "Setting A1 to 200"
    #print "D1 is now %s (the same should happen in Excel)" % sp.evaluate('Sheet1!D1')
    # show the graph usisng matplotlib
    print "Plotting using matplotlib..."

    # export the graph, can be loaded by a viewer like gephi
Beispiel #8
from pycel.excellib import *
from pycel.excelcompiler import ExcelCompiler
from os.path import normpath, abspath

if __name__ == '__main__':

    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    fname = os.path.join(dir, "../example/western_rater_13.6.3.xlsm")

    print "Loading %s..." % fname

    # load  & compile the file to a graph, starting from D1
    c = ExcelCompiler(filename=fname)

    print "Compiling..., starting from D1"
    sp = c.gen_graph('P62', sheet='Quote')

    # test evaluation
    print "Premium is %s" % sp.evaluate('Quote!P62')

    print "Setting Q7 to 20000"
    sp.set_value('Input!Q7', 20000)

    print "Premium is now %s (the same should happen in Excel)" % sp.evaluate(

    # show the graph usisng matplotlib
    #print "Plotting using matplotlib..."

    ## export the graph, can be loaded by a viewer like gephi