Beispiel #1
def make_unary_arith(name,
    def do(a):
        return getattr(a, methname)()

    do.__name__ = methname
    expose(name, [unwrap_type], simple=True)(do)
    if flversion:

        @expose("fl" + name, [values.W_Flonum], simple=True)
        def dofl(a):
            return getattr(a, methname)()

        dofl.__name__ = methname

    if fxversion:

        @expose("fx" + name, [values.W_Fixnum], simple=True)
        def dofx(a):
            return getattr(a, methname)()

        dofx.__name__ = methname
Beispiel #2
def make_unary_arith(name, methname, flversion=False, fxversion=False,
    def do(a):
        return getattr(a, methname)()
    do.__name__ = methname
    expose(name, [unwrap_type], simple=True)(do)
    if flversion:
        @expose("fl" + name, [values.W_Flonum], simple=True)
        def dofl(a):
            return getattr(a, methname)()
        dofl.__name__ = methname

    if fxversion:
        @expose("fx" + name, [values.W_Fixnum], simple=True)
        def dofx(a):
            return getattr(a, methname)()
        dofx.__name__ = methname
Beispiel #3
def make_fixedtype_cmps(name, methname):
    methname = "arith_%s_same" % methname

    def do(args):
        idx = 2
        truth = True
        while idx <= len(args):
            start = idx - 2
            assert start >= 0
            w_a, w_b = args[start], args[start + 1]
            nan_a = not isinstance(w_a, values.W_Number)
            nan_b = not isinstance(w_b, values.W_Number)
            if nan_a or nan_b:
                pf = ["st", "nd", "rd"][idx - 1] if idx <= 3 else "th"
                w = w_a if nan_a else w_b
                raise SchemeException(
                    "%s expected number as %s%s argument, got : %s" %
                    (name, idx, pf, w.tostring()))
            idx += 1
            truth = truth and getattr(w_a, methname)(w_b)

        return values.W_Bool.make(truth)

    do.__name__ = "fl_" + methname
    expose("fl" + name, simple=True, arity=Arity.geq(2))(do)
    expose("unsafe-fl" + name, simple=True, arity=Arity.geq(2))(do)

    # FIXME: get rid of this code duplication

    def do(args):
        idx = 2
        truth = True
        while idx <= len(args):
            start = idx - 2
            assert start >= 0
            w_a, w_b = args[start], args[start + 1]
            nan_a = not isinstance(w_a, values.W_Number)
            nan_b = not isinstance(w_b, values.W_Number)
            if nan_a or nan_b:
                pf = ["st", "nd", "rd"][idx - 1] if idx <= 3 else "th"
                w = w_a if nan_a else w_b
                raise SchemeException(
                    "%s expected number as %s%s argument, got : %s" %
                    (name, idx, pf, w.tostring()))
            idx += 1
            truth = truth and getattr(w_a, methname)(w_b)

        return values.W_Bool.make(truth)

    do.__name__ = "fx_" + methname
    expose("fx" + name, simple=True, arity=Arity.geq(2))(do)
    expose("unsafe-fx" + name, simple=True, arity=Arity.geq(2))(do)
Beispiel #4
def make_fixedtype_cmps(name, methname):
    methname = "arith_%s_same" % methname
    def do(a, b):
        return values.W_Bool.make(getattr(a, methname)(b))
    do.__name__ = "fl_" + methname
    expose("fl" + name, [values.W_Flonum] * 2, simple=True)(do)
    expose("unsafe-fl" + name, [unsafe(values.W_Flonum)] * 2, simple=True)(do)

    def do(a, b):
        return values.W_Bool.make(getattr(a, methname)(b))
    do.__name__ = "fx_" + methname
    expose("fx" + name, [values.W_Fixnum] * 2, simple=True)(do)
    expose("unsafe-fx" + name, [unsafe(values.W_Fixnum)] * 2, simple=True)(do)
Beispiel #5
def make_fixedtype_cmps(name, methname):
    methname = "arith_%s_same" % methname
    def do(a, b):
        return values.W_Bool.make(getattr(a, methname)(b))
    do.__name__ = "fl_" + methname
    expose("fl" + name, [values.W_Flonum] * 2, simple=True)(do)
    expose("unsafe-fl" + name, [unsafe(values.W_Flonum)] * 2, simple=True)(do)

    def do(a, b):
        return values.W_Bool.make(getattr(a, methname)(b))
    do.__name__ = "fx_" + methname
    expose("fx" + name, [values.W_Fixnum] * 2, simple=True)(do)
    expose("unsafe-fx" + name, [unsafe(values.W_Fixnum)] * 2, simple=True)(do)
Beispiel #6
    cont = prompt.get_previous_continuation()
    assert cont is not None
    if handler is None:
        if not args:
            raise SchemeException(
                "abort-current-continuation: expected thunk as argument 1")
        cont = Prompt(tag, None, env, cont)
        handler = args[0]
        args = []
    if frames:
        cont = call_handler_cont(handler, args, env, cont)
        return unwind_frames(frames, env, cont)
    return, env, cont)

expose("abort-current-continuation", simple=False)(abort_current_continuation)

@expose("force-exit", [values.W_Object])
def force_exit(v):
    return _force_exit(v)

def _force_exit(v):
    from pycket.error import ExitException

    if isinstance(v, values.W_Fixnum) and (0 <= v.value <= 255):
        raise ExitException(v)
        raise ExitException(values.W_Fixnum(0))
Beispiel #7
def hash_copy_set_cont(keys, idx, src, new, env, cont, _vals):
    return hash_copy_loop(keys, idx + 1, src, new, env, cont)

def hash_copy_loop(keys, idx, src, new, env, cont):
    from pycket.interpreter import return_value
    if idx >= len(keys):
        return return_value(new, env, cont)
    return src.hash_ref(keys[idx][0], env,
            hash_copy_ref_cont(keys, idx, src, new, env, cont))

def hash_copy(src, env, cont):
    from pycket.interpreter import return_value
    if isinstance(src, W_ImmutableHashTable):
        return return_value(src.make_copy(), env, cont)
    new = src.make_empty()
    return hash_copy_loop(src.hash_items(), 0, src, new, env, cont)

expose("hash-copy", [W_HashTable], simple=False)(hash_copy)

# FIXME: not implemented
@expose("equal-hash-code", [values.W_Object])
def equal_hash_code(v):
    return values.W_Fixnum(0)

@expose("equal-secondary-hash-code", [values.W_Object])
def equal_secondary_hash_code(v):
    return values.W_Fixnum(0)
Beispiel #8
        raise SchemeException("abort-current-continuation: no such prompt exists")
    handler = prompt.handler
    cont    = prompt.get_previous_continuation()
    assert cont is not None
    if handler is None:
        if not args:
            raise SchemeException("abort-current-continuation: expected thunk as argument 1")
        cont = Prompt(tag, None, env, cont)
        handler = args[0]
        args = []
    if frames:
        cont = call_handler_cont(handler, args, env, cont)
        return unwind_frames(frames, env, cont)
    return, env, cont)

expose("abort-current-continuation", simple=False)(abort_current_continuation)

@make_procedure("default-error-escape-handler", [], simple=False)
def default_error_escape_handler(env, cont):
    from pycket.prims.general import do_void
    args = [values.w_default_continuation_prompt_tag, do_void.w_prim]
    return abort_current_continuation(args, env, cont)

expose_val("error-escape-handler", values_parameter.W_Parameter(default_error_escape_handler))

@make_procedure("default-continuation-prompt-handler", [procedure], simple=False)
def default_continuation_prompt_handler(proc, env, cont):
    return[], env, cont)

@expose("call-with-continuation-prompt", simple=False, arity=Arity.geq(1))
def call_with_continuation_prompt(args, env, cont):
Beispiel #9
        return w_n.arith_negativep()
    v = w_n.arith_and(arith_shift(values.W_Fixnum.ONE, w_m))
    if isinstance(v, values.W_Fixnum) and 0 == v.value:
        return values.w_false
        return values.w_true

def arith_shift(w_a, w_b):
    # XXX support biginteger as second argument (returning 0 and out of memory)
    b = w_b.value
    if b >= 0:
        return w_a.arith_shl(w_b)
        return w_a.arith_shr(values.W_Fixnum(-b))
# don't use the decorator to make the function usable in this file
expose("arithmetic-shift", [values.W_Integer, values.W_Fixnum])(arith_shift)

@expose("fxlshift", [values.W_Fixnum, values.W_Fixnum])
def fxlshift(w_a, w_b):
    b = w_b.value
    if 0 <= b <= 64:
            res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(w_a.value << b)
        except OverflowError:
            raise SchemeException(
                "fxlshift: result is not a fixnum")
        return values.W_Fixnum(res)
        raise SchemeException(
            "fxlshift: expected integer >= 0 and <= 64, got %s" % w_b.tostring())
Beispiel #10
        return values.w_false
        return values.w_true

def arith_shift(w_a, w_b):
    # XXX support biginteger as second argument (returning 0 and out of memory)
    b = w_b.value
    if b >= 0:
        return w_a.arith_shl(w_b)
        return w_a.arith_shr(values.W_Fixnum(-b))

# don't use the decorator to make the function usable in this file
expose("arithmetic-shift", [values.W_Integer, values.W_Fixnum])(arith_shift)

@expose("fxlshift", [values.W_Fixnum, values.W_Fixnum])
def fxlshift(w_a, w_b):
    b = w_b.value
    if 0 <= b <= 64:
            res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(w_a.value << b)
        except OverflowError:
            raise SchemeException("fxlshift: result is not a fixnum")
        return values.W_Fixnum(res)
        raise SchemeException(
            "fxlshift: expected integer >= 0 and <= 64, got %s" %
Beispiel #11
    if idx >= len(keys):
        return return_value(new, env, cont)
    return src.hash_ref(keys[idx][0], env,
            hash_copy_ref_cont(keys, idx, src, new, env, cont))

def hash_copy(src, env, cont):
    from pycket.interpreter import return_value
    if isinstance(src, W_ImmutableHashTable):
        new = src.make_copy()
        return return_value(new, env, cont)
    new = src.make_empty()
    if src.length() == 0:
        return return_value(new, env, cont)
    return hash_copy_loop(src.hash_items(), 0, src, new, env, cont)

expose("hash-copy", [W_HashTable], simple=False)(hash_copy)

# FIXME: not implemented
@expose("equal-hash-code", [values.W_Object])
def equal_hash_code(v):

    # only for improper path cache entries
    if isinstance(v, values.W_Cons):
        if v.is_proper_list():
            return values.W_Fixnum.ZERO

        nm =
        p = v.cdr()
        if isinstance(nm, values_string.W_String) and \
           isinstance(p, values.W_Path) and \
           isinstance(p.path, str):