Beispiel #1
 def remove(self, key):
     node_to_remove, parent, grand_parent = self._find_node_with_key_for_splay(
         key)  # need to know to splay
     # remove as in BST
     BinarySearchTree.remove(self, key=key)
     #splay the parent from which we fell off the tree
     if parent != None:
Beispiel #2
class BST_Test_Replace_Empty_Tree(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()

    def test_replace_with_empty_tree(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
            self._bst.replace('key', None)

    def tearDown(self):
        self._bst = None
Beispiel #3
class BST_Test_Has_Key_with_Single_Node_Tree(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
        self._bst.insert(key=10, obj='Object value')

    def test_has_key_empty_tree(self):
            10 in self._bst, True,
            'Tree has_key operation must return True for existing key')

    def tearDown(self):
        self._bst = None
Beispiel #4
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
        self._bst.insert(key=5, obj=5)
        self._bst.insert(key=8, obj=8)
        self._bst.insert(key=7, obj=7)
        self._bst.insert(key=9, obj=9)
        self._bst.insert(key=10, obj=10)
        self._bst.insert(key=2, obj=2)
        self._bst.insert(key=1, obj=1)
        self._bst.insert(key=3, obj=3)
        self._bst.insert(key=4, obj=4)
        self._bst.insert(key=6, obj=6)

        self._bst_node_count = 10
Beispiel #5
class BST_Test_Empty_Tree(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()

    def test_node_count_of_empty_tree(self):
        self.assertEqual(self._bst.node_count, 0,
                         'Empty tree node count must be 0')

    def test_find_key_empty_tree(self):
        self.assertEqual(self._bst.find(20), None,
                         'Empty tree find operation must return None')

    def test_delete_element_empty_tree(self):

    def tearDown(self):
        self._bst = None
class BSTHashBucket(collections.MutableMapping):
    A hash bucket is used to hold objects that hash to the same value in a hash table. This is hash 
    bucket using a binary search tree. This masquerades as a python dict in code where it is used.
    Since bst is used as bucket datastructure, searches take O log(n) rather than O n
    Note: HASHBUCKET ITERATION YIELDS KEYS. not the key value pairs in the bucket. 
    def __init__(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
    def __len__(self):
        The number of elements in the hash bucket
        return self._bst.node_count
    def get(self, key, default = None):
        Get object associated with a key and on key miss return specified default. This is 
        there in Python dict and this class masquerades as dict, we implement it.
            value = self[key]
            return value
        except KeyError:
            return default            
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        value = self._bst.find(key)
        if value == None:
            raise KeyError('Key Error: %s ' % repr(key))
        return value
    def __delitem__(self, key):
        if key in self._bst:
            raise KeyError('Key Error: %s ' % repr(key))
    def __setitem__(self, key, obj):
        if key in self._bst:
            self._bst.replace(key, obj)
            self._bst.insert(key, obj)
    def __iter__(self):
        for key, value in self._bst.inorder_traversal_with_stack():
            yield key
Beispiel #7
class BST_Test_Tree_With_1_Element(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
        self._bst.insert(key=10, obj=10)

    def test_node_count_of_tree_with_1_node(self):
        self.assertEqual(self._bst.node_count, 1, 'Tree node count must be 1')

    def test_find_key_of_tree_with_1_node(self):
        self.assertEqual(self._bst.find(10), 10,
                         'Find operation failed on tree with 1 node')

    def test_delete_element_of_tree_with_1_node(self):
        self.assertEqual(self._bst.node_count, 0,
                         'Empty tree node count must be 0')
        self.assertEqual(self._bst.find(20), None,
                         'Empty tree find operation must return None')

    def tearDown(self):
        self._bst = None
Beispiel #8
class BST_Test_Tree_Delete_Element_With_10_Elements(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
        self._bst.insert(key=5, obj=5)
        self._bst.insert(key=8, obj=8)
        self._bst.insert(key=7, obj=7)
        self._bst.insert(key=9, obj=9)
        self._bst.insert(key=10, obj=10)
        self._bst.insert(key=2, obj=2)
        self._bst.insert(key=1, obj=1)
        self._bst.insert(key=3, obj=3)
        self._bst.insert(key=4, obj=4)
        self._bst.insert(key=6, obj=6)

        self._bst_node_count = 10

    def test_delete_element_of_tree_non_existing_element(self):
        self.assertEqual(self._bst.node_count, self._bst_node_count,
                         'Tree node count must be 10')

    def test_delete_element_of_tree_with_10_node(self):
        elements_to_delete = [10, 1, 7, 3, 5, 8, 2, 6, 9]
        for element in elements_to_delete:
            self.assertEqual(self._bst.find(element), None,
                             'Element found in BST after deleting it!')
            self._bst_node_count = self._bst_node_count - 1
            self.assertEqual(self._bst.node_count, self._bst_node_count,
                             'Tree node count must tally after deletion')

    def tearDown(self):
        self._bst = None
Beispiel #9
class BST_Test_Tree_Count_Find_Element_With_10_Elements(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
        self._bst.insert(key=5, obj=5)
        self._bst.insert(key=8, obj=8)
        self._bst.insert(key=7, obj=7)
        self._bst.insert(key=9, obj=9)
        self._bst.insert(key=10, obj=10)
        self._bst.insert(key=2, obj=2)
        self._bst.insert(key=1, obj=1)
        self._bst.insert(key=3, obj=3)
        self._bst.insert(key=4, obj=4)
        self._bst.insert(key=6, obj=6)

        self._bst_node_count = 10

    def test_node_count_of_tree_with_10_node(self):
        self.assertEqual(self._bst.node_count, self._bst_node_count,
                         'Tree node count must be 10')

    def test_find_element_of_tree_with_10_node(self):
        for i in range(1, 11):  # 1 to 10
            tree_element = self._bst.find(i)
                tree_element, None,
                'BST findElement did not return existing element')
            self.assertEqual(tree_element, i,
                             'Find operation failed on tree with 1 node')

    def tearDown(self):
        self._bst = None
Beispiel #10
 def setUp(self):
     self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
     self._bst.insert(key=10, obj=10)
Beispiel #11
class BST_Test_Replace_With_10_Elements_Existing_Key(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
        self._bst.insert(key=5, obj=5)
        self._bst.insert(key=8, obj=8)
        self._bst.insert(key=7, obj=7)
        self._bst.insert(key=9, obj=9)
        self._bst.insert(key=10, obj=10)
        self._bst.insert(key=2, obj=2)
        self._bst.insert(key=1, obj=1)
        self._bst.insert(key=3, obj=3)
        self._bst.insert(key=4, obj=4)
        self._bst.insert(key=6, obj=6)

        self._bst_node_count = 10

    def test_replace_with_existing_key_on_tree(self):
        key_to_replace = 5
        value_to_set = -5

        self._bst.replace(key_to_replace, value_to_set)

            key_to_replace in self._bst, True,
            'Tree has_key operation must return True for existing key')
        self.assertEqual(self._bst.find(key_to_replace), value_to_set,
                         'Find operation failed on tree after replace')
        self.assertNotEqual(self._bst.find(key_to_replace), key_to_replace,
                            'replaced key still exists!')

    def tearDown(self):
        self._bst = None
Beispiel #12
class BST_Test_Replace_With_10_Elements_Non_Existing_Key(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
        self._bst.insert(key=5, obj=5)
        self._bst.insert(key=8, obj=8)
        self._bst.insert(key=7, obj=7)
        self._bst.insert(key=9, obj=9)
        self._bst.insert(key=10, obj=10)
        self._bst.insert(key=2, obj=2)
        self._bst.insert(key=1, obj=1)
        self._bst.insert(key=3, obj=3)
        self._bst.insert(key=4, obj=4)
        self._bst.insert(key=6, obj=6)

        self._bst_node_count = 10

    def test_replace_with_full_tree(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
            self._bst.replace(-99, None)

    def tearDown(self):
        self._bst = None
Beispiel #13
 def insert(self, key=None, obj=None):
     #add the node.
     BinarySearchTree.insert(self, key=key, obj=obj)
     #then splay it to root
     if key != None and obj != None:
Beispiel #14
class BST_Test_Has_Key_With_10_Elements(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
        self._bst.insert(key=5, obj=5)
        self._bst.insert(key=8, obj=8)
        self._bst.insert(key=7, obj=7)
        self._bst.insert(key=9, obj=9)
        self._bst.insert(key=10, obj=10)
        self._bst.insert(key=2, obj=2)
        self._bst.insert(key=1, obj=1)
        self._bst.insert(key=3, obj=3)
        self._bst.insert(key=4, obj=4)
        self._bst.insert(key=6, obj=6)

        self._bst_node_count = 10

    def test_has_key_with_10_node(self):
        for i in range(1, 11):  # 1 to 10
                i in self._bst, True,
                'has_key operation must return True for existing key.')

    def tearDown(self):
        self._bst = None
Beispiel #15
 def setUp(self):
     self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
     self._bst.insert(key=10, obj='Object value')
 def __init__(self):
     self._bst = BinarySearchTree()
Beispiel #17
    for key, value in tree.traversal(want_post_order=True):
        traversed.append((key, value))
    print('Tree postorder traversal (key, value) pairs:')

def print_tree_inorder(tree):
    traversed = []
    for key, value in tree.traversal(want_in_order=True):
        traversed.append((key, value))
    print('Tree inorder traversal (key, value) pairs:')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bst = BinarySearchTree()
    print('Node count is %s' % str(bst.node_count))
    print('Adding key value pairs (1, 1), (2, 2), .... (6, 6)')
    kvpairs = [(5, 5), (2, 2), (7, 7), (1, 1), (3, 3), (9, 9), (8, 8), (4, 4),
               (6, 6)]

    for kvpair in kvpairs:
        bst.insert(key=kvpair[0], obj=kvpair[1])


    element_to_remove = 9
    print('removing element %s' % str(element_to_remove))
Beispiel #18
 def setUp(self):
     self._bst = BinarySearchTree()