Beispiel #1
 def check_bip143_tx(self, tx_u_hex, tx_s_hex, txs_out_value_scripthex_pair, tx_in_count, tx_out_count, version, lock_time):
     tx_u = Tx.from_hex(tx_u_hex)
     tx_s = Tx.from_hex(tx_s_hex)
     txs_out = [
         TxOut(int(coin_value * 1e8), h2b(script_hex)) for coin_value, script_hex in txs_out_value_scripthex_pair
     for tx in (tx_u, tx_s):
         self.assertEqual(len(tx.txs_in), tx_in_count)
         self.assertEqual(len(tx.txs_out), tx_out_count)
         self.assertEqual(tx.version, version)
         self.assertEqual(tx.lock_time, lock_time)
     tx_hex = tx_u.as_hex()
     self.assertEqual(tx_hex, tx_u_hex)
     tx_hex = tx_s.as_hex()
     self.assertEqual(tx_hex, tx_s_hex)
     tx_u_prime = self.unsigned_copy(tx_s)
     tx_hex = tx_u_prime.as_hex()
     self.assertEqual(tx_hex, tx_u_hex)
     self.assertEqual(b2h_rev(double_sha256(h2b(tx_s_hex))), tx_s.w_id())
     self.assertEqual(b2h_rev(double_sha256(h2b(tx_u_hex))), tx_u.w_id())
     return tx_u, tx_s
Beispiel #2
    def _get_merkle_root(self, merkle_s, start_hash, pos):
        hash_decode = lambda x: x.decode('hex')[::-1]
        hash_encode = lambda x: x[::-1].encode('hex')

        h = hash_decode(start_hash)
        # i is the "level" or depth of the binary merkle tree.
        # item is the complementary hash on the merkle tree at this level
        for i, item in enumerate(merkle_s):
            # figure out if it's the left item or right item at this level
            if pos >> i & 1:
                # right item (odd at this level)
                h = double_sha256(hash_decode(item) + h)
                # left item (even at this level)
                h = double_sha256(h + hash_decode(item))
        return hash_encode(h)
    def recurse(level_widths, level_index, node_index, hashes, flags, flag_index, tx_acc):
        idx, r = divmod(flag_index, 8)
        mask = (1 << r)
        flag_index += 1
        if flags[idx] & mask == 0:
            h = hashes.pop()
            return h, flag_index

        if level_index == len(level_widths) - 1:
            h = hashes.pop()
            return h, flag_index

        # traverse the left
        left_hash, flag_index = recurse(
            level_widths, level_index+1, node_index*2, hashes, flags, flag_index, tx_acc)

        # is there a right?
        if node_index*2+1 < level_widths[level_index+1]:
            right_hash, flag_index = recurse(
                level_widths, level_index+1, node_index*2+1, hashes, flags, flag_index, tx_acc)

            if left_hash == right_hash:
                raise ValueError("merkle hash has same left and right value at node %d" % node_index)
            right_hash = left_hash

        return double_sha256(left_hash + right_hash), flag_index
Beispiel #4
 def get_merkle_root(self, merkle_s, start_hash, pos):
     """Given a merkle hash list merkle_s and the starting point start_hash
     Hash all the way to the root and get the merkle_root.
     h = hash_decode(start_hash)
     # i is the "level" or depth of the binary merkle tree.
     # item is the complementary hash on the merkle tree at this level
     for i, item in enumerate(merkle_s):
         # figure out if it's the left item or right item at this level
         if pos >> i & 1:
             # right item (odd at this level)
             h = double_sha256(hash_decode(item) + h)
             # left item (even at this level)
             h = double_sha256(h + hash_decode(item))
     return hash_encode(h)
Beispiel #5
    def _parse_next_message(self):

        # read magic header
        reader = self.reader
        blob = yield from reader.readexactly(len(self.magic_header))
        if blob != self.magic_header:
            raise BitcoinProtocolError("bad magic: got %s" % binascii.hexlify(blob))

        # read message name
        message_size_hash_bytes = yield from reader.readexactly(20)
        message_name_bytes = message_size_hash_bytes[:12]
        message_name = message_name_bytes.replace(b"\0", b"").decode("utf8")

        # get size of message
        size_bytes = message_size_hash_bytes[12:16]
        size = int.from_bytes(size_bytes, byteorder="little")
        if size > self.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE:
            raise BitcoinProtocolError("absurdly large message size %d" % size)

        # read the hash, then the message
        transmitted_hash = message_size_hash_bytes[16:20]
        message_data = yield from reader.readexactly(size)

        # check the hash
        actual_hash = encoding.double_sha256(message_data)[:4]
        if actual_hash != transmitted_hash:
            raise BitcoinProtocolError("checksum is WRONG: %s instead of %s" % (
                binascii.hexlify(actual_hash), binascii.hexlify(transmitted_hash)))
        logging.debug("message %s: %s (%d byte payload)", self, message_name, len(message_data))

        # parse the blob into a BitcoinProtocolMessage object
        data = parse_from_data(message_name, message_data)
        return message_name, data
Beispiel #6
 def test_txhash(self):
     Performs a test of the reference wallet's tx hashing against a known blockchain tx.
     # 's' and 'expected' are from: 
     s = ("0100000002bca066b9cfe1eb81e667f219a442acdc5c5e2e470610659a314"
     expected = "a8196acaf3938b988f9816ae3e9da1df5a04afff0b5b460e4c1dc4a08dd52109"
     expected = bytes.fromhex(expected)
     actual = encoding.double_sha256(bytes.fromhex(s))
     # Reverse the bytes to flow lsb -> msb
     actual = actual[::-1]
     assert actual == expected, "tx hash calculation mismatch\n" + "Expected: " + self.hexstr(expected) + "\nActual:   " + self.hexstr(actual)
Beispiel #7
 def send_msg(self, message_name, **kwargs):
     message_data = pack_from_data(message_name, **kwargs)
     message_type = message_name.encode("utf8")
     message_type_padded = (message_type+(b'\0'*12))[:12]
     message_size = struct.pack("<L", len(message_data))
     message_checksum = encoding.double_sha256(message_data)[:4]
     packet = b"".join([
         self.magic_header, message_type_padded, message_size, message_checksum, message_data
     logging.debug("sending message %s [%d bytes] to %s", message_type.decode("utf8"), len(packet), self)
     self.bytes_writ += len(packet)
Beispiel #8
 def subkey(self, path):
         of the form "K" where K is an integer index, or "K/N" where N is usually
         a 0 (deposit address) or 1 (change address)
     t = path.split("/")
     if len(t) == 2:
         n, for_change = t
         n, = t
         for_change = 0
     b = (str(n) + ':' + str(for_change) + ':').encode("utf8") + self.master_public_key()
     offset = from_bytes_32(double_sha256(b))
     if self.master_private_key():
         return Key(
             secret_exponent=((self.master_private_key() + offset) % ORDER),
     p1 = offset * ecdsa.generator_secp256k1
     x, y = self.public_pair()
     p2 = ecdsa.Point(ecdsa.generator_secp256k1.curve(), x, y, ORDER)
     p = p1 + p2
     return Key(public_pair=p.pair(), prefer_uncompressed=True)
Beispiel #9
 def signature_for_hash_type_segwit(self, script, tx_in_idx, hash_type):
     return from_bytes_32(
             self.segwit_signature_preimage(script, tx_in_idx, hash_type)))
Beispiel #10
 def w_hash(self):
     return double_sha256(self.as_bin())
Beispiel #11
def _bitcoin_message_hash(data):
    prefix = b"\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n"
    varint = _encode_varint(len(data))
    return double_sha256(prefix + varint + data)
 def do_test(blob, expected_hash):
     self.assertEqual(encoding.double_sha256(blob), expected_hash)
Beispiel #13
        for i3 in '6':  # sure
            for i4 in '123456789':  # NOT sure
                for i6 in '123456789':  # NOT sure
                    for i7 in '123456789':  # NOT sure

                        # make candidate private key
                        key = k1 + i1 + k2 + i2 + k3 + i3 + k4 + i4 + k5 + i3 + k6 + i6 + k7 + i7 + k8
                        print('Trying {}...\t'.format(key), end='')

                        # the private key encoded in base58 contains also a checksum at the end to check validity
                        # when a candidate key is made by concatenation as above it will most likely not be valid
                        # so we correct the checksum and compression byte of the candidate key
                        data = a2b_base58(key)
                        data, the_hash = data[:-4], data[-4:]
                        data = data[:-1] + b'\01'
                        fixed_key = b2a_base58(data + double_sha256(data)[:4])

                        # calculate the P2SH SegWit address for this private key
                        k = Key.from_text(fixed_key)
                        p2sh = p2sh_address(k)
                        print('{}\t'.format(p2sh), end='')

                        # compare with the published public key
                        if p2sh[0:7] == '37CSnmm':
                            i = 0
                            stars = ''
                            while p2sh[i] == '37CSnmm'[i]:
                                stars += '*'
Beispiel #14
    def test_sign(self, keynums_satoshi, out_addr, out_satoshi, change_keynum,
                  change_satoshi, prevtx_keynums, prevtx_outputs,
        Performs a tx signing test, comparing Polly's signed tx against the reference wallet.
        Basic tx signing parameters:
        keynums_satoshi - list of tuples (keynum, satoshis) with key indices and their unspent value to 
                          use as tx inputs. Funding above out_satoshi + change_satoshi will be fees.
        out_addr        - output address in bitcoin address format. 
        out_satoshi     - output amount in satoshis.
        change_keynum   - change key index in the wallet, use None for no change.
        change_satoshi  - change amount in satoshis, use 0 for no change. 
        Supporting (previous) txs will be created to fund keynums and are controlled by these parameters:
        prevtx_keynums  - keynums will show up as outputs of previous txs. A number randomly picked 
                          from this list controls how many keynums are chosen to include per prev tx.
        prevtx_outputs  - in addition to previous tx outputs funding keynums, other outputs may 
                          be present. A number randomly picked from this list controls how many 
                          ignored outputs are injected per keynum. 
        prevtx_inputs   - previous txs need inputs too. A number randomly picked from this list 
                          controls how many inputs are chosen per previous tx.

        total_in_satoshi = sum(satoshi for _, satoshi in keynums_satoshi)
        fee_satoshi = total_in_satoshi - out_satoshi - change_satoshi
        chain0 = self.wallet.subkey(0, is_hardened=True).subkey(0)
        chain1 = self.wallet.subkey(0, is_hardened=True).subkey(1)

        assert total_in_satoshi >= out_satoshi + change_satoshi
        assert len(keynums_satoshi) <= 32

        # Step 1: send the inputs and outputs to use in the signed tx

        # Create the (key num, compressed public key) tuple, input keys assume an m/0h/0/keynum path for now.
        keys = [
            for (keynum, _) in keynums_satoshi

        # Convert base58 address to raw hex address
        out_addr_160 = encoding.bitcoin_address_to_hash160_sec(out_addr)

        print("Sign tx parameters:", "")
        for i, (keynum, satoshi) in enumerate(keynums_satoshi):
            print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc < key {}".format(
                " inputs" if 0 == i else "", satoshi / 100000000, keynum))
        print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc > {}".format(" output",
                                               out_satoshi / 100000000,
        print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc > key {}".format(" change",
                                                   change_satoshi / 100000000,
        print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc".format(" fee", fee_satoshi / 100000000))
        print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc".format(" total",
                                          total_in_satoshi / 100000000))

        print(self.PAD.format("Send tx parameters"), end='')

        # ---> send to Polly
        self.polly.send_sign_tx(keys, out_addr_160, out_satoshi, change_keynum,


        # Step 2: send previous txs to fund the inputs


        cur = 0
        prevtx_info = []

        while cur < len(keynums_satoshi):

            prevtx_outputs_satoshi = []

            # Calculate how many keynums will be associated with this prev tx
            end = min(cur + random.choice(prevtx_keynums),

            # Create the prev tx output list
            for keynum, satoshi in keynums_satoshi[cur:end]:

                # Inject a random number of outputs not associated with tx input keynums
                for _ in range(0, random.choice(prevtx_outputs)):
                        (random.randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF),
                         random.randint(0, 2099999997690000)))

                # Add the outputs funding the tx input keynums
                prevtx_outputs_satoshi.append((keynum, satoshi))

                # Create output script
                addr = chain0.subkey(keynum, as_private=True).bitcoin_address()
                script = standard_tx_out_script(addr)

                # Capture some info we'll use later to verify the signed tx
                    0,  # This is the hash and will be replaced later
                    len(prevtx_outputs_satoshi) -
                    1))  # Index of the valid output

                "Make prev tx for keys", " ".join(
                    for (keynum, _, _, _, _) in prevtx_info[cur:])))

            # Create the prev tx
            prevtx = self.create_prev_tx(
                    bytes(0)),  # create a dummy wallet 
                in_keynum=list(range(0, random.choice(prevtx_inputs))),
                fees_satoshi=random.randint(100, 1000))

            # We have built the prev tx, calculate its hash (and reverse the bytes)
            prevtx_hash = encoding.double_sha256(prevtx)[::-1]

            # Update the hashes now that we have a full prev tx
            for i, (keynum, satoshi, script, _,
                    outidx) in enumerate(prevtx_info[cur:]):
                prevtx_info[i + cur] = (keynum, satoshi, script, prevtx_hash,

            # Create the index table that matches a keynum index with an ouput index in this prev tx
            idx_table = [
                (keynum_idx + cur, outidx)
                for keynum_idx, (_, _, _, _,
                                 outidx) in enumerate(prevtx_info[cur:])

            print(self.PAD.format("Send prev tx "), end='')

            # ---> send to Polly
            self.polly.send_prev_tx(idx_table, prevtx)


            cur = end

        # Step 3: generate a signed tx with the reference wallet and compare against Polly's

        spendables = []
        wifs = []

        # Make sure that the inputs add up correctly, and prep the input_sources for reference wallet signing
        for (keynum, satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx) in prevtx_info:
            spendables.append(Spendable(satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx))
            wifs.append(chain0.subkey(keynum, as_private=True).wif())

        change_addr = chain1.subkey(change_keynum).bitcoin_address()

        payables = [(out_addr, out_satoshi), (change_addr, change_satoshi)]

        print(self.PAD.format("Make reference signature"))

        signed_tx = create_signed_tx(spendables, payables, wifs, fee_satoshi)
        signed_tx = self.get_tx_bytes(signed_tx)

        print(self.PAD.format("Get signed tx"), end='', flush=True)

        # <--- get the signed tx from Polly
        polly_signed_tx = self.polly.send_get_signed_tx()



        # Compare reference wallet signed tx with polly's
        assert signed_tx == polly_signed_tx, "test_sign: signature mismatch\nExpected:\n" + self.hexstr(
            signed_tx) + "\n\nActual:\n" + self.hexstr(polly_signed_tx)
Beispiel #15
def _bitcoin_message_hash(data):
    prefix = b"\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n"
    varint = _encode_varint(len(data))
    return double_sha256(prefix + varint + data)
Beispiel #16
    def test_sign(self, keynums_satoshi, out_addr, out_satoshi, change_keynum, change_satoshi, prevtx_keynums, prevtx_outputs, prevtx_inputs):
        Performs a tx signing test, comparing Polly's signed tx against the reference wallet.
        Basic tx signing parameters:
        keynums_satoshi - list of tuples (keynum, satoshis) with key indices and their unspent value to 
                          use as tx inputs. Funding above out_satoshi + change_satoshi will be fees.
        out_addr        - output address in bitcoin address format. 
        out_satoshi     - output amount in satoshis.
        change_keynum   - change key index in the wallet, use None for no change.
        change_satoshi  - change amount in satoshis, use 0 for no change. 
        Supporting (previous) txs will be created to fund keynums and are controlled by these parameters:
        prevtx_keynums  - keynums will show up as outputs of previous txs. A number randomly picked 
                          from this list controls how many keynums are chosen to include per prev tx.
        prevtx_outputs  - in addition to previous tx outputs funding keynums, other outputs may 
                          be present. A number randomly picked from this list controls how many 
                          ignored outputs are injected per keynum. 
        prevtx_inputs   - previous txs need inputs too. A number randomly picked from this list 
                          controls how many inputs are chosen per previous tx.
        total_in_satoshi = sum(satoshi for _, satoshi in keynums_satoshi) 
        fee_satoshi      = total_in_satoshi - out_satoshi - change_satoshi
        chain0           = self.wallet.subkey(0, is_hardened = True).subkey(0)
        chain1           = self.wallet.subkey(0, is_hardened = True).subkey(1)
        assert total_in_satoshi >= out_satoshi + change_satoshi
        assert len(keynums_satoshi) <= 32
        # Step 1: send the inputs and outputs to use in the signed tx
        # Create the (key num, compressed public key) tuple, input keys assume an m/0h/0/keynum path for now. 
        keys = [(keynum, encoding.public_pair_to_sec(chain0.subkey(keynum).public_pair)) 
                for (keynum, _) in keynums_satoshi] 
        # Convert base58 address to raw hex address
        out_addr_160 = encoding.bitcoin_address_to_hash160_sec(out_addr)
        print("Sign tx parameters:", "")
        for i, (keynum, satoshi) in enumerate(keynums_satoshi):
            print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc < key {}".format (" inputs" if 0 == i else "", satoshi          / 100000000, keynum))
        print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc > {}".format         (" output",                   out_satoshi      / 100000000, self.hexstr(out_addr_160)))
        print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc > key {}".format     (" change",                   change_satoshi   / 100000000, change_keynum))
        print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc".format              (" fee",                      fee_satoshi      / 100000000))
        print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc".format              (" total",                    total_in_satoshi / 100000000))
        print(self.PAD.format("Send tx parameters"), end='')
        # ---> send to Polly 
        self.polly.send_sign_tx(keys, out_addr_160, out_satoshi, change_keynum, change_satoshi) 

        # Step 2: send previous txs to fund the inputs

        cur = 0
        prevtx_info = []
        while cur < len(keynums_satoshi) :
            prevtx_outputs_satoshi = []
            # Calculate how many keynums will be associated with this prev tx
            end = min(cur + random.choice(prevtx_keynums), len(keynums_satoshi))
            # Create the prev tx output list
            for keynum, satoshi in keynums_satoshi[cur:end] :
                # Inject a random number of outputs not associated with tx input keynums
                for _ in range(0, random.choice(prevtx_outputs)) :
                    prevtx_outputs_satoshi.append((random.randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF),  
                                                    random.randint(0, 2099999997690000)))
                # Add the outputs funding the tx input keynums 
                prevtx_outputs_satoshi.append((keynum, satoshi))
                # Create output script
                addr   = chain0.subkey(keynum, as_private = True).bitcoin_address()
                script = standard_tx_out_script(addr)
                # Capture some info we'll use later to verify the signed tx
                                    0,                                # This is the hash and will be replaced later
                                    len(prevtx_outputs_satoshi) - 1)) # Index of the valid output
            print("{:30}{}".format("Make prev tx for keys", " ".join(str(keynum) for (keynum, _, _, _, _) in prevtx_info[cur:])))
            # Create the prev tx
            prevtx = self.create_prev_tx(win                 = Wallet.from_master_secret(bytes(0)), # create a dummy wallet 
                                         in_keynum           = list(range(0, random.choice(prevtx_inputs))), 
                                         sources_per_input   = 1, 
                                         wout                = chain0, 
                                         out_keynum_satoshi  = prevtx_outputs_satoshi, 
                                         fees_satoshi        = random.randint(100, 1000))
            # We have built the prev tx, calculate its hash (and reverse the bytes) 
            prevtx_hash = encoding.double_sha256(prevtx)[::-1] 
            # Update the hashes now that we have a full prev tx
            for i, (keynum, satoshi, script, _, outidx) in enumerate(prevtx_info[cur:]) :
                prevtx_info[i + cur] = (keynum, satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx)
            # Create the index table that matches a keynum index with an ouput index in this prev tx
            idx_table = [(keynum_idx + cur, outidx) for keynum_idx, (_, _, _, _, outidx) in enumerate(prevtx_info[cur:])] 
            print(self.PAD.format("Send prev tx "), end='')
            # ---> send to Polly
            self.polly.send_prev_tx(idx_table, prevtx)
            cur = end
        # Step 3: generate a signed tx with the reference wallet and compare against Polly's
        spendables = []
        wifs       = []
        # Make sure that the inputs add up correctly, and prep the input_sources for reference wallet signing
        for (keynum, satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx) in prevtx_info:
            spendables.append(Spendable(satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx))
            wifs.append(chain0.subkey(keynum, as_private = True).wif())
        change_addr = chain1.subkey(change_keynum).bitcoin_address()
        payables = [(out_addr, out_satoshi), (change_addr, change_satoshi)]
        print(self.PAD.format("Make reference signature"))
        signed_tx     = create_signed_tx(spendables, payables, wifs, fee_satoshi)
        signed_tx     = self.get_tx_bytes(signed_tx)
        print(self.PAD.format("Get signed tx"), end='', flush = True)
        # <--- get the signed tx from Polly
        polly_signed_tx = self.polly.send_get_signed_tx()

        # Compare reference wallet signed tx with polly's 
        assert signed_tx == polly_signed_tx, "test_sign: signature mismatch\nExpected:\n" + self.hexstr(signed_tx) + "\n\nActual:\n" + self.hexstr(polly_signed_tx)
Beispiel #17
 def _calculate_hash(self):
     s = io.BytesIO()
     return double_sha256(s.getvalue())
Beispiel #18
 def digest(self):
     """Returns the digest of the data."""
     return double_sha256(
Beispiel #19
 def do_test(blob, expected_hash):
     self.assertEqual(encoding.double_sha256(blob), expected_hash)