Beispiel #1
    def buildParmDict(self):
        Build parameter dictionary akin to that returned by pydap.  The parameters from the .btl file must
        match the parameters read from the .nc file.  See comments for mapping copied from

        # Match the mapping done in

        # self.pr_list.append(float(r['PrDM']))
        # self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('time',))
        # self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        # self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        # self.depth.units = 'm'
        # self.depth[:] = csiro.depth(self.pr_list, self.lat_list)      # Convert pressure to depth

        # self.t1_list.append(r['T190C'])
        # temp = self.ncFile.createVariable('TEMP', 'float64', ('time',))
        # temp.long_name = 'Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C]'
        # temp.standard_name = 'sea_water_temperature'
        # temp.units = 'Celsius'

        # self.sal_list.append(r['Sal00'])
        # sal = self.ncFile.createVariable('PSAL', 'float64', ('time',))
        # sal.long_name = 'Salinity, Practical [PSU]'
        # sal.standard_name = 'sea_water_salinity'

        # self.xmiss_list.append(r['Xmiss'])
        # xmiss = self.ncFile.createVariable('xmiss', 'float64', ('time',))
        # xmiss.long_name = 'Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech'
        # xmiss.units = '%'

        # self.ecofl_list.append(r['FlECO-AFL'])
        # ecofl = self.ncFile.createVariable('ecofl', 'float64', ('time',))
        # ecofl.long_name = 'Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL'
        # ecofl.units = 'mg/m^3'

        # self.oxygen_list.append(r['Sbeox0ML/L'])
        # oxygen = self.ncFile.createVariable('oxygen', 'float64', ('time',))
        # oxygen.long_name = 'Oxygen, SBE 43'
        # oxygen.units = 'ml/l'

        parmDict = {}

        pr = BaseType('nameless')
        pr.attributes = {'colname': 'PrDM', 'units': 'm' , 'long_name': 'DEPTH', 'standard_name': 'depth'}

        temp = BaseType('nameless')
        temp.attributes = {'colname': 'T190C', 'units': 'ITS-90, deg C', 'long_name': 'temperature', 'standard_name': 'sea_water_temperature'}

        sal = BaseType('nameless')
        sal.attributes = {'colname': 'Sal00', 'units': '1' , 'long_name': 'salinity', 'standard_name': 'sea_water_salinity'} 

        xmiss = BaseType('nameless')
        xmiss.attributes = {'colname': 'Xmiss', 'units': '%', 'long_name': 'Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech'}

        ecofl = BaseType('nameless')
        ecofl.attributes = {'colname': 'FlECO-AFL', 'units': 'mg/m^3', 'long_name': 'Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL'}

        wetstar = BaseType('nameless')
        wetstar.attributes = {'colname': 'WetStar', 'units': 'mg/m^3', 'long_name': 'Fluorescence, WET Labs WETstar'}

        oxygen = BaseType('nameless')
        oxygen.attributes = {'colname': 'Sbeox0ML/L', 'units': 'ml/l', 'long_name': 'Oxygen, SBE 43'}

        # The colname attribute must be the keys that DictReader returns - the keys of this dictionary will be the Parameter names in stoqs
        parmDict = {'pressure': pr, 'TEMP': temp, 'PSAL': sal, 'xmiss': xmiss, 'ecofl': ecofl, 'oxygen': oxygen, 'wetstar': wetstar}

        return parmDict
Beispiel #2
    def process_csv_file(self, fh):
        Iterate through lines of iterator to csv file and pull out data for loading into STOQS
        ds = {}
        DA = BaseType('nameless')
        DA.attributes = {
            'units': 'ng ml-1 ',
            'long_name': 'Domoic Acid',
            'standard_name': 'domoic_acid',
            'type': 'float',
            'description': 'Domoic acid',
            'origin': ''
        PD = BaseType('nameless')
        PD.attributes = {
            'units': 'cells l-1',
            'long_name': 'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group',
            'standard_name': 'pseudo_nitzschia_delicatissima',
            'name': 'pseudo_nitzschia_delicatissima',
            'type': 'float',
            'description': 'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group (cells/L)',
            'origin': ''
        PA = BaseType('nameless')
        PA.attributes = {
            'units': 'cells l-1',
            'long_name': 'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group',
            'standard_name': 'pseudo_nitzschia_seriata',
            'name': 'pseudo_nitzschia_seriata',
            'type': 'float',
            'description': 'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group (cells/L)',
            'origin': ''
        alexandrium = BaseType('nameless')
        alexandrium.attributes = {
            'units': 'cells l-1',
            'long_name': 'Alexandrium',
            'standard_name': 'alexandrium',
            'name': 'alexandrium',
            'type': 'float',
            'description': 'Alexandrium spp. (cells/L)',
            'origin': ''
        phosphate = BaseType('nameless')
        phosphate.attributes = {
            'units': 'm-3 mol l-1',
            'long_name': 'Phosphate',
            'standard_name': 'phosphate_dissolved_in_seawater',
            'name': 'Phosphate',
            'type': 'float',
            'description': 'Phosphate (uM)',
            'origin': ''
        ammonia = BaseType('nameless')
        ammonia.attributes = {
            'units': 'm-3 mol l-1',
            'long_name': 'Ammonia',
            'standard_name': 'ammonia_dissolved_in_seawater',
            'name': 'ammonia_dissolved_in_sewater',
            'type': 'float',
            'description': 'Ammonia (uM)',
            'origin': ''
        silicate = BaseType('nameless')
        silicate.attributes = {
            'units': 'm-3 mol l-1',
            'long_name': 'Silicate',
            'standard_name': 'silicate_dissolved_in_seawater',
            'name': 'silicate_dissolved_in_seawater',
            'type': 'float',
            'description': 'Silicate (uM)',
            'origin': ''
        chlorophyll = BaseType('nameless')
        chlorophyll.attributes = {
            'units': 'kg m-3',
            'long_name': 'Chlorophyll',
            'standard_name': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water',
            'name': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water',
            'type': 'float',
            'description': 'Chlorophyll (kg/m3)',
            'origin': ''

        prorocentrum = BaseType('nameless')
        prorocentrum.attributes = {
            'units': 'cells l-1',
            'long_name': 'Prorocentrum',
            'standard_name': 'mass_concentration_of_prorocentrum_in_sea_water',
            'name': 'mass_concentration_of_prorocentrum_in_sea_water',
            'type': 'float',
            'description': 'Prorocentrum spp. (cells/L)',
            'origin': ''

        self.ds = {
            'Domoic Acid (ng/mL)': DA,
            'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group (cells/L)': PA,
            'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group (cells/L)': PD,
            'Phosphate (uM)': phosphate,
            'Silicate (uM)': silicate,
            'Ammonia (uM)': ammonia,
            'Chlorophyll (mg/m3)': chlorophyll,
            'Chlorophyll 1 (mg/m3)': chlorophyll,
            'Chlorophyll 2 (mg/m3)': chlorophyll,
            'Alexandrium spp. (cells/L)': alexandrium

        self.include_names = [
            'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group (cells/L)',
            'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group (cells/L)',
            'Domoic Acid (ng/mL)', 'Chlorophyll (mg/m3)',
            'Chlorophyll 1 (mg/m3)', 'Chlorophyll 2 (mg/m3)',
            'Prorocentrum spp. (cells/L)', 'Silicate (uM)', 'Ammonia (uM)',
            'Nitrate (uM)', 'Phosphate (uM)', 'Alexandrium spp. (cells/L)'


        for pn in self.include_names:
            self.parmCount[pn] = 0

        reader = csv.reader(fh)
        for line in fh:
            # Skip all lines that don't begin with '"' nor ' ' then open that with csv.DictReader
            if not line.startswith('"') and not line.startswith(' '):
                titles = next(reader)
                reader = csv.DictReader(fh, titles)
                for r in reader:
                    year = int(r['year'])
                    month = int(r['month'])
                    day = int(r['day'])
                    time = r['time']
                    lat = float(r['latitude'])
                    lon = float(r['longitude'])
                    depth = float(r['depth (m)'])
                    location = r['location']
                    hours = int(time.split(':')[0])
                    mins = int(time.split(':')[1])
                    secs = int(time.split(':')[2])

                    parmNameValues = []
                    for name in list(self.ds.keys()):
                        if name.startswith('Chlorophyll'):
                                (name, 1e-5 * float(r[name])))
                            parmNameValues.append((name, float(r[name])))

                    # Check to make sure all data from this file are from the same location.
                    # The program could be modified to read data in one file from multiple locations by reading data into a hash keyed by location name
                    # and then stepping through each key of the hash saving the data for each location into it's own activity.  For now just require
                    # each data file to have data from just one location.
                        if lat != lastlat or lon != lastlon:
                                "lat and lon are not the same for location = %s and lastlocation = %s.  The input data should have just one location."
                                % (location, lastlocation))
                    except NameError as e:
                        # Expected first time through when lastlon & lastlat don't yet exist

                    # Load data
                    dt = datetime(year, month, day, hours, mins, secs)
                    self.load_measurement(lon, lat, depth, dt, parmNameValues)

                    # Load sample
                    bName = dt.isoformat()
                    self.load_sample(lon, lat, depth, dt, bName)

                    lastlat = lat
                    lastlon = lon
                    lastlocation = location"Data load complete, %d records loaded.", self.loaded)

        # Update the Activity with information we now have following the load
        # Careful with the structure of this comment.  It is parsed in to give some useful links in showActivities()
        newComment = "%d MeasuredParameters loaded. Loaded on %sZ" % (
            self.loaded, datetime.utcnow())
            "runHABLoader(): Updating its comment with newComment = %s",
        aName = location

        num_updated = m.Activity.objects.using(self.dbAlias).filter(
                                        mappoint=Point(lon, lat),
Beispiel #3
    def buildParmDict(self):
        Build parameter dictionary akin to that returned by pydap.  The parameters from the .btl file must
        match the parameters read from the .nc file.  See comments for mapping copied from

        # Match the mapping done in

        # self.pr_list.append(float(r['PrDM']))
        # self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('time',))
        # self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        # self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        # self.depth.units = 'm'
        # self.depth[:] = csiro.depth(self.pr_list, self.lat_list)      # Convert pressure to depth

        # self.t1_list.append(r['T190C'])
        # temp = self.ncFile.createVariable('TEMP', 'float64', ('time',))
        # temp.long_name = 'Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C]'
        # temp.standard_name = 'sea_water_temperature'
        # temp.units = 'Celsius'

        # self.sal_list.append(r['Sal00'])
        # sal = self.ncFile.createVariable('PSAL', 'float64', ('time',))
        # sal.long_name = 'Salinity, Practical [PSU]'
        # sal.standard_name = 'sea_water_salinity'

        # self.xmiss_list.append(r['Xmiss'])
        # xmiss = self.ncFile.createVariable('xmiss', 'float64', ('time',))
        # xmiss.long_name = 'Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech'
        # xmiss.units = '%'

        # self.ecofl_list.append(r['FlECO-AFL'])
        # ecofl = self.ncFile.createVariable('ecofl', 'float64', ('time',))
        # ecofl.long_name = 'Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL'
        # ecofl.units = 'mg/m^3'

        # self.oxygen_list.append(r['Sbeox0ML/L'])
        # oxygen = self.ncFile.createVariable('oxygen', 'float64', ('time',))
        # oxygen.long_name = 'Oxygen, SBE 43'
        # oxygen.units = 'ml/l'

        parmDict = {}

        pr = BaseType('nameless')
        pr.attributes = {
            'colname': 'PrDM',
            'units': 'm',
            'long_name': 'DEPTH',
            'standard_name': 'depth'

        temp = BaseType('nameless')
        temp.attributes = {
            'colname': 'T190C',
            'units': 'ITS-90, deg C',
            'long_name': 'temperature',
            'standard_name': 'sea_water_temperature'

        sal = BaseType('nameless')
        sal.attributes = {
            'colname': 'Sal00',
            'units': '1',
            'long_name': 'salinity',
            'standard_name': 'sea_water_salinity'

        xmiss = BaseType('nameless')
        xmiss.attributes = {
            'colname': 'Xmiss',
            'units': '%',
            'long_name': 'Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech'

        ecofl = BaseType('nameless')
        ecofl.attributes = {
            'colname': 'FlECO-AFL',
            'units': 'mg/m^3',
            'long_name': 'Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL'

        wetstar = BaseType('nameless')
        wetstar.attributes = {
            'colname': 'WetStar',
            'units': 'mg/m^3',
            'long_name': 'Fluorescence, WET Labs WETstar'

        oxygen = BaseType('nameless')
        oxygen.attributes = {
            'colname': 'Sbeox0ML/L',
            'units': 'ml/l',
            'long_name': 'Oxygen, SBE 43'

        # The colname attribute must be the keys that DictReader returns - the keys of this dictionary will be the Parameter names in stoqs
        parmDict = {
            'pressure': pr,
            'TEMP': temp,
            'PSAL': sal,
            'xmiss': xmiss,
            'ecofl': ecofl,
            'oxygen': oxygen,
            'wetstar': wetstar

        return parmDict
Beispiel #4
    def process_csv_file(self, fh):
        Iterate through lines of iterator to csv file and pull out data for loading into STOQS
        ds = {}
        DA = BaseType()
        DA.attributes = {'units': 'ng ml-1 ' , 
                         'long_name': 'Domoic Acid', 
                         'standard_name': 'domoic_acid',
                         'type': 'float', 
                         'description': 'Domoic acid' ,
                         'origin': '' }
        PD = BaseType()
        PD.attributes = {'units': 'cells l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group', 
                         'standard_name': 'pseudo_nitzschia_delicatissima', 
                         'name':  'pseudo_nitzschia_delicatissima' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group (cells/L)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        PA = BaseType()
        PA.attributes = {'units': 'cells l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group', 
                         'standard_name': 'pseudo_nitzschia_seriata', 
                         'name':  'pseudo_nitzschia_seriata' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group (cells/L)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        alexandrium = BaseType()
        alexandrium.attributes = {'units': 'cells l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Alexandrium', 
                         'standard_name': 'alexandrium', 
                         'name':  'alexandrium' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Alexandrium spp. (cells/L)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        phosphate = BaseType()
        phosphate.attributes = {'units': 'm-3 mol l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Phosphate', 
                         'standard_name': 'phosphate_dissolved_in_seawater', 
                         'name':  'Phosphate' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Phosphate (uM)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        ammonia = BaseType()
        ammonia.attributes = {'units': 'm-3 mol l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Ammonia', 
                         'standard_name': 'ammonia_dissolved_in_seawater', 
                         'name':  'ammonia_dissolved_in_sewater' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Ammonia (uM)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        silicate = BaseType()
        silicate.attributes = {'units': 'm-3 mol l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Silicate', 
                         'standard_name': 'silicate_dissolved_in_seawater', 
                         'name':  'silicate_dissolved_in_seawater' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Silicate (uM)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        chlorophyll = BaseType()
        chlorophyll.attributes = {'units': 'kg m-3', 
                         'long_name': 'Chlorophyll', 
                         'standard_name': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water', 
                         'name':  'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Chlorophyll (kg/m3)' ,
                         'origin': '' 

        prorocentrum = BaseType()
        prorocentrum.attributes = {'units': 'cells l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Prorocentrum', 
                         'standard_name': 'mass_concentration_of_prorocentrum_in_sea_water', 
                         'name':  'mass_concentration_of_prorocentrum_in_sea_water' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Prorocentrum spp. (cells/L)' ,
                         'origin': '' 

        self.ds = { 'Domoic Acid (ng/mL)': DA, 'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group (cells/L)': PA,
                    'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group (cells/L)': PD,
                    'Phosphate (uM)': phosphate,
                    'Silicate (uM)': silicate, 'Ammonia (uM)': ammonia,
                    'Chlorophyll (mg/m3)': chlorophyll, 'Chlorophyll 1 (mg/m3)': chlorophyll,
                    'Chlorophyll 2 (mg/m3)': chlorophyll ,
                    'Alexandrium spp. (cells/L)': alexandrium 
        self.include_names = ['Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group (cells/L)',
                              'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group (cells/L)',
                              'Domoic Acid (ng/mL)',
                              'Chlorophyll (mg/m3)', 'Chlorophyll 1 (mg/m3)', 'Chlorophyll 2 (mg/m3)',
                              'Prorocentrum spp. (cells/L)', 'Silicate (uM)', 'Ammonia (uM)',
                              'Nitrate (uM)', 'Phosphate (uM)', 
                              'Alexandrium spp. (cells/L)']


        for pn in self.include_names:
            self.parmCount[pn] = 0

        reader = csv.reader(fh)
        for line in fh:
            # Skip all lines that don't begin with '"' nor ' ' then open that with csv.DictReader
            if not line.startswith('"') and not line.startswith(' '):
                titles =
                reader = csv.DictReader(fh, titles)
                for r in reader:
                    year = int(r['year'])
                    month = int(r['month'])
                    day = int(r['day'])
                    time = r['time']
                    lat = float(r['latitude'])
                    lon = float(r['longitude'])
                    depth = float(r['depth (m)'])
                    location = r['location']
                    hours = int(time.split(':')[0])
                    mins = int(time.split(':')[1])
                    secs = int(time.split(':')[2])

                    parmNameValues = []
                    for name in self.ds.keys():                  
                        if name.startswith('Chlorophyll'):
                            parmNameValues.append((name, 1e-5*float(r[name])))
                           parmNameValues.append((name, float(r[name])))

                    # Check to make sure all data from this file are from the same location.
                    # The program could be modified to read data in one file from multiple locations by reading data into a hash keyed by location name 
                    # and then stepping through each key of the hash saving the data for each location into it's own activity.  For now just require
                    # each data file to have data from just one location.
                        if lat != lastlat or lon != lastlon:
                            logger.error("lat and lon are not the same for location = %s and lastlocation = %s.  The input data should have just one location." % (location, lastlocation))
                    except NameError, e:
                        # Expected first time through when lastlon & lastlat don't yet exist

                    # Load data 
                    dt = datetime(year, month, day, hours, mins, secs)    
                    self.load_measurement(lon, lat, depth, dt, parmNameValues)

                    # Load sample
                    bName = dt.isoformat()
                    self.load_sample(lon, lat, depth, dt, bName)

                    lastlat = lat
                    lastlon = lon
                    lastlocation = location
Beispiel #5
    def process_csv_file(self, fh):
        Iterate through lines of iterator to csv file and pull out data for loading into STOQS
        ds = {}
        DA = BaseType('nameless')
        DA.attributes = {'units': 'ng ml-1 ' , 
                         'long_name': 'Domoic Acid', 
                         'standard_name': 'domoic_acid',
                         'type': 'float', 
                         'description': 'Domoic acid' ,
                         'origin': '' }
        PD = BaseType('nameless')
        PD.attributes = {'units': 'cells l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group', 
                         'standard_name': 'pseudo_nitzschia_delicatissima', 
                         'name':  'pseudo_nitzschia_delicatissima' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group (cells/L)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        PA = BaseType('nameless')
        PA.attributes = {'units': 'cells l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group', 
                         'standard_name': 'pseudo_nitzschia_seriata', 
                         'name':  'pseudo_nitzschia_seriata' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group (cells/L)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        alexandrium = BaseType('nameless')
        alexandrium.attributes = {'units': 'cells l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Alexandrium', 
                         'standard_name': 'alexandrium', 
                         'name':  'alexandrium' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Alexandrium spp. (cells/L)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        phosphate = BaseType('nameless')
        phosphate.attributes = {'units': 'm-3 mol l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Phosphate', 
                         'standard_name': 'phosphate_dissolved_in_seawater', 
                         'name':  'Phosphate' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Phosphate (uM)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        ammonia = BaseType('nameless')
        ammonia.attributes = {'units': 'm-3 mol l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Ammonia', 
                         'standard_name': 'ammonia_dissolved_in_seawater', 
                         'name':  'ammonia_dissolved_in_sewater' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Ammonia (uM)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        silicate = BaseType('nameless')
        silicate.attributes = {'units': 'm-3 mol l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Silicate', 
                         'standard_name': 'silicate_dissolved_in_seawater', 
                         'name':  'silicate_dissolved_in_seawater' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Silicate (uM)' ,
                         'origin': '' 
        chlorophyll = BaseType('nameless')
        chlorophyll.attributes = {'units': 'kg m-3', 
                         'long_name': 'Chlorophyll', 
                         'standard_name': 'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water', 
                         'name':  'mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Chlorophyll (kg/m3)' ,
                         'origin': '' 

        prorocentrum = BaseType('nameless')
        prorocentrum.attributes = {'units': 'cells l-1', 
                         'long_name': 'Prorocentrum', 
                         'standard_name': 'mass_concentration_of_prorocentrum_in_sea_water', 
                         'name':  'mass_concentration_of_prorocentrum_in_sea_water' ,
                         'type':  'float' ,
                         'description': 'Prorocentrum spp. (cells/L)' ,
                         'origin': '' 

        self.ds = { 'Domoic Acid (ng/mL)': DA, 'Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group (cells/L)': PA,
                    'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group (cells/L)': PD,
                    'Phosphate (uM)': phosphate,
                    'Silicate (uM)': silicate, 'Ammonia (uM)': ammonia,
                    'Chlorophyll (mg/m3)': chlorophyll, 'Chlorophyll 1 (mg/m3)': chlorophyll,
                    'Chlorophyll 2 (mg/m3)': chlorophyll ,
                    'Alexandrium spp. (cells/L)': alexandrium 
        self.include_names = ['Pseudo-nitzschia seriata group (cells/L)',
                              'Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group (cells/L)',
                              'Domoic Acid (ng/mL)',
                              'Chlorophyll (mg/m3)', 'Chlorophyll 1 (mg/m3)', 'Chlorophyll 2 (mg/m3)',
                              'Prorocentrum spp. (cells/L)', 'Silicate (uM)', 'Ammonia (uM)',
                              'Nitrate (uM)', 'Phosphate (uM)', 
                              'Alexandrium spp. (cells/L)']


        for pn in self.include_names:
            self.parmCount[pn] = 0

        reader = csv.reader(fh)
        for line in fh:
            # Skip all lines that don't begin with '"' nor ' ' then open that with csv.DictReader
            if not line.startswith('"') and not line.startswith(' '):
                titles = next(reader)
                reader = csv.DictReader(fh, titles)
                for r in reader:
                    year = int(r['year'])
                    month = int(r['month'])
                    day = int(r['day'])
                    time = r['time']
                    lat = float(r['latitude'])
                    lon = float(r['longitude'])
                    depth = float(r['depth (m)'])
                    location = r['location']
                    hours = int(time.split(':')[0])
                    mins = int(time.split(':')[1])
                    secs = int(time.split(':')[2])

                    parmNameValues = []
                    for name in list(self.ds.keys()):                  
                        if name.startswith('Chlorophyll'):
                            parmNameValues.append((name, 1e-5*float(r[name])))
                           parmNameValues.append((name, float(r[name])))

                    # Check to make sure all data from this file are from the same location.
                    # The program could be modified to read data in one file from multiple locations by reading data into a hash keyed by location name 
                    # and then stepping through each key of the hash saving the data for each location into it's own activity.  For now just require
                    # each data file to have data from just one location.
                        if lat != lastlat or lon != lastlon:
                            logger.error("lat and lon are not the same for location = %s and lastlocation = %s.  The input data should have just one location." % (location, lastlocation))
                    except NameError as e:
                        # Expected first time through when lastlon & lastlat don't yet exist

                    # Load data 
                    dt = datetime(year, month, day, hours, mins, secs)    
                    self.load_measurement(lon, lat, depth, dt, parmNameValues)

                    # Load sample
                    bName = dt.isoformat()
                    self.load_sample(lon, lat, depth, dt, bName)

                    lastlat = lat
                    lastlon = lon
                    lastlocation = location
"Data load complete, %d records loaded.", self.loaded)        
        # Update the Activity with information we now have following the load
        # Careful with the structure of this comment.  It is parsed in to give some useful links in showActivities()
        newComment = "%d MeasuredParameters loaded. Loaded on %sZ" % (self.loaded, datetime.utcnow())"runHABLoader(): Updating its comment with newComment = %s", newComment)
        aName = location
        num_updated = m.Activity.objects.using(self.dbAlias).filter(id =
                        name = aName,
                        comment = newComment,
                        maptrack = None,
                        mappoint = 'POINT(%s %s)' % (lon, lat),
                        mindepth = self.mindepth,
                        maxdepth = self.maxdepth,
                        num_measuredparameters = self.loaded,
                        loaded_date = datetime.utcnow())
Beispiel #6
    def buildParmDict(self):
        Build parameter dictionary akin to that returned by pydap.  The parameters from the .btl file must
        match the parameters read from the .nc file.  See comments for mapping copied from

        # Match the mapping done in

        # self.pr_list.append(float(r['PrDM']))
        # self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('time',))
        # self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        # self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        # self.depth.units = 'm'
        # self.depth[:] = csiro.depth(self.pr_list, self.lat_list)      # Convert pressure to depth

        # self.t1_list.append(r['T190C'])
        # temp = self.ncFile.createVariable('TEMP', 'float64', ('time',))
        # temp.long_name = 'Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C]'
        # temp.standard_name = 'sea_water_temperature'
        # temp.units = 'Celsius'

        # self.sal_list.append(r['Sal00'])
        # sal = self.ncFile.createVariable('PSAL', 'float64', ('time',))
        # sal.long_name = 'Salinity, Practical [PSU]'
        # sal.standard_name = 'sea_water_salinity'

        # self.xmiss_list.append(r['Xmiss'])
        # xmiss = self.ncFile.createVariable('xmiss', 'float64', ('time',))
        # xmiss.long_name = 'Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech'
        # xmiss.units = '%'

        # self.ecofl_list.append(r['FlECO-AFL'])
        # ecofl = self.ncFile.createVariable('ecofl', 'float64', ('time',))
        # ecofl.long_name = 'Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL'
        # ecofl.units = 'mg/m^3'

        # self.oxygen_list.append(r['Sbeox0ML/L'])
        # oxygen = self.ncFile.createVariable('oxygen', 'float64', ('time',))
        # oxygen.long_name = 'Oxygen, SBE 43'
        # oxygen.units = 'ml/l'

        parmDict = {}

        pr = BaseType()
        pr.attributes = {"colname": "PrDM", "units": m, "long_name": "DEPTH", "standard_name": "depth"}

        temp = BaseType()
        temp.attributes = {
            "colname": "T190C",
            "units": "ITS-90, deg C",
            "long_name": "temperature",
            "standard_name": "sea_water_temperature",

        sal = BaseType()
        sal.attributes = {
            "colname": "Sal00",
            "units": "1",
            "long_name": "salinity",
            "standard_name": "sea_water_salinity",

        xmiss = BaseType()
        xmiss.attributes = {"colname": "Xmiss", "units": "%", "long_name": "Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech"}

        ecofl = BaseType()
        ecofl.attributes = {"colname": "FlECO-AFL", "units": "mg/m^3", "long_name": "Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL"}

        wetstar = BaseType()
        wetstar.attributes = {"colname": "WetStar", "units": "mg/m^3", "long_name": "Fluorescence, WET Labs WETstar"}

        oxygen = BaseType()
        oxygen.attributes = {"colname": "Sbeox0ML/L", "units": "ml/l", "long_name": "Oxygen, SBE 43"}

        # The colname attribute must be the keys that DictReader returns - the keys of this dictionary will be the Parameter names in stoqs
        parmDict = {
            "pressure": pr,
            "TEMP": temp,
            "PSAL": sal,
            "xmiss": xmiss,
            "ecofl": ecofl,
            "oxygen": oxygen,
            "wetstar": wetstar,

        return parmDict