Beispiel #1
    def test_unary(self):
        M = 3
        U, P, N = 1. / M, 0.8, 0.2 / (M - 1)  # Uniform, Positive, Negative
        labels = np.array([
            [0, 1, 2, 3],
            [3, 2, 1, 0],
        unary = -np.log(
                [U, P, N, N, N, N, P, U],
                [U, N, P, N, N, P, N, U],
                [U, N, N, P, P, N, N, U],

            utils.compute_unary(labels, M, GT_PROB=P), unary)
def refine_crf(im, lb, gtProb=0.5, posTh=None, negTh=None, crfParams=0):
    [ NOTE: Currently only supports n=2 i.e. FG/BG.
            For general n: Remove this line: `MAP*=1/MAP.max()` at the end]
    Convert a given video into number of shots
    im: (h,w,c): 0-255: np.uint8: RGB
    lb: (h,w): 0-255: int or float
        => int: it should have labels 1,..,n and must have one '0' special
        label which is not a label, but the special value indicating
        no-confidence region.
        => float: it should probabilities in [0,1]. Func will assign:
            label=2 to region with prob>=posTh
            label=1 to region with prob<=negTh
            label=0 to region with negTh<prob<posTh
        value: 0: default crf params
        value: 1: deeplab crf params
        value: 2: ccnn crf params
    out: (h,w): np.uint8:
        For n=2: output labels are 0 and 1
                 0 means BG or uncertain (i.e. lb=0,1)
                 1 means FG (i.e. lb=2)
        For general n: Remove this line: `MAP*=1/MAP.max()` at the end
                 Then, label space is same as input i.e. in 0..n
    # Hard coded CRF parameters
    iters = 5

    if crfParams == 1:
        # Deeplab Params
        xy_gauss = 19
        wt_gauss = 15
        xy_bilateral = 61
        rgb_bilateral = 10
        wt_bilateral = 35
    elif crfParams == 2:
        # untuned ccnn params
        xy_gauss = 6
        wt_gauss = 6
        xy_bilateral = 50
        rgb_bilateral = 4
        wt_bilateral = 5
        # Default Params
        xy_gauss = 3
        wt_gauss = 3
        xy_bilateral = 80
        rgb_bilateral = 13
        wt_bilateral = 10

    # take care of probability mask
    if lb.dtype == np.float32 or lb.dtype == np.float64:
        if posTh is None or negTh is None:
            print('For probability mask, labels are not given !')
        lb1 = np.zeros(lb.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        lb1[lb >= posTh] = 2
        lb1[lb <= negTh] = 1
        presentLb = np.unique(lb1)
        if presentLb.size < 3:
            if 2 not in presentLb:
                y, x = int(lb.shape[0] / 2), int(lb.shape[1] / 2)
                lb1[y - 1:y + 1, x - 1:x + 1] = 2  # center area as FG
            if 1 not in presentLb:
                lb1[0, :] = 1  # top row as BG
            if 0 not in presentLb:
                lb1[1, :] = 0  # second row: doesn't matter
        lb = lb1

    # convert to BGR
    im = np.ascontiguousarray(im[..., ::-1])

    # Compute the number of classes in the label image
    M = len(set(lb.flat))

    # Setup the 2D-CRF model
    d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], M)

    # get unary potentials (neg log probability)
    U = compute_unary(lb, M)

    # This adds the color-independent term, features are the locations only.
    d.addPairwiseGaussian(sxy=(xy_gauss, xy_gauss), compat=wt_gauss)

    # This adds the color-dependent term, i.e. features are (x,y,r,g,b).
    d.addPairwiseBilateral(sxy=(xy_bilateral, xy_bilateral),
                           srgb=(rgb_bilateral, rgb_bilateral, rgb_bilateral),

    # Do inference and compute map
    Q = d.inference(iters)
    MAP = np.argmax(Q, axis=0).astype('float32')
    MAP *= 1 / MAP.max()
    MAP = MAP.reshape(im.shape[:2])
    out = MAP.astype('uint8')

    return out
Beispiel #3
### Read images and annotation ###
img = cv2.imread(fn_im)
labels = relabel_sequential(cv2.imread(fn_anno, 0))[0].flatten()
M = 21  # 21 Classes to match the C++ example

### Setup the CRF model ###
use_2d = False
if use_2d:
    # Example using the DenseCRF2D code
    d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(img.shape[1], img.shape[0], M)

    # get unary potentials (neg log probability)
    U = compute_unary(labels, M)

    # This adds the color-independent term, features are the locations only.
    d.addPairwiseGaussian(sxy=(3, 3),

    # This adds the color-dependent term, i.e. features are (x,y,r,g,b).
    d.addPairwiseBilateral(sxy=(80, 80),
                           srgb=(13, 13, 13),
### Read images and annotation ###
img = cv2.imread(fn_im)
labels = relabel_sequential(cv2.imread(fn_anno, 0))[0].flatten()
M = 21 # 21 Classes to match the C++ example

### Setup the CRF model ###
use_2d = False
if use_2d:
    # Example using the DenseCRF2D code
    d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(img.shape[1], img.shape[0], M)

    # get unary potentials (neg log probability)
    U = compute_unary(labels, M)

    # This adds the color-independent term, features are the locations only.
    d.addPairwiseGaussian(sxy=(3, 3), compat=3, kernel=dcrf.DIAG_KERNEL,

    # This adds the color-dependent term, i.e. features are (x,y,r,g,b).
    d.addPairwiseBilateral(sxy=(80, 80), srgb=(13, 13, 13), rgbim=img,
    # Example using the DenseCRF class and the util functions
    d = dcrf.DenseCRF(img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], M)