Beispiel #1
def verifyVR(elem: DataElement, module: str, element: str, verbose: bool,
             log: list, fix_trivial = False):
    # tag = getTag();

    # if (tag.isPrivateTag()) :
    #     return True
    v= elem.value
        vrd = dictionary_VR(elem.tag)
    except BaseException as err:
        mssg = EMsgDC("NoSuchElementInDictionary") + " "
        if len(element) != 0:
            mssg += MMsgDC("Element") + "=<" + element + ">"
        if len(module) != 0:
            mssg += MMsgDC("Module") + "=<" + module + ">"
        return False
    vre = elem.VR
    vrds = []
    vre_equlas_vrd = False
    if len(vrd) > 2:
        vrds = vrd.split(' or ')

        for elem in vrds:
            if elem == vre:
                vre_equlas_vrd = True
        vre_equlas_vrd = (vre == vrd)

    if not vre_equlas_vrd and not (vrd == "OX" and vre == "OB" or vre == "OW") \
            and not (vrd == "XS" and vre == "US" or vre == "SS") \
            and not (vrd == "XO" and vre == "US" or vre == "SS" or vre == "OW") \
            and not (vrd == "XL" and vre == "UL" or vre == "SL"):
        mssg = EMsgDC("BadValueRepresentation") \
               + " " + vre + " (" + vrd + " " + MMsgDC("Required") + ")"
        if len(element) != 0:
            mssg += MMsgDC("Element") + "=<" + element + ">";
        if len(module) != 0:
            mssg += MMsgDC("Module") + "=<" + module + ">";
        if fix_trivial:
            elem.VR = vrd
            mssg += " :fixed: by changing the vr"
        return False
        return True
Beispiel #2
def _correct_ambiguous_vr_element(elem: DataElement, ds: Dataset,
                                  is_little_endian: bool) -> DataElement:
    """Implementation for `correct_ambiguous_vr_element`.
    See `correct_ambiguous_vr_element` for description.
    # 'OB or OW': 7fe0,0010 PixelData
    if elem.tag == 0x7fe00010:
        # Compressed Pixel Data
        # PS3.5 Annex A.4
        #   If encapsulated, VR is OB and length is undefined
        if elem.is_undefined_length:
            elem.VR = 'OB'
        elif ds.is_implicit_VR:
            # Non-compressed Pixel Data - Implicit Little Endian
            # PS3.5 Annex A1: VR is always OW
            elem.VR = 'OW'
            # Non-compressed Pixel Data - Explicit VR
            # PS3.5 Annex A.2:
            # If BitsAllocated is > 8 then VR shall be OW,
            # else may be OB or OW.
            # If we get here, the data has not been written before
            # or has been converted from Implicit Little Endian,
            # so we default to OB for BitsAllocated 1 or 8
            elem.VR = 'OW' if cast(int, ds.BitsAllocated) > 8 else 'OB'

    # 'US or SS' and dependent on PixelRepresentation
    # (0018,9810) Zero Velocity Pixel Value
    # (0022,1452) Mapped Pixel Value
    # (0028,0104)/(0028,0105) Smallest/Largest Valid Pixel Value
    # (0028,0106)/(0028,0107) Smallest/Largest Image Pixel Value
    # (0028,0108)/(0028,0109) Smallest/Largest Pixel Value in Series
    # (0028,0110)/(0028,0111) Smallest/Largest Image Pixel Value in Plane
    # (0028,0120) Pixel Padding Value
    # (0028,0121) Pixel Padding Range Limit
    # (0028,1101-1103) Red/Green/Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor
    # (0028,3002) LUT Descriptor
    # (0040,9216)/(0040,9211) Real World Value First/Last Value Mapped
    # (0060,3004)/(0060,3006) Histogram First/Last Bin Value
    elif elem.tag in [
            0x00189810, 0x00221452, 0x00280104, 0x00280105, 0x00280106,
            0x00280107, 0x00280108, 0x00280109, 0x00280110, 0x00280111,
            0x00280120, 0x00280121, 0x00281101, 0x00281102, 0x00281103,
            0x00283002, 0x00409211, 0x00409216, 0x00603004, 0x00603006
        # US if PixelRepresentation value is 0x0000, else SS
        #   For references, see the list at
        # PixelRepresentation is usually set in the root dataset
        while 'PixelRepresentation' not in ds and ds.parent and ds.parent():
            ds = cast(Dataset, ds.parent())
        # if no pixel data is present, none if these tags is used,
        # so we can just ignore a missing PixelRepresentation in this case
        if ('PixelRepresentation' not in ds and 'PixelData' not in ds
                or ds.PixelRepresentation == 0):
            elem.VR = 'US'
            byte_type = 'H'
            elem.VR = 'SS'
            byte_type = 'h'

        if elem.VM == 0:
            return elem

        # Need to handle type check for elements with VM > 1
        elem_value = (elem.value if elem.VM == 1 else cast(
            Sequence[Any], elem.value)[0])
        if not isinstance(elem_value, int):
            elem.value = convert_numbers(cast(bytes, elem.value),
                                         is_little_endian, byte_type)

    # 'OB or OW' and dependent on WaveformBitsAllocated
    # (5400, 0110) Channel Minimum Value
    # (5400, 0112) Channel Maximum Value
    # (5400, 100A) Waveform Padding Data
    # (5400, 1010) Waveform Data
    elif elem.tag in [0x54000110, 0x54000112, 0x5400100A, 0x54001010]:
        # If WaveformBitsAllocated is > 8 then OW, otherwise may be
        #   OB or OW.
        #   See PS3.3 C.10.9.1.
        if ds.is_implicit_VR:
            elem.VR = 'OW'
            elem.VR = 'OW' if cast(int, ds.WaveformBitsAllocated) > 8 else 'OB'

    # 'US or OW': 0028,3006 LUTData
    elif elem.tag == 0x00283006:
        # First value in LUT Descriptor is how many values in
        #   LUTData, if there's only one value then must be US
        # As per PS3.3 C.
        if cast(Sequence[int], ds.LUTDescriptor)[0] == 1:
            elem.VR = 'US'
            if elem.VM == 0:
                return elem

            elem_value = (elem.value if elem.VM == 1 else cast(
                Sequence[Any], elem.value)[0])
            if not isinstance(elem_value, int):
                elem.value = convert_numbers(cast(bytes, elem.value),
                                             is_little_endian, 'H')
            elem.VR = 'OW'

    # 'OB or OW': 60xx,3000 OverlayData and dependent on Transfer Syntax
    elif ( in range(0x6000, 0x601F, 2)
          and elem.tag.elem == 0x3000):
        # Implicit VR must be OW, explicit VR may be OB or OW
        #   as per PS3.5 Section 8.1.2 and Annex A
        elem.VR = 'OW'

    return elem
Beispiel #3
def _correct_ambiguous_vr_element(elem: DataElement, ds: Dataset,
                                  is_little_endian: bool) -> DataElement:
    """Implementation for `correct_ambiguous_vr_element`.
    See `correct_ambiguous_vr_element` for description.
    # 'OB or OW': 7fe0,0010 PixelData
    if elem.tag == 0x7fe00010:
        # Compressed Pixel Data
        # PS3.5 Annex A.4
        #   If encapsulated, VR is OB and length is undefined
        if elem.is_undefined_length:
            elem.VR = VR.OB
        elif ds.is_implicit_VR:
            # Non-compressed Pixel Data - Implicit Little Endian
            # PS3.5 Annex A1: VR is always OW
            elem.VR = VR.OW
            # Non-compressed Pixel Data - Explicit VR
            # PS3.5 Annex A.2:
            # If BitsAllocated is > 8 then VR shall be OW,
            # else may be OB or OW.
            # If we get here, the data has not been written before
            # or has been converted from Implicit Little Endian,
            # so we default to OB for BitsAllocated 1 or 8
            elem.VR = VR.OW if cast(int, ds.BitsAllocated) > 8 else VR.OB

    # 'US or SS' and dependent on PixelRepresentation
    elif elem.tag in _us_ss_tags:
        # US if PixelRepresentation value is 0x0000, else SS
        #   For references, see the list at
        # PixelRepresentation is usually set in the root dataset
        while 'PixelRepresentation' not in ds and ds.parent and ds.parent():
            ds = cast(Dataset, ds.parent())
        # if no pixel data is present, none if these tags is used,
        # so we can just ignore a missing PixelRepresentation in this case
        if ('PixelRepresentation' not in ds and 'PixelData' not in ds
                or ds.PixelRepresentation == 0):
            elem.VR = VR.US
            byte_type = 'H'
            elem.VR = VR.SS
            byte_type = 'h'

        if elem.VM == 0:
            return elem

        # Need to handle type check for elements with VM > 1
        elem_value = (elem.value if elem.VM == 1 else cast(
            Sequence[Any], elem.value)[0])
        if not isinstance(elem_value, int):
            elem.value = convert_numbers(cast(bytes, elem.value),
                                         is_little_endian, byte_type)

    # 'OB or OW' and dependent on WaveformBitsAllocated
    elif elem.tag in _ob_ow_tags:
        # If WaveformBitsAllocated is > 8 then OW, otherwise may be
        #   OB or OW.
        #   See PS3.3 C.10.9.1.
        if ds.is_implicit_VR:
            elem.VR = VR.OW
            elem.VR = (VR.OW
                       if cast(int, ds.WaveformBitsAllocated) > 8 else VR.OB)

    # 'US or OW': 0028,3006 LUTData
    elif elem.tag == 0x00283006:
        # First value in LUT Descriptor is how many values in
        #   LUTData, if there's only one value then must be US
        # As per PS3.3 C.
        if cast(Sequence[int], ds.LUTDescriptor)[0] == 1:
            elem.VR = VR.US
            if elem.VM == 0:
                return elem

            elem_value = (elem.value if elem.VM == 1 else cast(
                Sequence[Any], elem.value)[0])
            if not isinstance(elem_value, int):
                elem.value = convert_numbers(cast(bytes, elem.value),
                                             is_little_endian, 'H')
            elem.VR = VR.OW

    # 'OB or OW': 60xx,3000 OverlayData and dependent on Transfer Syntax
    elif elem.tag in _overlay_data_tags:
        # Implicit VR must be OW, explicit VR may be OB or OW
        #   as per PS3.5 Section 8.1.2 and Annex A
        elem.VR = VR.OW

    return elem